2008.07.03 CA's Myspace-...doesn't make sense REVISITED

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I think Casey is a full blown psychopath who would have been extremely dangerous to anyone who crossed her especially as she matured. It doesn't look like any attempts to get her to take responsibility worked. If Cindy filed charges the very first time Casey stole from her after having Caylee then she ran the risk of her having a permanent record then getting out and taking Caylee completely away. Casey knew all this and used every manipulation in the book on her family and friends. Trying to get Casey to take responsibility more and more is probably why Caylee ended up dead.
SA: A mother's love is deep. However there are limits when one is betrayed by the one she loved and trusted the most. Okay, who was that you were referring to as having been betrayed?

CA: I felt that Casey had betrayed me by not confiding in me where she was and why she had to tell me she was at Universal that day. Again, that was the day I was upset, that I drove there and she wasn't there and I found out later that she was supposed to be in Jacksonville.

SA: You're using an emotionally charged word like betrayal for what occured on July 3rd?

CA: Well, I, she lied to me. That's a betrayal. It's a form of betrayal.
I don't like people lying to me.

SA: Me either.
So you said: There are limits when one is betrayed by the one she loved and trusted the most.

CA: Casey and I were best friends and we talked about everything. And I felt like she wasn't confiding in me. So I trusted Casey probably more than anybody on this earth at that time and still do.

Most incredible quote respect, Lola, snipped for space and bolded & enlarged for emphasis:)

The part I bolded just made me laugh so hard I needed to emphasize it to ensure everyone catches it among all the crazy talk.

Thanks for posting this as it is helping the MySpace post be more clear.

Some things people have posted lately here and I think on the "is Casey the real Zenaida" thread (?) has gotten me thinking...I wonder if at some point during a fight between Casey and Cindy regarding the whole ongoing mother/daughter/grandmother tug of war maybe one of the referred to the other as a nanny, in a derogatory manner. Like, I can imagine Cindy saying to Casey, "I buy everything for Caylee, I make sure she has proper food and you don't even care...you're just like a nanny to her, not a mother!"

Then when Casey keeps saying "the nanny did it," it's like a spiteful B!**^ kind of thing like, "See, Mom, I was more than the nanny, I gave Caylee life and then I took it back, so f u".......I dunno I'm just rambling a bit here.

I also appreciated the SA's comment about "betrayal" being rather an "emotionally charged" word to use [in a public forum] if all Cindy was referring to was the incidents of that particular day/weekend.
For what its worth, its my opinion. I think this family is some what normal. Ca is a little controlling, but nothing out of the ordinary. The children were well taken care of. I can tell this by the pictures of the bedrooms and all the clothes and shoes. Caylee was loved by all. Lee was just doing his part and helping in anyway he could. Kc is much closer to Ga than anyone can even imagine. They are not estranged. She has always been able to depend on her dad for help. Does not surprise me that she went to him. She can hand the cans over and say heres your *advertiser censored**** gas cans because she knows her father loves her unconditionally. I am not convinced that Kc is a sociopath. Not sure what that is, but am waiting for a professional diagnosis. Not sure about the lies either, since everything she was interogated about was a false date, june 9th. I think we can disect any family and find where there could be flaws and personallity disorders. We have learned so much about this family without actually seeing them interact with Caylee, we have learned to hate them. Normally you would see the good and the bad and the ugly and in the end say, hmmm normal american family, but here we are only seeing the bad and the ugly, so our imagination begins to wander. In my opinion, this is a simple typical american family. MOO

Bold mine.

If the bold above is true...God help us all!
Excellent post, Lola. That extract, even without seeing the attendant facial expressions and awkward body language, is plainly a string of weak evasions meant to shift her words out of one narrative (what happened) into another (what she wishes happened/what she wants the court to believe happened).
Such blatant evasions don't help at all to create reasonable doubt, instead they affirm all the trouble and conflict and poison that preceded Caylee's death. And because everything gets recast and rewritten as CA, and the rest of the A's, try to talk their way out of this, there is no way they can keep all their stories straight. There is also no way they can undo any of the words they used at the start, when things were stark and clear and they were looking for truths, not obfuscations.

I think that seeing Cindy's explanation behind the July 3rd myspace blog will be helpful in this discussion. This is from Cindy's deposition with the SA.

SA: Instead tells her friends that her mother is controlling her life and she needs her space. Where did you hear this from?

