2008.07.23 Amy H. Interview

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I have a question for anyone who knows. In Lee's INTERVIEW with the State and Cindy's and also George's, they all slander Amy H and Tony and Ricardo - Lee goes so far to say she is into heroin, but is unable to prove this and says he never asked for proof from Dominic Casey (who told him this to beging with).

My question - can Amy H. sue for slander.

Was it an interview or a deposition? Deposition, right? First of all, the Anthony's had to know that they were openly lying during a sworn statement that would become public record. They knew what they were saying was not true... and even if they didn't know if it was true or not... they had no way to prove that what they were saying was true. I would consider that slander.

I would love nothing more than for Amy H. to sue the pants off the entire Anthony family. I think if anyone has a case against them... it is her and I am one of those people who despise sue-happy people... but this poor girl has been dragged through the mud by this entire family... and for what? It wasn't to find out the truth about Caylee... it was to distract from the truth about what happened to Caylee. In Cindy's police interview... she actually accuses Amy of being Zanny the Nanny... a murderer!

I am happy that Amy has moved out of the Orlando area and has gotten a nice gig on a cruise ship. If I knew which one she worked at... I might even eventually decide to go on a cruise and leave her a nice tip.
Was it an interview or a deposition? Deposition, right? First of all, the Anthony's had to know that they were openly lying during a sworn statement that would become public record. They knew what they were saying was not true... and even if they didn't know if it was true or not... they had no way to prove that what they were saying was true. I would consider that slander.

I would love nothing more than for Amy H. to sue the pants off the entire Anthony family. I think if anyone has a case against them... it is her and I am one of those people who despise sue-happy people... but this poor girl has been dragged through the mud by this entire family... and for what? It wasn't to find out the truth about Caylee... it was to distract from the truth about what happened to Caylee. In Cindy's police interview... she actually accuses Amy of being Zanny the Nanny... a murderer!

I am happy that Amy has moved out of the Orlando area and has gotten a nice gig on a cruise ship. If I knew which one she worked at... I might even eventually decide to go on a cruise and leave her a nice tip.

Prosecutors interviews of the three Anthonys, Cindy, Lee and George. Lee absolutely states it.
Was it an interview or a deposition? Deposition, right? First of all, the Anthony's had to know that they were openly lying during a sworn statement that would become public record. They knew what they were saying was not true... and even if they didn't know if it was true or not... they had no way to prove that what they were saying was true. I would consider that slander.

I would love nothing more than for Amy H. to sue the pants off the entire Anthony family. I think if anyone has a case against them... it is her and I am one of those people who despise sue-happy people... but this poor girl has been dragged through the mud by this entire family... and for what? It wasn't to find out the truth about Caylee... it was to distract from the truth about what happened to Caylee. In Cindy's police interview... she actually accuses Amy of being Zanny the Nanny... a murderer!

I am happy that Amy has moved out of the Orlando area and has gotten a nice gig on a cruise ship. If I knew which one she worked at... I might even eventually decide to go on a cruise and leave her a nice tip.

Amy brought Cindy to KC and said it was very difficult riding in the car home with KC and Cindy because of the fighting (which Cindy describes as "chatting". It is incredible that Cindy describes the everyone else as out to get KC and yet has no problem slandering Amy H who brought her to KC that evening.
But then again they do the same with Jesse Grund and as I mentioned before Lee says Jesse flat out lied to him about meeting Tony Lazarro at the pool - denying same. Grund tells detectives that is exactly where he met Tony.

And the strange thing is the prosecutors never call him on it. Maybe they will at trial. I don't know.
Yes, that poor kid works hard, tries to make a life for herself, it brings home how easy it would have been for Casey to get a job, even waitressing, and have a little place for she and Caylee if Cindy was overbearing....so many people her age do it.

Casey really did a lot of harm to Amy, she thought she was her dear friend, her confidant, she led her so far down the we are moving in togetehr path that Amy changed address and was ready to move off of Ricardo's couch in a week or so. How sensless and cruel. That part still puzzles me, there was such a ticking clock on all of Casey's lies. What was the point? Why be so cruel to someone she seemed so fond of?

It is these areas surrounding Amy that lead me to the Casey is a troubled person arena. Hating mom, that is a clear, but why sabotage Amy, her best friend, outside of booty calls.....seemingly her only friend?

She knew Amy was only gone to PR for a very finite amount of time and would discover that her bank account was empty very very soon, call the bank, and be shown her friend on video....so she KNEW that in one week Amy would know, so why steal from Amy? She could have went home with some random dude from the bar, let him crash, rip him off and leave his apartment at four a m.....or any number of alternate things to get the relatively nominal amount of a few hundred she stole from Amy.

