04/22/2013 - waiting for rebuttal to continue

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And even if they didn't know 1-2 years ago, surely they knew once they stole the doctor's laptop.

i kid kid the doctor. All a coincidink, I'm sure. ::whistles innocently::


DeAnnaMisrahi--I love the collage in your signature!
Has anyone seen the actual motions yet? And yes, there is an animal called "sur-surrebuttal", but I am not an Arizona lawyer. Just a WAG here, but I'll bet they DT is going to have the new shrink testify that since Jodi was abused as a child (allegedly) that she was more likely to perceive abuse in her "adult" relationships, or some BS like that. Regardless, "The Prosecutor" will get a chance to question this dude before he takes the stand (if that is even allowed, which I don't think it should be).

I'm surprised that anyone is still willing to hitch their wagon to this failed defense. Wow. You really can get people to do anything for a little bit of cash.
Didn't Jodi say on the stand in answer to a juror's question that she was not in fear or angry at Travis. Did the DT forget that?
Jodi had a big time Freudian slip. She was asked if she was angry with Travis when she shot him, stabbed him and slit his throat. She replied "No I wasn't afraid, I mean angry with Travis."
If I were not trying to lose weight I think I would eat every thing in the house
sitting at this computer reading all day it's seems there's no end to this trail
something keeps coming up every time we turn around

I told myself I wasn't going to get on the trial thing today so I went and met my BF for coffee...we ended up talking the trial for 2 hours!!!

And here I am. :facepalm:
I posted weeks ago that regardless what the 'official' plea entered by the defense that they were going for manslaughter. The judge will be forced to allow this testimony because to not add it would be definite grounds for appeal. I have been waiting for this stunt by the DT.

I hope this jury hangs tough cause if they don't she could be out in 5 years.
Bringing this over from the last thread because the doors closed and I didn't see an answer. I can't remember how to bring a quote over from another thread so I have to do it a little differently. :)

Originally Posted by SunDawnn
I'm quite sure I read--- the autopsy indicated he hadn't ejaculated prior to his death. But I've read so much, I'm not certain if that was someone's opinion or if it was indeed noted by the coroner.


I'm trying to catch so I apologize if this has already been addressed - but is this true? I don't recall hearing this before. TIA.


Edited for space to reply to the BOLD comment:

I re-read the entire autopsy report AGAIN and NOTHING present within the post report scientifically supports EITHER position of sexual intercourse. Some clarification might help, tho!

1. the (modified) sexual assault kit.....frequently standard protocol (IMHO, should be ALWAYS) when a nude, traumatized or suggestive trauma decedent is encountered.
NO POSITIVE ACID PHOSPHATASE test result was noted in the post report, this would be indicative of the presence of seminal fluid and IF the decompositional process had NOT destroyed the celluar material present, DNA testing could be done. ___>>useful to R/O homosexual vs heterosexual activity.
2. the over-all evaluation the genitalia would NOT provide specific evidence of any physical activity due to the 5 day decomposition time frame but it would provide indication of purposeful damage, if present.

SO.................personal opinions & pictures reign :banghead:
Vinnie Politan ‏@VinniePolitan 4m
#JodiArias wants the jury to have the option of "Manslaughter by Sudden Quarrel or Heat of Passion" ...papers just filed

Well, it sounds to me like the DT want to add a plea to the list.

"Your honor, the defendant pleads self defense AND heat of passion!"

Bringing this over from the last thread because the doors closed and I didn't see an answer.

SunDawnn said:
I'm quite sure I read--- the autopsy indicated he hadn't ejaculated prior to his death. But I've read so much, I'm not certain if that was someone's opinion or if it was indeed noted by the coroner.

Personally I don't believe for a minute he got off with Jodi that day.
Not. At. All.

The entire bed scene looked staged. Who keeps a bottle of KY on the bed when there were two night stands right there?
This chick contrived this entire killing. From the moment she stole the gun until she straddled Ryan. It was ALL pre-planned and premeditated.[/I]


I'm trying to catch so I apologize if this has already been addressed - but is this true? I don't recall hearing this before. TIA.

It was merely someone's opinion. To quote from the Autopsy Report:

"The external genitalia are those of normal male. The public hair has been previously shaved. The testicles are bilaterally distended within the scrotum. The anus is atraumatic and unremarkable. The extremities are well developed and symmetrical with no significant cyanosis, clubbing, edema or deformity. The posterior aspects of the torso are symmetrical and display extensive trauma as previously described. General appearance is compatible with the reported age of 30.


"The symmetric kidneys weigh left 150 grams and right 125 grams. They are similar. The capsules strip with ease from the smooth, softened red-brown autolyzed cortical surfaces. The cortices are sharply delineated from the medullary pyramids. The calyces, pelves and ureters are unremarkable. The renal vessels are patent and of normal caliber.

