2008.07.23 Amy H. Interview

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Hello WS

From: WESH2.com Orlando
Anthony check trial less than three weeks away. On Jan. 25, Anthony is scheduled to stand trial for 13 check fraud counts.

The felony charges stem from allegations she drained her friend Amy Huizenga's bank account of several hundred dollars while her daughter, Caylee, was missing.


Amy Huizenga's statement to LE(in part)

AH: Never seen the babysitter. I've never spoken to the baby sitter.
LE: What, ha...and you've heard Casey refer to the babysitter?
AH: As Zanny
LE: That's the name she uses?
AH: Yes
LE: And there was another name you mentioned?
AH: She told me the names and I don't, I couldn't at first remember when all of it happened. But then after hearing the name uhm, it does sound like the name that she told me. But Zanny was what she always used except for the one time I questioned Zanny the nanny.
AH: She had told me there was this horrible smell in her car and she couldn't figure out what it was. And then like as the days progressed, it may have been more than two days, but I know it was at least more than one day that she talked to me. So it had to have been at least two days that she told me about this smell in her car. And she uhm, you know like the next day it was just so much worse. She was like I think maybe my dad ran something over with my car when he borrowed it and it, it smells like something died in my car. And uhm, but she had mentioned the engine as being the source of the smell.
AH: Uhm, she kept telling me that she was thinking she was having a problem with her fuel gauge. Uhm, the message on the 27th says definitely, there's definitely a, part of an animal plastered to the frame of my car, which was the end of the mystery. She told me that she had, you know gotten rid of it and I never heard anything about a smell again.
AH: ...so I probably just called her. I, because I, I'm pretty sure I talked to her while said, she, while she said she was waiting for Tony to come pick her up. (June 27th)
LE: You said in that time frame too is when she told you the child was at the beach?
AH: Yes
AH: 30th, phone rings at about 9:45 in the morning. Wakes me up. Says, "This is Casey" and she's like, "Come open the door," And I said, are you outside of it? And she said, "Yes." So I opened the door and she was pretty much with me until I went to work that night. Uhm, again, asked me about the having gas cans. She actually texted me and asking me if I had gas cans and all my stuff is in storage right now. Uhm, so we were talking about that and I was like, well why don't we go to Target?
LE: She texted you about the gas cans?
AH: Yes
LE: All these stories about where the child was?
AH: Always with the nanny.
LE: Okay
AH: Always had an explanation. We'd just talk about it. She'd also talk about the fact that she was so upset that she barely been able to see Caylee lately but its just, you know it's better for her. She's you know just playing and having fun. They're going everywhere. They'd gone to you know Busch Gardens for a while. And she was like, "You know, they're just you know she's having fun. So at least she's in a good place and not involved in all this other stuff." Made up stuff that all this other stuff that's happening.
LE: The 2nd uhm, you guys went to a couple of clubs. Now was there any, look like she was searching for anyone at those clubs?
AH: Uhm, it didn't seem like it to me that night. I know on the 3rd uhm, and this you would have to talk to Troy about, uhm that she got upset and said her brother was coming to look for her and that they had to leave.
LE: So she's got her fingernails cleaned, done up pretty, and a tattoo in the week that Tony's gone?
AH: Uh-hum
LE: So this whole week she had excuses of being at parks and (inaudible).
AH: Oh, yeah at parks...
AH: The grandma called me and uhm, pretty much wondering where her daughter and granddaughter were. Briefly explained some of the situation. Offered to come and pick me up from the mall. Uhm, she sounded very concerned and told me if she did not find Casey she would end up in jail. And I...
LE: Grandma said that?
AH: Yes. I decided to trust her.
LE: Did you ask her why she would make a statement like that? Why(inaudible)
AH: Well she had told me that the car had been in impound since the 30th, they had just gotten it off. She hadn't seen Caylee. She was pretty panicky and...
