100 questions from the jury: Arias answering on her 17th day on the stand #76

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As I understand, JA did concede wearing socks. The socks were found in the washer with the other bleached streaked items.
While watching the testimony on YouTube, I want so badly to reach through the screen and hug Jodi's siblings so hard. Those of you who are actually there: could you do it for me? Tell them Travis' spirit is in that courtroom: JM is his voice and the jury is hearing it loud and clear. And tell them MrLanders loves them!

I don't see Jodi's siblings there very often seems it is usually her Aunt and Mom.
I'm not looking forward to the DV experts. Already feel sick about what garbage they will say to excuse JA's actions.

Have no fear! JA discredited them anyway in her response to the juror question asking if she had sought help for her mental condition- and she said no she didn't have a mental condition. :great: Whatever Jodi!
I don't understand why she would testify that he didn't keep the gun loaded. If you're going to lie, at least tell a lie that benefits you, ya know?

In her own very peculiar way I think she believed she was addressing premeditation here. "See? I didn't MEAN to actually shoot or kill him! I didn't even think the gun was loaded!"
OMG - I just googled "pedophila pamphlet" and the first three sites I tried were all pedophiles making pamphlets to help people "understand" their point of view. I can't even...it is just...I mean who could possibly...just...wow. :puke: No more googling for me today!

OT - Actually, we, as a society, need to be very, very careful. In the coming years I see NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) getting a foothold and when/if that happens the face of normalcy as we know it is in jeopardy. I don't know if that makes sense but the fact that they are even allowed to spew their nonsense on the internet without ramifications only solidifies the fact that they could, conceivably, find a way to get some kind of positive reinforcement for their sick views.

OMG I laughed so hard reading this....I choked laughing.

This just started my day off with a :great:

Good morning to "our" dear Katie . . . love hearing your reports, so look forward to reading later on in the other thread - will you be in court today?
Hello everyone! I didn't get to see the questioning yesterday and know that several people had questions about whether a few questions indicated there was a Mormon on the jury. I went back and listened to all the questions and answers last night.

After listening, I can definitely tell you that the Book of Mormon questions were NOT written by a Mormon. In the context they were asked, I could tell that they were written by someone who did not fully understand the content and purpose of the Book of Mormon (meaning the specific sexual guidelines as to forms of sex are not included in there). In fact, there were NO questions out of all of them that suggested that the author of a question or set of questions was Mormon.

Not saying there is definitely not a Mormon juror, but definitely saying the Book of Mormon questions were not written by a Mormon. FWIW.

Just adding my 2 cents!
Yep classic traits of a personality disorder, and interesting to note, that when called out about why she sobbed about Travis on the phone with her dad, she claimed to really be trying to reach her sister, who she said she is "somewhat" close with or something to that effect.

she has no girlfriends. someone on the jury even asked her that yesterday. another poster told me her sister counts as a girlfriend. well, MY sister is my best friend but i still have close girlfriends----jodi answered she didn't really have girlfriends to confide in.

gee, i wonder why? i think women peg jodi pretty quickly. most of us sure did.
I'm getting an ad for Ontario Hydro Generation at the side of my WS screen asking me if Ninja's have attacked!!! OMG LMAO!!

I have Tylenol Complete Extra Strength. :great: :great:
Just a quick hello to all the Websleuthers. I hope today is an entertaining as yesterday, although I'm at work and Lord knows that my productivity has suffered severely! Keep all the great comments coming.
Have no fear! JA discredited them anyway in her response to the juror question asking if she had sought help for her mental condition- and she said no she didn't have a mental condition. :great: Whatever Jodi!

Doh! I didn't even think about that! Excellent!
Have no fear! JA discredited them anyway in her response to the juror question asking if she had sought help for her mental condition- and she said no she didn't have a mental condition. :great: Whatever Jodi!

I couldn't decide, WHICH mental condition they were asking about...there's so many you know.
It is so disrespectful of her to not actually answer the questions the jury asked. There were many instances where she just blabbed a bunch of BS and deflected the question. I'm sure the jury takes note of that. If I were Jodi, and thank God I'm not, I would be as blatantly honest as possible in hopes that these people would spare my life.

True and this is where she inisists on displaying the tell tale sociopathic tendencies, despite the writing on the wall and her belief she is smarter than everyone. I guess she really isn't that good of an actress.
Just a quick hello to all the Websleuthers. I hope today is an entertaining as yesterday, although I'm at work and Lord knows that my productivity has suffered severely! Keep all the great comments coming.

:seeya: Have a great day!
Good Afternoon everyone..
Are we ready for round two ?
I think I may have mentioned something like this last night, but I was so tired, so I'm going to throw it out there again. When asked about her relationship with her parents, Jodi sealed her fate with her explanation of how her relationship with her mother is "complicated" and how her relationship with her father is one where she doesn't care to spend too much time with him. Add these two important relationships to the string of breakups with cheating boyfriends and you continue to have someone who seems to have a problem forming healthy relationships. There has been no mention of any close female friends at all, that I can recall. Everyone else cannot all be to blame, and I have no doubt that Jodi is incapable of forming a healthy bond with anyone, including her own parents. We haven't heard too much about her relationships with her siblings, other than she hit her younger brother over the head with a baseball bat. Hmmmmm......

I have to admit, besides hitting my sibling over the head with a bat, I am the same way because of my childhood. But unlike Jodi, I have pushed myself to become part of a large extended family through my significant other and I most certainly never killed someone!!
Hi Everyone!

I'm new here and wanted to hop on board! You are all so savvy, I hope I can keep up.

JA testified yesterday that she printed directions from Mapquest from Cali to Mesa. Do we know where she printed these? Yesterday was the first we heard about this. Daryl only mentioned that she checked email during her 30min breakfast/gas can visit, but did not mention her printing directions. Or.....did she already have directions prior to "changing" her travel plans? hummmmmm. She would have also had navigator on her helio...although we know her phone was switched off. But, printing Mapquest, I would jump if the jury caught onto that and have asked this question! :websleuther:

Did you notice during her interrogation with Flores, she referred to having her map showing "directions to Arizon....I mean, Utah..."? Just a little slip up in her long and winding narrative. I believe this was during version 1 of her stories.
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