2008.07.23 Amy H. Interview

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I don't particularly see anything off with Amy or Ricardo, but Tony is beginning to blow my hinky meter up higher.

It might be that if he's Casey's pot supplier, he is afraid of being busted or found out.
If your hinky meter is going up, I'm sure LE is onto anything that may be making him hold back. This investigation is and will be ongoing. He may have been enlisted to garner some info from Casey. I am sure that everyone involved in this case has been investigated to the fullest extent as to thier credibility and whatever may be held against them should they be called to testify at trial.
I really think that this is why it is taking so much time for charges to be filed against Casey. This is one of the highest profile cases since Laci Peterson.
Time will tell when this murder trial comes to pass. And I have no doubt it will.
I feel the same. Perhaps AL was very nervous. But, his transcript seems very clumsy and nervous. Something about him, AH, and RM does not sit right with me. Of course, that does not mean they have anything to do with Caylee going missing. I certainly did not like his idea of joking he was leaving and not coming back from NY, after he slept with KC. Something about these two groups vs. KC's original group of friends with DS, JG, and Exit seem very different.

interesting, what do u find off about AL, AH and RM? i agree about the two groups of friends. the original group seem to be nicer(?) about what they say about KC, where AH, RM etc, they truely seem hurt and seem to find it easier to believe that KC did something horrible.
so the whole story george gave in his interview on greta..was all a lie, right? He acted like everything was ok when he got the gas cans from the trunk.

Yes. He told Greta he SAW the gas cans in the trunk, which is a lie. IMO Casey didn't allow him to get near enough to the car to smell it, and he didn't lightheartedly "discover" the gas cans in the trunk as he chuckled to Greta. I don't understand why he is covering for Casey.
when the bit about Amy changing her pants came out, my first thought was she'd been drugged :eek:
That was my first thought when I read the documents released a few weeks ago. If Amy was taking Ambien, Xanax, or some other benzodiapene, she would've made an association between the drug and the sleepwalking/amnesia episode (changing her pants). Yet, she seems totally clueless.

Does anyone know why Amy loaned her $80 for towing? I don't remember reading that before now?
Isn't Brandon the marine in CA that Casey talked to on June 26th ?
Wouldn't it be something if she told him she had a miscarriage because she wanted JG to be the daddy and Caylee was actually the 'miscarriage' they had together ? I could be getting her guys confused though. But if JG told Brandon Caylee wasn't his(JG's) and he found out KC lied about miscarrying his child ???
If this is the marine and she told him there was something she needed to tell him ?? Isn't he her childhood friend also ?

Mark H. is the marine in Cali.

I think there ar a couple of Brandon's in play here. One is Casey's ex -myspace or facebook name snowman.

I think there is another Brandon who hangs with Lake Vaj group - not positive tho.
To me, the most interesting thing in Amy's transcript was the part about the gas can. Casey takes 2 gas cans from her dad, and then they go buy one? Seems to me that Casey may have taken a little road trip and wanted to make sure she had enough gas so as not to stop at a service station. My daughter's theory is that she burned something, but that is just too gross for me to think about. :(

In the meantime, I want to re-read Amy's transcript. I found it most interesting!

I was perplexed about the gas can purchase on June 28th too. This would have been after Casey had abandoned the car at Amscot. Tony was to leave in just two days, on July 1st, and during the time he was gone, she was driving his jeep - from July 1st to July 5th.

Casey could have burned clothing or something that would be connected to Caylee's death.
Amy's puts more pieces together that isn't told even in Tony's. It's a great read.

Amy's is far more detailed than the others. I think this is a female thing - we tend to go into detail. :)
this new info about the gas can after she left the car at Amscott made me re-think the possibility she really didn't ditch the car after all...
Maybe it did just run out of gas...She needed to refill it but by the time she was able to do so it had already been towed...
She told Amy about the car smelling days before it was left at the amscott so apparently she had been driving it around despite the smell...
That car running out of gas, and then getting towed was a big dent in her plans/story..it was that letter from the tow company that really set things in motion with the gm hunting her down....
Keep piecing together where you're going with this. It's caught my eye too.

Tony tried to text Casey after she left with her mother and Amy, and found that Casey had left her phone at his apt.