This very short string on the grenade ...that is something I do not get. Did we ever see the state depo if was one of Mark Hawkins? She had to have been planning to go somewhere and leave mom, pop and Amy behind.
Casey Anthony was not thinking, this is my last week of freedom before jail, let me buy groceries for Tony and his two friends as my last harrah becasue the day Amy gets back I start my jail term.

I don't think Casey had any intention of ripping off her friend, I think she had every intention of having her parents come to an unfortunate and tragic demise, meanwhile, Amy would move in to comfort her and Casey would just carry on suffering and sponging money off her friends, unless mommy and daddy had some sort of life insurance.

I believe the plan may have been concocted when Cindy closed down her BofA account after Casey had spent thousands of dollars on cell phone bills etc. Within 3 days Casey was researching how to kill...unfortunately she was unable to complete her plan and I think when she saw she was going to lose the house, and Cindy was going for custody, she tried to hurt her mom as much as she could, killing Caylee was part of it.

I think she stole from Amy because it really didn't matter anymore, soon they would find Caylee, she knew there was no future for her so she burned her bridges. In that way she screwed everyone and enjoyed doing it...JMO
I don't think Casey had any intention of ripping off her friend, I think she had every intention of having her parents come to an unfortunate and tragic demise, meanwhile, Amy would move in to comfort her and Casey would just carry on suffering and sponging money off her friends, unless mommy and daddy had some sort of life insurance.

I believe the plan may have been concocted when Cindy closed down her BofA account after Casey had spent thousands of dollars on cell phone bills etc. Within 3 days Casey was researching how to kill...unfortunately she was unable to complete her plan and I think when she saw she was going to lose the house, and Cindy was going for custody, she tried to hurt her mom as much as she could, killing Caylee was part of it.

I think she stole from Amy because it really didn't matter anymore, soon they would find Caylee, she knew there was no future for her so she burned her bridges. In that way she screwed everyone and enjoyed doing it...JMO

I don't think KC thought this way. She was able to convince Amy that Amy was sleepwalking one night and lost money that way (in reality KC had stolen it).

KC completely believes her lies are smarter than anyone and Cindy has reinforced that over the years by letting them pass. Remember Cindy tells her in the jailhouse interview "ok we trust you".

KC does not think more than 10 minutes ahead at a time. She does not plan - she is a sociopath and that is different than a psychopath (who does plan).

I think she thought she would get away with it and left her pocket book and ID in the car at Amscott, hoping someone would steal it and she could say they were involved.

She expected to get away with this. She does not think like you and I. She thinks like a sociopath. And she has her mother, her brother and her father telling everyone what KC says is true - the child was kidnapped and they are all saying she is alive.

Remember at the end of the interview at Universal, the "third" detective says how much schooling have you had and KC answers two years at Valencia. Now, there is no reason to lie about this and if she was thinking ahead, she would know that the detective would confirm that or that he already knew the answer. But she wanted to appear well educated at the time and said what she wanted him to know.
I believe the plan may have been concocted when Cindy closed down her BofA account after Casey had spent thousands of dollars on cell phone bills etc. Within 3 days Casey was researching how to kill


Can you tell me where you found the information that three days after the boa account was closed that KC started her killing research. Very interesting. Thank you.
Amy brought Cindy to KC and said it was very difficult riding in the car home with KC and Cindy because of the fighting (which Cindy describes as "chatting". It is incredible that Cindy describes the everyone else as out to get KC and yet has no problem slandering Amy H who brought her to KC that evening.
But then again they do the same with Jesse Grund and as I mentioned before Lee says Jesse flat out lied to him about meeting Tony Lazarro at the pool - denying same. Grund tells detectives that is exactly where he met Tony.

And the strange thing is the prosecutors never call him on it. Maybe they will at trial. I don't know.

I don't know what the State plans to do during the trial with all of their inconsistencies? Are they just going to allow a jury to figure out for themselves... who is telling the truth? Who is lying? Or will they make them explain why there are conflicting stories? Three of the most blaring... and alarming inconsistencies are these three... imo...

1) George says that Cindy did see Caylee the morning of June 16th, 2008 before she left for work. Cindy states that she did not see Caylee the morning of June 16th, 2008 because she left for work before they woke up that morning. Which one is lying?

2) Cindy states that she did not know about DC going out into the woods off of Suburban Drive until after Caylee's remains were found. Lee states that Cindy did know that DC went out into those woods off of Suburban Drive before Caylee's remains were found because Cindy told him and he was furious that DC was looking for a deceased Caylee and not an alive Caylee. Which one is lying?

