2008.07.16 Interrogation First recording

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Dec 27, 2008
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It is my understanding that this is the first recording done at Hopespring. If this is the case, this is ALL the state needs. I know we want the universal tapes, but take a look and share your thoughts.


Knowing what we know now.. all her lies are like fingernails on a chalkboard.

ICA's demeanor and the calm tone of her voice are unbelievable. I have a hard time calling ICA human.
Gamom, hi, would you please give me the url on youtube to watch this video. For some reason I can't watch the ones you posted.
it's painful to listen to... it sounds more like she's telling a story, rather than telling the cops what she's been doing with her daughter for the last couple years.

how do you not know exactly how long someone has been watching your child? a year and a half to 2 years? i can tell you the exact date my daughter started and stopped daycare 3 years ago...
Absolutely chilling how calm, cool, collected and confident she is, especially given her age. Clearly not the demeanor of a mother with a missing child.
I get so worked up when I think that valuable evidence might not be allowed into trial, hearing this audio and re-reading statements made by the A"s in the early part of the investigation puts my mind at ease.There is more than enough evidence for baby Caylee to have justice.
It's as if you can hear the lies in color when the rest of the conversation is black and white.

Poor Yuri was trying to make heads or tails of it all. Hmmmmmmm I guess that should be "tales".
Wow....look a the second video at 2:33!!

KC pushes her lips out to Caylee in a "kiss me" fashion and Caylee reaches around and kisses KC's cheek instead. I had to watch it 3 times to see if I was really picking up on something. Caylee did NOT want to kiss MOTR on the mouth. What child does that??
Last year my cat went missing (although I later found her hiding behind the washing machine, lol).

I was crying, running around in my robe in my house and out on the street... completely hysterical. I cannot FATHOM what it is like to lose a child. Absolutely just can't imagine my own flesh and blood being taken from me or wandering off somewhere. There is no WAY in hell I would be calm and collected like she is on that tape. It just does not make one bit of sense to me. I am so sure, so so sure, that any jury member will feel the same way.
Did anything in that tape sound intimating to you? Yuri sounded perfectly natural, as did she if she were speaking of someone stealing her gas cans.

Notice how Yuri records the time as zero 4:11 and when he asked for KC to give her date of birth she says zero 3...... Also a long silence before answering when her friend Lauren babysat Caylee. As if she was trying to do the ZFG began babysitting in her head when the answer should have been easy. jmo
This interview - as well as the Universal interview - is why I think it is so ridiculous that the defense is trying to insinuate that ICA was intimidated by the "big, bad cops." Give me a break! I have been interested in criminal justice my whole life and have never, EVER heard anyone as calm and relaxed as ICA was in both of the interviews - especially given the fact that her daughter had supposedly been taken!! It's absolutely outrageous to even allude to her intimidation. She loved every second of the attention! JMO
Oh and BRAVO to the detectives on this case for keeping calm themselves even though they were dealing with a LUNATIC! They handled themselves beautifully, IMO <3
It's so hard to listen to this because it's just one lie after another...the phones, the sim card, no phone numbers, Zenaida lives here, there and everywhere, Jeffery Hopkins worked at Universal but doesn't work there now, he too has lived here, there and everywhere. No phone numbers for friends, everyone at some point worked at Universal, even Zenaida...it's all just utter BS.

I'm quite sure the defense doesn't want this interview played for the jury.
Oh and BRAVO to the detectives on this case for keeping calm themselves even though they were dealing with a LUNATIC! They handled themselves beautifully, IMO <3

I'm also certain that Sgt. Hosey had already apprised Yuri that ICA was trying to diffuse this situation, saying everything was fine, her mother was just blowing things out of proportion, probably mishconstruing her words...

to quote a famous TV judge and pun intended, "She is so out of gas!"
When I heard Hosey say she told him everything was fine and her mom was just over reacting...I had never heard that before and I swear my jaw dropped.

She knew her daughter was dead, in a cold, dark, smelly swamp with bugs, snakes and who knows what. What kind of person does that.

Thats why I think I get so confused. I just can not wrap my mind around what kind of person can do that to anyone much less a child.
Can you imagine the Jury listening to this tape where ICA shows no emotion what so ever and this is while her child is missing. It should be played early on during the trial. The Jury can then watch her pretend to cry and poke her eye. Along with 31 days and the club scenes. What a sick mind.:crazy:
Last year my cat went missing (although I later found her hiding behind the washing machine, lol).

I was crying, running around in my robe in my house and out on the street... completely hysterical. I cannot FATHOM what it is like to lose a child. Absolutely just can't imagine my own flesh and blood being taken from me or wandering off somewhere. There is no WAY in hell I would be calm and collected like she is on that tape. It just does not make one bit of sense to me. I am so sure, so so sure, that any jury member will feel the same way.

oh absolutely! even the THOUGHT of it happening will put me into a panic attack.
i remember after haleigh cummings "was kidnapped from her bed" i slept with my daughter (3, at the time) on the sofa for 9 months because i was deathly afraid of someone coming in one of our bedroom windows and taking her. it wasn't until i was sure that it was an inside job and most kidnappings don't occur in a child's bedroom during the night, that in finally let her sleep on her own.

i don't know WHAT i (or most normal people) would do if their child was missing.. i'd be inconsolable! there would be NO way i could sit there thru questioning so calmly.. or wasting time telling lies..
i would run to the ends of the earth to find my child.

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