04/22/2013 - waiting for rebuttal to continue

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She hasn't been rockin' that barrette of late. I wondered about that fashion choice, but I knew it wasn't for me to question that sort of thing. What is the position of sleuthers on the barrette?

I commented many times on the barrette, and now I feel really bad for it. I think she, or her people, definitely read here and it might have hurt her feelings. From everything I've read NG is nothing in person like she is on her show, and I read that it was her little daughter that insisted she wear the barrette. When she all of a sudden started doing the up-do I went whoops.

If Nancy does read here I want her to know I love her. Love her or not, she's a true victim's advocate.
Yeah, I spend a lot of time there. Or I should say I USED to spend a lot of time there, back in the dear dead days beyond recall -- when this trial started.

Oh, my projects are on Time Out until this trial is over. Too many afternoons cursing while unpicking row after row.
Right G&A no excuses needed, I'm enjoying a wine and reading y'all's posts. For some reason still feel confident. DT can throw as much *advertiser censored* at the jury as they want. But it comes down to the events of 06/04 and whether jury is buying self defense. They have not proved any of the allegations of physical abuse, nor made them believable as they were unable to corroborate any of her testimony of physical abuse. "Alleged mental abuse" does nothing to demonstrate fear for her life on 06/04.

As for the new doctor, I find it difficult to believe they will be able to justify new evidence as they have had Doc D's report and questioned her about her testimony. Just because DT's experts were made to look lame by Juan isn't an legal basis to bring in another shrink, imo.


Agree and it really is the principle of the thing. Where will it ever end? When this new one gets slammed by Juan, will they be granted a 3rd and a 4th new "expert".

See, it is the principle of it too that is important. IMO if there is no legal basis to grant this wish, then the judge should say NO and stay firm to her decisions and make a good decision that will stick up to any appeals.

There should be no granting of defense wishes just because the judge is afraid of appeals. So long as her decisions are sound, there should not be a problem. They are going to appeal regardless, so there is no need to bend for sillly reasons if the reasons are not valid.
Jodi needs to frickin' stop playing her sick games, it is really infuriating .. this kind of thing is deliberately provocative .. she's trying to provoke a drama because she thrives when there's drama going on .. she would absolutely LOVE to set the family off, I'm sure she thinks TA's sisters are most likely to lose it, and she thinks by doing things like this that she can set them off. She wont. I am sick to death of her artwork being used as a vehicle to hurt people, all those hands holding bibles, and drawings of people that look like people who were closer and more respected by Travis than she ever was!

There's a drawing that looks like Shannon Crabtree Peterson too...


I think this one is a self portrait..


ITA. JA is one sick puppy, is incurable. Once the spotlight is off her maybe the Alexander family will no longer be impacted by her sick pathology.

BPD only? I think not. Malicious psychopath to the extreme.
While being strangled into unconsciousness, saint Jodi of Arias didn't even bother to fight back for fear of hurting Travis. That's what ALV said.

Apparently, Jodi has a "Christ-like" ability to control her air-gasping reflexes too.

Also the ability to prevent the tiny little blood vessels in her eyes from bursting the way they normally do after a choking. Saint Jodi of Arias hahaha good one!! :drumroll:
Forgive me if this has already been mentioned, but I found something interesting: I finally got around to reading the autopsy and saw it states that TA's "pubic hair has previously been shaved". I went back and looked at the photo of him on the bed, and it could be true. Anyway, I doubt it was shaved by the medical examiner as part of the autopsy. What do you think?

I know I'm making a sweeping judgement here, but I think most men would not shave 'down there' unless it was specifically requested. Seems like maybe JA was the little pedo in this relationship!
According to the defendant, he did not care for body hair.
It is my understanding that it's de rigueur among young folk. :eek:
Forgive me if this has already been mentioned, but I found something interesting: I finally got around to reading the autopsy and saw it states that TA's "pubic hair has previously been shaved". I went back and looked at the photo of him on the bed, and it could be true. Anyway, I doubt it was shaved by the medical examiner as part of the autopsy. What do you think?

I know I'm making a sweeping judgement here, but I think most men would not shave 'down there' unless it was specifically requested. Seems like maybe JA was the little pedo in this relationship!

I am certain that my husband would frown on such a request, but I know (from the comments section following a news article on shaving mishaps -honestly!) that a lot of younger men shave their 'bits' regularly. :blushing:
How in the world can an itinerant waitress afford an Infinity?! :scared:

And a nice Canon as well as a p&s, Photoshop, maintaining 2 websites, constant travel, keeping up the maintenance on that super blonde hair AND the eyebrows, mani, pedi ... :confused:

I do not find Jodi attractive at all. She does not have natural physical beauty. moo

Travis on the other hand is very good-looking imo and has the same boyish looks as my BF. :twocents:

Who is that blonde on Dr. Drew calling Jodi GORGEOUS and SO BEAUTIFUL and that's why we're hooked?

And the other one said, "She's so gorgeous to look at and that's why we're drawn in."


1 - I don't think she's beautiful or gorgeous, pre-murder or post murder. Honestly, if I'd seen her on the street, I wouldn't have looked at her twice. And I'm the first to say another woman is beautiful if she is. Not acknowledging another woman's beauty doesn't make her less beautiful. IMO, Jodi is not nor was she gorgeous.

