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  1. FrvrShl

    KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

    I actually read somewhere that the expression on JSS' face was not for JA but because the forman actually put the HUNG JURY on a VERDICT form instead of the form it should have been written on which I believe was a jury question form! She thought there was verdict and when she read down realized...
  2. FrvrShl

    KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

    So I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, I am still trying to catch up.. but Tara one of the alternate jurors was on the FB page, The state Vs Jodi Arias, and she said she loved Juan, (yay another Juanette), and she was the one who asked JA "with all the lies you told why should we...
  3. FrvrShl

    KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

    Not me.. I am just not there yet. My tax dollars are paying for this trial. Really it's just a darn circus. They didn't follow the law and for that reason and to me that one alone, it's going to cost even more money to finish this. That is not acceptable. Not at all. I can see how they...
  4. FrvrShl

    KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

    On the first two parts of this trial I agree.. listening to the foreman however, I don't agree... he wants to get in touch with JA. He thinks she was abused both mentally and physically and he admits he let his feelings into this case. Based on the LAW alone, they should have given her the...
  5. FrvrShl

    KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

    I agree so much with you on this post. The thing that I kept thinking yesterday was... You aren't killing Jodi... Jodi killed Jodi. SHE DID THIS TO HERSELF! I still don't understand how a DP qualified jury couldn't do what they were charged to do. Wait until they get all the information...
  6. FrvrShl

    KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

    A lady here in Phx is holding a car wash with the proceeds for the Alexander's. We need to hold one too!!! What can we do KCL? Donate in mass?? What do they need from us?? I will do whatever I can to assist them. They are My Family, America's Family, and are on the right side of God. He will...
  7. FrvrShl

    KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

    Sorry (and hopefully I don't get a TO for this), but if this is true - that he ACTUALLY saw the note, then this needs to be investigated and someone needs to get in some serious trouble. The DT has gotten away with a lot of hijinks in this trial and made TONS of motions that are sealed. I do...
  8. FrvrShl

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch

    Here ya go.. this one is good.. Ryan Owens doesn't give her "easy", "soft ball questions". I quite enjoyed this video.:floorlaugh: :banghead: (forgot the link before)
  9. FrvrShl

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch

    Not that I believe JA but she said in her allocution that he had just gotten married awhile back and that he has a child she "has not met." I wonder if he supports her at all or if he thinks she is guilty as sin. No, the guy with the glasses and mustache is Mark Curtis. Keifer is off screen...
  10. FrvrShl

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch

    Oh I agree with you completely. Nothing justifies what she did to Travis.. I just wondered if this were in fact true, if this is what made her snap. I can't stand her. These interviews she is doing and all the evil things she has said about TA make me sick to my stomach. I want her to go...
  11. FrvrShl

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch

    You know speaking of DB and the interview he gave about her... What I found kind of interesting and maybe a bit telling was that they had talked of marriage before.. and even having a kid.. but he ALREADY had one and didn't want a new marriage and new kid to take anything away from his kid...
  12. FrvrShl

    Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch

    Oh then you'll really love her interview on AZCentral... with Keifer and Mark Curtis. In it she says she feels BETRAYED by the jury because they found her guilty. It's disgusting.
  13. FrvrShl

    Penalty Phase #12

    I wouldn't be surprised either. But if the reports are true that Patti was threatened, I have to say, I don't find this cool at all. Nor do I think that Travis would approve of anyone threatening anyone in this case. I don't put it past the defense to make this up, but I can almost believe that...
  14. FrvrShl

    aggravation phase #8 - VERDICT - Extreme Cruelty PROVEN

    Yes, the news here in AZ said it was denied by JSS.
  15. FrvrShl

    Aggravation phase #1

    But she will *****. The DT and Jodi got away with lots of things that probably shouldn't have been let in. My hope is that most of what they let in will keep her from getting this conviction overturned on appeal. She really is a vile human being. I didn't watch her interview with Troy Hayden...
  16. FrvrShl

    a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #9

    Watching the verdict come down and seeing the Alexander's and the friends of Travis reactions was so heartwarming. It felt to me like Travis was there with them telling them it's okay now. The world knows how truly evil Jodi Ann Arias is. I believe she actually thought she wasn't going to be...
  17. FrvrShl

    a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #9

    Tenisha Alexander hugging supporters in the hallway INSIDE the courthouse... #JodiArias verdict 4:30 Vinnie Politan ‏@VinniePolitan 1m Detective Flores has arrived! #JodiArias learns her fate at 4:30 Beth Karas ‏@BethKaras 7m Alexander's sisters Samantha and Tenisha are here...
  18. FrvrShl

    verdict watch 5/8/2013 #3

    From your Keyboard to GOD'S ear!!! Please, please, please, let it be a right, just verdict!! JUSTICE FOR TRAVIS!!!!
  19. FrvrShl

    a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #9

    I thought I read that here in AZ, the jury doesn't have to completely agree.. that they can be 8-4 on M1 and majority rules... guess I need to saddle over to the legal thread and find out. But just in case, does anyone here know??

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