LE: Yeah, but why would she think her daughter would end up in jail? Did she(inaudible)
AH: I didn't know. I mean it kind of sounded to me like it was something to do with the car. And I don't know how long you can leave a car in impound without...
LE: Uh-hum
LE: Did uh, grandma ever ask you about a smell coming from the car?
AH: ...since the 30th. They went to go pick it up and the car smelled like something had died. And...
LE: Grandma tells you that?
AH: Grandma tells me that. And at that point I'm like, oh yeah Casey told me she had run something over with her car. And then proceeds, she proceeds to tell me, she's like, "Oh well we didn't know that." But proceeds to tell me the rest of the story that the impound law, because they couldn't, didn't have the keys...
LE: Yeah but didn't you say that Casey blamed her dad for running something over?
AH: Is what she told me, but we now know that...
LE: (inaudible)
AH: ...nothing Casey says is true.
LE: Did Grandma at the time start to seem like she was going down the road that baby's missing?
AH: Uhm, at that time...
LE: Nasty smelling car?
AH: ...she just...well, that's what they said. I mean I had mentioned that the whole story after I, you know I had mentioned that I knew about the smell. Uhm, she's like well, you know the impound lot didn't have the keys so they couldn't open up the trunk. And she told me the smell was coming from the trunk, trunk. And Casey had talked about it coming from the engine. Uhm...
LE: Grandma told you on the 15th, smell coming from the trunk?
AH: Yes. Uhm, when they went to go pick up the car from the impound lot. Once they had the keys and they opened it up they found the pizza boxes with maggots on the inside. And were assuming that's what the smell was...
AH: She said she was worried. She hadn't seen Caylee. She hadn't talked to Caylee in over a month. Uh, Casey kept saying, "she's fine, she's with the nanny." Uhm, and she pretty much you know, said that she thought Casey was an unfit Mother and that if this goes on much longer that she would sue for custody of Caylee if it got to that.
LE: Why did you, why did she think she was an unfit mom?
AH: Uhm, the going out, the partying. She uhm, I don't know if you guys have seen the picture of Casey and the American flag. That's from the no clothes party we went to in May. Uhm, she pretty much showed that picture, that she had printed it off from a computer, in her face and said, "You're at work? Huh?" So and that, that she had been watching Caylee and Casey had said she was at work. Uhm, it was all the going out, the partying...
LE: So they were afraid that the baby was in the trunk?
AH: They were terrified it was either Casey or Caylee.
LE: Because of the smell?
AH: Because they had not talked to either of them. Because of the smell. I did not ever smell the smell. Uhm, I only heard of it.
LE: Grandma said afraid of smell from trunk was Casey...
AH: Or Caylee...
LE: ...or Caylee?
LE: So instead of calling the police at that time...
AH: Well she told me that she, it was weird because it kind of seemed like she had sort of reported it, but it was like a, a tentative reporting. Like she was reporting that maybe something was wrong, but she had to call to confirm that it was, is what it...
LE: Uh-hum
AH: ...seemed like to me but I didn't know that was possible. I thought you either reported someone missing or you didn't. Uhm, that seemed a little iffy to me, but you know there was so much other stuff going on a that time that...
AH: She didn't know what they were going to find.
LE: They could smell that before they even opened the trunk?
AH: Yes. And the towing company said that they could smell it.
LE: That pungent?
AH: Yeah
LE: Not a pizza box? I know there were pizza boxes in there. Did that...
AH: There is no way a pizza box could smell that bad.
LE: At that point in time...
AH: From what the, from the description of the smell there's no way.
LE: Even the grandparents felt at that time, from what she told you...
AH: And...
LE: ...that, that oh, s)!t?
AH: Until they got that trunk open, that's what they were afraid of, yes.
LE: That it was going to be the baby or their daughter? Excellent. (sighs) So, huh.
LE: You ask about the house situation?
AH: Uh, yeah I told her about the fact, I was like...
LE: Moving in?
AH: ...you know, she told me that you know, they were and all that stuff. and she's like, "The only time I've ever mentioned selling the house was to Casey because I couldn't afford the mortgage payments."

