2008.07.23 Amy H. Interview

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I feel bad for Amy, what a shock to find out all there is to know and wish you didn't about your best friend.
She was truthful to Cindy and did try to help her out.

ETA: Thanks Shadow, very easy to read. Nice site.

I feel bad for Amy, too.
Isn't Brandon the marine in CA that Casey talked to on June 26th ?
Wouldn't it be something if she told him she had a miscarriage because she wanted JG to be the daddy and Caylee was actually the 'miscarriage' they had together ? I could be getting her guys confused though. But if JG told Brandon Caylee wasn't his(JG's) and he found out KC lied about miscarrying his child ???
If this is the marine and she told him there was something she needed to tell him ?? Isn't he her childhood friend also ?

No, the marine was Matt.
I read people post about LA interview being weird or what ever, but something just sends chills up and down me about Tony. I am not saying he did anything, but I just don't know. The police didn't act like they knew anything about that text, or that Tony talked to her before she was arrested. UNLESS that is what was left out on his interview, him talking to her. What do you think liltigress?

ETA: I just went back and looked AL was interviewed 7/22 AH was 7/23. So either AL did not tell them about talking to her, OR it is what they are leaving out. IMO

I think Tony has left out some information here. To me, LE seemed very surprised about this text message, as if they knew nothing about it. They specifically want his help for something and intentionally did not record that. Sounds like a deal made to me. Yeah, my hinky meter is rising more about Tony.
No. Mark H. is the Marine.

Oh poop. What a huge waste of a perfectly good theory. I should have absolutely remembered Mark H.
The men are really stacking up here. Brandon was the 'Snowman' on my space, right ? Or was that another one too ?
And he was a childhood friend wasn't he ?
when the bit about Amy changing her pants came out, my first thought was she'd been drugged :eek:

Something about that jumped out at me too. Amy didn't say she'd done this before. To me it seemed like a first time encounter and she was surprised by waking up in different clothes than she went to sleep in.
It is really interesting to read;
how many of us can perceive text in so many different ways. a lot to absorb.
The thing that bothered me the most about the text was that she can even contemplate never seeing Caylee again and was more worried about going to jail.
Wondering who drives a small green pickup that Casey knows.

I'm not sure she was in the trunk all that time. The neighbor, Mr. Appie, that Casey borrowed the shovel from, said in his interview that Casey backed up into the garage on the 16th, 17th, and 18th. All three days. Then he mentions believing that he saw a green small pickup there on another day and hearing Casey's voice.
amy makes allot of references as in her interview of now knowing things......I think she was confused as to what actually happened vs. what she knows now.

also, in lees interview, he mentions that the police took an id out of caseys purse, that was behind her drivers license. makes me think that she had some sort of id's of amys........she had to have something to cash those checks....maybe she made a fake id with her picture but amys name????
I'm not sure she was in the trunk all that time. The neighbor, Mr. Appie, that Casey borrowed the shovel from, said in his interview that Casey backed up into the garage on the 16th, 17th, and 18th. All three days. Then he mentions believing that he saw a green small pickup there on another day and hearing Casey's voice.
I really think that Caylee was in that trunk the whole time. I think she stole the gas cans and then went to get another with Amy because she was going to torch the car. After burying her daughter was not going to ensure that she never be found, I think she disposed of Caylee in an alligator infested area and then was going to torch the car to in an effort to distroy the evidence of a decomposing Caylee which had been there all the time she was out kicking it at the clubs and shacking up with TonE.
I think Caylee's dead body was in there for at least a week.
No one really knew that Casey did not have a job that she was working for "10 & 12 hour days"...what the hell was she doing with her days when she had that car and her daughter was not seen by anyone?
IMO she was trying to think of the best means to dispose of her.
Her cell pings will be very telling at trial.
I think Tony has left out some information here. To me, LE seemed very surprised about this text message, as if they knew nothing about it. They specifically want his help for something and intentionally did not record that. Sounds like a deal made to me. Yeah, my hinky meter is rising more about Tony.

I feel the same. Perhaps AL was very nervous. But, his transcript seems very clumsy and nervous. Something about him, AH, and RM does not sit right with me. Of course, that does not mean they have anything to do with Caylee going missing. I certainly did not like his idea of joking he was leaving and not coming back from NY, after he slept with KC. Something about these two groups vs. KC's original group of friends with DS, JG, and Exit seem very different.
By the time Amy bought the gas cans for Casey, Casey had already returned the stolen cans to George (remember, Lee said she gave them back with a F-U attitude when she went home to grab more clothes for herself.)

so the whole story george gave in his interview on greta..was all a lie, right? He acted like everything was ok when he got the gas cans from the trunk.
I don't want to point fingers. But, we should remember a certain person, besides KC, had a particular interest in Chloroform in THAT apartment. He had it as his user default picture on his myspace. Despite all of that, Ambien can make a person sleep walk. If one knows that a person takes Ambien and has walked in their sleep before... they may take advantage of that fact. I see a lot of things that do not make sense in AH and RM's statements. But then, they are not POI. However, I do not find them credible sources for prosecutors.
I feel the same. Perhaps AL was very nervous. But, his transcript seems very clumsy and nervous. Something about him, AH, and RM does not sit right with me. Of course, that does not mean they have anything to do with Caylee going missing. I certainly did not like his idea of joking he was leaving and not coming back from NY, after he slept with KC. Something about these two groups vs. KC's original group of friends with DS, JG, and Exit seem very different.

I don't particularly see anything off with Amy or Ricardo, but Tony is beginning to blow my hinky meter up higher.

It might be that if he's Casey's pot supplier, he is afraid of being busted or found out.
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