2008.07.24 George Anthony Interview

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Unfortunately, I'm getting the sense there have been many in this case who have done wrong...seriously taking advantage of the situation at the expense of Caylee. Cindy doesn't seem to see this...but George does. Question- where does TL fit in all this? George seems mighty ticked off. I haven't read the whole interview. Does he spell it out? Why is he so angry at this person?
been posting over here about this same issue... :D


Course, some think it's just fatherly love and thinking this new man led her astray...
respectfully snipped<
As a single parent, it looks like KC had it made. I was in the same situation once. I lived at home, but my parents did not watch my child when awake. Babysitting only happened at night, after the baby was fully asleep. And I was to be home before the child wakes. When school/work started back up, baby sitting was allowed during those times only.

Nothing like parenting with a full time nag over your shoulder. Disagreeing with everything you do. Changing rules to suit themselves. etc. My breastfeeding got screwed up, my idea of no cereal was ignored.. cause she knew better then my doctor, etc. She had no problem doing for the baby, so long as I was 'there".

She wasn't doing this to be mean. She thought she was helping, by making sure I would be responsible for my child. But she has a very controlling personality. I was constantly reminded how lucky I was, how it could be, etc. Guilt, etc.

It's been 20 years. But I do remember it wasn't the perfect set up, that some folks might think it would be.

None of that would excuse what KC did to Caylee. I"m just seeing some wild assumptions. IF folks are going to guesstimate what might have been going on. Might want a peek at someone elses story.

I know what you mean. I moved out at 17 with a 3 month old baby. My dad was ex-career military. Even after I moved out, they didn't want to help me, but they sure did want to tell me what to do, what an unfit mother I was, etc. I know the feelings of oppression, and despair, and no escape. I can imagine what it was like living in that house with that woman, I mean seriously, Casey is 22 years old, she has Caylee with her, and Cindy is making her be home at a certain time??? I could understand it if Cindy had Caylee, but wow.
Anyway, to change topics, this is probably why I can't scrape up much sympathy for poor ol George's situation with Cindy. My dad makes that woman look like a cream puff. I am certainly no wonder woman with bulletproof bracelets and an invisible plane, and I WAS verbally, emotionally, and physically abused, and I still managed to get out, repeat, at 17 with a 3 month old baby, so why can't he?
Was it my imagination or did George mention something about looking up ZFG online?
Respectfully snipped.

I guess I just don't see what the "right" thing for GA to do, is? He's working with LE and giving them all of the information he has. In fact we get the idea from this new interview that he knows he shouldn't be talking to them as candidly as he was, but he took it upon himself to go down there and give them more information. He went to the GJ and testified what he knew as well. To me he is doing a lot of "right" in working with LE even when it pains him to do so. He had to know that this interview would get published, but he did it anyway, regardless of what may be happening inside the walls of the A house now that it is all out there.

Bold above is mine.

Ya know, throughout all of these dumps there has been a reoccuring theme. I've read several (if not more) times where LE says "No, this won't be made public" or "no, this is just between us".
Not those exact words but very similar.
Not putting LE down in any way but imagine some of these interviews where the person being interviewed is led to believe/thinks they are speaking in confidence behind closed doors only to see their own words spattered across blogs and message board. Yikes! I so feel for all those who have been dragged into KC's web.
I just wanted to point out that Baez has no responsibility to the Anthony's as Casey is his client, not Cindy and George. They can ask all the questions they want about who is paying him for Casey's representation and what he's doing for her on the case but they are not his clients and he doesn't have to tell them anything. Casey's a grown-up now, not a child and his agreement was/is with Casey and not her parents.

Not that I'm fond of Baez, but I would not expect him to tell the Anthony's the dirty details or his gameplan.
QUOTE: p. 13 - re TonE/A L.

GA: "...I've never met this Tony. I don't want to meet this Tony because I'm afraid I might bite into this Tony. I, I, I don't want to see the man..."

Does GA (and now the GJ?) know something about Tone/A L that we need to know?

