2008.07.23 Amy H. Interview

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Even if Casey would just have borrowed the money, these records would still be relevant. They show how Casey got lots of money from Cindy and then suddenly in March the gravy train comes to a screeching halt. That's when someone Googled for household weapons, neck breaking, shovel and chloroform. So, it really doesn't matter how Casey got that money, what's important is her reaction to no longer getting that money. And it looks like she didn't take it very well ;)

I agree.
March IMO is a pivotal month
I thought we had a March 2008 timeline calendar..haven't found it..Anyone?

Cindy closes the bank account..uuh ohh..Casey's cash flow stops..how is she going to pay her cellphone bill
March 17 Casey googles household weapons, neck breaking,shovel, etc..
(iirc correctly Casey was not able to go out with friends on St Patricks Day)
March 19 Casey's birthday
Casey steals money from her grandpa's assisted living account to pay her cell phone bill
:clap: It really IS that simple..
IMO Cindy refuses to accept the truth that is staring her in the face.

Thank you Intermezzo! My point exactly. But why? I'm not positive her support, her outrageous lies and her malicious attempts at manipulation are based solely on her support for ICA. For me the core of the behavior is she did not accept that Caylee was dead and never coming back. She behaves like some crazed whirling devish and does anything and everything rather than face it. Even now, she refuses to believe all the evidence that clearly points to ICA's guilt and to the real problem/issue - Caylee is dead. Gone. Murdered. Never coming back.
Exactly, because if she admits the truth, she has to admit it is her fault that Caylee is dead - even though NO ONE expects their child to murder their own child - enabling the sociopath (and Cindy labeled KC that to Ryan Paisley) and in so doing every day KC thought "I can do anything and just lie about it". No problem.

I can't believe she had a graduation party. Who did she invite - the other graduates?

iirc, Casey did not tell them she didn't Graduate until the day of the party or right before the party..
The family didn't know Casey was not graduating but I bet friends coming to the party did..
My guess is yes. They carefully let her explain each line during her deposition. They also have her admitting Casey stole thousands of $ from her in her state deposition, so I don't really she how she could suddenly claim Casey didn't steal the checks or credit cards.

More sideways here - this case is about ICA murdering her own child, Caylee, not the money she stole from CA and her grandparents, and any friend she could steal from. There is no question these thefts happened.
Thank you Intermezzo! My point exactly. But why?

Because she KNOWS KC was not taking care of this baby. She knows she should have been taking care of her and not letting her just take the child anywhere. Remember Rick Morales said KC and Caylee stayed overnight some five nights a week starting around February of 08 for some time, just around the time Cindy looked for counseling.

They know they should have went for custody and George would have if Cindy did not resist - she just threatened.

That is a huge "if only I had"....

Just mo.
Exactly, because if she admits the truth, she has to admit it is her fault that Caylee is dead - even though NO ONE expects their child to murder their own child - enabling the sociopath (and Cindy labeled KC that to Ryan Paisley) and in so doing every day KC thought "I can do anything and just lie about it". No problem.

I can't believe she had a graduation party. Who did she invite - the other graduates?

Nope - there it is right there. That sweeping statement. I do not believe that to be true. ICA killed Caylee. The fault lies with ICA alone.

There is a question about whether or not CA enabled ICA during her lifetime. It does look that way, but I am asking if we have seen a skewed pattern of information. Until I see an independent assessment of this family's dynamics, I am unwilling to completely lay the blame at CA's feet despite her bizarre and outrageous behavior.

I believe we each read and digest the evidence and information in this case. And I believe we each offer opinions that are valuable. In the end, we retain the privilege of our own path to reach our own conclusions, do we not? These are just my opinions, and I am not attempting to sway the opinions of anyone. I am simply searching for pieces and patterns of information I don't yet know for certain. It is uncomfortable to be out of step with popular opinions and even more uncomfortable when an opinion I express is misinterpreted as support rather than questioning.
How did we get from my initial statements to an assumption that I said ICA did not steal thousands from Cindy? Where did that leap come from?

Have I said that? Clearly I haven't - because she did - there is no question about that. What I said was it wasn't evidence (in a case that CA has asked that ICA be charged with stealing from her!!!) and I am not going to make the assumption that this was all just peachy keen with CA. That is all I said.

I said I am seeing leaps that it was peachy keen with CA that ICA was stealing from her and her family, when I don't know that. If ICA is a sociopath, and this is sociopathic behavior, then who was controlling who here? THAT was my question.

