04/22/2013 - waiting for rebuttal to continue

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She planned for that question...she said the evil ninja looked at her Auto Registration which she had in her purse :banghead:
Registration for the car she didn't have with her??? Who carries that around in their purse instead of the car?? Especially when she had the rental car.:banghead::banghead:
Look at the fan shaped fingernails and the shape of the hands and then go look at Darryl Brewer's hands from his testimony. They are fairly distinctive, IMO. Also...that pe...um. Nevermind. I don't want a time out for vulgarity! :floorlaugh:

Fingernails are the dead give away. TA's fingers looked manicured, very clean and rectangular in shape. As a "motivational speaker", appearance is majorly important, specially your hands because you are shaking hands A LOT. If you shook hands with the person in "that" pic, you'd probably be looking for the hand sanitizer real quick...........not because of what's in that pic, but just because the hand looks icky regardless of what "it's" doing. JMO.
Someone posted on the court observer thread that Chris Hughes' subpoena has been lifted and that he is tweeting. He has said that the email was taken out of context and that if the truth was known, it would destroy the defense. So why was his subpoena lifted? Why doesn't the prosecution bring him in and have him testify? This whole thing sounds hinky to me and geared toward getting Jodi a lighter sentence. I am beginning to question this whole trial.
Bringing this over from the last thread because the doors closed and I didn't see an answer. I can't remember how to bring a quote over from another thread so I have to do it a little differently. :)

Originally Posted by SunDawnn
I'm quite sure I read--- the autopsy indicated he hadn't ejaculated prior to his death. But I've read so much, I'm not certain if that was someone's opinion or if it was indeed noted by the coroner.

Personally I don't believe for a minute he got off with Jodi that day.
Not. At. All.

The entire bed scene looked staged. Who keeps a bottle of KY on the bed when there were two night stands right there?
This chick contrived this entire killing. From the moment she stole the gun until she straddled Ryan. It was ALL pre-planned and premeditated.



I'm trying to catch so I apologize if this has already been addressed - but is this true? I don't recall hearing this before. TIA.
I recently re-watched Dr. Horn's (ME) testimony and he didn't mention anything about ejaculation. In the autopsy report, Dr. Horn indicates he performed a modified sexual assault kit, but didn't find evidence of trauma or abnormalities. That finding doesn't mean he didn't have sex or ejaculate. Ugh, I can't believe I'm typing this.
I watched In Session this morning--realized that without all the sidebars and such---they can cover the whole day (pretty much) in two hours with commercials....says something there!

I also noted that JW really isn't JM---if she were to say she was just being "passionate" for her client--I'd say NO....
Their request must be based on the testimony of Dr D then. :banghead: I wonder who they plan on bringing on as a surrebutal (sp) witness? Psychology Today has been covering this trial for months in a rather anti-defense sort of way, including the testimony of ALV.

Could it not be based on the State's witness list and the information given to them by JM?
I really thought with the all the evidence the State has that this trial would be over in 2 weeks. I am impressed that the Defense has managed to drag this trial with out with no proof of self defense. I get nervous with the length of this trial, because the jury has been exposed to JA for months and I hope they are not viewing her as a human.

Just really talking to myself!!!
It means that AFTER Juan finishes his rebuttal case, the DT will get a chance to respond and put up another witness to testify in response to Juan's rebuttal.

I did not know they could do that. I don't remember Baez doing that in the KCA case. I always thougt the state had the "last word"
Can Juan then do a SURRE- SURREBUTTAL?
OK...hold up a minute!

Did that word surface due to this trial? I know a poster used that word to describe the Pocket Hose - I had to google it! LMAO! Then I showed that post to my aunt who is visiting from California and she cracked up too!!!

Is this like that edify word? Used during the trial so now we have all expanded our vocabulary? LMAO!!! I thought my vocabulary was pretty extensive until I started listening to this trial...LOL!!

Yes, it did. I say we have no more penis talk. Code is... POCKET HOSE.
Oh and speaking of JA and her contrivances ... She wrote that check to Travis knowing damned well it was never going to be cashed. JMO.

And she wrote the check to Travis the same day that she stole her grandpa's gun, May 28th.
LOL! I put this on the legal thread as well. JW and KN have requested they be allowed to present a witness to refute testimony by Dr. D. That's all I know, but hopefully our WS lawyers can provide more info about under what conditions the judge would allow it.

Juan will devour them whole! No worries. Might even help Travis' case! :rocker:

I'm going to edit this a little, based on other sleuths' comments, that reminded me of how the DT has dragged this out FOREVER based on nothing (e. g., ALV). I hope no rebuttal witnesses are allowed, because there's really nothing they can say to refute what Dr. D. testified to. She was very thorough, stuck to validated, reliable scales and results, and her testimony was impeccable!
I asked an attorney friend about 5 minutes ago....he said he would bet on it NOT being denied as this is a DP case.:banghead::banghead:

It is offensive to me that the defense has made a mockery of the justive system and the bashing of Travis.

The will stop at nothing they seem to have no couth, morals or values.
Of course all JMO.

We have lost sight of justice for Travis and turned this into a circus, half of what has went on should not have been allowed again JMO.

Between the defense and their witnesses it is upsetting to me what justice has become.
I watched In Session this morning--realized that without all the sidebars and such---they can cover the whole day (pretty much) in two hours with commercials....says something there!

I also noted that JW really isn't JM---if she were to say she was just being "passionate" for her client--I'd say NO....

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: She tried SO HARD to copy Juan's style:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Fingernails are the dead give away. TA's fingers looked manicured, very clean and rectangular in shape. As a "motivational speaker", appearance is majorly important, specially your hands because you are shaking hands A LOT. If you shook hands with the person in "that" pic, you'd probably be looking for the hand sanitizer real quick...........not because of what's in that pic, but just because the hand looks icky regardless of what "it's" doing. JMO.

This is EXACTLY what I have been trying to say for some time now...That picture of the "UNIT" is most certainly NOT Travis's!!! The Fingernails are the giveaway! However, here is my question? Mr. Martinez is bring in a new computer Tech guy to the Rebuttal Case, could he tell if Arias had hacked into Travis accounts and made it "Appear" as though Travis is the one that sent that picture to her phone instead of Darryl? Or maybe Arias is not smart enough to think Martinez would actually go back and verify if that pic was sent to her phone from Travis. The phone records can confirm that easily, get Darryl's, Travis's and Arias's and compare them.
K...proposed surr witness is dr robt geffner to rebut demarte on bpd
IIRC she sent him a text after she killed him asking when he was going to cash it.... What a sweetheart.
The date of the check was May 28th and she asked the detective of her check had been cashed. She knew it wasn't.
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