16 Different Versions of Darlie's story

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The blood on the pillow was most probably deposited when Darlie went back to clean the hand print off the sofa.

The sofa was returned to the family with the hand print intact. Other blood on the sofa was also present. What evidence was submitted in court that shows any attempts to remove blood from sofa?
The blood on pillow is not drops like on the vacuum. Deposited as she stood over it. It is more like a pool as a large area of blood deposit is seen.
So she was laying down while trying to clean up the hand print?

I am not following you here?
Luminol testing before the sofa was taken from the house showed that a handprint had been wiped from the sofa. Unlike the kitchen cleanup, no photographs were taken.
The thing that puzzles me is, (the whole case lol) if there was an intruder then he must have been going there for 2 reasons. Firstly to break in and steel or secondly to harm someone. If you were going to burgle someones house surely you would want to make sure that no one is home. Why would you try and burgle a house that you can see has a tv on if you look through the window? Secondly, if you are going to cause harm to someone, wouldn't you take your weapon of choice with you? I would imagine that it has been methodically planned down to the last detail. (Unless you are completly insane and just decide you are going to break into someones house and kill whoever is there using what ever you can find). I know you often see in movies the killer picking up a knife in a kitchen wearing black gloves and then goes on to murder whoever is in the house, but I would imagine this is very rare in the real world.

From the other point of view, maybe Darcie was in extreme shock. Who knows how we would act if we were in that situation. I think I would have passed out due to fright and shock to be honest.

The mysterious "intruder" obviously was not a burglar. The moment a burglar realized someone was home they would have ran for an exit with the intention of hiding his/her face.

You're correct. Burglars want to get in, get the stuff and get out without being detected. No real burglar is going to grab a kitchen knife and try to kill 3 people, then run past a wallet and jewelry. It only happens in really bad movies.

Very few real burglars would enter a house they know to be occupied. Since Mom and her two boys were in the living room with lights on, all he had to do was peek through the curtains.

The only murders that happen using weapons that are in the home are usually crimes of passion, the spontaneous ones. The vast majority of those are perpetrated by someone known to the victim. Killers don't go into a house to kill someone and hope they can find a weapon inside. There are very rare cases of this, like Richard Speck, but "very rare" is the operative phrase.

The "shock" that happens to attack victims doesn't usually kick in until after the attack is over. During the attack, the body is in flight or fight stage. All the mental processes are hyper-engaged so as to beat off the attacker. The frontal cortex (cognitic thought/logic) shuts down a bit and the limbic brain (survival instinct) takes over. Our memory centers are located closer to the limbic brain than the f. cortex.

It is virtually impossible that she remembered all those details but not the attacker's face. Sometimes when cops interview knife-mugging victims they dont' get a lot of detail about the mugger's face because the victim is so visually focused on the knife, where it is, which direction is it going, etc. How long would a knife-mugging take? 10 seconds? 20, tops?

If someone is kneeling on top of you for a minute or so slicing at you with a knife and you're struggling with them, at some point you're going to glance at the attacker's eyes and face to quickly determine what their intent is. Sure, you'll be focused on the knife, but human instinct would also drive you to look at their face, at least for a few short seconds (and more than once). The image of that person's face and expression gets immediately and permanently burned into the limbic memory centers of your brain. It's a well-known and documented physical response to trauma. It's the very moment when your brain wouldn't go into black out stage.

Her saying the only thing she doesn't remember is her being attacked is total BS and contrary to everything we know about attack trauma.

If she forgot anything, it would be more the time period after she was being attacked, like her chasing him out or the 911 call time.
I agree with you about the blade handle and shaft. If they remove it, I'll bet you some of Devon's blood is there.

Why would one intruder take his knife and the other leave one knife there, yet they take a sock! Doesn't quite make sense to me.

This is one of the things that I can't stop wondering about. In stabbings like these, blood will seep between the blade and the handles. Even a quick wash of the exposed blade won't wash it all away.

Did they not do a blood search and/or DNA tests for blood trapped under the knife handles? That's Evidence Collection 101.