CA: I remember one time she had said something to Annie, her friend, Annie Downing. Like around Caylee's Birthday, her second birthday. Cindy goes into a lot more but it is just soooo long, that I didn't want to write it all. Basically saying about a time where she slipped and called herself Caylee's mom... Casey over heard it... yada yada yada.

RSBM for focus, Lola.

This situation has come up in my near family circle. One of the young moms (call her A) came in unexpectedly and overheard from another room her mother-in-law (call her B) telling her child (call child C) to "come to Mama" and "Mama will make it ok." This was not a mis-spoken phrase; it was a clear subversion of A's role as mother during a time when Grandma B was alone with child C and did not expect A to be around to hear it.

Based solely on this personal knowledge, I find what CA says above to be hugely incriminating. "I slipped and called myself Caylee's mom"??? Nope. More likely it was a regular thing. Maybe in front of KC which would be all the more galling to her. And it speaks to CA's state of mind and the interpersonal dynamics we have all been unraveling here for so long.

Sorry, that one just rang a bell. I hope it makes sense to other WSers!
Thank you for the insightful post....I agree with you and thensome-
Should we teach our children that, since doing the right thing is often difficult, why bother doing the right thing? Why bother owning our mistakes, why bother rectifying them? Why bother taking personal responsibility, when there is always an enabler around the corner?
Look where this got KC.
CA should have never shared her marital problems with her children, either. This tells me that she used her kids as a sounding board, not very fair or mature of CA.
CA has a knack for using inappropriate outlets...
The things that CA wrote in this MySpace had all been said to KC before. I believe the reason CA posted this online was to embarass KC, to shock her, that her mother spewed this online. It actually makes CA look like a bit of a spiteful #$%@^, that she resorted to this because she had no control over KC.
If CA had any indication that her granddaughter was in harm's way, she had an obligation to call the police. If she felt KC was testing her and everything was okay, she should have bit her tongue (fingers) and kept the public posts to herself, or maybe gone back to the shrink to get through the empty nest feelings.

The more I think of it, how weird is it that CA would setup a My Space page for the first time to put this message out. CA claims there was no distress, that KC was off working and needed 'bonding' time alone with Caylee - CA stated that she didn't think anything was wrong, that she and KC talked and texted regularly. Well obviously, as evidenced by this MS message, something was wrong.

Clearly she wanted KC to see the MS. Didn't LA even help her set it up?
Or, did CA stage this public letter? (I believe someone hinted to this in an earlier post). This sounds far fetched but I wouldn't put anything past her at this point. Why would CA post 'my Caylee is missing' when she was talking to KC regularly? An appropriate message to KC by July 1 would have been, bring Caylee by to see us or we're coming to get you. Was there a plan to wait 'over a month'? Over a month does a lot to mess up an investigation as we all know by now.
Clearly she wanted KC to see the MS. Didn't LA even help her set it up? Or, did CA stage this public letter? (I believe someone hinted to this in an earlier post). This sounds far fetched but I wouldn't put anything past her at this point. Why would CA post 'my Caylee is missing' when she was talking to KC regularly? An appropriate message to KC by July 1 would have been, bring Caylee by to see us or we're coming to get you. But was there a plan to wait 'over a month'? Over a month does a lot to mess up an investigation as we all know by now.

RS&BBM, again, WBG.

I agree, she wanted KC to see the MS post. But she phrased it all in the (very impersonal) third person. "My Caylee is missing" followed by (paraphrased) a mother does this and that and unconditionally loves and supports and jealousy took her away... again, none of these folks could sit across the table and have an honest cut-to-the-chase conversation. CA writes a letter to her daughter pleading for her grandbaby back and she never addresses KC directly? She never uses the pronoun "I"?

Seems to me the closest they might have come to honest communication in recent years is when GA slapped the map on the table in front of KC and asked her to draw an X. And we know how CA reacted to THAT.
SA: Instead tells her friends that her mother is controlling her life and she needs her space. Where did you hear this from?

CA: I remember one time she had said something to Annie, her friend, Annie Downing. Like around Caylee's Birthday, her second birthday. Cindy goes into a lot more but it is just soooo long, that I didn't want to write it all. Basically saying about a time where she slipped and called herself Caylee's mom... Casey over heard it... yada yada yada.