I do not find JOdi attractive at all. She does not have natural beauty. moo

Travis on the other hand is very good-looking imo and has the same boyish looks as my BF. :twocents:

Yes, boyish good looks. Impish. In his photos (without Jodi), he always looked as if he was about to suddenly laugh and his eyes twinkled. That looks like I described Santa, lol. But you get what I mean. :p
I'm probably alone on this one, but I hope this motion is granted. I'm really worried about an acquittal. This option will guarantee that no acquittal will happen.
Why??? The jury questions have all been snarky. The courtwatchers who've been there all say none of the jury looks at Jodi, and the majority of the attentiveness and note taking is when Juan is up. All he has to do is show the jury the picture of the throat slashing and her goose is cooked. He can also put up a chart of her lies. She has admitted being there and killing him. It was premeditated. This was no self-defense or heat of passion crime.
Who is that blonde on Dr. Drew calling Jodi GORGEOUS and SO BEAUTIFUL and that's why we're hooked?

And the other one said, "She's so gorgeous to look at and that's why we're drawn in."

<respectfully snipped for space>

I'm surprised they weren't discussing Dr. Drew's mod performance from the Mob Wives reunion last night. :help:

Some of these guests are just ridiculous. I've lived in LA for years- maybe I'm more biased- but the defendant was NEVER anything special. Decent looking as a young brunette? Sure. Gorgeous? Not even in the ballpark. Charlize Theron and Hally Berry are gorgeous.

About as ridiculous as whatever TH said that we're all watching the trial because of the sexual element.

I'm watching it because I despise those who destroy the good in people because they are missing it themselves. I want them punished. Simple as that.
Man the crap she writes in her journal - truly unbelievable.
PTSD my &#913;&#931;&#931;
I read somewhere, maybe here that because JW didn't understand the questions she was asking Dr. D, she couldn't re-word them when asked to by the witness. Maybe she'll get some coaching from Dr G before she puts him on the stand.

You know they really blew this whole defense IMO when DrS stated JA had PTSD stemming from the killing and not from what amounts to weeks of alleged abuse. The symptoms of PTSD and BPD are similar enough to leave room for debate per Dr Drew tonight. I don't understand what relevance PTSD triggered by slaughtering another human being has as a defense? The fact she has PTSD makes her appear slightly more human than the monster who doesn't maybe but the jurors still see her there everyday acting cocky or like a lunatic but never like a person with remorse. :banghead:

If she had PTSD she would never have gone to TA's memorial service. She would have avoided everything and everyone connected to him. She would also avoid guns and knives (she didn't until arrested). The sight of blood would send her into a panic to this day. There would be no album of TA pics on her myspace page either (there is to this day:furious:).

That PTSD defense was the biggest load of bs I've ever heard in a trial. ITA they blew it with that defense. On the other hand, what else could they have done? Oh I guess this heat of passion bs, but the jury isn't going to buy that load either.

Guess we just have to put on the hip waders after JM's rebuttal is over.
Brought over from Legal thread 3/23/13

Originally Posted by AZlawyer
How about...Travis went into a sudden rage and "body slammed" Jodi because she dropped his camera, so Jodi ran and got a gun and pointed it at him with her finger on the trigger and "accidentally" but recklessly shot him. Which is pretty much what she said happened.

If the gunshot alone would have killed him even without the stab wounds--which IIRC the Medical Examiner said it would--or if the stab wounds resulted from a continuing "heat of passion" type of fight stemming from the gunshot--I think a reasonable juror who believed Jodi's ridiculous story could find her guilty of manslaughter.

ETA: Really, since she completely failed to mention making any determination that deadly force was necessary against Travis, and in fact said she had no intention of shooting him at all, it seems like the purpose of putting her on the stand was not to raise a self-defense argument but rather to get a manslaughter instruction.

Posted by Katydid23:
AACCKKK. Now you are making my big brother look really smart---because he is a California attorney and this is exactly what he said tonight. I posted it earlier in the other threads because he scared me.

He told me he believes they already abandoned the straight Self Defense strategy and they are setting up the manslaughter/battered woman scenario. He practices in the SF Bay Area and that is a very big trend there--victims of gender inequality, etc.

He believes they are laying that foundation already and LaViolette will bring that home.


Here is what I had posted earlier:

I don't know anymore. I am actually kind of worried, for the first time. I just had dinner with my older brother, an attorney. We briefly talked about this case, and I was saying how confident I was, because the DT has not and will not be able to prove Self Defense.

My bro said 'so what ?'. They are probably not even really aiming for that. A great strategy is sometimes to 'hide the ball in the laundry basket', as he calls it. You get the state to spend time and energy arguing against 'self defense' and so they feel confident in their position. Meanwhile the DT slowly builds a legal foundation for something else, and gets the judge to include the lesser charges.

So we saw this coming a full month ago. I am sure JM did as well.
Has anybody explained what the difference is between a claim of Self-Defense and a claim of Heat of the Moment? I asked on the legal thread but haven't gotten an answer yet. Maybe someone has already explained?
4/22/2013 OBJ - Objection/Opposition.


~ The State objects.

I just noticed this on the Justice for Travis FB .. When will this be heard? Does this mean this happens before court tomorrow?
BBM ~ Yes, Travis' eyes make me melt everytime I see them. Even the pictures of him when he was younger.

Yes, boyish good looks. Impish. In his photos (without Jodi), he always looked as if he was about to suddenly laugh and his eyes twinkled. That looks like I described Santa, lol. But you get what I mean. :p
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