2008.07.23 Amy H. Interview

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Ooops, I didn't know she was working on the ship. I have missed so much by not keeping up with the case lately. I'll need a refresher course before the trial starts.

Yes, that poor kid works hard, tries to make a life for herself, it brings home how easy it would have been for Casey to get a job, even waitressing, and have a little place for she and Caylee if Cindy was overbearing....so many people her age do it.

Casey really did a lot of harm to Amy, she thought she was her dear friend, her confidant, she led her so far down the we are moving in togetehr path that Amy changed address and was ready to move off of Ricardo's couch in a week or so. How sensless and cruel. That part still puzzles me, there was such a ticking clock on all of Casey's lies. What was the point? Why be so cruel to someone she seemed so fond of?

It is these areas surrounding Amy that lead me to the Casey is a troubled person arena. Hating mom, that is a clear, but why sabotage Amy, her best friend, outside of booty calls.....seemingly her only friend?

She knew Amy was only gone to PR for a very finite amount of time and would discover that her bank account was empty very very soon, call the bank, and be shown her friend on video....so she KNEW that in one week Amy would know, so why steal from Amy? She could have went home with some random dude from the bar, let him crash, rip him off and leave his apartment at four a m.....or any number of alternate things to get the relatively nominal amount of a few hundred she stole from Amy.

This very short string on the grenade ...that is something I do not get. Did we ever see the state depo if was one of Mark Hawkins? She had to have been planning to go somewhere and leave mom, pop and Amy behind.
Casey Anthony was not thinking, this is my last week of freedom before jail, let me buy groceries for Tony and his two friends as my last harrah becasue the day Amy gets back I start my jail term.
One thing I will never understand. On the drive to get ICA, AH and CA discussed the smell in the car. AH gave her the perfect answer. Casey had told her about the two dead squirrels. This is where they could have muddied the decomp water, so to speak. Not an empty pizza box. Not ham.
Squirrels are well, squirrelly. One could have ended up on the grill, in the engine, giving George a mini stroke, but the other could have crawled his squirrely rump into the trunk and feasted on the ham Dr. Lee says he found there.
Was CA so stubborn that she discounts everything everyone says, except for her precious? Or did she know that was an ICA lie immediately?
After reading these transcripts (TY Cahquita71) it is not hard to see why the defense has not bothered to depose her. I believe they hope all of the key players will leave the state or die of old age.
Yes, that poor kid works hard, tries to make a life for herself, it brings home how easy it would have been for Casey to get a job, even waitressing, and have a little place for she and Caylee if Cindy was overbearing....so many people her age do it.

Casey really did a lot of harm to Amy, she thought she was her dear friend, her confidant, she led her so far down the we are moving in togetehr path that Amy changed address and was ready to move off of Ricardo's couch in a week or so. How sensless and cruel. That part still puzzles me, there was such a ticking clock on all of Casey's lies. What was the point? Why be so cruel to someone she seemed so fond of?

It is these areas surrounding Amy that lead me to the Casey is a troubled person arena. Hating mom, that is a clear, but why sabotage Amy, her best friend, outside of booty calls.....seemingly her only friend?

She knew Amy was only gone to PR for a very finite amount of time and would discover that her bank account was empty very very soon, call the bank, and be shown her friend on video....so she KNEW that in one week Amy would know, so why steal from Amy? She could have went home with some random dude from the bar, let him crash, rip him off and leave his apartment at four a m.....or any number of alternate things to get the relatively nominal amount of a few hundred she stole from Amy.

This very short string on the grenade ...that is something I do not get. Did we ever see the state depo if was one of Mark Hawkins? She had to have been planning to go somewhere and leave mom, pop and Amy behind.
Casey Anthony was not thinking, this is my last week of freedom before jail, let me buy groceries for Tony and his two friends as my last harrah becasue the day Amy gets back I start my jail term.


I don't think she was planning that at all. When Casey stated she was arrested on a whim, I think she really thought that, felt that, and believed that. IMO, she had rarely if ever been held accountable for her actions, and therefore had no concept of what that even meant.

IMO, Casey's mindset is so foreign and alien it is hard to navigate. When I look at all Casey has done, there is no common ground between how I look at things and think about things and how she does.

I don't remember when Casey left the car at Amscot in reference to when Amy went to PR. If Casey was going to take off, she really needed a way to go, either her car, or a bus or plane ticket. She rips Amy off for $600 or $700 and what does she do with it? She buys crap, useless crap. At the time this took place, it had already been 3+ weeks since Caylee was killed. She broke into the parent's who knows how many times during this time, and it appears she stole food from the freezer. ?? When Amy left, she could have cleaned out her account for cash, stole Tony and her parents blind, maybe even Ricardo, hocked everything she could, and left town never to be seen again, but she did none of these things. She just rocked along.

