Australia Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #10

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Whats strange is that he was allowed too with his history of decades of rape convictions.
I do not believe at all that BE and Adrian are related. They look nothing alike and BE family is from Perth and Bayley has been in Melbourne area his whole life

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I didn't actually say I thought they were related, I was just saying they might have met online as a result of the accused tracing Edwards family tree. And as for looking alike, don't you have cousins/ second cousins/ great aunts/uncles etc. that look nothing like you? Yes SKYZA it is a common name, I know that <modsnip> and Frankenfurter would be a gorgeous surname, especially if a crazed professor! People do move about and marry and remarry and have multiple families too with same surname, all my husband's family are in Melbourne, as was he till he moved to WA and met and married me. Lucky boy hey?? Nah, ah well, on with the show...
So I have changed my mind and think that MM is BRE now!
I noticed on the Flect youtube footage and the CSK documentary that MM walked with a turned in left leg and possibly a right one too but unsure about right leg and I will have to watch him walking away again on the footage...I should know it off by heart now!
Then the lovely sleuthers above bought up the BRE video in the garage that I somehow missed on thread 8 and posted. Now I am having trouble slowing it down but I have paused some sections and I think BRE may also walk with a turned in left leg. As I said before I cannot screenshot from computer and phone is screwed but I paused around the 8.40 mark and also others and I see a turned in left foot!!!!!! Could someone screenshot examples pretty please? Thanks for the video footage guys!! Blown my previous CSK theory out of the water but I am happy about that...I think posters were correct about having my original CSK suspect's DNA. Oh but I could be wrong again too of course. Thank you Mandy Maree and Sniff 123.

I'm on a Mac so not sure if it's different for a pc, but if you select "settings" (see cog image attached) & then click on "Speed" you can slow or speed up the footage. Note you need to hover the mouse over the bottom of the footage for these options to show.

Quite a few posters have mentioned BRE "mincing around" in the garage vid, and now that you mention it, it's probably the in-turned leg.

Also just my observation, but he definitely does seem to be avoiding looking at the camera. Even to the point of covering up with hat & sunnies in the beginning.



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Could the in-turned leg be from an injury in his younger days maybe in junior footy?

Even though he didn't play school footy surely there might of been some junior clubs around huntingdale / gosnells?
Online records would be no existant i'd say but if anyone is near the potential clubs might be good to pay them a visit
They should have like an honours board/wall that could have his name on it for reaching 100 games or so.
I disagree. My ex boyfriend walked like this and he was a great sportsperson and a PE teacher. It doesn't stop you from being good at sports.

Yes, I agree with you. I said "it's likely served him well in athletics or football" I imagine he can pivot and turn very quickly. My ex husband was a big man as well and although he didn't have turned in feet he could turn them in to advantage in sport, he was Club Champion in athletics four years in a row. He also played VFA football.


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Hi all . Long time lurker first time poster . Have a bit of info on alleged huntingdale rapist. I lived on the same street as some victims in 88 and although parts of my memory is vague i remember not just this attack but a few other happenings at the time . I'm almost positive that the offender was dubbed the "south side rapist" who snuck into many homes including ours, helping himself to women's undergarments. I have tried looking it up to no avail, seems to be hard to find any info on the attacks until the recent news . My father was also questioned at the time as he was unemployed at the time and the offences were during the day. They also showed my mum the now infamous kimono asking if dad ever wore it (no chance he'd be into silk was her reply) . The offender was also chased over the fence by one victims father . I'm a bit vague but pretty sure there were a few attacks at the time as we were all freaked out about the creep stalking our street. About a three weeks ago mum was re-questioned and re-asked if she could remember the attacks and shown the kimono again . How freaky what has transpired since ... Gay st is literally a few minutes walk from our old house and was very bushy/rural back in 88 . You could go from gay st to ours and back through the bush without anyone noticing very easily....
Anyways just a bit of info . Apologize for the lonnnnnng post, but it is all quite close to home pardon the pun .
Hi all . Long time lurker first time poster . Have a bit of info on alleged huntingdale rapist. I lived on the same street as some victims in 88 and although parts of my memory is vague i remember not just this attack but a few other happenings at the time . I'm almost positive that the offender was dubbed the "south side rapist" who snuck into many homes including ours, helping himself to women's undergarments. I have tried looking it up to no avail, seems to be hard to find any info on the attacks until the recent news . My father was also questioned at the time as he was unemployed at the time and the offences were during the day. They also showed my mum the now infamous kimono asking if dad ever wore it (no chance he'd be into silk was her reply) . The offender was also chased over the fence by one victims father . I'm a bit vague but pretty sure there were a few attacks at the time as we were all freaked out about the creep stalking our street. About a three weeks ago mum was re-questioned and re-asked if she could remember the attacks and shown the kimono again . How freaky what has transpired since ... Gay st is literally a few minutes walk from our old house and was very bushy/rural back in 88 . You could go from gay st to ours and back through the bush without anyone noticing very easily....
Anyways just a bit of info . Apologize for the lonnnnnng post, but it is all quite close to home pardon the pun .
Thank you for that.
I think there is even more hope this guy kept soveigneirs from his victims now.

