04/22/2013 - waiting for rebuttal to continue

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I was watching day 25, afternoon session, and I'm floored that Jodi tries to deny the injury to her left hand. She agreed with JM that it and her head were her only injuries. He asks if she showed up to Utah with that injury. She denies it.

Suddenly, she thinks he was referring to "when travis jammed her finger." It takes like 10 minutes and Jodi will not admit again that she injured her hand on June 4th.

I ask what is the purpose of her not admitting it when a big chunk of the wall came into court with her bloodied handprint with her blood DNA in it?
She did say that the "woman" was kicking her knees and kicking her legs as she tried to "help" Travis escape. I also remember in an interrogation, Jodi explained that "the woman" and she were locked at the wrists, and Jodi actually reenacted it in the interrogation room, gripping both her fists and saying she just knew she couldn't let go because the woman had a knife.

So these two instances could be Jodi explaining what she'd done to Travis.
I also think there are kernels of truth about what happened to Travis in that bogus Ninja story she told Detective Flores in the interrogation room. Unlike her time on the witness stand when her body language and actions didn't match her story/words, the reenactment in the interrogation room matched what she was telling Detective Flores at that moment in time. Sure there was a lot of BS around it, but I think the specifics about Travis (how his body was positioned, etc) were true--including that he asked her to get help. Probably begged her, but that's another story.
Both very professional!

I really don't know how Flores kept a straight face after seeing JA rooting through the trash, singing Christmas songs (in July) and doing headstands.

No kidding! He deserves a medal for that one. And..another for sitting in court every single day, without cracking a smile, arresting or shooting someone. :facepalm: Eye on the prize, eye on the prize. Justice for Travis and his family! :please:
I think Jodi was stomping Travis when he was trying to crawl out of the shower, probably trying to keep in there to bleed out there.
I wish they asked her more about her shoes, since there is a bloody shoe print and conveniently, Jodi lost her shoes somewhere in the fog. Well, wouldn't she left them at Travis' house if she wasn't thinking clearly? for the cops to find?

LOL! at Jodi humbly offering suggestions for getting data out of Travis' camera. Dang, I don't remember that....did she say that in the interviews? like she did the diary? (NG)

I think I heard about the stomping on tv yesterday. Tears just kept flowing down my face, thinking about what he had to suffer though. It is beyond cruel and heartless.
I think Jodi was stomping Travis when he was trying to crawl out of the shower, probably trying to keep in there to bleed out there.
I wish they asked her more about her shoes, since there is a bloody shoe print and conveniently, Jodi lost her shoes somewhere in the fog. Well, wouldn't she left them at Travis' house if she wasn't thinking clearly? for the cops to find?

LOL! at Jodi humbly offering suggestions for getting data out of Travis' camera. Dang, I don't remember that....did she say that in the interviews? like she did the diary? (NG)

LOL that's funny.
I think it was just in the diary but if Jodi Einstein knew how to get data out of the damaged camera, makes one wonder why she threw it in the wash in the first place. Wow, I'm back to square 1 again :banghead:
It's pretty gruesome. I think the pic that is the worst to me is the one of the nine stab wounds to his back. Just brutal.

Then you must have missed the lastest photos taken straight on of his chest and face.

It looks to me like there are rope abrasions all around his neck below the gaping knife wound, but maybe those have to do with the position the body was in those long five days he was left to rot.

She must have sat on him and just plunged that knife in as he lay on his back. I can't imagine her having enough force to make it go three inches in any other way. You physics folks can figure out the windup that it would take to penetrate 3". The heart is well-protected.

Also, I noticed the blood flow from the deep heart wound was to the right side, congealing on the body. Was this seepage post mortem or the result of post mortem handling? Does anyone in the know have a comment?

I don't recall Jodi ever saying anything about getting data from damaged cameras OR that the camera was smashed in pieces...Flores must have bluffed. She even told diary about the WTC hard drives recovered. Jodi, Jodi, Jodi....such a liar to your diary.
LOL that's funny.
I think it was just in the diary but if Jodi Einstein knew how to get data out of the damaged camera, makes one wonder why she threw it in the wash in the first place. Wow, I'm back to square 1 again :banghead:

Where's the diary entry that says this?
She did say that the "woman" was kicking her knees and kicking her legs as she tried to "help" Travis escape. I also remember in an interrogation, Jodi explained that "the woman" and she were locked at the wrists, and Jodi actually reenacted it in the interrogation room, gripping both her fists and saying she just knew she couldn't let go because the woman had a knife.

So these two instances could be Jodi explaining what she'd done to Travis.

Exactly! This one's a kicker and Travis has the marks to prove it. She also manipulated the story (which borderline do) to her advantage. She spoke of the two people attacking Travis and that is what she came up with to explain the GSW. She told it was two people attacking Travis. One had a knife and one had a knife and gun.

She took Travis story about having the gun pointed to his R temple during a robbery (she was pretend sleeping). She then shot him in the same area he explained during the party to his friends. I bet she said something too when she shot him....probably reminding him of his story.

She has memory of every single stab and kick. You can take that to the bank. I just hope the jury got to know Travis like we did. This needs to be on death row. Please jury, don't let her in general pop by just giving her life. She likes it there. She can buy protection and be a queen bee. Imagine the sick men who will send her money. Heck, they're still funding FCA...
Right, it was my fault for repeating what I heard on Dr. Drew and taking his word for it. Our WS people here know more than he does and we have it right that she called Flores.

I learned a lesson that I should have known. We have to be careful when trusting THs like Dr Drew. They do get things wrong on occasion. :floorlaugh:

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:mad: Clueless Doctor Drew.
That latest picture of the girl in hat. At first I thought maybe just a coincidence, but then looked at the eyes. Almost a perfect match to that photo someone put up beside her drawing. So I do think she did that on purpose.

IMO, I think Jodi uses "tracing" to some extent because there was another one she did of a famous drawing and it looked to be a traced copy of a famous picture. Just way too close of a match.
It was on NG, that gal (in a little girls voice) was reading the diary and it said that.

Retraction........ :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: @ Clueless gal on NG.
Yeah, those back wounds are terrible, just horrible. And JW downplays to the coroner and calls those wounds "shallow". Says Jodi reached over Travis shoulders to stab him. I wanted to slap JW that day, I do not like that woman.
I also think there are kernels of truth about what happened to Travis in that bogus Ninja story she told Detective Flores in the interrogation room. Unlike her time on the witness stand when her body language and actions didn't match her story/words, the reenactment in the interrogation room matched what she was telling Detective Flores at that moment in time. Sure there was a lot of BS around it, but I think the specifics about Travis (how his body was positioned, etc) were true--including that he asked her to get help. Probably begged her, but that's another story.

I T A !!

Which is why I hate the gunshot last theory.

She stated Ninjas fired first. Her story was mostly true (except when talking about Ninjas).

She stabs Travis in hand to hand combat, slits throat and shoots him in the head - and her only injury is self inflicted?

None of her blood under his nails? No scratches on her or bruises?

I just feel like I don't have a picture that I can agree with yet, on either theory.
Yeah, those back wounds are terrible, just horrible. And JW downplays to the coroner and calls those wounds "shallow". Says Jodi reached over Travis shoulders to stab him. I wanted to slap JW that day, I do not like that woman.

I have seen all the gruesome pictures but I need to re-watch the ME's testimony. He distracted me with his overflowing hotness so I was not paying close attention to what he actually testified to, like I should have been.
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