(end of what I copied)

I am glad something about this case is going to trial. Which thread do I read to understand what information pertaining to Casey's "other" trial will be a part of the check fraud case? If any. TIA


Thanks so much for typing this all out Chiquita!!!!!
TWA :wave:

IIRC, the defense never deposed any pertinent witnesses like Amy H. or Tony L.
There are so many more individuals that they didn't depose but their names escape me at the moment.

I believe cheny was too P.O'd to do actual work for his client because he didn't want to meet up with Amy on a weekend.
When cheny joined the team, I was actually relieved that the inevitable guilty verdict wouldn't be overturned on appeal due to ineffective counsel. Now I'm worried again.

I hope he enjoyed his status as a brilliant defense attorney (I'm not sure why he was considered one??) because he has proven that he is just as lazy and inept as baez. He'll go down in history as baez bumbling idiot side-kick. :)

ETA: Is there a list somewhere that shows who has actually been deposed by the defense?
I still scratch my head wondering WHY the Defense
1) Did not depose Amy for the check fraud trial...but at the last minute Casey pleaded...

but even more curious is

2) They STILL after 2.5 years have not deposed her for the Murder trial
TWA :wave:

IIRC, the defense never deposed any pertinent witnesses like Amy H. or Tony L.
There are so many more individuals that they didn't depose but their names escape me at the moment.

I believe cheny was too P.O'd to do actual work for his client because he didn't want to meet up with Amy on a weekend.
When cheny joined the team, I was actually relieved that the inevitable guilty verdict wouldn't be overturned on appeal due to ineffective counsel. Now I'm worried again.

I hope he enjoyed his status as a brilliant defense attorney (I'm not sure why he was considered one??) because he has proven that he is just as lazy and inept as baez. He'll go down in history as baez bumbling idiot side-kick. :)

Baez did partially depose ex-boyfriend Tony L in late October 2008 but was supposed to co-ordinate another depo with Tony's lawyer but it seems that never happened
Amy Huizenga - ex friend of Casey - check fraud case - added to State Witness List Nov 17, 2008

- Defense depo April 3, 2009 refused, hired atty

- rescheduled for Aug 6, 2010 via Response to Court's Order for Deposition Schedule filed by Defense on May 17, 2010 (no Notice of Taking Deposition filed with Clerk) - depo not done - No Notice of Cancellation filed with Clerk

- Status Hearing Sept 27, 2010 stated that Amy works on cruise ship - is in Miami on Saturdays

- Deadline for Defense to take depo was Oct 31, 2010 - Court "Order Memorializing Status Hearing", dated Sept 28, 2010 did not extend deadline for depo of Amy

- No Notice of Taking Deposition on Amy has been filed with the Clerk since the Notice filed March 26, 2009.
Anthony Lazzaro - ex- boyfriend of Casey - added to State Witness List Nov 17, 2008

- Defense depo Oct 30, 2008

- second depo set for Aug 13, 2010 via Response to Court's Order for Deposition Schedule filed by Defense on May 17, 2010 (no Notice of Taking Deposition filed with Clerk) - depo not done - no Notice of Cancellation filed with the Clerk.

- Status Hearing Sept 27, 2010 - Defense said Tony in New York City (as excuse for not taking deposition yet)

- Deadline for Defense to take depo was Oct 31, 2010 - Court "Order Memorializing Status Hearing", dated Sept 28, 2010 did not extend deadline for depo of Anthony

- Defense has had contact info for Anthony's attorney, William Jay, since the State filed their Supplemental and Amended Witness List on May 24, 2010. Defense could have done depo via Skype when Anthony moved to New York.

- Order Granting Motion to Compel Timeline, Communications, and Related Notice of Law Enforcement Interview with Anthony Lazzaro was signed by Judge Perry and filed Sept. 28, 2010 (Defense had filed this Motion on Jan 7, 2009).

- No Notice of Taking Deposition on Anthony has been filed with the Clerk since the Notice filed Oct 21, 2008.
The Defense named State witnesses who they have not deposed yet, in today's Hearing - Jan 14, 2011 ... and also mentioned many of the same witnesses in the Sept 27, 2010 Status Hearing. NO excuse for not having done the depositions by deadlines.

