04/22/2013 - waiting for rebuttal to continue

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Members, please read this article from USA Today and you will realize why we've had to be so strict on the name calling and disparaging remarks of the defense team's witnesses.

Could it be construed as witness intimidation? Regardless of the argument for or against free speech, Websleuths will not be responsible for giving the appearance of any organized effort to intimidate or tamper with any witness during any trial.

We ask that you please post responsibly.

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Sue and Tricia
Websleuths.com Owners

So I read the article. Flabbergasting. Sickening really. Sorry... I'm just one of those people who speak my mind.

There is a section on this forum that highlights bullying. Online bullying - in particular. We've all read the recent accounts. They're heartbreaking. Rational adults speak against it. No one considers the slander, horrific and even threatening comments by online bullies as "free speech". I'm lost as to why that could even be a question???

Regardless of what someone things of Jodi Arias - Alyce LaViollette is a hero. She's a woman who's dedicated her life to highlighting domestic abuse. Changing the way society thinks about it. Creating programs that address the problem.

I'm a woman who was never abused. Independent, headstrong (but funny) and very self-aware.

My sister is not.

Today I live with her after a terrible incident that ended 10 years of domestic violence and abuse. The kind that would make most people's hair stand on end. She was battered, raped, degraded and broken in every way you can break a human being. She escaped one night with her kids when her husband tried to kill them all. I came - the big sister. Moved in - helped and stayed and am still helping.

We went through the court process while her (now ex) was charged, tried, convicted and sentenced. The sentence never undid the harm. It never will.

The day Alyce LaViolette took the stand I listened. 5 minutes in - I ran to get my sister. She had to hear what this woman was saying. We stayed glued to the trial during her testimony. We have her book on order at our local book store (currently sold out).

What my sister learned from that testimony was more than she learned from 4 years of reading, therapy, talking, discussing, trying to work things out in her own head and heart.

The trial part - the Jodi Arias issues - they all faded into the background.

I know there are many others out there - abused and abuser alike who heard all that and maybe, just maybe are beginning to understand abuse a bit better.

I don't know Ms Arias. I wasn't present in that bathroom. I don't know what happened. The Prosecutor doesn't either. Nor does Ms Wilmot, nor Kurt Nurmie, nor the doctors who testified, nor the friends, family, police officers. They're all just doing their best to give their insight in the course of justice.

But I do know this. Alyce is an amazing woman. SHE'S not on trial. SHE didn't kill anyone. She gave her professional opinion, in a court of law - and she is certainly entitled to do so - without expecting harm to come to her. I hope she can put the bullies behind her and I wish her all the strength.
Yeah, in West Memphis, the best fried boloney and coleslaw sandwiches. Yum...

The simplest things in life are just the best.

As much as I complained about mom's cooking, I find I end up making the same dishes I used to complain about :floorlaugh:
The defense was pathetically willing to cop to Murder 2. It was the DA judgement that Murder 1 was going to be pursued.

I think they made the right call, there is no friggin way this crime wasn't premeditated. If you listen to JA's initial LE interviews and that of her mother, as well as the prosecutor's evidence, imo it is obvious what she did to avoid detection in AZ.
Oh, I totally agree with Murder 1, and it's evident to me that it was premeditated for quite awhile. I just feel the DT had a better chance at a lesser charge if they didn't fight the mental diagnosis. I'm GLAD the DT totally discounts any mental issues...it means JA's psychopathy shines through and moves her closer to Death Row each day.
are you guys being good in here ???!!! :nurse:

(late april fool's day joke! :giggle:)

but seriously you ARE BEING good right?:rocker:
I was thinking about Dan's Sporting Goods in Yreka being listed as a State witness. I wonder if Jodi talked to the clerk who sold her the 9mm & told him that she had experience with a .25 Auto?

She stated to Det. Flores that she had "never even shot a real gun."

Guess she didn't consider a .25 a "real" gun.

JA using likeness of TA's sister in her drawing?


OMG! That is eerie! That JA is one scary chick!
I think I'll just be honest in my response. I don't know anything about being a judge. I understand something about the law, but nothing to the level of sophistication necessary to begin to comprehend the role of the judge in the courtroom when it comes to dealing with larger appellate issues, scheduling, caseloads, etc. I don't personally want to compare her with other judges, because I think every case is different and judges certainly have their own styles.

Given that, I'm evaluating her solely based on what I see. She has been even-tempered and, from my perspective, fair in dealing with both sides. She seems supremely concerned for preserving the right of the defendant to a fair trial. For my part, that's all I can really tell from my seat out here.

Hopefully, our cadre of lawyers will not pounce upon me to express their displeasure. Please note that I have stated that I am not a judge, do not know anything about being a judge beyond the basic functions they serve in the courtroom, and am not remotely qualified to judge their performance. So, my saying that I think she's doing well is perfectly worthless as an opinion, but there it is all the same.


Cooler heads always prevail ;). You're right Sleuth, I haven't walked a mile in her shoes. The whole trial is just so frustrating that sometimes you want to point a finger somewhere (especially at the DT :doh:).

I was talking to my DH about it tonight though, and I brought up the fact that this judge answers to someone. She must be getting some pressure to move things along here, don't you think? She sometimes looks a little stressed, and I can definitely relate. I feel for her and wouldn't want her job, that's for sure.
I commented many times on the barrette, and now I feel really bad for it. I think she, or her people, definitely read here and it might have hurt her feelings. From everything I've read NG is nothing in person like she is on her show, and I read that it was her little daughter that insisted she wear the barrette. When she all of a sudden started doing the up-do I went whoops.

