2008.07.17 / 2008.07.23 / 2008.07.31 / 2008.09.08 Jesse G. Interviews

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I think it is obvious in the interviews that JG loves KC.

He is giving her alibis, an insanity defense (the dual worlds), blaming Tony and blaming her mother. He also puts out an accident theory.

I don't know if throwing Jesse under the bus was very smart. Back when Jesse was interviewed he sounds like a good defense witness. He passed a poly.

I don't think he wants to think bad things about KC. At least he seems to being trying to come up with ways of excusing or minimizing whatever KC did. Unfortunately, I think KC always saw him loving her so much as a weakness and didn't respect him for being manipulated. JG is being thrown under the bus because I think KC sees him as the easiest target.


I agree.
I think it is obvious in the interviews that JG loves KC.

He is giving her alibis, an insanity defense, blaming Tony and blaming her mother. He also puts out an accident theory.

I don't know if throwing Jesse under the bus was very smart. Back when Jesse was interviewed he sounds like a good defense witness. He passed a poly.

I don't think he wants to think bad things about KC. At least he seems to being trying to come up with ways of excusing or minimizing whatever KC did. Unfortunately, I think KC always saw him as weak and didn't respect him for believing her and taking her back. He was thrown under the bus because I think KC sees him as the easiest target.


I don't doubt that. He's the only one that I've read that has over all stood behind Casey, besides her family.

I do however worry that he's been talked to and used somewhat by the Anthony's. That could cause him problems, imo.

I think he and his family should just hush until it goes to trial. Who cares what silly things people suspect or say--that can't hurt like a legal trial and twisted statements. jmo
I question when the pool was put in verses the playhouse.

I'm confused where at one point Jesse says he knows nothing about the pool, or about how Caylee was in it (it was after his time or something) as he never saw her in it.

Then he turns around and says the playhouse, pool, inside--where Caylee could have had accident.

He talks about how Caylee went straight for the playhouse yada whenever he was there.

I think I saw videos of Caylee looking maybe a year old in the pool with George and Cindy? (would Caylee have had a playhouse prior to a yr old, when surely she wouldn't have been walking that well)

Jesse sure seemed to have knowledge of how Caylee went after pool stairs and how they were kept too.

I don't know, few things with that interview struck me as odd and made me question comments. ....going to reread and ponder some more.

I agree, in fact a said an "uh oh" to myself when I read this. It kinda scares me. Why would he say beside the play house because she loves it so much, yet claims in the next breath he didn't get to see Caylee very much, and when he did it was at is house. This does not sit well with me, ecspecially since he never entered my mind as a hmmmm
Anyone know what kind/color truck Jesse has?

I want to know if it was his truck the neighbor spotted at the Anthony's around June 20th.

JG said he was with his parents on the 27th when Casey tried calling him. But IMO, if Casey's car was at Amscot at 7am. Someone gave her a ride to her parents and back to Amscot for Tony to pick her up later that day.
It would APPEAR from Yuri leaving the room during Jesse second interview and the inaudible and then GRANDMAS STATEMENT that perhaps on the 31st of July is when he got Cindy Anthony's statement? Maybe...but where is it?
I think it is obvious in the interviews that JG loves KC.

He is giving her alibis, an insanity defense (the dual worlds), blaming Tony and blaming her mother. He also puts out an accident theory.

I don't know if throwing Jesse under the bus was very smart. Back when Jesse was interviewed he sounds like a good defense witness. He passed a poly.

I don't think he wants to think bad things about KC. At least he seems to being trying to come up with ways of excusing or minimizing whatever KC did. Unfortunately, I think KC always saw him loving her so much as a weakness and didn't respect him for being manipulated. JG is being thrown under the bus because I think KC sees him as the easiest target.



