2008.07.23 Amy H. Interview

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From Amy's Interview - (Bold by me)

" the message on the 27th says definetly, theres definetly a part of an animal plastered to the frame of my car".. She told me that she had you know gotten rid of it and I never heard about the smell again"

This part gave me chills, IMO this is the date that KC thinks she has "finally gotten rid of it" Gotten rid of Caylee's body, gotten rid of the smell, gotten rid of what was keeping her from being single and free.

I agree - the 27th is when she dumped Caylee's body. Either in the Amscott dumspter or the one in Tony's building (as per LP has said). But the question is....when did Caylee pass?
I was thinking that LE is doing what they say they are doing---when they ask Amy about the 2 flat tires.

Casey says, according to AH, that she called Ricardo and Troy for help.

Now, just thinking here..... this wasn't a side street where she was stuck. It's a major road of Orlando. You're gonna drag out your closest friends, possibly? Who do you call when you are broken down in a place where you never want that to happen?

Maybe they are establishing just that....the core of Casey's friends.
Maybe it isn't complicated.

But , there's also the caveat that just because Casey says it happened, doesn't mean it did. (not done with interviews here). But even if the story about the tires had been made up, Casey would still insert names which would not stretch the credibility of the fictional event.....:crazy:

Makes sense. After you said they were trying to establish who is the "core" of Casey's friends, maybe they were using it to have motive as well. She stopped hanging out with this group of friends that she could count on for anything (coming and helping her with the two flat tires) and started hanging out with another crowd and this is when Caylee is hurt. ect ect.

From Amy's Interview - (Bold by me)

" the message on the 27th says definetly, theres definetly a part of an animal plastered to the frame of my car".. She told me that she had you know gotten rid of it and I never heard about the smell again"

This part gave me chills, IMO this is the date that KC thinks she has "finally gotten rid of it" Gotten rid of Caylee's body, gotten rid of the smell, gotten rid of what was keeping her from being single and free.

I took it to mean that she GOT RID OF THE CAR. Because isn't this the same day that the Amscot lady sees the car out front in the morning? Maybe she dumped Caylee on that day as well.
There's something that doesn't set quite right about that whole scenario. I think we need to find out when and who took TL's vehicle to the car wash. Don't quite know why yet, but that would be a big help. Why would TL make it a point to tell LE that KC had his jeep washed?

Here is a post I made on WW's thread. I don't recall a date given when Casey washed Tony's jeep.

Casey talked on the phone to him right up until she picked up Tony at the airport. Literally. She was going up the escalator in the airport while talking to WW.

ETA:She also talked to him on the phone while she was at the carwash washing Tony's Jeep.
Ok.. Building on that last post. Was it Amy's statement that Casey was on the phone with Tony up until she walked up to get him? Nothing makes sense to me today after the long night of reading... but I read something like that somewhere.

If that's it, then she made Amy think it was Tony she was on the phone with, when it was really William W.
Does the decomp smell get onto/into everything around it?...So if the smell was in the trunk on the 24th would the gas cans also have an odor on them? Would the odor be on the clothes on Casey since she was in the car driving?
Does the decomp smell get onto/into everything around it?...So if the smell was in the trunk on the 24th would the gas cans also have an odor on them? Would the odor be on the clothes on Casey since she was in the car driving?

The thing that gets me is this...there is this other lady in the news who police found had been driving around with her dead son in the trunk. If a body being in the trunk would produce a smell so unbearable (as Lee described the smell), would the woman and her daughter just continue to drive around in the car? Wouldn't neighbors complain? Wouldn't the guys at the tow yard or even the police who pulled her over notice the smell?

Why would Caylee being in the trunk for a short period of time and then being removed produce such a fowl smell that carried on for weeks, if the woman mentioned above was driving around with a dead body in the trunk for months and no one smelled it?
I think Caylee was removed from the car (Casey's Sunfire) either on the 27th or previous to that date. She was left (at unknown location) until the 30th when Casey had access to Tony's jeep unobserved.

I believe she used the Jeep to take a can of gas to Amscot, saw that the Sunfire had been towed, and had a "SH!!" moment. She then continued to use the Jeep and whatever she did (possibly transporting Caylee's body again) required her to wash Tony's Jeep. Maybe she drove into a muddy area or somewhere to check on Caylee's remains since the Sunfire was gone and didn't want Tony to ask questions about why the Jeep was so dirty.
And why does AH say that Caylee was at the "no clothes" party if the Exit guy posting here says it was his party, and Caylee was not there?
And why does AH say that Caylee was at the "no clothes" party if the Exit guy posting here says it was his party, and Caylee was not there?

