Yes, that poor kid works hard, tries to make a life for herself, it brings home how easy it would have been for Casey to get a job, even waitressing, and have a little place for she and Caylee if Cindy was many people her age do it.
Casey really did a lot of harm to Amy, she thought she was her dear friend, her confidant, she led her so far down the we are moving in togetehr path that Amy changed address and was ready to move off of Ricardo's couch in a week or so. How sensless and cruel. That part still puzzles me, there was such a ticking clock on all of Casey's lies. What was the point? Why be so cruel to someone she seemed so fond of?
It is these areas surrounding Amy that lead me to the Casey is a troubled person arena. Hating mom, that is a clear, but why sabotage Amy, her best friend, outside of booty calls.....seemingly her only friend?
She knew Amy was only gone to PR for a very finite amount of time and would discover that her bank account was empty very very soon, call the bank, and be shown her friend on she KNEW that in one week Amy would know, so why steal from Amy? She could have went home with some random dude from the bar, let him crash, rip him off and leave his apartment at four a m.....or any number of alternate things to get the relatively nominal amount of a few hundred she stole from Amy.
This very short string on the grenade ...that is something I do not get. Did we ever see the state depo if was one of Mark Hawkins? She had to have been planning to go somewhere and leave mom, pop and Amy behind.
Casey Anthony was not thinking, this is my last week of freedom before jail, let me buy groceries for Tony and his two friends as my last harrah becasue the day Amy gets back I start my jail term.