04/22/2013 - waiting for rebuttal to continue

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I respectfully suggest that we refrain from discussions about funding public schools, Joe Arpaio, and other political issues. Not all of us share the same opinions on political matters, and bringing this stuff up just seems very off topic and has the potential to derail the discussion this section of the board is intended for: the trial of Jodi Arias. YMMV.

OK. It was me who brought those up. Just morning talk. Not interested in having political discussions...I would lose in that arena I'm sure.
I respectfully suggest that we refrain from discussions about funding public schools, Joe Arpaio, and other political issues. Not all of us share the same opinions on political matters, and bringing this stuff up just seems very off topic and has the potential to derail the discussion this section of the board is intended for: the trial of Jodi Arias. YMMV.

bbm: yes you are correct...! :seeya:
Vinnie Politan ‏@VinniePolitan
#JodiArias wants the jury to have the option of "Manslaughter by Sudden Quarrel or Heat of Passion" ...papers just filed

Just in case anybody has not seen this.
I heard over the weekend somewhere the ring was meant for someone named Linda. ( wasn't me)

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Wouldn't surprise me for Travis seem to have a lot of women in his life and was loved by many.

It's rather strange how a perverted man--- who wanks off to little boys--- had such a propensity for the female persuasion, huh? (end sarcasm)
We are not allowed to talk about time outs.

Welcome back!

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WOW I ran to the Farm and Feed store and came back to lots more sleuthers and guests....soon my prettys ...soon!!
Off topic but I will be brief. Has anyone read the book "We The Jury" about s. peterson trial. I started reading it the other day.... pretty interesting thus far.
OMG, :floorlaugh: where do you come up with this stuff :floorlaugh:

And that cactus looks like a nice spot to hide the gun...wrapped in toilet paper of course. Sometimes I feel like a piece of used toilet paper!!! Not trying to hijack your good work. That photo is hilarious. I just couldnt resist playing with it.
Actually Pasadena is about an hour north of Long Beach, but I don't think that changes your point at all.

My point was that all three - Long Beach, Pasadena, and Mesa lie along I-10, but I've never been in CA and my Google mapping could be wrong.
Good morning.
Does anyone know if a hearing is scheduled this a.m. before court begins?

P.S. Back from my second TO. I've got a post-it on my screen reminding me to watch what I say.......I mean....what I type.

Sorry I dont know. I wouldn't be surprised if they start out in Chambers. All I know is we have trial today :drumroll:
:gasp: I just saw the pic of Travis' face straight on with a sheet pulled up covering the throat gash and showing the bullet wound. I didn't know this one existed and found it more disturbing than the throat one.

God, we've been waiting 4 days :sigh: She better not start late. :waiting:

What time is it, lol

BBM: If she's going to deal with the new motions today they will be "in chambers" while the jury/we cool our heels.:twocents:
IIRC, during the Flores interviews she also said the knives in the car belonged to DB and she was going to return them. hmmm, wonder how many gas cans were in the car by then?

None. I don't believe they ever found the gas cans.
It has continued to bother me that Jodi was very hard up (no pun intended) for money on her last road trip yet she purchased not One but Two facial cleansers when she bought the gas cans at Wally World...
Also, Mormons don't drink caffeine so why was she always stopping at Starbucks?

She is so NOT a Morman- I don't care if GOD baptized her. She's a disgrace to any religion. (Sorry, I'm not really talking about religion- just ranting) :blushing:
I think the judge will allow the surrebuttal, if she doesn't I will poop a chicken. She has cowed down to the defense over and over again, I think she is very afraid of making a mistake in her first death penalty case.

BBM: I agree ... I think she will allow it because it is a DP case and you are correct -- this is her FIRST DP CASE.

I hope she does NOT allow it ... it would be a WASTE ... a HUGE WASTE !

The public schools have to take all comers. That means austistc kids, kids with low IQ's, kids with learning disabilities, kids with severe behavior/emotional problems. Many of these kids have to educated in small special education classes. It costs a lot more to provide these classes because of the teacher/student ratio. And there are usually teacher's aides in these special ed classes.
What should society do with all these children that need special help to be able to learn? Throw them out on the sidewalk?

It really isn't my desire to derail the thread. I have a plethora of opinions on the subject. This just isn't the right place to discuss it. If you or anyone starts a thread in the appropriate forum. Let me know. I'll show up.

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Thank you for the link. It's really a 'WOW' moment to actually see the gas cans lined up like that. And, as pointed out in the video, gas cans that heavy don't help save any gas!
Finally watched the gas can demonstration--so many of the HLN demos are too over the top for my taste. Too bad the four-wheeled "bomb" didn't go off before the murderess made it to Travis's house. I love the assumption that Jodi had three cans and not the two she claims. No one with common sense would believe she filled up three cans in SoCal to save money.
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