If Nancy does read here I want her to know I love her. Love her or not, she's a true victim's advocate.

I wondered if it might have been one of the little ones asking her to do it. Okay, forget I said anything remotely snarky about it. :)
I noticed that Juan is going to object to the sur-rebuttal. I am assuming DT wants to bring up BPD. If that is the case, hopefully Juan will remind the Judge that Dr Dick himself finally caved and admitted JA had BPD on Juan's cross
Lol, I get you, my husband wanted to know if he could sue for alienation of affection!

The "experts" for the defense, don't interview men. So, tell him NO! You win and can change your story anytime. :floorlaugh:
The classic example of heat of passion is catching your spouse in bed with another person and losing it on them. jmo

Or after seeing crime scene photos of your loved one, leaping across the gallery and snatching the little psycho by the neck and snapping her bones until the bailiffs pull you off.
are you guys being good in here ???!!! :nurse:

(late april fool's day joke! :giggle:)

but seriously you ARE BEING good right?:rocker:

Ummmmm....I don't remember.....its foggy....
I was about to ask why so many are going off topic talking about Baloney but then I thought about it... Baloney totally does relate to JA and her defense. Carry on. :innocent:

When I saw Travis doing the chicken dance he won my heart (a grandmother's heart).....how many young men in their late 20's would be so confident in themselves to do the chicken dance...SOBER!!

Oh let me tell ya, when I was in my 20's I did many a chicken dance at many a Bierfest in Germany. Those were the days. Oh, I did a couple sober, also... I think. Maybe not.
JMO...........The DT had close to 5 years to prepare their defense!!!!!!!!!
How in the name of Justice would the Judge ever concede to allowing them a sur rebuttal on such nonsense?
They had FULL discovery from the Prosecution before this dog and pony show started, it's THEIR fault if their questions "opened a door" for rebuttal.

This ain't their first rodeo, they better cowboy up and hold on tight because their chute's about to open and there ain't no 8 second buzzer when JM throws their case into the dust and stomps their witnesses' testimonies.
So I read the article. Flabbergasting. Sickening really. Sorry... I'm just one of those people who speak my mind.

There is a section on this forum that highlights bullying. Online bullying - in particular. We've all read the recent accounts. They're heartbreaking. Rational adults speak against it. No one considers the slander, horrific and even threatening comments by online bullies as "free speech". I'm lost as to why that could even be a question???

Regardless of what someone things of Jodi Arias - Alyce LaViollette is a hero. She's a woman who's dedicated her life to highlighting domestic abuse. Changing the way society thinks about it. Creating programs that address the problem.

I'm a woman who was never abused. Independent, headstrong (but funny) and very self-aware.

My sister is not.

Today I live with her after a terrible incident that ended 10 years of domestic violence and abuse. The kind that would make most people's hair stand on end. She was battered, raped, degraded and broken in every way you can break a human being. She escaped one night with her kids when her husband tried to kill them all. I came - the big sister. Moved in - helped and stayed and am still helping.

We went through the court process while her (now ex) was charged, tried, convicted and sentenced. The sentence never undid the harm. It never will.

The day Alyce LaViolette took the stand I listened. 5 minutes in - I ran to get my sister. She had to hear what this woman was saying. We stayed glued to the trial during her testimony. We have her book on order at our local book store (currently sold out).

What my sister learned from that testimony was more than she learned from 4 years of reading, therapy, talking, discussing, trying to work things out in her own head and heart.

The trial part - the Jodi Arias issues - they all faded into the background.

I know there are many others out there - abused and abuser alike who heard all that and maybe, just maybe are beginning to understand abuse a bit better.

I don't know Ms Arias. I wasn't present in that bathroom. I don't know what happened. The Prosecutor doesn't either. I don't buy into the self defense claim and I don't buy into the 1st degree murder claim. But that's my opinion - and I'm not on the jury so it doesn't really matter or count.

But I do know this. Alyce is an amazing woman. SHE'S not on trial. SHE didn't kill anyone. She gave her professional opinion, in a court of law - and she is certainly entitled to do so - without expecting harm to come to her. I hope she can put the bullies behind her and I wish her all the strength.
ALV may have done some good things in her time, but no longer. Jodi Arias is NOT a victim of domestic violence, Travis was!!! And Alyce was rude and inappropriate on the stand. She refused to consider that a male could be the victim of domestic violence. Jodi lied in her journals. Alyce also wouldn't give a straight yes/no answer and was inappropriate in telling the prosecutor that he was angry at her and needed a time-out!!!
Alyce did a great disservice to real victims of domestic violence with her testimony in this case. :twocents::moo:
Also, what professional witness needs a cheering section? She is also not educated enough. Dr. DeMarte has a Ph.D. and is fully qualified to give unbiased psych evals. ALV only has a Master's and is not qualified and clearly biased. She is also unprofessional by apologizing to the defendant and sending her magazines and books, when she was hired only to evaluate her, and speaking to the victim's family. I'm not advocating violence against ALV, but she was on the witness stand, so yeah in a way she's on trial, and her testimony stunk!!!
P.S. The Prosecutor in this case does know what happened. He has all the evidence.
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