2008.08.04 George Anthony Interview Audio

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Could Caylee have been in the trunk gas can day?
Synopsis of George's interview.

They confirmed he had not had a stroke. George expressed suprise that Casey had said that.

Casey started staying out more often starting in May and sleeping over at the Nanny's.

June 15: George working 3 - 11 pm . Casey's car was in driveway when he got home.

June 16: George describes Casey as leaving wearing charcoal grey pin-stripe slacks - possibly the ones Cindy washed when they got the car back, off white top. Backpack - either black or brown.

Caylee's backpack was white with monkeys on it. Denim skirt, white tennis shoes, white sunglasses, pink shirt with sleeves. Ponytail.

Casey says she has to work late that night, and she and Caylee will stay over at the nanny's because the event she was doing wouldn't be over until late.

Cindy has been trying to determine where Casey has been going.

George wanted to take Casey's car to change the oil. Casey kept putting him off. In May she ran into a construction barrier, had to have the car towed to the house, per George's instructions and George had to have new tires and rims put on. She had been at Fusian that night. George questioned why Casey was on the 408 when she supposedly worked at Universal Studios - obviously not a direct route.

Story about trip to Tampa/Busch Gardens/Zanny car accident. Relayed to George by Cindy.

June 23, George chases Casey in Cindy's car from their house up the 408. Cindy tries to stop him from following her, but he does it anyway. Casey was driving fast to try to get away from him and eventually eluded him by exiting. George says the information would be on Cindy's E-Pass (tollway) statement. George agrees to give the records to police

June 24: George finds shed open - lock was broken off, gas cans gone. He knew Casey had taken gas before because she had spilled gas on her car. He had told her he didn't care if she was using the gas from his gas cans, just put it back.

That same day, he met Cindy at Goldenrod BOA to sign economic stimulus check and deposit it. He returned around 2pm and Casey came in. She seemed startled but was in a rush to leave for work. Casey mentioned she heard about the stolen gas cans from Cindy. George asked for the wheel chocks and said he would get them out of the trunk of his car and she said "I'll get the @#$%^ for you." Then grabbed the cans and gave them to him saying "Here are your @#$% cans." Then George asked her why she had them and she said she was driving back and forth to Tampa to see Zani. George didn't see in the back of the trunk. He said something to her about the police report about the missing gas cans he had filed like "Thank you for making me look stupid." He states he wanted to get to the bottom of this stuff.

He suspected for 2 years that Casey hadn't been working. He realizes she's sending emails to herself from the home computer to her laptop to make it look like she's working - he could see this based on the printouts.

Says Cindy is a very strong willed woman and that he loves her very much and Casey is the same way. Notes it's hard living with 3 women.

Ladder incident - a day or so after Caylee was missing, they were trying to figure out what happened. One specific day they found the gate open (it was normally locked) and the ladder on the pool and Cindy called him to say it was like that sometime prior to the 16th. Not sure when that happened.

July 11: Notification for car towing arrives but was put on front door so no one noticed it.

Sunday: Cindy finds the notification of registered letter on the front door. Tells George. George says he will pick it up.

Monday: George doesn't make it to post office. They think that Casey has the car up in Jacksonville with Jeff Hopkins and son Zach. George had told her not to drive up there because the car needed maintenance. Casey claimed a frind of Jeff's rotated the tires, changed the oil, put a sensor in it. George asked to see the receipt. Casey didn't give it to him.

George discusses his new job - expresses how much he likes the company and how happy he is with the job even though his boss is younger than him. Says his company recruited him. Cindy is happy with George's new job.

Detective tells George that a lot of the kids associated with Casey are telling police that their jobs are in peril due to their association with the case. They say there is no need to contact George's employer.

July 15: George goes to pick up the car.

Police ask what else was in the car.

George says he didn't like the smell in the car. He's implying that there was a dead body in the car. Seems emotional - but controlling himself, the way a man would - he is clearly upset, though.

Detective says Amy was concerned about what Cindy said about the car.

George describes the contents of car: Doll, diaper bag, purse, clothes, backpack. Backpack with monkeys is not in the car. Pants with stripes.

Trunk: collapsible crate with coat hangers.

Mentions that Casey likes to shop at Target with his wife's money.

After the car was brought home, Cindy insisted George go back to work. George says he was livid at the time but went.

LE discusses Lee going to AL's apartment and brings back Casey's stuff and George mentions they had a strong odor of cigarette smoke. There was another purse in her belonginings. Brought it back to the house. Mentions the cash Cindy commandeered from Casey's wallet. Says Cindy thought it might be Amy's cash.

Says 90% of more Cindy watched Caylee. Says Cindy was first to hold Caylee when she was born and Casey has always been upset about that. Casey has expressed jealousy about George and Cindy's relationship with Caylee.

George admits that Casey having this child upset the household and caused Cindy and George to separate for a while back when she was born. Says they worked through the issues and got back together.
Could Caylee have been in the trunk gas can day?

he doesnt know- he didnt look. You can tell he was thinking during the interview. He became upset at that moment.

anyway, I do feel a lot of emotion for george hearing his interview. I do not have those same emotions about the wife, she's avoiding answering the questions. She's very elusive. George, hes very concerned and wants to get to the bottom of it.
I am starting to think that Caylee may have been in the car on the 24th snowshuze
I want to know this too. Did it just appear back in the driveway in the middle of the night? Did Cindy meet Casey somewhere?

What about the friends? Any of the friends mention dropping off or picking up Casey in regards to Cindy's car? Something is picking at the back of my mind about this, but can't nail it down.