Great thread--thanks so much to all of you insightful WSers!

I find the snip above very interesting. Cindy is trying (with a blizzard of words) to hide the fact that she had a history of calling around for KC when KC didn't come home at night--she claims that this line in her screed is based on some long-past event.

What I believe actually happened: at some point before she posted this to MySpace, Cindy got tired of the run-around from KC and likely started calling and interrogating as many of KC's friends as she could find. Maybe one/several of KC's friends slipped and told Cindy what KC had said about her (and why she said she was no longer living on Hopespring with the parents at that point). Or, maybe Lee caught wind of the anti-Cindy stories and reported back to his mom. Either way, this made Cindy angry, so she posted the public MySpace in part to tell everyone her side of the story (:eek: at the thought that her reputation among KC's friends would have been a concern right then--but that seems in character for Cindy).

More important, she very likely grilled KC's friends about the last time they saw KC, and whether Caylee had been with her. If Cindy had heard from friend after friend after friend that yes, they had seen KC at x place, but no, in none of these cases had anyone seen Caylee, that would have escalated her panic substantially. Looking at the call logs from the following thread ([ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=78281"]Cell Records revisited. - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]), Cindy and KC had by far their longest post-June-16 phone conversation/fight (up to that point at least) the morning of July 2 (22 minutes--all previous calls between KC and the Anthony parents had been surprisingly brief, considering the circumstances). Two hours later, KC sends a long line of texts, one by one, to a list of her friends--I'm not sure whether we've seen the content of these texts, but if not, could she have warned all her friends not to take Cindy's calls? (We know she warned someone--Jesse, I think?).

I'm not sure if this adds anything--but this just brought the probably events of that day (IMO) to life for me, and may explain how Cindy realized that Caylee was actually missing (i.e., she wasn't just off with KC). Now, why Cindy didn't act at that point...???
Not even in her writing can CA take personal responsibility for her own feelings. She writes in the third person. "All I am guilty of" says it all. She suspects Caylee has passed. CA does not want anyone to think she had anything to do with it. She is pleading her case to the public that she was a great mother and grandmother who did everything for her grandchild and got no recognizition for it, not to mention gratefulness from her daughter.

Cindy states she has been tolerant of all kc's serious problems...stealing lots of money, lying constantly, inability to support her child but this has gone way too far. She may have done the intolerable!

This was written to say she believes Caylee has passed and she thinks it is due to jealousy. She uses the word "angel" and I believe she is thinking Caylee (now an angel) is in heaven and wonders who is taking care of her up there.

Well thank God it isn't CA taking care anymore!!!!!!! Look how they all turned out?!!!
I apologize for not contributing something of substance, but "I don't like people lying to me" >>> "me either" has long been my favorite exchange in all of the statements/depos. Especially because CA had committed herself to coming across as meek/forlorn/bewildered and had no choice but to swallow it down, yum yum, when LDB zinged that one low and inside. (Strike!)

Great thread, BTW
I'm out of order on the thread but I scrolled up and saw both these posts and what strikes me is ONE SERIOUS FLAW that is being overlooked in this family and that is that the parent's did not make KC honor her responsibilities.

When KC didn't graduate, they blamed the school. When KC stole, they didn't make her pay back the money. When KC lied, they didn't make her own up to the truth. When KC was pregnant, they turned their heads the other way as long as they could.

If as parents you realized the above, you'd say, we did this and that but nothing ever seemed to make a difference = Sociopath. But they don't say that, they never admit they let KC get away with everything and anything.

As far as jealousy is concerned, I have another theory but it's a taboo one that we're not allowed to discuss. I'm probably wrong and it could be easily proven that I am wrong but it never has been to my satisfaction. I'm not allowed to know if my dirty mind / way out speculation has any merit. If it does, it would be reason for both jealousy and mental instability, anger, loss of all boundary observations and outright sickness. If my wild imagination speculation was proven true, it would explain everything for me - but since it's apparently not true, I remain dazed and confused regarding why KC killed Caylee.

Well said. I've got to be honest and say that, IMO, I don't blame Cindy at all for being controlling. If I had a 22 year old daughter that was living in my home with her daughter, and I was feeding, clothing and babysitting the child on a continual basis, I would be controlling, too. What baffles me, is that they didn't take this control far enough!! WHY these parents didn't hold her accountable for paying rent, utilities and part of groceries each and every month is a mystery to me. Lee didn't even hold her accountable for paying him ALL the money owed on the car he sold her.

