2008.08.04 George Anthony Interview Audio

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Just listened to George's interview. My understanding is that as he jumped in his car, to chase Casey who was taking Cindy's car, Cindy was telling him not to chase Casey, and George said he was tired of it (Casey's shenaningans) and took off after Casey anyway.

Through the interview, LE says that George told this incident to the FBI in confidence, and LE apologised to George for bringing it up, and a few other times LE apologises for bringing it up to Cindy in her interview.

In Cindy's interview when this is brought up, Cindy flat out denies any knowledge of the incident whatever.

Ok, so my question is, what reason would Cindy have for not wanting anybody to know she was there and fully aware of the incident?

Really has me scratching my head. :waitasec:

Your thoughts on this?
Well, I haven't heard George's interview yet, but I would say that is a bit of a discrepancy. I wondered where that came from when LE was talking to Cindy. Hope I can find a working link.
Could someone please point me to where I can find the date George got the gas cans back from Casey? I don't see this in the timeline thread or the Calendars.
I always thought it was the 24th...the same day (or day before) the report was filed. But, after Cindy's interview I was so confused by the dates. It made it seem that they weren't taken till then, but we know differently. I had to give my brain a rest after trying to follow her explanation of it. If anyone can clearly lay it out for me I would greatly appreciate it.
This interview sounds like GA was absolutely positive about seeing Casey leave with Caylee on the 16th. I remember seeing references galore when people were trying to figure out times that GA seemed not sure of seeing them and references that he just heard them. Where did all that come from?
Right at 35 minutes... LE interviewer says "I think your dad knows alot about a lot of things George". George does not seem to reply and they move on. WHAT was that all about???

I thought he said, "George, I think you're a guy who knows a lot about a lot of things."

It was right after GA was saying he knows some things about cars b/c of his dad being in the car business.
Yeah I was saying that yesterday. :steamed:

She had to be sneaking keys to copy. :yes:

On top of it, I don't think it's a stretch to see Casey secretly spending time in "friends" apartments and homes when they really were at work and Casey allegedly was at work. She did not have access to enough stolen money to carry off the charade any other way. Most of her friends are at the "starting out" phase, or in school...
She did not have the gas, obviously, to ride around the whole time she was at fictional work:rolleyes::bang:

Casey's not stealing from the Trump family.:rolleyes:

I agree. I KC or anyone esle for that matter, would steal from their OWN Great-grandparents, she will still from ANYONE!

Casey probably had more keys than a jailhouse janitorial staff...:loser:

I agree. I KC or anyone esle for that matter, would steal from their OWN Great-grandparents, she will still from ANYONE!
This interview sounds like GA was absolutely positive about seeing Casey leave with Caylee on the 16th. I remember seeing references galore when people were trying to figure out times that GA seemed not sure of seeing them and references that he just heard them. Where did all that come from?
Cindy said she assumed they were behind closed doors sleeping. George came on national tv and seemed "off" when he was discussing it. The dates kept changing early on (when Caylee was last seen) so everyone was being scrutinized a little more closely. IMO
I sometimes wondered if both George and Cindy got confused about the 9th 16th, early on before it was brought to their attention that the last day that they saw Caylee was the 16th,and I wondered if the 9th was what George was thinking when he said that he saw them leave the house that day.
I think this interview tells us A LOT more about GA than any TV interview. On TV they may have been playing to the public (please keep looking, just in case) or to Casey (we believe you, honey, really, just keep talking!) or to any possible accomplice. We don't have any idea what the motive is behind those interviews.

But with LE, it appears GA was pretty straight. His account of the gas can incident matches up with Lee's and doesn't pull any punches. He lays it on the line about the smell. He admits that he doesn't want to think about it, but "gruesome" thoughts have come to mind. He's no dummy.

What I thought was extremely telling, though, is when he talks about living with a very hard headed woman whom he loves very much, and a daughter who is a lot like her. Then he goes on to say that it isn't easy living with 3 women. I think GA pretty much flies under the radar and does what Cindy tells him to do. He has known KC isn't working for 2 years, has been suspicious and probably tried to put his foot down or confront her before, but Cindy is trying to control the situation and reins him in. I think that's why they went through a rough patch when Caylee was born - it might have been just too much and they were probably fighting a lot about how to handle it, plus the financial pressure of adding medical and baby expenses to their household.