3) George is adament that he did not place the piece of duct tape on the metal gas can... and I mean adament! Cindy says that George did place that piece of duct tape on the metal gas can because he told her that he did. Which one is lying?

I don't know if the State could ask ... say Cindy "Well, Lee says that you did know DC went out into those woods off Suburban Drive before December 11, 2008... why would Lee say that?" What is Cindy going to say? She has two devious, lying children? Maybe they could start the conversation off asking her if she remembers having a conversation, in the Anthony's kitchen, about DC going out into those woods? I don't know?

As for Amy... I don't think there is any way that the State is going to allow anyone in the Anthony family... or anyone associated with the Anthony family (DC) to bring up complete fabrications about Amy's character. So I don't even think these rumors are going to come up? We'll have to see! 2 months and a few weeks left and we'll find out!
I don't know what the State plans to do during the trial with all of their inconsistencies? Are they just going to allow a jury to figure out for themselves... who is telling the truth? Who is lying? Or will they make them explain why there are conflicting stories? Three of the most blaring... and alarming inconsistencies are these three... imo...

1) George says that Cindy did see Caylee the morning of June 16th, 2008 before she left for work. Cindy states that she did not see Caylee the morning of June 16th, 2008 because she left for work before they woke up that morning. Which one is lying?

2) Cindy states that she did not know about DC going out into the woods off of Suburban Drive until after Caylee's remains were found. Lee states that Cindy did know that DC went out into those woods off of Suburban Drive before Caylee's remains were found because Cindy told him and he was furious that DC was looking for a deceased Caylee and not an alive Caylee. Which one is lying?

3) George is adament that he did not place the piece of duct tape on the metal gas can... and I mean adament! Cindy says that George did place that piece of duct tape on the metal gas can because he told her that he did. Which one is lying?

I don't know if the State could ask ... say Cindy "Well, Lee says that you did know DC went out into those woods off Suburban Drive before December 11, 2008... why would Lee say that?" What is Cindy going to say? She has two devious, lying children? Maybe they could start the conversation off asking her if she remembers having a conversation, in the Anthony's kitchen, about DC going out into those woods? I don't know?

As for Amy... I don't think there is any way that the State is going to allow anyone in the Anthony family... or anyone associated with the Anthony family (DC) to bring up complete fabrications about Amy's character. So I don't even think these rumors are going to come up? We'll have to see! 2 months and a few weeks left and we'll find out!

Remember when Yuri confronts her about saying they did not pick up the car for two days and he is relentless and she finally realizes she is caught - so she says "I'm a grieving grandmother".

I am not sure how much of the inconsistencies they will bring up with the family and how relevant they feel it would be. You never know. I would like to see Lee's inconsistencies brought out because he is so smug.

I don't remember Cindy saying that she did not know about DC going out to the woods until after the remains were found. Where did she say that? Thanks.
Remember when Yuri confronts her about saying they did not pick up the car for two days and he is relentless and she finally realizes she is caught - so she says "I'm a grieving grandmother".

I am not sure how much of the inconsistencies they will bring up with the family and how relevant they feel it would be. You never know. I would like to see Lee's inconsistencies brought out because he is so smug.

I don't remember Cindy saying that she did not know about DC going out to the woods until after the remains were found. Where did she say that? Thanks.

I thought that CA told JA that she had "her People" search that area and they found nothing. Did she deny it to the SA?
I don't know what the State plans to do during the trial with all of their inconsistencies? Are they just going to allow a jury to figure out for themselves... who is telling the truth? Who is lying? Or will they make them explain why there are conflicting stories? Three of the most blaring... and alarming inconsistencies are these three... imo...

1) George says that Cindy did see Caylee the morning of June 16th, 2008 before she left for work. Cindy states that she did not see Caylee the morning of June 16th, 2008 because she left for work before they woke up that morning. Which one is lying?

2) Cindy states that she did not know about DC going out into the woods off of Suburban Drive until after Caylee's remains were found. Lee states that Cindy did know that DC went out into those woods off of Suburban Drive before Caylee's remains were found because Cindy told him and he was furious that DC was looking for a deceased Caylee and not an alive Caylee. Which one is lying?

3) George is adament that he did not place the piece of duct tape on the metal gas can... and I mean adament! Cindy says that George did place that piece of duct tape on the metal gas can because he told her that he did. Which one is lying?

I don't know if the State could ask ... say Cindy "Well, Lee says that you did know DC went out into those woods off Suburban Drive before December 11, 2008... why would Lee say that?" What is Cindy going to say? She has two devious, lying children? Maybe they could start the conversation off asking her if she remembers having a conversation, in the Anthony's kitchen, about DC going out into those woods? I don't know?