This is troubling. Right, how did she get to the car, and how did it get back?? And why was George so troubled at that time that he needed to race after her. I wish I knew the date this happened.
In other interviews LE has asked if the friends know of any friend that lives (i can't remember the name of town or road, but when asked all the friends seem to reply, out there? no. one friend remembered an old boyfriend that lived "out there") I wonder if they can place Casey wherever "out there" is (i will go back to find out the exact location they keep asking about) and I am wondering if she drove Cindy's car to that location??
I want to know this too. Did it just appear back in the driveway in the middle of the night? Did Cindy meet Casey somewhere?

What about the friends? Any of the friends mention dropping off or picking up Casey in regards to Cindy's car? Something is picking at the back of my mind about this, but can't nail it down.

You know, I wonder if Cindy allowed Casey to take the car, and when George seen her, he was already mad and didn't care if it was allowed or not, he was tired of her doing crazy things and getting away with it..
I am guessing this is why Cindy didn't say anything about it, because Casey had her permission, and she didn't realize that George had a problem with it. Just a thought anyways...:rolleyes:
One day gate was open and pool ladder was in place, but he can't remember the day. He remembers Cindy calling him at work and asking him.
I n the short amount of time that George has spoke, he has said more then Cindy.
I think he was being completely honest with the investigators - I believe him and I feel for him. To think Casey could end all of this prolonged pain by just finally telling what she knows. I don't know how they can stand to be in the same house with her.
Done listening to it now. OMG do I feel for that guy. You can feel the frustration in his voice. Almost like "if I had just DONE something earlier this never would have happened". The family dynamics are just fascinating to me. I think he probably had to struggle with 'doing the right thing' and 'keeping Cindy happy' a lot over the years. Then to have a daughter that is just as strong (personality wise) as your wife. Wow. Can you imagine how conflicted, especially as former LE, he must be feeling about all the things that he suspected were happening, things that he now KNOWS happened and things that he had no idea were happening. He really sounds like the only 100% honest, without spin, person I've heard so far (besides the tow company manager). wow wow and wow!

Which then just leads me to wonder what else do they have that they have not released yet and what information does that hold? I don't know if I can take it at this point. The torture that girl has given to her family, and now the whole nation is just unreal and relentless. I keep waking up praying that when I turn on the news they'll announce that she was arrested and this time she's not getting out.
Listening now. You can hear the anguish and frustration with his daughter in his voice.

I'm no longer sure there is anger, frustration, denial, or sadness in anything GA, CA, or LA say. In my opinion they all know what happened and when it happened - the night of June 15th; the rest is subtrafuge and obfuscation. But, this is my opinion only.
Could Caylee have been in the trunk gas can day?

Yes. It's hard for me to believe Casey would have gotten so worked up just over the gas cans, even if she used the gas to burn Caylee's body. Unless maybe there was some other strong evidence, not Caylee's body, in the trunk that she couldn't have her dad see. But just gas cans? Nah. Wouldn't get her so riled up.
I believe that they both know, they just can't admit to they selves that their daughter would be capable of killing the child/or hiding an accident.
I need to add that I DO believe there is sadness and regret and that is what we're seeing from the Anthonys - in my opinion only.
As much as his actions have bothered me, he seems to be the one with some companion.
When I was talking about his subdued emotion, I guess I was comparing him to my dad. My dad would be 69 if he were alive, he passed away in '06. I had my oldest daughter when I was 17 and lived at home for a couple of years as a single unwed mother. My father was extremely close to my daughter because of this and he would get emotional if she was sick, hurt or upset. He could not stand to see that baby hurting in anyway and it did not matter who was around to see him upset. He was a good man, my dad and a fantastic grandfather.

My Dad Passed away in Dec '06 at the age of 73. I know how you must be feeling.

My Dad was a wonder Grandfather too. His Grandbabies were the most important thing to him. Loved them with a passion. We used to tease him that he loved those babies more than his own children. But he was also a man who hid his emotions. He would tell you his feeling but just never showed them. And you had better not even say anything bad about one of his Grandbabies or he would let you have it. His passion for the Great Grandbabies was even stronger. He never let their parents mistreat one of them.
Could Caylee have been in the trunk gas can day?

I wondered that also, a long time ago after hearing about Casey not wanting him to go in the trunk. If she was in there, I don't think it would have been very long, because he would have smelled it then. After hearing his interview and how she slammed the trunk so quickly before he could approach, and how she was swearing at him it makes me wonder why she was so angry.

It really makes you wonder if it was just because of the gas cans. I get the impression that she would not have been so angry if confronted just about the gas cans, since she was caught in lies and stealing so many times. She seemed to be a master of deceit, but hearing him talk about how she reacted and practically ran to the car to get there before him, really makes me wonder.
This left me scratching my head as well. How did Casey get to the house to take Cindy's car? Where was her car, or who drove her there? Was Cindy at home when Casey took the car? It's all just weird. Why did Cindy want to keep this quiet? It's clear George is just fed up. I can't figure out how Casey got Cindy's car. It's not like she was staying at home during that time and just took Cindy's car instead of hers.

This all happened in the timeframe where Caylee's body would be disposed of. Could this be the day Caylee was dug up and transported for disposal in Casey's car? Casey later claims to friends that her dad borrowed her car and ran over squirrels and it made her car smell. If she was at her parents house when she took her mom's SUV, I would guess her car was there. Did Casey take the SUV because she was upset about what ws going on at the house? Who dug Caylee up? Why was her car seen parked at the Amscott the night BEFORE AL picked her up with platic garbage bags containing groceries she must have brougth from home? I'm not sure where this is leading...

I'm wondering when did she return her mom's Pathfinder. Then there is the neighbors story about a green pickup and a dark haired man. Could the neighbor be confusing Cindy's green SUV for a pickup?
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