2008.07.24 George Anthony Interview

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BBM ~ :waitasec:

IIRC, in one of the interviews, (I want to say it was GA but could have been LA) there were statements made as to how CA liked to handle KC. Whenever there was trouble she insisted on being the one to handle it. My statement was based on having heard this, and after watching CA taking charge of everything she can, I have no doubt that she would have wanted to be the one to deal with her kids. MOO
George wasn't making very good sense in his comparisons IMO, but he said that Cindy carried and nurtured Casey while he wasn't home as much due to working BUT he's been there for Caylee. I took it to mean that he has been home a whole lot since her birth and there for her nurturing and care.
George is so annoying the way he tells his stories and skirts around the real questions. It's obvious the investigators are really wanting to talk about the dead body smell in the vehicle, why Casey won't talk, and if the family knows more than they're telling. George doesn't want to get down to business, but talks about the foundation, blaming Tony, Fusion, digs to Cindy, jealousy of another man friend, etc. He's more concerned about Baez and Casey than he is about Caylee being deceased at that time.

He talks the way he does because Cindy is holding his jewels and has coached him ahead of time.
Casey was 19 years old, pregnant by a man she couldn't name and stealing money from the family. If George had enough of her behavior and Cindy chose to protect Casey instead of her own marraige then I don't blame George at all.

I know, but so what? How many pregnant unwed mothers of 19 years old have parents that divorce because of THAT? I don't know the statistics for sure, but I know this - every Christmas my father gave my mother another jewel; a ruby necklace, an emerald earring, a blue sapphire ring... and my drug addict brother stole them all and sold them to buy drugs. Every year. And then he died from an overdose. My parents just celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary.

My point is, people deal with s...t all their lives, all kinds of it, but I just don't like the idea of a father telling his children it's THEIR fault the marriage didn't work, not his own. This is not said to defend Casey, but rather because I just don't get the kind of man George is.
I know, but so what? How many pregnant unwed mothers of 19 years old have parents that divorce because of THAT? I don't know the statistics for sure, but I know this - every Christmas my father gave my mother another jewel; a ruby necklace, an emerald earring, a blue sapphire ring... and my drug addict brother stole them all and sold them to buy drugs. Every year. And then he died from an overdose. My parents just celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary.

My point is, people deal with s...t all their lives, all kinds of it, but I just don't like the idea of a father telling his children it's THEIR fault the marriage didn't work, not his own. This is not said to defend Casey, but rather because I just don't get the kind of man George is.

I'm so sorry about your brother, please accept my condolences for you and your parents.

I understand what you are saying and agree that George is not the most upstanding man, but all we know is that he told LE that he felt part of the problem between him and his wife was issues with their daughter. Did he say he told his children it's their fault the marraige didn't work? If so, I missed it. George obviously thought this LE interview was private.
I'm so sorry about your brother, please accept my condolences for you and your parents.

I understand what you are saying and agree that George is not the most upstanding man, but all we know is that he told LE that he felt part of the problem between him and his wife was issues with their daughter. Did he say he told his children it's their fault the marraige didn't work? If so, I missed it. George obviously thought this LE interview was private.

Thank you, I appreciate that.

You're right, we dont' know for sure if he ever let Casey know that she was the reason, or let's say A reason, for his separation from Cindy. But when he told LE that in the interview, it sort of seems to me like it flowed out as if it were common knowledge. Maybe I'm wrong, but I seem to remember reading or hearing that it wasn't the first and only time that was stated. I don't know, I'm overwhelmed with passion, A...GAIN... and am spouting off at the mouth.
George seemed to be stuck between a wall and a hard place. On one hand, as an ex-cop, he surely didn't want to appear A) like a dumb cop, and B) like a dishonest cop. Once a cop, always a cop.... these guys were still ingrained as his peers.
On the other hand, he has Cindy squeezing his jewels and a daughter that is facing prison.
He tried satisfying both sides of the fence.

End result? He looked like a dumb, dishonest ex-cop controlled by his wife to help save ICA from prison.
I also thought it was smart that the detectives worked from that angle in interviewing George. They suspected he had ingrained 'brotherhood' loyalty and pride....once a cop, always a cop..
They kept hitting on the 'cop to cop' level in questioning to extract truth, and when George got anxious about revealing too much, they flipped to the 'cop to grandfather' line of questioning and comforting. They gave him 'cop respect' to get him to answer questions about what he smelled and what his assessment of the situation was. George was ping ponging between cop and grandfather, all orchestrated by the intuition and skills of these fine detectives.
IIRC, in one of the interviews, (I want to say it was GA but could have been LA) there were statements made as to how CA liked to handle KC. Whenever there was trouble she insisted on being the one to handle it. My statement was based on having heard this, and after watching CA taking charge of everything she can, I have no doubt that she would have wanted to be the one to deal with her kids. MOO

I agree with you. There were a few times that we have heard that George was not allowed to confront Casey with her lies. When George found out the truth about Sports Authority and told Cindy that he was going to confront Casey with the truth Cindy told him not to upset Casey and that she would take care of it. I also firmly believe that George knew exactly who had "stolen" those gas cans and he reported it to the cops as his way of confronting Casey. Lee has even said that George was just there. Cindy controlled the money, the "punishments" (seems like there never were any though), while George was used to fix things around the house or wash the cars. Cindy didn't want George to be in law enforcement when they moved to Florida so George wasn't. It appears to me that Cindy has always worn the pants in that family.