Actually my interpertation of Amy's interview was that CA was watching Caylee that night. CA thought KC was at work but later found the photo of KC in the Flag at the no clothes party and printed it off of computer and confronted KC with it. End of pg 33 and beginning of pg 34 of Amy's interview.
We had initially heard that Casey told people her car "broke down" at Amscot. Then we heard that Casey said it simply ran out of gas. I ask what worthless boyfriend would simply pick up his girlfriend and leave her car sitting there at Amscot simply because it is out of gas? COME ON! Maybe I'm applying my values to other people but my fiancee would do repair work at the Amscot (or at least try to assess the problem fully) if he heard I had *any* car issue. But missing gas? Let's go get a gas can now and take care of it! Then factor in that there are gas stations within easy walking distance of Amscot. There are also STORES around! This isn't an Amscot in a rural place, folks. It just makes no sense to me!

I dunno.. she was picking these guys off of MySpace, and then moving right in. Her last "great love" lasted one month. Tony lasted two.

Seems like the only decent man she ever had was Jesse G.
Another thing i find odd is when the Anthony's went to the Tow Yard they worried the smell might be from Casey or Caylee in the trunk But yet at the bond hearing Cindy stated she was in contact with her daughter every day. So she must have known then it was not Casey in the trunk.
Eek, with what AH says about KC saying an animal was plastered to her car, I have an awful feeling it was Caylee she hit

I don't think so-- evidence on the bumper-- dents, tissue caught under the car.
What I found chilling in Amy's interview was a comment she said Casey made about Caylee's whereabouts. On page 21 of Amy's interview she says Casey said this about Caylee:
"You know, they're just, you know, she's having fun. So at least she's in a good place and not involved in all of this other stuff"

Perhaps this is the grain of truth.

Then, there's the, "She's safe and close by," thing.

Creepy and scary! BRRRRRR!
Then, there's the, "She's safe and close by," thing.

Creepy and scary! BRRRRRR!

Think about this.
She told Amy the smell was coming from the engine. It was really coming from the trunk.
She said Caylee was close by. I think LE is looking too close.
The thing that gets me is this...there is this other lady in the news who police found had been driving around with her dead son in the trunk. If a body being in the trunk would produce a smell so unbearable (as Lee described the smell), would the woman and her daughter just continue to drive around in the car? Wouldn't neighbors complain? Wouldn't the guys at the tow yard or even the police who pulled her over notice the smell?

Why would Caylee being in the trunk for a short period of time and then being removed produce such a fowl smell that carried on for weeks, if the woman mentioned above was driving around with a dead body in the trunk for months and no one smelled it?

Three maybes explanations: FL is hot and humid. A body would go rank and fast, in high summer. So the odor doesn't surprised me. 2) Maybe the other woman wrapped her son a lot better. 3) Under certain conditions (not sure what they are, other than dry air) a body will mummify, and won't smell, much. No chance of that in sub-tropical FL!
I think Caylee was removed from the car (Casey's Sunfire) either on the 27th or previous to that date. She was left (at unknown location) until the 30th when Casey had access to Tony's jeep unobserved.

I believe she used the Jeep to take a can of gas to Amscot, saw that the Sunfire had been towed, and had a "SH!!" moment. She then continued to use the Jeep and whatever she did (possibly transporting Caylee's body again) required her to wash Tony's Jeep. Maybe she drove into a muddy area or somewhere to check on Caylee's remains since the Sunfire was gone and didn't want Tony to ask questions about why the Jeep was so dirty.

I thought I knew what happened, until the jeep twist.
Another thing i find odd is when the Anthony's went to the Tow Yard they worried the smell might be from Casey or Caylee in the trunk But yet at the bond hearing Cindy stated she was in contact with her daughter every day. So she must have known then it was not Casey in the trunk.

She also stated that she couldn't get hold of KC, for a period of time.

Can't rely on ANYTHING CA says.
Think about this.
She told Amy the smell was coming from the engine. It was really coming from the trunk.
She said Caylee was close by. I think LE is looking too close.

YIKES! This whole case is not only getting crazier, it's getting creepier!

Makes the Addams family looks downright mainstream!
l've lurked long enough...time to chime in :)

Page 32 line 12-15

AH: That money that got stolen on the 2nd....

EE: Four Hundred and Eighty Dollars?

AH: Four Hundred Dollars. The eighty dollars was for towing that l had lent to her....

So...my question is. Did CA borrow money from AH around the 2nd for towing? Was she trying to get the car out herself after it had been towed? Why didn't the detectives pick this up?
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