100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 16th day on the stand #75

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The question about the dog barking was a good one. If the dog would bark when someone came in the house, then the dog would have alerted Travis that Jodi was coming in during the supposed masturbation incident.

Probably because I'm a dog lover, I was hoping that person would ask WHERE Napoleon was during this awful thing happening to his daddy. I want to know!!!
You know...men can be skanks too! But, seriously, I've been called worse actually by people I don't even know! lol

Not sure what would be worse, except the C word. Maybe that's what the question really asked, and the judge reworded it.
How about those Jodi Arias paintings being hung with Monet or Van Gogh?

I TOTALLY buy that story! said no one...ever!

I laughed out loud at that one! Too funny! I'm not sure the jury has seen her artwork yet but they will be gobsmacked when they do!
Literally word for word. And on that one question that was repeated and Jodi had to give her answer again for the juror who had sound problems -- I think her answer was verbatim the second time around.

Except when they weren't (re: the holster). When she veers off the rehearsed script, it becomes a gnarly mess.
I have a little personal confession to make about this case.

I'm extremely attached to this case, much like I was to the Caylee Anthony case because I can relate to them both due to my own personal circumstances.

I grew up and was raised in Riverside County. Not in the city of Riverside, but the same county. I lived in that county for most of my life before I moved in with my husband. We now live in Orange County.

I was also born to two drug addicted parents. There I said it (so many years later it's still hard to say). I was also raised by my grandparents due to my parents struggles. I was shuffled back and forth twice, once because the state had removed me from my mother and step-fathers home back to my grandparents where I remained for the duration of my childhood. Normally when people ask about my background I simply say that my parents had responsibility issues. And due to their drug use that was certainly true but not the full story.

I saw and dealt with things as a child that children should not. It is for that reason I believe that like me, Travis was far more mature than he appeared. In our situation you have to deal with very adult situations and circumstances at a very young age. For a child growing up its hard to understand how drugs can be more important than your own children. Travis was only immature in dealing with romantic relationships due to his inexperience. But I fully believe he had an abundance of maturity due to his upbringing.

Since Travis had a past much like my own I'm enraged that Jodi took from him what children who come from pasts such as our own work so hard to accomplish. We do everything in our power to change the cycle. To be better than what we came from.

Travis could have been something. And Jodi took from him the chance to work towards the goal that I'm sure he was always working to attain, as I myself do on a daily basis. To rise above the beginnings we were given. God hands cards and circumstances that, at times, are completely out of your control. You can either fold or play the hand you are dealt with dignity and resolve to play the game no matter what.

I hope that wherever Travis is that he knows he played the hand well and with great dignity regardless of some of his failings. I hope he knows he attained his ultimate goal.

JSR, Thank you so much for sharing your personal story. I just want to say thank you and send you a big cyber hug. It's not always easy to rise above and break the chain, but both you and Travis did! You are such a strong and awesome person!!!:rocker::seeya:
Has anyone became mentally exhausted at the end of the day listening to Jodi on the stand?
I saw 3 more questions come in-in my notes I will clock te timing they came in related to other questions askes
Of course not. That is what the judge means when she says ”remember the admonition”. Did not mean to sound snippy. No media, news, etc

That's what I thought, but someone mentioned earlier that it sounded like the jurors could be reading here so I just wondered. I wonder how many really follow the admonition? I admit, I would have a really hard time not looking up info. :what:
Question: Are the jurors "allowed" to read here or keep up on other news about the trial? Just wondering.
Definitely not- or they'd have more questions. lol
Seriously, the can't watch or read, or speak to anyone about the case.
I hope the jury asks her how she knew it was a picture of a little boy if her eyes are so bad.

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Probably because I'm a dog lover, I was hoping that person would ask WHERE Napoleon was during this awful thing happening to his daddy. I want to know!!!

I know he wasnt in the room. I believe that JA said TA had put the dog gate up at the bottom of the stairs..... i could be wrong though, and she could be lying. Ill let you pick which one you want to go with!;P
I don't like this more question business.

Why are they trying to get convincing answers out of her?

They must have doubt.

Moreover, the camera does indeed indicate belief in her self-defense claim by at least one juror. The question was posed in a way that would suggest the author is looking for more details to further support his or her position that the killing was in self-defense.
OMG! the Best thing was watching the very "Proper" Judge ask Jodie if she knew what "*advertiser censored*" meant----She shoulf have simultaneously handed her a mirror!!

ITA! The judge looks likes she goes to charity balls and wears a tiara. Bet she goes straight to her boss and says she deserves a raise.
Except when they weren't (re: the holster). When she veers off the rehearsed script, it becomes a gnarly mess.

Well, yeah, there are those ad lib moments when she pulls something new out of thin air, but the basics of her story are memorized.
Especially important is the warning to avoid conversations with the demon. We may ask what is relevant but anything beyond that is dangerous.She is a liar. The demon is a liar.She will lie to confuse us. But she will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. The attack is psychological and powerful. So don't listen to her. Remember that - do not listen. (Adapted from "The Exorcist" script.)
Moreover, the camera does indeed indicate belief in her self-defense claim by at least one juror. The question was posed in a way that would suggest the author is looking for more details to further support his or her position that the killing was in self-defense.

How so? By pausing and giving her more time to get the hell out of Dodge?
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