It's terribly sad. It seems like everyone in that family knew Casey was a complete and total waste-case. She steals and lies, and they just look the other way because they just don't seem to have the energy to deal with her. No degree, no job (and I'm pretty convinced everyone knew she wasn't working), no spouse, no future.

Cindy should have been MORE controlling. She should have railroaded all over her *advertiser censored** from day one.....something like "you and your daughter are welcome in our home, but you will need to contribute and new boundaries will be established. You will be getting your GED and will enroll in a community college while working parttime, etc....."

Great thread--thanks so much to all of you insightful WSers!

I find the snip above very interesting. Cindy is trying (with a blizzard of words) to hide the fact that she had a history of calling around for KC when KC didn't come home at night--she claims that this line in her screed is based on some long-past event.

What I believe actually happened: at some point before she posted this to MySpace, Cindy got tired of the run-around from KC and likely started calling and interrogating as many of KC's friends as she could find. Maybe one/several of KC's friends slipped and told Cindy what KC had said about her (and why she said she was no longer living on Hopespring with the parents at that point). Or, maybe Lee caught wind of the anti-Cindy stories and reported back to his mom. Either way, this made Cindy angry, so she posted the public MySpace in part to tell everyone her side of the story (:eek: at the thought that her reputation among KC's friends would have been a concern right then--but that seems in character for Cindy).

More important, she very likely grilled KC's friends about the last time they saw KC, and whether Caylee had been with her. If Cindy had heard from friend after friend after friend that yes, they had seen KC at x place, but no, in none of these cases had anyone seen Caylee, that would have escalated her panic substantially. Looking at the call logs from the following thread (Cell Records revisited. - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community), Cindy and KC had by far their longest post-June-16 phone conversation/fight (up to that point at least) the morning of July 2 (22 minutes--all previous calls between KC and the Anthony parents had been surprisingly brief, considering the circumstances). Two hours later, KC sends a long line of texts, one by one, to a list of her friends--I'm not sure whether we've seen the content of these texts, but if not, could she have warned all her friends not to take Cindy's calls? (We know she warned someone--Jesse, I think?).

I'm not sure if this adds anything--but this just brought the probably events of that day (IMO) to life for me, and may explain how Cindy realized that Caylee was actually missing (i.e., she wasn't just off with KC). Now, why Cindy didn't act at that point...???

I agree with all you've posted above - but at what - July 2nd - do you really think Cindy had an inkling Caylee was missing? I wonder if this point is she was worried Casey was parking her here and there with people Cindy (and Caylee for that matter) didn't know. We know she was already concerned with how Casey cared for Caylee. So this early in the saga, I think Cindy was more concerned about WHO had Caylee, whether Caylee was being cared for, whether she was scared/unhappy, stuck her in a foster home, etc., while Casey partied. I don't believe she even considered Casey would have killed Caylee at this point. I think we know Cindy is a drama queen besides a control freak.
Well said. I've got to be honest and say that, IMO, I don't blame Cindy at all for being controlling. If I had a 22 year old daughter that was living in my home with her daughter, and I was feeding, clothing and babysitting the child on a continual basis, I would be controlling, too. What baffles me, is that they didn't take this control far enough!! WHY these parents didn't hold her accountable for paying rent, utilities and part of groceries each and every month is a mystery to me. Lee didn't even hold her accountable for paying him ALL the money owed on the car he sold her.

It's terribly sad. It seems like everyone in that family knew Casey was a complete and total waste-case. She steals and lies, and they just look the other way because they just don't seem to have the energy to deal with her. No degree, no job (and I'm pretty convinced everyone knew she wasn't working), no spouse, no future.

Cindy should have been MORE controlling. She should have railroaded all over her *advertiser censored** from day one.....something like "you and your daughter are welcome in our home, but you will need to contribute and new boundaries will be established. You will be getting your GED and will enroll in a community college while working parttime, etc....."


I agree and think it was because Casey had huge stinkin' temper tantrums against anyone who tried to correct her, or as she would see it, cross her.
What in my household we used to call "huck a fit". Except I suspect Casey was very nasty with hers. And she did have her ace in the hole - Caylee.
SA: Jealousy has taken her away.