But, we know after reading Lee's interview that he went to Tony's apt. about midnight and gathered up Casey's belongings. Lee said that all of Casey's things were neatly packed in a leopard print duffel bag, her laptop was in the kitchen on the counter and plugged in with a blue screen - error message, and there was a black bag he put the laptop in.

I'm guessing that Lee took Casey's cellphone too, and she retrieved it from Lee when he brought it home.

Amy says the text message was sent before Casey was arrested. So that could have been in the early morning hours of July 16th, before she was finally arrested.
Tony tried to text Casey after she left with her mother and Amy, and found that Casey had left her phone at his apt.

But, we know after reading Lee's interview that he went to Tony's apt. about midnight and gathered up Casey's belongings. Lee said that all of Casey's things were neatly packed in a leopard print duffel bag, her laptop was in the kitchen on the counter and plugged in with a blue screen - error message, and there was a black bag he put the laptop in.

I'm guessing that Lee took Casey's cellphone too, and she retrieved it from Lee when he brought it home.

Amy says the text message was sent before Casey was arrested. So that could have been in the early morning hours of July 16th, before she was finally arrested.

Check this out!

William W's interview says this:

WW got a text message from Casey's phone on July 15th about Caylee missing.

This is proven while LE is looking through his phone during this interview.

Someone tell me I'm not nuckin futz?!?
Forgive me if someone already mentioned this, but Casey per Amy had an emotional run-in with a guy named Brandon she "had a miscarriage with"...wasn't Brandon one of the names she claimed as a potential father of Caylee??
When Amy describes the incident where she changed pajama bottoms during her sleep, I instantly thought of chloroform.
Woah! It flashed across my mind that casey changed AH's pajamas but I wondered how she could have done so without waking AH. Your answer gives me chills.
I'm sorry if this has already been touched on, I haven't read through all the pages of this thread yet, but I have a big problem with something and wanted to point it out.....

In Amy's interview, she states that on both the 25th and 26th, Casey points out the horrible smell in the car to her over the phone via text message. Again on the 27th, she mentions the part of an animal on the frame of her car, again via text message to Amy.

So we *know* based on those statements, that there was a bad smell in the car during that time frame. In an interview on "On the Record" with Greta in July, George makes the following statement:



That's when I saw my daughter. I was getting ready to go to work, and the garage door goes open and my daughter comes in. This is about 2:25, 2:30 in the afternoon on the 24th. As she comes in the house, and I said, Hey, how're you doing? And she says, Fine, Dad. I says, Well, what's going on? And she says, Oh, I'm just stopping home for about 10 minutes, get some clothes. I go to go back to work. Where's Caylee? She's with Zanny. And I said, OK, when are you guys coming home? She says, Oh, we'll be back home maybe late tonight or the next day.

I said, OK. Have you been talking to Mom? Oh, yes, I talk to Mom every day. I said, I know, but did you talk to Mom today? She sort of hesitated for a moment and she says, Yes. And she says, Oh, by the way, it's a shame what happened in the shed. And I said...


GEORGE ANTHONY: And I said, Really? She says, yes. I said, Interesting. And I just said, Hey, by the way, I said, I'm getting ready to rotate your mom's tires on her car. There's a little metal wedge that fits underneath your tires so your car doesn't rock back and forth. And I said, Well, I'd like to have it, so in case you're not here over the weekend, I'd like to be able to do it.

She was hesitant about letting me get in the car. And I said, Well, listen, I got an extra key. I'll just go get it. Well, she was adamant about -- about that.

VAN SUSTEREN: What, not letting you into the car?

GEORGE ANTHONY: Yes, didn't want me to get into the car to get the stuff out. Dad, I'll get it for you. Dad, I'll get it out. I said, It's no problem. I know where it's at. I'll get it, get it out and be done with it.

So as we're walking out through the garage, she's still telling me, Dad, I'll get it. Give me a minute, I'll get it. I said, Casey, I'm capable of reaching inside your car, and I got it. So -- and she opened up the trunk of the car...

CINDY ANTHONY: The gas cans were there.

GEORGE ANTHONY: (INAUDIBLE) The gas cans there. She's the one that took the gas cans.

So we know that George got close enough to the car to SEE the gas cans in the trunk. It doesn't specifically state that he was the ones to remove them, but he was at LEAST close enough to see them with his own eyes. So are we to believe that there was NO odor coming from the car on the 24th, but there WAS enough of an odor coming from the car on the 25th for Casey to mention it to Amy via text message?