As far as the car chase story, I will listen again, but I took that to mean that Cindy told him not to follow and he did anyway without telling her ("Okay, honey, I won't." zoom zoom!!), and LE let the cat out of the bag. Now I have to listen again.
Warning this will be a long post.

Okay so I listened to the GA interview again and I think the finger tapping and strumming happens when GA is irritated or aggravated about something he is talking about. (just my opinion) Not aggravated to be talking about it, but maybe the subject is a source of contention for him. This is how I interpret these taps/strums. (again only my opinion)
I've compiled a list of topics that get a finger tap or strum from GA. Just to see what the common denominator is or if there is a common denominator in the things that seem to be a source of contention for George. The list is simply a list of things he was talking about when I noticed finger taps or longer finger strums coming from George.

Topics when GA Taps or Thumps his fingers while speaking about
-KC's car in driveway on 6/15 (not sure why this would irritate him)
-relaying the conversation he had with KC before she left on 6/16
-when he says about KC "she's been doin' some stuff"
-when discussing how he and CA tried to think of what could have happened to Caylee
-when he talks about going to listen to 911 tapes and hearing about photos released of KC
-talking about KC's clothes that came from Tony's house

Topics when GA really strums his fingers after speaking about
-discussing the week of 6/5
-when talking about KC getting 2 flat tires in May
-when talking about how he got the gas cans back from KC
-when LE made the comment "I think you're a guy that knows a lot about a lot of things George"
-when he says "I just want to get to the bottom of this stuff"
-when he says he found out KC brought a boyfriend or 2 in their home when CA and GA weren't there "That really bothered me"
-when he states "It's hard living with 3 women" (I am surprised a drum beat didn't explode of him on that one : )
-when he says the situation is like a 500 piece puzzle and he's gonna do whatever he can
-when he talks about the smell of the car
-when he talks about CA sending him back to work after he retrieved the car he was "livid at the moment"

I have a few more observations that I'll post in another post to keep this one limited to the finger tapping.
He talks of Caylee in the past tense, as Casey did. I understand if you are talking about taking your kid on vacation and you come back and tell people how they acted and what they liked and didn't like, you would talk in past tense, i.e. "Caylee loved the water park and she was really good the whole day." But if you are talking about a place that you always go, would you talk in past tense, i.e. "Caylee loved the kids at the park." She doesn't expect kids to be at the park again? Or is it being said that way because Casey doesn't know if she'll ever see her again or knows that she will never see her again?

For the record, I have spent about 6 or more hours on this case today. I need closure. I hope the vertebrae that they found near Boggy Creek last weekend brings closure, if Caylee is, in fact, gone.

It is consuming!
well after listening to this interview it has made me think maybe ga is the only one who is being honest with le and fbi, he keeps saying i don't like the smell of the car guys. This made me think about the time the media ask him about the results of tests being did on the car and his response at that was it is what it is guys that is all i can say.as for ca i think she still wants to hide the bad kc from the world. You know ga has never really said a lot about anything and i guess that is pretty smart,when he did speak as in the greta interview ca was coaching it remember the part of her reaching over and grabbing his leg. As for the outburst in the yard about the body in the car not being his grandaughter i am sure he was under duress and yea some times i would think and scratch my head when he spoke but let me say i have never had to walk that mile thank god!! I feel he has told le things he does not want ca to know he has told jmo. He even says in the interview i just knew she was not working i just knew it. Maybe at least one person has really accepted at least part of the facts that have been proven??
If memory serves me correct lp said something to the effect that ga had a show down with kc as soon as she got out of jail the first time about what she had did with little caylee.

Just listened to George's interview. My understanding is that as he jumped in his car, to chase Casey who was taking Cindy's car, Cindy was telling him not to chase Casey, and George said he was tired of it (Casey's shenaningans) and took off after Casey anyway.

Through the interview, LE says that George told this incident to the FBI in confidence, and LE apologised to George for bringing it up, and a few other times LE apologises for bringing it up to Cindy in her interview.

In Cindy's interview when this is brought up, Cindy flat out denies any knowledge of the incident whatever.

Ok, so my question is, what reason would Cindy have for not wanting anybody to know she was there and fully aware of the incident?

Really has me scratching my head. :waitasec:

Your thoughts on this?