CA: You know, you start thinking of things and I didn't know if Casey was jealous of the fact that I was off that week and I was going to spend time with her. Because the week in June when I had taken off, over my birthday, Caylee and I had spent the entire time together that week. I was you know, pretty much her and I bonding you know, having, you know, fun.

SA: Why would that make Casey jealous?

Because in my mind it was because she was working and not being able to spend time with her. So that's my perspective. And this is what she said, she wanted to have time to re-bond with Caylee during that week that she was not going to be working and she'd actually have those days to spend with her. But I was kind of jealous of Casey, too, because I figured the three of us could do something together. We usually did

Cindy's clearly lying. If Tracey M could see the jealousy KC had towards Caylee in just those couple days (ex. TMc looking at pics of Caylee, and KC pulling out pics of herself to show instead. Like "this is me at my bday party"..etc etc..) then you know cindy damn well knew about the jealousy, competition, and contempt KC had for Caylee. Cindy knew KC was jealous of the relationship between her and Caylee because she spoke to others about it (Brittany S. comes to mind). The entire family brought up several times how cindy holding Caylee first from the womb was a source of contention between CA and KC.

Lets not forget, all they care about is getting Caylee back. CA's BS answer in her SA depo isn't going to fly with a jury. We all know the truth behind this "jealousy".
Well said. I've got to be honest and say that, IMO, I don't blame Cindy at all for being controlling. If I had a 22 year old daughter that was living in my home with her daughter, and I was feeding, clothing and babysitting the child on a continual basis, I would be controlling, too. What baffles me, is that they didn't take this control far enough!! WHY these parents didn't hold her accountable for paying rent, utilities and part of groceries each and every month is a mystery to me. Lee didn't even hold her accountable for paying him ALL the money owed on the car he sold her.

It's terribly sad. It seems like everyone in that family knew Casey was a complete and total waste-case. She steals and lies, and they just look the other way because they just don't seem to have the energy to deal with her. No degree, no job (and I'm pretty convinced everyone knew she wasn't working), no spouse, no future.

Cindy should have been MORE controlling. She should have railroaded all over her *advertiser censored** from day one.....something like "you and your daughter are welcome in our home, but you will need to contribute and new boundaries will be established. You will be getting your GED and will enroll in a community college while working parttime, etc....."


Cindy relayed to LE if she had the room that she wanted to make an adult apartment/wing of the house so that all of her children could live happily ever after with them and have room to spread out. I'm fine with that if everyone in the household is contributing but gee whiz, what a crock! One big 'happy' family, one cooperative mess.

Then, to make matters worse, when KC had a chance with Jesse, who was willing to be father to Caylee even after he was lied to, CA discouraged the relationship because she said Jesse was too controlling. There's a concept that what you see in others that bugs you, is what you know to be wrong about yourself. If CA saw controlling in Jesse, she was seeing herself reflected back imo. Or, CA actively discouraged KC from growing up.

One of the reasons that Jesse was looked down upon by CA and GA as told by them, is because they found him relaxing on KC's bed with KC and baby Caylee, fully clothed, hanging out watching TV one night when they returned home from a 'date'. CA pitched a fit about the inappropriateness of the situation. In her house, he WILL obey her rules. Now that's crazy. Here, her daughter got pregnant by someone noone claims to know and a young man is willing to step in and make a go of it with their daughter and her newborn, love them both, but CA doesn't like it? She's either certifiable or she's hiding something. She certainly didn't have KC's best interest in mind imo. I can just hear CA confusing KC and causing her to be insecure regarding her relationship with Jesse. Something is wrong with this picture.
SA: Why would that make Casey jealous?

Because in my mind it was because she was working and not being able to spend time with her. So that's my perspective. And this is what she said, she wanted to have time to re-bond with Caylee during that week that she was not going to be working and she'd actually have those days to spend with her.

Well, isn't that totally bogus? So here's CA trying to say KC wanted to bond with Caylee but she didn't have time because KC was always working!!! :crazy:

Now, whom on the jury is going to sympathize with that? :waitasec:

There are just too many contradictions in the family's stories which make believability impossible. CA's July 3rd MySpace post is just one example. Another one is her "smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car" 911 call, plus her total reversal, "It was rotten pizza and that smell was awful", to the day KC was bonded out, brought home, and the family ordered - PIZZA - as a welcome dinner.