I also got the strong, distinct impression that JG was still holding a torch for KC. Especially with his comments about Cindy, that he seemed to take it so personally that Cindy was mean to KC and so defensive of her, classic signs of a guy in love, especially a young guy IMO. Who knows why he loves KC. Love is strange. It makes me wonder why she didn't treat him better than she did. She keep complaining about her "bad luck with guys" but JG is obviously in love with her or was at some point, and they were engaged...I think that maybe his father urged him to break things off with her when the paternity test came back, but he still regretted it. Poor guy. :frown:
I thought it was odd that the media was calling him and he told his parents to tell the media that per LE he was NOT doing any interviews.

Funny how he obviously changed his mind, huh? :waitasec:
She keep complaining about her "bad luck with guys" but JG is obviously in love with her or was at some point, and they were engaged...I think that maybe his father urged him to break things off with her when the paternity test came back, but he still regretted it.

I think Casey played Jesse from the start and it never stopped. According to his statement he met Casey 3mos after she concieved. According to Jesse's dad, Casey was playing the field while she was engaged to Jess. Casey hooked up with a another cop that attended Jesse's party. Casey took Jesse to see her latest fling, TonE at the apt complex party. Casey had lunch with TonE and Caylee at the Cheesecake Factory, where Jesse worked.

Jesse didn't break up with Casey because of his dad or Casey's mom. Jesse couldn't have a relationship with Casey because of Casey. Casey's ego was too big for one fella. She needed a flock to feed her ego and play with.
yeah, those were some very curious interviews. I feel bad for JG because I don't think he's very perceptive - he is in love with a woman who he refers to as a "diabolical liar", says she has lied a lot the past two years, but then says that there are "mental issues" she hasn't dealt with. first, how can you continue to love and defend someone that is a diabolical liar? it was kind of sad reading that actually, like an abused wife who says, "he only hits me when he's drunk"...second, I want to know more about these 'mental issues' he said she's dealing with. can he elaborate on that? third...sad to say but he does not strike me as kind of clueless, like this dopey cute Joey Tribiani-type guy. my birthday is right near Caylee's in August, and I was conceived in November, and I actually was born a few weeks early. so unless they had sex on January 1st, he should have gotten a clue. also, when he comes up with all those 'theories' about Fusian and about drug dealers and whatnot, I was just thinking, oh man, is he actually buying Casey's story? he wants to SO badly you can tell...so he's willing to set aside any logic or common sense. I am kind of not surprised he couldn't cut it in the force - you have to have a high B-S detector for that kind of job, and I don't think he does, no matter what he says about "I'm gonna tell it to people straight" or whatever it was he said.
She keep complaining about her "bad luck with guys" but JG is obviously in love with her or was at some point, and they were engaged...I think that maybe his father urged him to break things off with her when the paternity test came back, but he still regretted it.

I think Casey played Jesse from the start and it never stopped. According to his statement he met Casey 3mos after she concieved. According to Jesse's dad, Casey was playing the field while she was engaged to Jess. Casey hooked up with a another cop that attended Jesse's party. Casey took Jesse to see her latest fling, TonE at the apt complex party. Casey had lunch with TonE and Caylee at the Cheesecake Factory, where Jesse worked.

Jesse didn't break up with Casey because of his dad or Casey's mom. Jesse couldn't have a relationship with Casey because of Casey. Casey's ego was too big for one fella. She needed a flock to feed her ego and play with.

Yeah, I pity anyone who falls for Casey. She's bad news. But I do think Jesse was blind to a lot of that until his dad stepped in. Casey must have had some feelings for him because she agreed to marry him, or maybe she was just looking for a free ride.