The only piece of evidence I can't square is the sock. No one else but Darlie would take it and drop it 75 yards away as a way to plant evidence outside the house. Yet, if she dipped it in the boys' blood, wouldn't it be more saturated? All she had to do was pick it up and the blood on her hands would transfer.

Granted, in her frenzied state of mind she wouldn't be thinking clearly about why an intruder would carry one of her husband's bloody socks outside.

Also, if she took the sock down the alley after she stabbed both boys, shouldn't there have been even a drop or two of blood dripped off of her onto the ground or grass?

I know they luminoled the house. Did they luminol the yard and alley as well, and that's how they determined there wasn't a speck of blood outside the house?
I think the sock could be an uninvited cling-on caused by static cling as the person passed thru the laundry room. A basket of clothes including socks were right by the doorway. The blood on it is a transfer stain.

The knife was from the house why take it, taking the knife brought with them would mean less chance of tracing that weapon back to them.

No blood from a 3rd party was ever found so why you think the person was bleeding from the arm.
Damon killed first, Damon stabbed second, Darlie third and when Damon started moving around the killer had to go back after him this could also explain why Darlie was slashed and not stabbed more. The killer was interrupted by Damon not being dead. In a hurry the killer slices at her throat, goes after Damon but has to put the knife down in order to catch him. Stabs Damon some more and is standing there at the end of the couch when Darlie sees him. He might have decided that he is better off fleeing, than finishing the job.
No matter who did the killing no one wanted to be caught.

This would also explain wht he left Darlie's jewelry on the counter, time to leave, to prevent being caught. It is more important to flee the scene and get away than to spend anymore time in the house.

I considered that the sock might have stuck to the "perp" inside the house. Once the killer is running at full speed down the alley, I doubt it would have clung to him for 3/4 of a football field distance. It would have fallen off 20' away from the fence once he killer got to full gallop.

Here in NYS my socks static cling to other clothes out of the dryer, but I've never had one jump off the table and stick to me and travel that far.

I don't have kids, but lots of people I know do. I know that shortly after bringing baby home one or both parents turn immediately into very light sleepers. The time span for light sleeper mode to fade away varies from person to person, but I've had it described to me in terms of years, not months.

Also, the cry of a mother's kids is imprinted on her brain so that it wakes her up. Other extraneous sounds don't, like trains, bumps in the night, car horns, etc.

Darlie has 3 kids. Drake was not yet a year old. She's been a light sleeper for, what, 6 years? She has "child cry imprint" on her brain for years. It's impossible that she was lying mere feet away from her boys while they were being stabbed. How probable is it that neither one of them made any noise whatsoever right after the first knife thrust? The sharp gasping alone would have woken her up, even if no noise (somehow magically) never emanated from either boys' vocal cords.

She woke up after they'd been stabbed repeatedly? Not.

A burglar would have grabbed the goodies on the counter as he passed them, BEFORE entering the LR, and stuffed them in his pockets before advancing through the house.
That's on the back of her nightshirt, not the front. How did Damon's blood even get on the back of her nightshirt?

It's more proof that Damon was stabbed, moved and then stabbed again...fatally after she inflicted her own wounds.

There is no blood found on Darlie's nightshirt other than Darliee's. That is a fact. Why do so many people assume there is Damon's blood on the nightshirt. Oh, I know. The prosecution told you and you believed them. They framed Darlie, and most of the Darlie did it people lack a brain to actually scientifically figure these things out for themselves. Do not believe Cron, the DA, the blood spatter expert, the nurses, doctor's who had a rehearsal so the prosecution could manipulate the doctor to use the word "SUPERFICIAL" in a context few jurors would understand.
This was all done to get a conviction of Darlie, when they themselves knew should did not do it.
What detective, says someone committed the crime after just showing up without any forensic evidence? Only someone like Cron.
My opinion is he is an out and out idiot.
I considered that the sock might have stuck to the "perp" inside the house. Once the killer is running at full speed down the alley, I doubt it would have clung to him for 3/4 of a football field distance. It would have fallen off 20' away from the fence once he killer got to full gallop.