Praying they find his stash somewhere to link him to SS and perhaps a lot more strange happenings back then

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If it turns out the victims weren't mutilated, then the people who made up the rumours that they were are disgusting. Boosting your credibility as "someone in the know" while others are grieving, scared or working to find the killer is cheap and nasty, as well as selfish.

State of Bodies:

Luke MORFESSE (Crime Reporter, The West Australian Newspaper) allegedly told author, Debi MARSHALL:

‘Channel 9 television had camera footage of where Jane Rimmer was found, and of her body,’ Luke Morfesse says.

‘There was a lot of speculation about dismemberment. Obviously, they didn’t air footage of her body, but my understanding is that there was no gross mutilation.’

Source: The Devils Garden - The Claremont Serial Killings, Author Debi Marshall, 2007. Chapter 25. Pages 86 & 87.

WAPOL allegedly told the Age Newspapers, emphatically: “they were not mutilated”.

They all know also that limbs were hacked from the bodies of the dead women and spikes driven into the sculls. Police have revealed little about the bodies or the investigation, but the rumors (sic) became so frightening they told The Age emphatically: “They were not mutilated.”

Source: Who Killed these Women - The Hunt for a Serial Killer - Part One.
The Age newspaper, 30 May 1998. Author Martin Daly with additional reporting by David Reardon.
If this pans out what an amazing find. Credit to all on a great pickup. Is there a chance of getting a blown up image of the cctv left foot and the garage left foot sidr by side for comparison?
I was just thinking the same thing...I'll see what I can do :)

Thank you thank you thank you! I wish I could screenshot but I don't need too when I have awesome sleuthers. Working together woohhooo. I honestly didn't think he was MM till I saw this garage video! It freaked me out...I wasn't expecting it but yes he is turned in on both feet/legs which explains why he seems to be so crossed over and weird when he is walking away from the hotel.
Hi all . Long time lurker first time poster . Have a bit of info on alleged huntingdale rapist. I lived on the same street as some victims in 88 and although parts of my memory is vague i remember not just this attack but a few other happenings at the time . I'm almost positive that the offender was dubbed the "south side rapist" who snuck into many homes including ours, helping himself to women's undergarments. I have tried looking it up to no avail, seems to be hard to find any info on the attacks until the recent news . My father was also questioned at the time as he was unemployed at the time and the offences were during the day. They also showed my mum the now infamous kimono asking if dad ever wore it (no chance he'd be into silk was her reply) . The offender was also chased over the fence by one victims father . I'm a bit vague but pretty sure there were a few attacks at the time as we were all freaked out about the creep stalking our street. About a three weeks ago mum was re-questioned and re-asked if she could remember the attacks and shown the kimono again . How freaky what has transpired since ... Gay st is literally a few minutes walk from our old house and was very bushy/rural back in 88 . You could go from gay st to ours and back through the bush without anyone noticing very easily....
Anyways just a bit of info . Apologize for the lonnnnnng post, but it is all quite close to home pardon the pun .

Sounds more and more likely that the kimono case was heavily re-investigated once they made the DNA link and that BE was potentially a suspect back then.