IMO, I really think, no matter how bizarre it sounds, based on her actions, she reallly, really thought this was all going to blow over and everyone was going to forget about Caylee or else accept her 'Caylee's wonderful life with the nanny' stories for all eternity, if she even thought about it at all.
I still say that KC original plan was to kill her parents, I have thought this since hearing that she left Ricardo's house in the middle of the night and telling him that her Mom wanted her to bring Caylee home, And then for CA to say that this never happened, so if she was able to be at his house and leave and return without him waking up, then that would have in her mind been the perfect alibi as to where she was when her parents were killed, there was a reason she was looking up household items as murder weapons and I don't think it was to kill Caylee, I also think that she had been using chloroform on Caylee for quite some time as well as giving her other drugs to make her go to sleep early so she could leave the house and go party, I think in her mind if her parents were dead then she would get the house Amy could move in and she would have money from the estate...

As far as JB & Company not deposing Amy I think this is purely a decision that CM is not going to work on any Saturday, he did not show up for the 5PM hearing that JBP set, so I think that JB will be on his own when it comes to deposing her, and for that reason he is dragging his feet to even get is scheduled, and to not even mention to JBP what an important role she has in this case is ridiculous.
That was my first thought when I read the documents released a few weeks ago. If Amy was taking Ambien, Xanax, or some other benzodiapene, she would've made an association between the drug and the sleepwalking/amnesia episode (changing her pants). Yet, she seems totally clueless.

Does anyone know why Amy loaned her $80 for towing? I don't remember reading that before now?

Ambien is a hypnotic whereas xanax is a benzo. If Amy was slipped either one, she'd sleep hard.
How can this be that WW got the call on the 15th? I will reread his stuff. Very interesting.

Hi mommya posting 2.5 years ago!!:seeya: This is kaRN posting from the future actually present. Yeah we`re still here waiting for justice.

Anyway I have a cell provider and a contract so I`ve never had to set the time but I did set up the date on my phone. You must have to set all that up on a disposable phone right? Maybe WW simply set his date wrong when set it up the first time he used it.
Is that possible?
That was my first thought when I read the documents released a few weeks ago. If Amy was taking Ambien, Xanax, or some other benzodiapene, she would've made an association between the drug and the sleepwalking/amnesia episode (changing her pants). Yet, she seems totally clueless.

Does anyone know why Amy loaned her $80 for towing? I don't remember reading that before now?

This was after Casey had blown out the two tires the night she had been out with Ricardo and Trey. George had told Casey to have the car towed to the house and he would see about getting tires for it. Casey was at home with no way to go anywhere (as in to steal any money) and was texting Amy about it. So Amy offered to loan her the money and bring it over, as Casey said she had to have it when they brought the car, and they wanted cash.
Yes, that poor kid works hard, tries to make a life for herself, it brings home how easy it would have been for Casey to get a job, even waitressing, and have a little place for she and Caylee if Cindy was overbearing....so many people her age do it.

Casey really did a lot of harm to Amy, she thought she was her dear friend, her confidant, she led her so far down the we are moving in togetehr path that Amy changed address and was ready to move off of Ricardo's couch in a week or so. How sensless and cruel. That part still puzzles me, there was such a ticking clock on all of Casey's lies. What was the point? Why be so cruel to someone she seemed so fond of?

It is these areas surrounding Amy that lead me to the Casey is a troubled person arena. Hating mom, that is a clear, but why sabotage Amy, her best friend, outside of booty calls.....seemingly her only friend?

She knew Amy was only gone to PR for a very finite amount of time and would discover that her bank account was empty very very soon, call the bank, and be shown her friend on video....so she KNEW that in one week Amy would know, so why steal from Amy? She could have went home with some random dude from the bar, let him crash, rip him off and leave his apartment at four a m.....or any number of alternate things to get the relatively nominal amount of a few hundred she stole from Amy.

This very short string on the grenade ...that is something I do not get. Did we ever see the state depo if was one of Mark Hawkins? She had to have been planning to go somewhere and leave mom, pop and Amy behind.
Casey Anthony was not thinking, this is my last week of freedom before jail, let me buy groceries for Tony and his two friends as my last harrah becasue the day Amy gets back I start my jail term.

I do wonder if Amy now finds it hard to trust anyone. Casey's heartless treatment of her must have been pretty devastating.

But I think Casey figured she'd just do what she always did - tell another lie. Maybe it would be "oh, my dad had another stroke/a heart attack/some other major thing and I needed the money to help pay for his medical treatment or to get to the hospital to help him or whatever." She was just borrowing it because it was some urgent problem and she knew Amy would understand. And quite possibly Amy would have believed her and given her another chance.

Welcome here !!!!! We are so glad to have new posters!!! I guess you are right Tink, it reminds me of the sleezy type con man that pretends to be wealthy, hangs around elderly widowed socialite types, worms his way into their good graces, always accidentally forgetting his wallet at home and the lonely, vulnerable rich old lady gets taken for a ride.