Here in NYS my socks static cling to other clothes out of the dryer, but I've never had one jump off the table and stick to me and travel that far.

I don't have kids, but lots of people I know do. I know that shortly after bringing baby home one or both parents turn immediately into very light sleepers. The time span for light sleeper mode to fade away varies from person to person, but I've had it described to me in terms of years, not months.

Also, the cry of a mother's kids is imprinted on her brain so that it wakes her up. Other extraneous sounds don't, like trains, bumps in the night, car horns, etc.

Darlie has 3 kids. Drake was not yet a year old. She's been a light sleeper for, what, 6 years? She has "child cry imprint" on her brain for years. It's impossible that she was lying mere feet away from her boys while they were being stabbed. How probable is it that neither one of them made any noise whatsoever right after the first knife thrust? The sharp gasping alone would have woken her up, even if no noise (somehow magically) never emanated from either boys' vocal cords.

She woke up after they'd been stabbed repeatedly? Not.

A burglar would have grabbed the goodies on the counter as he passed them, BEFORE entering the LR, and stuffed them in his pockets before advancing through the house.

Now, why do you assume that the stock clung to the perpetrator. I figured he used the sock like a glove to cover his prints, but I will admit I could be wrong. So, I dropped this train of thought until they can do the DNA testing of the sock.

Why do you say because some people with children are light sleepers, all people with children a re light sleepers. This I know is NOT true. So, that is pure conjecture.

And, you assume the person who broke into the house was a burglar. As far as I can tell if someone did break into the house and do this he is a murderer, NOT a burglar.
Since nothing as taken he cannot be a burglar. Do you think maybe someone hired a person to kill Darlie and the boys? it's possible, but I do not have any facts on this.

The only facts I have is, the time frame does not work, the only blood on Darlie's nightshirt is Darlie's, there is a fingerprint in blood that doesn't belong to any of the Routier's, the doctor said that the child who was still alive when the police officer got there could have only survived 9 minutes with these wounds, there was a knife missing from the attack, and the silly string video actually shows absolutely nothing as to innocence or guilt. It is strictly a piece of film to make the jurors hate Darlie without needing proof that she did it.

What proof is there that Darlie actually committed the murders? Let's see the the fingerprint dusting material the prosecution presented as screen residue? That the bloody fingerprint was not identifiable (even though a print isn't identifiable, it can still be used as evidence to disprove it to belonging to any of the Routier's- which has been done, the court transcripts were loaded with errors, the prosecution had a rehearsal, police officers took the 5th, etc. Doesn't any of this leave DOUBT in your head of any sort. Someone of intelligence would normally conclude there are too many mistakes by the prosecution to find someone guilty.
Sometimes one just has to step away from the testimony and examine the facts. Someone breaks into a house with no weapon, takes a weapon from inside, and quietly stabs two small boys with it, while leaving the adult safe? The whole motive thing kind of gets blown out of the water. You can't assume they were there to do violence, or else they would have brought their own weapon. Wasn't sexual violence towards the female. Wasn't robbery. So what you are left with is a mystery person that breaks into houses looking to kill little kids with knives they find in the house. I believe Jeffrey McDonald tried to stage this Manson scenario as well.
For me, one of the biggest issues is the 911 call. Her immediate priority when speaking to the CO was to make sure that there was a record of her saying that someone broke into their house, not to the boys' injuries or their need for medical attention. This first "knee jerk" response seems indicative of her desire to make the "intruder" the focus of the call, not the boys. Many times in the 911 call she circles back and directs the attention of the CO to this "intruder". She is even heard talking to her husband during the call, making a point to let him know that she saw the intruder but didn't know who he was and asking over and over why someone would do this. Seemingly developing her story from the very beginning. She is "hysterical" yet able to remember the details that the knife is in the garage and that she picked it up. She continually feeds details to the CO that have nothing to do with the boys' injuries or hers for that matter. The entire call is I/Me/My centered. The things people say in a fight or flight, adrenaline pumped state are often the most basic clues to what their true focus is in that moment.
not the 13 I mentioned.
Jeana (DP) Jeana (DP) is offline

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The following was put together by a poster who was known as Dasgal and/or Jon Galt. She's an ex-cop and someone I consider to be a friend. I'd invite her here to talk with us, but she's so sick of hearing the name Darlie that I'm afraid she'd shoot me. There are actually 16 different versions of Darlie's story, not the 13 I mentioned.