Hmmm... Dad's generally don't like Men who use their daughter just as a bootie call....

I'm thinking that might be it.

AT that point, I'm guessing he knows that Tony was sleeping with his daughter. But wasn't interested in a full time realationship, nor Caylee. Yet, his daughter wanted a realationship with him.. enough to possibly get rid of Caylee....

What more does a father need to know to hate a guy? He might realize it's not the guy's fault. He might realize the Guy tried to make KC understand that. But when it comes to Dad/s and daughters.........
I don't know how I feel about this interview. He insinuates to LE that he thinks Caylee might be dead, then he goes out in public and says she's alive and he's actually searched for her. Confilicting in my opinion.
Something just struck me funny while reading GA's interview. When he went to pick the car up at the tow yard and smelled the stink of the car, he had the worker there walk around the car with him and said to himself, "Don't let this be my Caylee."

Did they even know Caylee was missing at that point? I thought they didn't know she was missing until after they got the car back? If so, then wouldn't that be a strange thing for GA to say unless KC had previously threatened to harm her?
Prosecutors: No Death Penalty For Casey Anthony

Source: Not Enough Aggravating Factors To Make Case


Prosecutors say they do not have enough evidence to seek the death penalty against Casey Anthony, who is accused of killing her daughter, Caylee, WESH 2 News learned on Thursday

I'm not surprised because the cops did tell GA during his interview that he didn't lose his daughter and wasn't going to lose his daughter. I assumed when I read that that the police were trying to relieve his fears of the DP.
I wonder why GA seems to hate AL?

I still haven't found anything here regarding what AL and KC were discussing in the wee hours of 6/16 with the phones calls and texts. Anyone here know what they were jabbering about?
What was the term that he used several times during the interview - "beat feet" or something? Can someone explain this? I think I get it but want to be for sure..thanks.
What was the term that he used several times during the interview - "beat feet" or something? Can someone explain this? I think I get it but want to be for sure..thanks.

I think he just means "get there/here quickly."
It means get right on it.. make tracks, get moving fast, etc.
Something just struck me funny while reading GA's interview. When he went to pick the car up at the tow yard and smelled the stink of the car, he had the worker there walk around the car with him and said to himself, "Don't let this be my Caylee."

Did they even know Caylee was missing at that point? I thought they didn't know she was missing until after they got the car back? If so, then wouldn't that be a strange thing for GA to say unless KC had previously threatened to harm her?

I was thinking the same thing. Why would he even think that it was Caylee in the trunk? But then again, DCF was investigating KC of "threatened harm". That might explain it. She may have threatened to hurt the child in the past and her parents knew this but never reported it.
That's what I thought....is it an LE term??
I wonder why GA seems to hate AL?

I still haven't found anything here regarding what AL and KC were discussing in the wee hours of 6/16 with the phones calls and texts. Anyone here know what they were jabbering about?

I think maybe George thinks if it wasn't for KC having fallen in with this "new" AL guy and crew like she did, none of this would've happened...

Just a thought...
Seems like he got sick right after he checked his voicemail and had the message from Cindy telling him she wanted him home for the news conference ... I wonder if that is all she said on that message or what other messages he got?
I don't know why so many people are calling for George to leave Cindy. It's obvious that he loves Cindy very much. He's already lost his granddaughter and his daughter, why would anyone want him to lose his wife too?

I think George sees that Cindy is not ready to handle the truth. When she asked him to tell her it was actually the pizza causing the odor in the car it brought tears to my eyes. She needs him to protect her and that's what he's trying to do, while at the same time trying to be straight with LE.

Cindy is lashing out at everyone and anyone - she's misdirecting her anger in her effort to avoid the pain of accepting the truth. She's grabbing on to anything that gives her hope, including tips that a rational person can see are totally outrageous. George is enabling her in that because he doesn't want to see her in pain. He's making a mistake, IMO.

George is going to have to get tough with Cindy, even though it's the last thing he wants to do. She can't go on like she is.


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