04/22/2013 - waiting for rebuttal to continue

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I agree but they shouldn't have more than public schools.

I don't even want to start talking about how crappy I think public schools are run..
I'm still annoyed my 15 year old son spent a grand total of 3 months in public school at age 5.. I pulled him out... And I'm still paying school taxes ... I'll die paying school taxes. It's just not right.

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I haven't caught up on posts from late yesterday and overnight, and I'm sure that someone has already posted this. When I was telling DH about new developments in the case last night, he said, "Well, you know who's driving the "manslaughter" option. "It's Jodi." I wasn't sure what he meant until he reminded me of an interview that Bryan Carr did with JVM or NG when he said that the manslaughter verdict is what Jodi expected and that she would walk for time served. I did a cursory search on the HLN site but can't be sure which interview it might be. Has someone already posted this? If not, I'll try to find it.

I remember it, might have been on NG or JVM.

The day before she left, she was pretty frantic that she had to go back and see Travis," Paul Stern said, not knowing what fateful event was about to occur in Arizona. “She talked about how [Travis] was seeing other people and she asked to borrow money and I gave her money.”

In the video accompanying this statement he says she paid him back. I wonder how much she borrowed? Where did she get the money to pay him back? I BELIEVE she stole every penny Travis had the day she killed him. I would love to find out if any money was found in Travis' wallet. And why this guy was not called as a witness? So many unanswered ????'s in this case

I'm hoping to see him in rebuttle.

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Kaydono answer to your question is Scotland which part of England. Waiting to be flamed by the Scottish!!!!
back on topic,i am more than ready for today,im getting impatient already. maybe just maybe for once we will be on time :please:

yeah right who am i kidding :facepalm:

Anything is possible :)

I am impatient for trial to start, to read Wild's witty salmon colored tweets, to see all the court shenanigans, to try and fail to stay caught up here. To see the Juan of my dreams.

Whenever it starts we will feel a leap of joy, then a plummet into annoyance as the first thing out of the judge's mouth is "Council Approach".

(meanwhile I maintain a hope that the judge will throw out the defense's request for a surrebuttal, based lack of evidence showing a need for surrebuttal, and on the previously court-defined shady character of the expert they want to call)
I don't even want to start talking about how crappy I think public schools are run..
I'm still annoyed my 15 year old son spent a grand total of 3 months in public school at age 5.. I pulled him out... And I'm still paying school taxes ... I'll die paying school taxes. It's just not right.

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Yep...that would be a whole nother can of worms if we start talking about that.
Well it doesn't but whatever they were using to cart it around the yard was. But speaking of weird questions regarding manure...just so happened Hubby bought four bags yesterday and I found myself wondering why "STEER" manure was so blatant on the bags. Is there any other kind? That's sold commercially that is. This trial has morphed me back to the WHY WHY WHY age.

I'm shocked people pay for poop!

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I remember it, might have been on NG or JVM.

If I recall correctly, which is about 50/50 chance knowing me......... she predicted that she would initially get a mistrial, get retried and get manslaughter.
I remember Dr. Drew talking to that Brian Carr dude on his show.
:seeya: Good Morning !

I am still "reeling" from yesterday's "shenanigans" by Jodi and the defense team ...

:please: judge -- throw out all that bull from the DT !

:please: Justice for Travis and his Family !
I agree that finances played a big role in Jodi's anger. I think she blamed Travis for her situation. She was planning for him to "rescue" her from her previous life and she was trying to grab onto his seemingly grand lifestyle of travel, etc.

Agree. Much like Casey A. the options were running out. Murder became an option. Differing reasons but an option to them.
IMO I think if a criminal is sentenced to a term shorter than life... Every effort should be made toward rehabilitation. Who wants or needs some criminal released back into society that's more angry and more criminally savvy?


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Some prisoners cannot be rehabed. I think they are born coo-coo and shouldn't be released at all. :twocents:
I wish JA's disastrous financial situation on June 4 had been explained more fully, because there's no innocent reason for her spending that much money on an unnecessary trip. None.

Did you happen to see the interview the other day with the woman who had worked with JA as a waitress? She said JA made SEVERAL trips to Mesa every time she thought he was up to something. I think that lady was on Dr. Drew.
Juan is amazing to watch. If he would have been my father, growing up, I would not have been such a spoiled brat teenager. I would be too fearful to misbehave. I would be paranoid he could read my mind if I tried to lie or break rules.

Quite a while back, someone suggested that any kid of JM, having snuck out to a party at night, would simply show up the next day with a notarized confession, to save time.
Some prisoners cannot be rehabed. I think they are born coo-coo and shouldn't be released at all. :twocents:

Oh truer words were never spoken!

Like pedophiles...and psychopaths like Jodi

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Lol, I don't think I've ever been excited about a Tuesday before.

I hear ya'! This is the 1st time in my life I've dreaded weekends, too. :what:

Can't even imagine what it would be like if there was no WebSleuths. :scared:

Hello! :seeya: My name is Dani and I'm a trial junkie. :blushing:
Some prisoners cannot be rehabed. I think they are born coo-coo and shouldn't be released at all. :twocents:

What would be lovely is if we could find a planet where we could just drop them off.
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