Story 1

Q. Okay. What did she say, or where was she when this all started?

A. She said that she was downstairs in her house, sleeping on the couch. And her two boys were downstairs and they had been watching TV, a big screen TV. And that what started waking her up was her little boy started crying.

Q. Okay. Did she say...where her husband was when all of this was going on?

A. She said that he was upstairs with her little baby.

Q. Okay. So she had been downstairs with her two boys watching TV?

A. Yes.

Q. And that what woke her up was her 5 year old crying?

A. Yes.

Q. Okay. Then what did she say happened?

A. She said that her -- she felt a struggle like at her neck.

Q. Okay.

A. And the man started wrestling with her.

Q. Pokay. Did she say where she was w this struggle at her neck and the wrestling occurred?

A. She was on the couch.

Q. Okay. What's the next thing that she told you?

A. She said that she started yelling and that he ran off and he had dropped the knife and she picked it up.

Q. Okay. Did she say which way that he ran?

A. No, sir.

Q. Okay. Did she describe to you where she went to pick up the knife?

A. No.

Q. Did she tell you anything that happened when he was running away after she yelled out?

A. She said that he ran into a wine rack holder.

Q. Okay.

A. And that it made a big crack noise.

Q. He ran into a wine rack holder?

A. Um-hum.(Witness nodding head affirmatively).

Q. Okay. And, what happened when he ran into the wine rack holder?

A. Well, that's when she really think that's when she really started waking up. That's what she said.

Q. She heard a loud crack noise?

A. Um-hum.(Witness nodding head affirmatively).

Q. And then he dropped the knife; that right?

A. Um-hum. (Witness nodding head affirmatively).

Story 1

Q. Did she -- well, what's the next thing she told you?

Story 1

A. She said that she remembered that it was -- the knife came from her butcher block from her kitchen because it had a white handle on it.

Q. Okay. Now, were you asking her questions during this?

A. The only one that I asked her was how she knew it was hers. She said because it had a white handle.

Q. Oh, okay, regarding the knife?

A. Um-hum.(Witness nodding head affirmatively).

Q. What did she say she did then?

A. She turned the light on and she saw her two boys laying on the floor and she screamed. And she just, when she was telling me this, she just kept saying there was just blood everywhere. And then, she said her husband came downstairs, and that's when she had realized she had been stabbed. And he started doing CPR on the little boy and she called 911.

Q. Her husband came down after she screamed?

A. Um-hum.(Witness-nodding head affirmatively).

Q. And did CPR on the little boy?

A. Um-hum.(Witness nodding head affirmatively.)?

Q. And she called 911?

A. Um-hum.(Witness nodding head affirmatively.)

Q. Did she tell you anything else about what happened?

A. Well, she just said when her husband was doing CPR that he kept saying,"Hang in there, babies. Hang in there.,, And she said there was just blood everywhere.

Q. Okay. When she told you this story, what was her demeanor?

A. She was pretty calm when she was talking. I just remember looking at the cardiac monitor and her heart rate had gone up just a little bit.