As for Amy... I don't think there is any way that the State is going to allow anyone in the Anthony family... or anyone associated with the Anthony family (DC) to bring up complete fabrications about Amy's character. So I don't even think these rumors are going to come up? We'll have to see! 2 months and a few weeks left and we'll find out!

Honestly, the state will do their best to present Cindy in somewhat favorable light as much as possible. While they don't want her to be able to spin any stories or BS on the stand, they want her words heard. They want to leave the jury with the impression that regardless of how annoying CA may be, she at least was out trying to find Caylee's whereabouts. She may not always say the right thing but at least CA did the right thing by calling 911.

The trick is they do not want to cast CA in a more negative light than the defendant. They do not want to leave any wiggle room in the jurors minds that KC did this because Cindy is the monster. So they will treat CA softly in court. They will limit her responses to very direct and specific questions. As much as possible they will not allow her to go free form. And they will present her as (at least for the time period involved in the actual crime) a panicked and concerned Grandparent. Virtually nothing of post July 16th crazy Cindy will be brought up in trial unless CA gives them direct reason to impeach her testimony.
Remember when Yuri confronts her about saying they did not pick up the car for two days and he is relentless and she finally realizes she is caught - so she says "I'm a grieving grandmother".

I am not sure how much of the inconsistencies they will bring up with the family and how relevant they feel it would be. You never know. I would like to see Lee's inconsistencies brought out because he is so smug.

I don't remember Cindy saying that she did not know about DC going out to the woods until after the remains were found. Where did she say that? Thanks.

In Cindy's state deposition. Cindy states that she knew nothing about DC going out into the woods off of Suburban Drive until AFTER Caylee's remains were found.

Also, in her Morgan and Morgan deposition... she basically calls YM a liar for saying that she had said she sent someone out there in November and nothing was there.
Honestly, the state will do their best to present Cindy in somewhat favorable light as much as possible. While they don't want her to be able to spin any stories or BS on the stand, they want her words heard. They want to leave the jury with the impression that regardless of how annoying CA may be, she at least was out trying to find Caylee's whereabouts. She may not always say the right thing but at least CA did the right thing by calling 911.

The trick is they do not want to cast CA in a more negative light than the defendant. They do not want to leave any wiggle room in the jurors minds that KC did this because Cindy is the monster. So they will treat CA softly in court. They will limit her responses to very direct and specific questions. As much as possible they will not allow her to go free form. And they will present her as (at least for the time period involved in the actual crime) a panicked and concerned Grandparent. Virtually nothing of post July 16th crazy Cindy will be brought up in trial unless CA gives them direct reason to impeach her testimony.

Great response... but would that stop JB from bringing all this up? He wants to paint Cindy and George as monsters... even Lee. It's going to be very interesting to see what JB can get away with when questioning them during trial?
Honestly, the state will do their best to present Cindy in somewhat favorable light as much as possible. While they don't want her to be able to spin any stories or BS on the stand, they want her words heard. They want to leave the jury with the impression that regardless of how annoying CA may be, she at least was out trying to find Caylee's whereabouts. She may not always say the right thing but at least CA did the right thing by calling 911.

The trick is they do not want to cast CA in a more negative light than the defendant. They do not want to leave any wiggle room in the jurors minds that KC did this because Cindy is the monster. So they will treat CA softly in court. They will limit her responses to very direct and specific questions. As much as possible they will not allow her to go free form. And they will present her as (at least for the time period involved in the actual crime) a panicked and concerned Grandparent. Virtually nothing of post July 16th crazy Cindy will be brought up in trial unless CA gives them direct reason to impeach her testimony.

If Cindy knew then what she knows now, I wonder if she would have made that call.

Are you saying the blame for the murder would be placed on CA or would this be a factor toward a DP verdict? TIA!
Thinking about Amy and wishing her the best. Today she is scheduled to be deposed by the defense. Hang tough, girl!
I think she'll do just fine, she'll speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I hope that once she's done, she feels a sense of relief, if thats possible after all she has been through.
Okay, per the timeline, the amount of money that KC is stealing from Cindy is just incredible. Cindy definitely needs psychiatric help. Abbsollutely, positively.

It is also incredible how she lied to Yuri and the FBI and the State about this. As far as I know, per Cindy, she talked about KC stealing from her mother and one check for the birthday party (Mexican theme) and the deposit slip. This is far worse than she tells.

This family is beyond bizarre. If they don't say it, I guess it means no one will know about it. It is incredible the amount of money that KC is going through.
I wonder how much more indigestion Baez is going to get today. Don't let them bully you, Amy! Stay strong for Caylee!
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