The urinary bladder contains no urine. The mucosal surfaces are flat and pink-tan. The prostate and seminal vesicles are unremarkable...


"The following items of evidence are collected and inventoried and released to Conner #16166 of the Mesa Police Department: fingernail clippings and scrapings (right and left hands), blood specimens, paper bags from right and left hands, known head hair, projectile from face, sexual assault kit (penile/urethral swabs, anal swabs and smears, oral swabs and smears), and body bag, (including plastic tarp used to wrap body at scene."


In my opinion, the vast majority of males would have no problem believing that not only did they have sex, but that he knew in advance she was coming, that he waited up for her, for the sole purpose of having sex.

You don't see any men speculating she must have taken the nude photos without his knowledge or participation or that she must have uploaded them from another day.

The idea that "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus"..."Women give sex to get love/affection; men give love/affection to get sex" is as old as the hills. Perhaps because it might be true? :what:

The speaker below says that men are simple creatures who think of only one thing at a time--in boxes--and the boxes never touch. Whereas women think of everything all at the same time and everything is connected with everything else. And he makes a compelling case that men have a life-long high interest in sex.

Mark Gungor - A tail of two brains - sex & love - YouTube
Mark Gungor - Sex is what men want from women.wmv - YouTube
Men's Brains & Women's Brains - Mark Gungor - Relationship & Motivational Speaker - YouTube
I've read a lot of autopsy reports and I've never seen the level, or amount of sperm that remains in a body. It's not related to the death, so I've never seen it "looked at" so to speak.

I read the autopsy report and saw nothing to indicate the level of sperm was even a thought. He checked for trauma and did a swab, but after showering and Jodi's cleanup one wouldn't expect to find anything.

There would have to be a microscopic examination of the epididymis (where sperm is stored) for no sperm to be determined.

And, as mentioned previously, guys don't take very long to make more.
I'm trying to find witness testimony other than Dr. DeMarte about the doggie door and Christmas tree incidents. I listened again to Mimi Hall's testimony from the first day, but she did not make these assertions.

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Isn't the State Party 001?

Under case documents, JA is always party 001, since the case documents are related to the defendant(s) in the case, and the case is not against JM.
She also testified that she shot TA before he threatened her. The DT must have forgotten that...

True, but she did claim she was "body slammed" and rolled away---->>>> then ran down the hall, didn't she?

(I guess "body slamming" JA-style is like a little pat on the back. We need a "smilie" for body slamming to help with major frustrations.) :please::please:
And even if they didn't know 1-2 years ago, surely they knew once they stole the doctor's laptop.

i kid kid the doctor. All a coincidink, I'm sure. ::whistles innocently::

LMAO over the stalking/scary/sad Jodi collage in your signature.
Maybe the DT just wants to make sure the jury has all the options just in case they dont believe she killed Travis in Self defense and actually lied and killed him due to being jealous about going to cancun with another woman. The more they can make crap up and confuse the more chance she will get off. Wasn't that Baez's trick?

BBM: Yep ... and that's what worries me !

Their request must be based on the testimony of Dr D then. :banghead: I wonder who they plan on bringing on as a surrebutal (sp) witness? Psychology Today has been covering this trial for months in a rather anti-defense sort of way, including the testimony of ALV.

I don't understand. Dr. DeMarte testified to rebut the testimony of Samuels and LaViolette. How can the defense bring in someone to re-rebut the testimony of someone who was rebutting the testimony of their witnesses? Couldn't this go on endlessly than?

Seriously confused. #scratchingmyhead
Interesting. I'm generally opposed to the death penalty, but this trial is having the opposite effect on me. The more I see/get to know Jodi (plus knowing the behind the scenes BS only serves to make her less likable/sympathetic) through this long, drawn out case, the more inclined I'd be to make an exception and vote for death over LWOP. As long as it's one or the other, I'm good.

I feel the same way. I am generally happy to have someone thrown in jail for their natural lives and count that justice. But the more I see her smug face and watch the DT smear TA's name, the more I want her to get the DP. I actually don't even care if she is ultimately executed. I just want to know that she is in solitary for 23 hours a day, with no one to manipulate. Hopefully the jury feels the same.
imo JM has proved Premed and for those not convinced at least Felony Murder. Either way it's Murder One.

Maybe for some jurors it will come down to Felony Murder vs. Manslaughter.
Your post made me wonder.

Does anyone believe that the Defense is merely trying to prolong the trial in order to get rid of only 5 more jurors - in order for a mistrial?
I absolutely believe this, because this is the only trick they have left in the bag. They know what a complete flop their case is and their only hope is for a mistrial.
Why not subpoena Nancy Grace while they are at it?? It would liven up the testimony. That's for sure. I would pay to see JW cross examine Nancy.

Snort. Giggle.

Can you just imagine?! I won't say any more for fear of a TO.
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