I'm more confused than ever after reading through all the interviews. A few things were clarified for me, but the above is a very big question in my mind. I have been a supporter of George and Cindy throughout this whole thing, but now I am beginning to question George's role in all this. Did he not want to point out the smell to Greta on the interview because he didn't want to somehow implicate his daughter? Was it protection? Has anyone specifically asked him whether or not he smelled the decomp smell or any other smell coming from her trunk on that day? These are lingering questions for me.
I was perplexed about the gas can purchase on June 28th too. This would have been after Casey had abandoned the car at Amscot. Tony was to leave in just two days, on July 1st, and during the time he was gone, she was driving his jeep - from July 1st to July 5th.

Casey could have burned clothing or something that would be connected to Caylee's death.
I don't know. I got the impression that the Target gas can issue was fairly simple: KC kept running out of gas and the second time, AH just said, "We need to buy you a gas can." KC couldn't then say, "Oh. Well, I abandoned my car yesterday because I don't want anyone to notice the smell and I'm hoping it will be stolen so I can blame someone else for Caylee's death so there's no need to buy the can today." I really don't want to think she went to some secluded place and burned up her baby's body such that any evidence was washed away later by flooding. I don't want to think little Caylee's body was burned period. Someone posted that burning the body would leave a lot of evidence. I have not read the posts about that so I do think it is a possibility, but, I think the explanation for the gas can purchase is likely the simplest.
this new info about the gas can after she left the car at Amscott made me re-think the possibility she really didn't ditch the car after all...
Maybe it did just run out of gas...She needed to refill it but by the time she was able to do so it had already been towed...
She told Amy about the car smelling days before it was left at the amscott so apparently she had been driving it around despite the smell...
That car running out of gas, and then getting towed was a big dent in her plans/story..it was that letter from the tow company that really set things in motion with the gm hunting her down....

Some weeks ago the dive team did a monthly drill, diving in a pond near the Anthony home. They called it a drill, but most people feel they were looking for Caylee. In that drill, they recovered three cars that had been pushed into that pond. Casey may have been planning on a similar disappearance for the car...........just putting enough gas in it to get it to one of the bodies of water where it could have been disposed of more permanently.

So, maybe her plan was to go back to Amscot, put enough gas in the car to get it to a retention pond.
I second that theory :(

kinda O/T but I'd like to know where Caylee was between the time Amy last saw her on 06.10 until Fathers Day/06.15... I haven't come across anything in the interviews that claims someone saw her between those dates.. something didn't seem right with Caylee in that FD video and I think those dates could be very telling.

Which could explain something happening on June 9th. We all know by now that little bits of truth slip out with KC's lies. June 9th was a very strong date repeated. Maybe this is when she started doing whatever was being done to Caylee, i.e. putting her in the trunk while partying or drugging her.

my mouth dropped to the floor at that text message Tony recieved. From what phone did he recieve it? If he had KC's cell phone, where did she send that from? And had she talked to him yet about her being missing, or has anyone else talked to him? It doesn't make sense she would text that to him if he still had "no clue" about Caylee even being missing. Then add this with the insistant nature of her "give me tony's number!" phone call right away after being put in jail....I dunno...im starting to think more suspiciously about Tony now.

Also this doesn't add up with the explanation of needing to call Tony RIGHT NOW after being locked up...she says it's because she got arrested on a f(&(*^ whim. Um...well didn't she just someone was spending eternity in jail?
I don't know. I got the impression that the Target gas can issue was fairly simple: KC kept running out of gas and the second time, AH just said, "We need to buy you a gas can." KC couldn't then say, "Oh. Well, I abandoned my car yesterday because I don't want anyone to notice the smell and I'm hoping it will be stolen so I can blame someone else for Caylee's death so there's no need to buy the can today." I really don't want to think she went to some secluded place and burned up her baby's body such that any evidence was washed away later by flooding. I don't want to think little Caylee's body was burned period. Someone posted that burning the body would leave a lot of evidence. I have not read the posts about that so I do think it is a possibility, but, I think the explanation for the gas can purchase is likely the simplest.

When I state that Casey may have wanted to burn clothing or evidence, I was not thinking of burning a body, which I understand would be difficult to do. I was thinking more along the lines of her burning something else - clothing or something that could tie her to the crime.

It could be a simple matter of Amy suggesting the purchase of a gas can.
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