One things for sure Casey was freakin' obsessed with TonE. She probably liked him precisely because he was having none of her BS and was so unattached, while JG's actual emotion seemed boring to her. She's a charmer. :bang:
One things for sure Casey was freakin' obsessed with TonE

I'm not even sure of that. Casey was playing Ricardo at the start of her *TonE phase*, then she was playing William W. up until the last little moment before she gets TonE from the airport. Let's not forget she was making plans to see the Marine, Hawkins in Ca. Casey wasn't all THAT moved by TonE. He worked for the moment and was willing to let Casey flop-out in exchange for some booty and house chores. He served her purpose for the time being..... just my take on it
he seems to throw AL under the bus too. saying that if anyone helped her it was him. i felt like he was saying AL was of low moral standards, when he said that KC would not ask him (JG) for help, because he would have done the right thing, meaning that maybe AL would not have done the right thing?
i mean, i think that her relationship with AL is what made her do something horrible (plus the fight with CA), but i dont really think he did anything other then date her...

It seems to me that JG certainly wants the police to look at AL very closely and that he thinks AL may be involved somehow. When I also think about the computer being wiped, and other things, I wonder if he knows more than he's saying.
After reading Jesses statement twice I too agree there is something weird about it. I truly wonder if the bad blood is not so much between JG and CA but with RG. I mean on his blogs he mentions that he had some bad blood between CA and himself. Perhaps thats why they broke up - sometimes bad blood between families will drive couples apart. And its true - why would he feel he needed a paternity test if the dates would have been wrong in the beginning...

Very odd indeed. Off to read some of the other statements

I found a theme of almost Jesse being put off by the other guys Casey was seeing ie: Tony, Ricardo......there was jealousy there on his part. he hadn't let go of casey at all which we find out in Lee's interview anyway. I don't think Jesse can be impartial when it comes to talking about the other players/men that Casey has had a sexual relationship with.

I picked up on that tone from him when he spoke of Tony and Ricardo.
One things for sure Casey was freakin' obsessed with TonE

I'm not even sure of that. Casey was playing Ricardo at the start of her *TonE phase*, then she was playing William W. up until the last little moment before she gets TonE from the airport. Let's not forget she was making plans to see the Marine, Hawkins in Ca. Casey wasn't all THAT moved by TonE. He worked for the moment and was willing to let Casey flop-out in exchange for some booty and house chores. He served her purpose for the time being..... just my take on it

Maybe you're right. The freaking out about him staying in New York, trying to get his number from jail, being the "perfect housewifey girlfriend" is interesting though. Casey seemed like WW was on the back up because she took TonE seriously when he "joked" (his words) about staying in New York. I'm thinking that was less of a "funny joke haha" and more of an attempted break up.

Anyway sorry to hijack the thread...:crazy:
One things for sure Casey was freakin' obsessed with TonE

I'm not even sure of that. Casey was playing Ricardo at the start of her *TonE phase*, then she was playing William W. up until the last little moment before she gets TonE from the airport. Let's not forget she was making plans to see the Marine, Hawkins in Ca. Casey wasn't all THAT moved by TonE. He worked for the moment and was willing to let Casey flop-out in exchange for some booty and house chores. He served her purpose for the time being..... just my take on it

I think she just needs male attention at ALL times. I know girls like that and it ain't pretty. Notice she has Will by her side the entire time that Tony is away all the way up the escalator and even calls him back when Tony isn't physically there yet and then drops him like a bad habit when Tony is back by her side.

She does the same thing by keeping Ricardo and Jesse in her back pocket. I think she was def obsessed with Tony but he had her feeling unsure of herself with his comment about not coming back to FLa and possibly staying in NYC.

When someone like Casey feels unsure of herself she will be sure to have other men in the sidelines in case her primary love interest walks on her. She is as NEEDY AS NEEDY GETS.