I know, but so what? How many pregnant unwed mothers of 19 years old have parents that divorce because of THAT? I don't know the statistics for sure, but I know this - every Christmas my father gave my mother another jewel; a ruby necklace, an emerald earring, a blue sapphire ring... and my drug addict brother stole them all and sold them to buy drugs. Every year. And then he died from an overdose. My parents just celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary.

My point is, people deal with s...t all their lives, all kinds of it, but I just don't like the idea of a father telling his children it's THEIR fault the marriage didn't work, not his own. This is not said to defend Casey, but rather because I just don't get the kind of man George is.

Usually I'd agree...but I would never underestimate the damage Casey did and could have done to anyone.
I agree with you. There were a few times that we have heard that George was not allowed to confront Casey with her lies. When George found out the truth about Sports Authority and told Cindy that he was going to confront Casey with the truth Cindy told him not to upset Casey and that she would take care of it. I also firmly believe that George knew exactly who had "stolen" those gas cans and he reported it to the cops as his way of confronting Casey. Lee has even said that George was just there. Cindy controlled the money, the "punishments" (seems like there never were any though), while George was used to fix things around the house or wash the cars. Cindy didn't want George to be in law enforcement when they moved to Florida so George wasn't. It appears to me that Cindy has always worn the pants in that family.


BBM-Yet we read a (sorta) different story when the Anthony's give their depositions to the state-We read that it is GA who was often there at the house when the kids went to and from school, that CA was working-Or, that if GA was not home and the kids had to make their way down to Hidden Oaks by themselves, he would be home shortly after they got home.
I can only imagine that GA was never painted well in that household, and perhaps by his own doing-before they'd even left Ohio, GA had caused trouble in their marriage/family. By the time they got to Florida, GA was sneaking behind CA's back applying for a job with Orlando Police (which he had never admitted to CA prior to this happening). I am going to go out on a limb and say that the kids had always gotten the impression that daddy was a bit of a loser from CA and/or other family members and GA's actions kinda suported that moniker.
We can only blame CA for so much. GA is his own person. IMO he is/was too selfish to discipline his daughter as that takes work and he was more than happy to let CA take the reigns.

IMO GA is a smoozer (is that a word?) - a person who says what he thinks people want to hear so as to benefit himself. I don't read GA as being a sincere person.
I think GA is a yeller and that's probably his method of expression when he's unhappy or stressed. :twocents:
If Cindy started controlling money, she must have had to because George lost all his insurance settlement and Shirley claimed that he took a credit card out in Cindy's name for $25,000. Someone being controlled could never have had lone access to thousands of dollars from a settlement. The controllee would have seen to that. Anyway though, back to the interview: George was also trying to slyly introduce the idea that Cindy had no idea that the decomp was really a dead body, but maybe a figure of speech. He got all animated and was telling the story of Cindy saying "George" "what died in here?".
If Cindy started controlling money, she must have had to because George lost all his insurance settlement and Shirley claimed that he took a credit card out in Cindy's name for $25,000. Someone being controlled could never have had lone access to thousands of dollars from a settlement. The controllee would have seen to that. Anyway though, back to the interview: George was also trying to slyly introduce the idea that Cindy had no idea that the decomp was really a dead body, but maybe a figure of speech. He got all animated and was telling the story of Cindy saying "George" "what died in here?".

One thing I have learned about george, when he gets all animated and starts with those heavy sighs...he's lying.
And cindy can stop with this new phony soft voice she's been trying out lately. We all know it's calculated and a load of carp. They are both so bloody obvious in their lies. They are not good actors, they really should just stop. We know they won't, in fact I bet as I type this they are working a new deal for interviews.
I was just relistening to this and GA is absolutely manic sounding in this interview.

Anyway, my reason for relistening was something that bothered me since the first day I heard it. Recent talk about DC and his videotaped search and him looking for trash bags has tripped my memory of this statement.

Audio: http://is.gd/2G5ZTa 35:40
Text: http://is.gd/2Op6ng Page 35 line 13:

GA: Ok, that's the day I reported the trash cans, the uhm....
JA: Yeah (affirmative)
GA: cans been taken.

Written down it just seems like he meant gas cans and said trash cans by accident. But listen to the audio and hear the way he says it. Most people would say "That's the day I reported the trash cans, oh excuse me, the gas cans had been taken". But he says it more like "That's the day I reported the trash ca- (oh crap what did I just say), the uhm... the cans been taken"

I have no clue how this could fit in with the timeline of who knew what when. My best guess right now is that the gas cans weren't the only thing GA noticed missing from the shed and that maybe a trash can or trash bags were also missing. Just sort of an oddly coincidental mixup of words, considering what we know now.

Like I said, it's always stood out to me and I'm curious what you all think.

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