Now who would be eating pizza so soon after smelling that "rotten pizza" odor in the car? It was just about a month later. I know I wouldn't have wanted to look at pizza let alone eat it if I had smelled one that smelled like a dead body. :waitasec:

Cindy's clearly lying. If Tracey M could see the jealousy KC had towards Caylee in just those couple days (ex. TMc looking at pics of Caylee, and KC pulling out pics of herself to show instead. Like "this is me at my bday party"..etc etc..) then you know cindy damn well knew about the jealousy, competition, and contempt KC had for Caylee. Cindy knew KC was jealous of the relationship between her and Caylee because she spoke to others about it (Brittany S. comes to mind). The entire family brought up several times how cindy holding Caylee first from the womb was a source of contention between CA and KC.

Lets not forget, all they care about is getting Caylee back. CA's BS answer in her SA depo isn't going to fly with a jury. We all know the truth behind this "jealousy".

A surrogate mother gets paid and then walks away from any accountability to the child. If that's what CA wanted, she should have let KC go back to being footloose and fancy free. What, just what, is the big resentment between these two?
I'm out of order on the thread but I scrolled up and saw both these posts and what strikes me is ONE SERIOUS FLAW that is being overlooked in this family and that is that the parent's did not make KC honor her responsibilities.

When KC didn't graduate, they blamed the school. When KC stole, they didn't make her pay back the money. When KC lied, they didn't make her own up to the truth. When KC was pregnant, they turned their heads the other way as long as they could.

If as parents you realized the above, you'd say, we did this and that but nothing ever seemed to make a difference = Sociopath. But they don't say that, they never admit they let KC get away with everything and anything.

As far as jealousy is concerned, I have another theory but it's a taboo one that we're not allowed to discuss. I'm probably wrong and it could be easily proven that I am wrong but it never has been to my satisfaction. I'm not allowed to know if my dirty mind / way out speculation has any merit. If it does, it would be reason for both jealousy and mental instability, anger, loss of all boundary observations and outright sickness. If my wild imagination speculation was proven true, it would explain everything for me - but since it's apparently not true, I remain dazed and confused regarding why KC killed Caylee.
Woe, I simply could not agree more. Thanks for writing this.
Can you link to that quote please? I missed that one.
My mistake while agreeing with a previous post. Please correct to say:

Throwing her out gives her no choice but to give Caylee to me. I win.
~summary of CA's MySpace post

Here is the motive for the Caylee's murder. Narcissistic KC couldn't let her mother "win", so she killed Caylee. Simply evil.
Well I will agree that you can not use that as the only thing, but with the testimony of others saying Kc was a good mother and that Caylee seemed happy,normal, and the pictures that show it, I came to that conclusion. Caylee was well taken care of and cared for. I buy my children clothing all the time and I don't consider it junk, but it certainly does not mean I am materialistic in anyway. Its okay folks to buy your children clothing and shoes. IMO

Ps, heres a news flash: Its not only okay to provide food shelter and clothing for our children, its our responsibility... MOO

It's our responsibility to our children, not our grandchildren. CA did not have to support her granddaughter, especially since mother was in the picture, IMO. I have three granddaughters, I buy things for them but it's their parents responsibilites to provide the food, the shelter, the clothing. I'll lend a hand when asked, lend money if needed but the sole support is on the parents, not the grandparents. JMHO

Yes, we see that in all the photos, Caylee appeared to be well cared for, IMO, until the novelty wore off! It was all CA who clearly bought everything for Caylee, her clothes, her food, her toys the roof over her head.

If Inmate Anthony is a narcisis, sociopath, I've read people with these mental disorders are very good at mimicking emotions. They imitate what others do. Like when Inmate Anthony was being sentenced for the fraud charges, as she walked in, rubbing her hands together, she tells ALyon, I'm excited! Well was she really excited or was she scared! I would have been scared out of my skull if I knew I was about to be sentenced for forgery!

Caylee was an attention getter for Inmate Anthony, until it seemed Caylee was the center of attention and that meant, she's not! I don't think Inmate Anthony's emotions ever really grew to full potential. She's been coddled too long, no responsibitles in her life at all, had gotten too many free passes. Lies just roll off her tongue, like second nature. I doubt she has any concern for anyone but herself. I'll even bet those confiscated letters will be all about her boo hooing how wronged she was, nothing about missing her child. :furious:

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