I have to wonder if Casey told CA & GA not to trust JG is becasuse JG knew (from being a former LE) that Fusion and the crowd that went there was into drugs. In his statement he mentions that a large amount of drugs ran through the place. Cindy would have had a fit knowing that Casey was hanging and taking Caylee to TonE apartment if she knew that.
It was Casey's way of making sure that her parents would not talk to JG or if they did and he mentioned anything to them they would not believe JG. Casey already knew her mother did not like JG so it would not be a stretch to plant this idea in CA mind.
With JG coming from a religious background he must have been at polor ends with the Anthony family.
I think the plain and simple fact was that when Casey and Caylee were with JG Cindy no longer had controll. JG was a threat to CA in her mind. CA did not care if Casey was happy only if she herself was happy. Who would CA vent all of her anger and negativity on if Casey was not there. JG was not only a threat to Cindy's controll of Casey but he was a threat to Cindy's controll of Caylee. JG had the power to destroy eveything that Cindy depended on to maintian her identity. [Without someone to controll Cindy has no meaning in life]
Cindy is giving to Casey what Cindy received herself from her mother or father or both. It is a learned behavior. Knock the other person to make one feel better about themselves. Dyfunction in families for the most part is passed down from parents to children.
Casey finds herself a nice guy, willing to be a father to Caylee and CA did whatever she could to discourage that relationship. What man would put up with constatnly being put in the position of having to defend his girlfriend to her own mother.
JG say that Casey broke it off with him. That fits. Casey found it was easier to remove JG from her life than to constantly have to fend off Cindy.
Cindy did everything in her power to keep Casey dependent on her. JG was a threat to that dependency.
JG suffers the concequences of being in a relationship with Casey who has Cindy as her mohter. JG should have walked away himself. For whatever reason, be it true love for Casey, his bonding with Caylee or guilt that he should have been able to 'fix' things he is now in this murder/missing person case up to his neck.
The question remains how much he knowns and is keeping to himself. I do not believe that he had a hand in what happen to Caylee and if he ended up being a unwitting accomplice in where Caylee is now I think that he would have broke down under any type of pressure already.

My adoptive parents are just like Cindy with a few extra twists. Unless you have the guts and the strenght to walk away these type of people just keep feeding you through the shredder. In my opinion Casey would have gotten herself into deep do-do at some point. Casey had the chance to walk away before she became pregnant. She did not.
Having Caylee made everything worse and Caylee paid the price.

His takling about the playhouse in his statement peeked my interest. I do have to wonder why he brought that to LE attention and his backing off on hearing Caylee in the background has me thinking also.
Jesse was only in LE for a very short time - a couple of months at most. I doubt KC would have told CA and GA not to trust him for fear of what he would tell them about Fusion. And I am not even sure if OPD was in the jurisdiction of Fusion - that could be OSO and not OPD. As per RG's blog it seems like he was more of non-favorable parent than CA and GA were. My opinion says no on the theory that CA told KC to break it up for that reason.

There is still alot more to this story than any of us know...
I think she just needs male attention at ALL times. I know girls like that and it ain't pretty. Notice she has Will by her side the entire time that Tony is away all the way up the escalator and even calls him back when Tony isn't physically there yet and then drops him like a bad habit when Tony is back by her side.

She does the same thing by keeping Ricardo and Jesse in her back pocket. I think she was def obsessed with Tony but he had her feeling unsure of herself with his comment about not coming back to FLa and possibly staying in NYC.

When someone like Casey feels unsure of herself she will be sure to have other men in the sidelines in case her primary love interest walks on her. She is as NEEDY AS NEEDY GETS.


I agree that Casey was frantic for male attention.

But, guys on the back-burner and lovesick exes don't appeal to needy girls the way the "man you can't get" does. And Tony is from NY and part of the nightclub scene which has the appeal of something new and more exotic.

I do think KC obsessed over Tony. She said she was in love with him. That she had to fill the time when he was gone with other men...well...girls have needs.

But, the were fill-ins IMO. Ways for this needy girl to pass time.
I find it interesting that in Jesse's statement, he claims the day KC ran out of gas at the Amscot was June 28. However, the eyewitness with Amscot saw the car there @ 7am on the morning of the 27. And....Amy and TonE's statements say it was the 27th. Make's me wonder.....
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