In Sept 27, 2010 Status Hearing
Judge - some ordinary witnesses, not LE or expert - how many left not deposed?
Baez - break down by prior May 24th or include all together?
Judge - all left, not done?
Baez - 12 not counting ones just listed by State last month
Robyn Adams - federal inmate in
Dep Richard Cain - in Pennsylvania
Helen Davis - in Texas
Maya Derkovic - transferred to Fort Lauderdale, FL

Erica Gonzalez - local
Sylvia Hernandez - local
Amy H. - on cruise ship - go to Miami on a Saturday maybe - she works on cruise ship

Burdick says docks on Saturday morning - before turn around and go back out
Judge - what role she play?
Baez - friend of client - testify to activities between June and July and July 15th
also complainant in check charges - she is ....
Judge- talk to Amy's atty Kirkconnell for set date on a Saturday
Mason - how I feel about it - we got 300 witnesses, I'm not worry about her work schedule - it's wrong - she make arrangements to take time off - this is a murder case - unacceptable to only do it on a Saturday -

Judge - have you talked to her atty about her days off?
Baez - her depo previously scheduled - her atty asked it be rescheduled
Burdick - she was available for a year and a half before took job - had been avail for 2 years - she was local
Mason - JAC buy us tickets ...
Burdick - after check case she took cruise job - her depo not taken in check case

Judge - remember Oct 31st
Baez - I had stopped on her
Daniel Ibison - local
Joe Jordan - local
Anthony L - NY City
Tim Miller - in TX
Rick Plesea - SC
Kathlee Ramsey - local [school]
Anthony Rusciano - Massachusetts
Keith Williams - local
Hi Strawberry, yes, the state depo.

Does anyone know how to download or upload these onto YouTube videos (they cut me off at 15 minutes)?

part 1 Jan 14th hearing InSession coverage : MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service VTS_01_1.mov 54.43MB
News Junkie: part 2 Jan 14th hearing InSession coverage : MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service VTS_01_1.mov 38.86 MB
News Junkie: part 3 Jan 14th hearing InSession coverage : MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service VTS_01_1.mov 45.94MB

Wierd, although the links don't appear in my post, if you quote my post they do, freaky, or maybe I am what Jose calls beyond the age of technology.

testing to see links
I think Musicman does this doesn't he on his channel? I am sure I noticed that he uploaded insession vids that were longer after the last hearing......
I still scratch my head wondering WHY the Defense
1) Did not depose Amy for the check fraud trial...but at the last minute Casey pleaded...

but even more curious is

2) They STILL after 2.5 years have not deposed her for the Murder trial

Plus, Amy is now on a cruise. I wonder if ica knows about that?:rocker:
testing to see links

I have uploaded the first link to youtube, will be ready to test in about 10 min.

The You Tube maximum is 15 minutes.

ETA - Rejected for being too long... I don't know what to do from here.

:seeya: We can download our own copy to watch.

Thank you TheWorldAccording and A News Junkie for your kind and generous efforts! :blowkiss: :hug:
If I was Amy, I'd be on a cruise myself, a very long one at that. I hope she's having a great time !
I don't believe that the State deposes their own witnesses, their information is from their sworn statements. I am not positive though.

Hi my friend!

Yes, they do. There are a few of them we have heard the audio of. It is very interesting to me how they do things there. They have deposed mom, pop, Lee, etc.

Jose Baez said,
"It's pretty much the same of what we've been hearing," Baez said. "The state has to take depositions the same way the defense does. It's really just part of the case."

Defense attorney Richard Hornsby said Baez could learn a lot in the sessions just based on the state's questions.

"That's a gold mine for him to know. It gives him insight into what they're thinking," Hornsby said.
The Defense named State witnesses who they have not deposed yet, in today's Hearing - Jan 14, 2011 ... and also mentioned many of the same witnesses in the Sept 27, 2010 Status Hearing. NO excuse for not having done the depositions by deadlines.

Burdick says docks on Saturday morning - before turn around and go back out
Judge - what role she play?
Baez - friend of client - testify to activities between June and July and July 15th
also complainant in check charges - she is ....
Judge- talk to Amy's atty Kirkconnell for set date on a Saturday
Mason - how I feel about it - we got 300 witnesses, I'm not worry about her work schedule - it's wrong - she make arrangements to take time off - this is a murder case - unacceptable to only do it on a Saturday -

Judge - have you talked to her atty about her days off?
Baez - her depo previously scheduled - her atty asked it be rescheduled
Burdick - she was available for a year and a half before took job - had been avail for 2 years - she was local
Mason - JAC buy us tickets ...
Burdick - after check case she took cruise job - her depo not taken in check case

Huh, the defense thinks AH should not take a job because they may or may not eventually get around to deposing her?
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