When i first saw the press conference announcing the arrest i knew the 88 case must of been the defining link as it had never been mentioned prior.
First time poster here - can someone please point out to me who the MM is on the cctv walking away from the club and also him walking in to it? i can't figure it out!? Obviously I know when he is talking to JR. Also, I have paused on transition and see a still shot of him walking away. I just can't see him anywhere else.
Thank you thank you thank you! I wish I could screenshot but I don't need too when I have awesome sleuthers. Working together woohhooo. I honestly didn't think he was MM till I saw this garage video! It freaked me out...I wasn't expecting it but yes he is turned in on both feet/legs which explains why he seems to be so crossed over and weird when he is walking away from the hotel.

Skyza, at what point in the video does MM walk away so you can see his gait? The only bit I can find is the back of him from the waist up when JR is laughing.
Hi all . Long time lurker first time poster . Have a bit of info on alleged huntingdale rapist. I lived on the same street as some victims in 88 and although parts of my memory is vague i remember not just this attack but a few other happenings at the time . I'm almost positive that the offender was dubbed the "south side rapist" who snuck into many homes including ours, helping himself to women's undergarments. I have tried looking it up to no avail, seems to be hard to find any info on the attacks until the recent news . My father was also questioned at the time as he was unemployed at the time and the offences were during the day. They also showed my mum the now infamous kimono asking if dad ever wore it (no chance he'd be into silk was her reply) . The offender was also chased over the fence by one victims father . I'm a bit vague but pretty sure there were a few attacks at the time as we were all freaked out about the creep stalking our street. About a three weeks ago mum was re-questioned and re-asked if she could remember the attacks and shown the kimono again . How freaky what has transpired since ... Gay st is literally a few minutes walk from our old house and was very bushy/rural back in 88 . You could go from gay st to ours and back through the bush without anyone noticing very easily....
Anyways just a bit of info . Apologize for the lonnnnnng post, but it is all quite close to home pardon the pun .
Thats a few times that the "South-Side Rapist" has been mentioned now and nobody has any msn news archives about it . I remember when it was news in W.A. .
Very intresting...

Surely WAPOL saw that MM walked strangely! Yes it is hard to see but good god! Especially seeing they can put light onto specific points on the CCTV footage. Why wouldn't they have announced this at the time? Here are the 3 shots we have of MM, highlight him walking away and show the public his walk. Why didn't they mention he had a black jacket thrown over his shoulder? I just don't get it? I mean once they had accounted for everyone bar him. To the guy I actually thought was BRE in the video I apologise whoever you are and he definitely had a great walk. ooops

Identikit fit .
Did bre ever wear a mustache ?
First time poster here - can someone please point out to me who the MM is on the cctv walking away from the club and also him walking in to it? i can't figure it out!? Obviously I know when he is talking to JR. Also, I have paused on transition and see a still shot of him walking away. I just can't see him anywhere else.

Try page 82 for info. Welcome.
Whats strange is that he was allowed too with his history of decades of rape convictions.
I do not believe at all that BE and Adrian are related. They look nothing alike and BE family is from Perth and Bayley has been in Melbourne area his whole life

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I don't believe that there is any link between the two men, but just as an aside - Adrian Bayley apparently did spend some time in Perth years ago. This was revealed in the Jill Meagher threads at some point, and of course folks started wondering back then about a possible CSK connection. Timing was all wrong I believe.
Surely WAPOL saw that MM walked strangely! Yes it is hard to see but good god! Especially seeing they can put light onto specific points on the CCTV footage. Why wouldn't they have announced this at the time? Here are the 3 shots we have of MM, highlight him walking away and show the public his walk. Why didn't they mention he had a black jacket thrown over his shoulder? I just don't get it? I mean once they had accounted for everyone bar him. To the guy I actually thought was BRE in the video I apologise whoever you are and he definitely had a great walk. ooops
Honestly I did not notice it in the footage I have seen from the cctv. I thought JR seemed to have been waiting for him and was glad to see him appear though. Your theory before was great ! I was second guessing and restudying the footage today after reading your post.
Very well spotted with the foot turned in thing. Soon as you mentioned it I immediately thought of the garage vid and how he had been walking with a bit of a tiptoe or something (I didnt study it too close-clearly a turned in foot or feet)
There is no way police couldnt have noticed that
They also probably have additional cctv they havent shown
Huge mistake not releasing it. I'm so lost as to why they didnt

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