Q. Okay. Was she crying at all when she she told you the story?

A. No, sir.

Q. Okay. Did you see her cry some during the night when you were with her?

A. I saw -- her eyes would get a little wet, but I never really saw tears-go-.down her face.

I have no doubt Darin was in fact that intruder Darlie saw and the reason I believe Detective Patterson went out of his way to make sure Darin was not a suspect is because he did not tell the authorities about Darlie's first description of the intruder. Detective Patterson knew for a fact by Darlie's description she had described Darin. She told Patterson the man was 6ft or taller, she told him he had brown shoulder length hair in the back, she told him he was wearing jeans, black cap and shirt and had a wide build. When they arrested Darlie the authorities claimed that Darlie did not give a desciption of the intruder and Patterson knew for a fact that was an out right lie. He just failed to share the details of his first interview with Darlie. Had anyone else handled that murder case Darin would and should have been the main suspect.
It seems like more than 1 conversation is going on at both ends in the 911 transcripts. The dispatcher of course giving orders, dispatching police cars and ambulance. But Darlie is heard telling Darin she doesn't know who it is, I am assuming he is asking her who did it? The many "versions" of her story are really pretty consistant with someone post trauma, and also suffering "survivers guilt" I don't entirely trust the hearsay recollections of nurses or anyone else who talked her and didn't 1. Record the converastion, or take detailed notes. A court doesn't allow hearsay evidence either so trying to use it as proof that she lied is really a travesty to the American Justice System.
I still think 2 intruders were present. The wounds on the boys are also indicitive of two people. The oldest boy had deeper wounds that show no hesitation and are precisely placed. The youngest had several wounds that glanced off bone and the penitration was shallower. Two different strengths and two different knowledges of anatomy.
This case has perplexed me, aggravated me and helped me to catch a killer who murdered my husbands best friend. Totally different case, but websleuths minds gave us ideas. I know 100% that man is guilty. I don't feel 100% about Darlie though, not enough to put a needle in her arm and take her life. Since I've known her since she was 6 I would be the first to say it if I thought she did it and I'd save the State of Texas the expense and do it myself. I still believe she didn't do it and like her Mom I'll stand by her till the end. An end we hope will eventually bring to light what happened that night

Her knife used to cut screen, jewelry wasn't taken at sink where clean up occurred, she named 2 men in her jail letters & freaked out on the stand when asked about it, blood under the glass & vacuum, no cuts on her feet, wine glass was latched wouldn't have been knocked down, Domain didn't bark, motion lites not on, she called media herself to film that grave scene. Her mother had the opportunity a few years ago to go on Dr. Phil? Worldwide attn and any dna testing? She refused. Why? She knows her daughter did this. Her fans say necklace was embedded, had to be surgically removed but it simply fell off when bandage removed. Bruising on her arms prob caused by boys kicking her off. Her wounds were superficial & she didn't know what/where carotid was. She was lucky she didn't kill herself. She was such a light sleeper that she would wake up when Drake turned over in his crib yet she slept through all that? She's guilty. Darlie Routier Fact and Fiction – Separating truth from lies about the Darlie Routier trial.
How can people who believe Darlie Routier is innocent explain the kitchen knife being from the Routier's kitchen and put back into place in the knife block with pieces of the screen on it?
Someone breaks into a house with no weapon, takes a weapon from inside, and quietly stabs two small boys with it, while leaving the adult safe? The whole motive thing kind of gets blown out of the water. You can't assume they were there to do violence, or else they would have brought their own weapon. Wasn't sexual violence towards the female. Wasn't robbery. So what you are left with is a mystery person that breaks into houses looking to kill little kids with knives they find in the house. I believe Jeffrey McDonald tried to stage this Manson scenario as well.

Exactly! Once you break this down, DR's story is ridiculous. I don't know why anyone would believe this nonsense. The two children were small & defenseless, and would have posed little to no threat to an intruder. If an intruder/intruders would have killed anyone, it would have been DR before anyone else - because she was the sole adult in the room.

Also, the goal of most 'home invasions' is to rob the home. And, nothing of value was missing from the home.
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I'm very late to this case, and I have a question that I haven't seen addressed anywhere, but I may have missed it because I'm very late to this case.

My question is: If Darlie wanted to get rid of her sons, why didn't she simply wait until the boys were dead to call 911? Her story then could easily have been that she woke up to find them bloody and deceased and having injuries of her own.
I'm very late to this case, and I have a question that I haven't seen addressed anywhere, but I may have missed it because I'm very late to this case.

My question is: If Darlie wanted to get rid of her sons, why didn't she simply wait until the boys were dead to call 911? Her story then could easily have been that she woke up to find them bloody and deceased and having injuries of her own.
And why wouldn't she wait for a chance to kill all three? Why leave one?

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