It happens for protracted amounts of time until she one day realizes she has been had.

If any man on a date ever told me he forgot his wallet, that ole boy would be bustin some suds!! View attachment suds.bmp
As you say, Casey left a lot of hurt in her wake, I pity the trust issues Jesse Tony and Amy will all have. The good news is life has chapters, this one will begin and end. They will go on to have full lives. The one who never will, is the baby, of course. She'll never have her first little best friend....or any of the truly sweet treasures of this life.

Friend or not, I betcha when Amy and the others do marry and have children they will trust them to NO ONE, never knowing who to truly cling to and trust and who could be another evil Casey type on the inside. I hope they are able to get past this, in a comprehensive way. I told Jesse that, the best way to honor Caylee is to have a very full and happy family of his own one day. I hope that for Amy. That young girl has shown more grace under pressure than the Anthony family and these defense lawyers, combined. At least she has the self discipline to stay out of the press about all of this. I give her credit for that;because, I imagine she has been offered some life changing amounts of money to sell her pictures/story. When you are waitressing, and working two jobs, a hundred grand to pay off your student loan could certainly qualify for life changing. MOO
Thanks for the info Think Tank

Amy Huizenga[/B] - Defense depo set for February 14, 2011 at 2:00pm

What do you think the defense is going to ask her? ... anything new after the conviction for cheque fraud?

1:23 mark...

In a rare moment, a teary Anthony addressed the court.

"I'm sorry for what I did. I'd like to sincerely apologize to Amy. I wish I would have been a better friend," she said.

- Casey Anthony

Not alot of thought went into this "apology"...

I wouldn't call this "teary" but she sure had a hard time believing what she's stated...her hard swallows, her forehead puckering, she wipes at her eye but no real tears....I'll bet that was the hardest apology for her to date....I wonder what would be said after Caylee's victory on the murder charges? JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I saw this yesterday and thought, poor Amy has to spend Valentine's afternoon with JB and CM! I hope she has a nice evening out after that. Does anyone know if they have to go to Miami, if it will be by Skype, or if it will be in Orlando?
I saw this yesterday and thought, poor Amy has to spend Valentine's afternoon with JB and CM! I hope she has a nice evening out after that. Does anyone know if they have to go to Miami, if it will be by Skype, or if it will be in Orlando?

It's at the SAO in Orlando and scheduled to last 2 hrs. Poor AH!!
It's at the SAO in Orlando and scheduled to last 2 hrs. Poor AH!!

So Mason got his smarmy way, after all..... he sure didn't want to go to Miami and do the depo on a Saturday. I figured he would find a way to have Amy come to Orlando.
It's good to read back the testimony and see the differences...

Even as CA is describing the smell in the car to AmyH, at this point, she still thought everything was ok. It wasn't until she got her home, Lee questioning her, when ICA finally blurted out, she hadn't seen Caylee in 31 days, did the panic set it. She became frantic, now she can put the smell in the car to Caylee not being in ICA's custody for 31 days..IMO, (although layman's opinion) it was excited utterance..she can now connect the smell to Caylee's alleged disappearance..JMHO

Once trial rolls around, the defense may hammer those points home with CA to discredit her ( they already know she's lost her credibility with her ever changing stories). This could have been done at the hearing on 7/15/2010 but you didn't have AmyH present to do this on this day. I can only bet when the trial gets under way, we will hear of many inconsistencies...alot of discrediting will be done but it will only drive the point home to the jury. How can a grandmother just take the word of her daughter who has been proven to be a pathological liar. Never meeting this alleged nanny, ICA held no job so why didn't grandmother question HOW this nanny was being paid, etc...how ICA has ducked her mother always using excuses to where Caylee was for 31 days, what she was doing (Caylee's sleeping I don't want to wake her, Caylee will get upset, I don't want to upset her, etc..)...seems the dysfunction of this family sets the stage for ICA's mitigating factors, watch for CA to get thrown under the same bus she has thrown innocent people in front of...Just watching ICA's anger at the words her mother spoke at this hearing, I'm feeling an eruption may take place..ICA is incessed at her mother and notibly present is the anger on ICA's face...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

I have a question for anyone who knows. In Lee's INTERVIEW with the State and Cindy's and also George's, they all slander Amy H and Tony and Ricardo - Lee goes so far to say she is into heroin, but is unable to prove this and says he never asked for proof from Dominic Casey (who told him this to beging with).

My question - can Amy H. sue for slander.
So Mason got his smarmy way, after all..... he sure didn't want to go to Miami and do the depo on a Saturday. I figured he would find a way to have Amy come to Orlando.

Sheesh! I want to go to Miami!:maddening:
It's at the SAO in Orlando and scheduled to last 2 hrs. Poor AH!!

Poor AH is right! We heard how they talk to witnesses in these depos! I hope she holds her own and doesn't let them get to her.
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