KC is controlling Cindy by threatening to take Caylee away. And Cindy let her and she let her kill the child also. (albeit, she never thought that would happen and could not believe it when it did, she let it happen - she knew KC was a thief and a liar and not a small thief by any means - she was writing checks on Cindy's account for not less than 200 a week and sometimes more than five hundred) and this went on for some time. She let her leave every day KNOWING she was not working.
How did we get from my initial statements to an assumption that I said ICA did not steal thousands from Cindy? Where did that leap come from?

Have I said that? Clearly I haven't - because she did - there is no question about that. What I said was it wasn't evidence (in a case that CA has asked that ICA be charged with stealing from her!!!) and I am not going to make the assumption that this was all just peachy keen with CA. That is all I said.

I said I am seeing leaps that it was peachy keen with CA that ICA was stealing from her and her family, when I don't know that. If ICA is a sociopath, and this is sociopathic behavior, then who was controlling who here? THAT was my question.
I didn't answer your question, I was responding to Intermezzo.

More sideways here - this case is about ICA murdering her own child, Caylee, not the money she stole from CA and her grandparents, and any friend she could steal from. There is no question these thefts happened.
I don't think it's sideways, I think Caylee's death might be related to Casey no longer being indulged by Cindy. No money, no job and possibly the threat of no home... IMO that's what made Casey kill Caylee. It's not about blaming Cindy, I just happen to think it goes to motive.

BTW: isn't there a thread about this subject? We are drifting away from Amy's interview.
:waitasec: What does any of this have to do with Amy H?

CA would not have known where ICA was if it were not for AH.
Nope - there it is right there. That sweeping statement. I do not believe that to be true. ICA killed Caylee. The fault lies with ICA alone.

There is a question about whether or not CA enabled ICA during her lifetime. It does look that way, but I am asking if we have seen a skewed pattern of information. Until I see an independent assessment of this family's dynamics, I am unwilling to completely lay the blame at CA's feet despite her bizarre and outrageous behavior.

I believe we each read and digest the evidence and information in this case. And I believe we each offer opinions that are valuable. In the end, we retain the privilege of our own path to reach our own conclusions, do we not? These are just my opinions, and I am not attempting to sway the opinions of anyone. I am simply searching for pieces and patterns of information I don't yet know for certain. It is uncomfortable to be out of step with popular opinions and even more uncomfortable when an opinion I express is misinterpreted as support rather than questioning.

A lot of the information that describes CA's enabling comes from within her own family. From Lee, from George,from Shirley Plesea, from Rick Plesea.I am sure there are others who knew, but who could best describe the family dynamic other than members of the family? Even the advice she got from an outside counselor, to stop enabling, was ignored according to Shirley and CA's work colleagues
I didn't answer your question, I was responding to Intermezzo.

I don't think it's sideways, I think Caylee's death might be related to Casey no longer being indulged by Cindy. No money, no job and possibly the threat of no home... IMO that's what made Casey kill Caylee. It's not about blaming Cindy, I just happen to think it goes to motive.

BTW: isn't there a thread bout this subject? We are drifting away from Amy's interview.

My apologies about the first bit - it was getting a bit hot in here.

Sure, ICA may have used CA's withdrawal of support as HER reason for killing Caylee, but to me that doesn't mean we can lay the blame for it at CA's feet.

And yes, this is the Amy H. thread. I think this got off on us questioning why CA didn't ask for Caylee when Amy accompanied her to find ICA at Tony's apartment. Dunno for sure however.
A lot of the information that describes CA's enabling comes from within her own family. From Lee, from George,from Shirley Plesea, from Rick Plesea.I am sure there are others who knew, but who could best describe the family dynamic other than members of the family? Even the advice she got from an outside counselor, to stop enabling, was ignored according to Shirley and CA's work colleagues

The very last people to accurately describe family dynamics are the family themselves.
But let's get back to Amy H. I apologize for being part of hijacking this thread!
:waitasec: What does any of this have to do with Amy H?

CA would not have known where ICA was if it were not for AH.

Hey guys, posting from my Blackberry so gonna be short & sweet - topic of this thread is AMY H. Please and thank you. :)
Still OT. *SIGH*

Unapproving the last 6 posts in an attempt to try to steer it back on topic.

Gonna lock it. Someone let me know when they are ready to talk about Amy and I will re-open.
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