I must be missing something....I just finished watching the CA interview and I didn't hear anything like this. Does it end in mid-sentence or is there an actual conclusion to the CA interview?
Okay, on the car chase, it starts around 19 minutes

They say the week of the 23-27th (GA is unsure of the exact date), GA sees KC leave the house in CA’s truck and up to the 408. Casey was driving as fast as she could and switching lanes to lose him. He follows her to the Kirkman or Hiawassee exit and loses her – exits apparently are very close together and it was about 5:30pm and very busy.

Around 26 minutes, they revisit this in relation to the incident with the gas cans. Cindy said, “Don’t follow her,” but GA is “tired of this evasiveness.” I get the impression that he had seen her and wanted to follow her before and CA had told him not to, but this time he couldn’t stand it. NOT that CA knew he did it and lied necessarily.

It sounds like the FBI threw GA under the bus by telling Cindy since LE apologizes for the way it was handled – sounds like GA told them but said CA didn’t know and the FBI used it to try to get CA to see the light.
Hi, Princess. I was wondering about the June 23 date. I just listened again to Cindy's interview, and Yuri is referring to June 25 as the date for this incident.

Went back again to George's interview and listened, and when the question of date is brought up for this, George say to check the e-pass records because he just doesn't remember what date it happened, other than that it was during that week.



George says that it happened early evening at around 5:30 pm. If he was working then the two closest dates that this could have happened are Friday, June 27 or Saturday June 28th as those were George's days off. (All other days he was working the afternoon shift from 3 - 11 pm.) So, unless he was off for some reason - those would be the dates. If it was the weekend before then it would be Friday the 20th or Saturday the 21rst. Both weekends would work as KC seems to have run out of gas both Fridays in a row.

Last thing - CA had to be home in order for KC to take her car. Again, unless she got off work early for some reason - it's likely that this event occured on a Saturday. So either the 21rst or the 28th.

Warning this will be a long post.

Okay so I listened to the GA interview again and I think the finger tapping and strumming happens when GA is irritated or aggravated about something he is talking about. (just my opinion) Not aggravated to be talking about it, but maybe the subject is a source of contention for him. This is how I interpret these taps/strums. (again only my opinion)
I've compiled a list of topics that get a finger tap or strum from GA. Just to see what the common denominator is or if there is a common denominator in the things that seem to be a source of contention for George. The list is simply a list of things he was talking about when I noticed finger taps or longer finger strums coming from George.

Topics when GA Taps or Thumps his fingers while speaking about
-KC's car in driveway on 6/15 (not sure why this would irritate him)
-relaying the conversation he had with KC before she left on 6/16
-when he says about KC "she's been doin' some stuff"
-when discussing how he and CA tried to think of what could have happened to Caylee
-when he talks about going to listen to 911 tapes and hearing about photos released of KC
-talking about KC's clothes that came from Tony's house

Topics when GA really strums his fingers after speaking about
-discussing the week of 6/5
-when talking about KC getting 2 flat tires in May
-when talking about how he got the gas cans back from KC
-when LE made the comment "I think you're a guy that knows a lot about a lot of things George"
-when he says "I just want to get to the bottom of this stuff"
-when he says he found out KC brought a boyfriend or 2 in their home when CA and GA weren't there "That really bothered me"
-when he states "It's hard living with 3 women" (I am surprised a drum beat didn't explode of him on that one : )
-when he says the situation is like a 500 piece puzzle and he's gonna do whatever he can
-when he talks about the smell of the car
-when he talks about CA sending him back to work after he retrieved the car he was "livid at the moment"

I have a few more observations that I'll post in another post to keep this one limited to the finger tapping.

cool- thanks for doing this!

wow huh? didn't he do a long one too when they talked about him having a "stroke"?

He drums, taps or beats the table when he has said something he feels proves his point. his point is known to only him though so others have a hard time understanding why he's a tapping and a bangin'.
Warning this will be a long post.

Okay so I listened to the GA interview again and I think the finger tapping and strumming happens when GA is irritated or aggravated about something he is talking about. (just my opinion) Not aggravated to be talking about it, but maybe the subject is a source of contention for him. This is how I interpret these taps/strums. (again only my opinion)
I've compiled a list of topics that get a finger tap or strum from GA. Just to see what the common denominator is or if there is a common denominator in the things that seem to be a source of contention for George. The list is simply a list of things he was talking about when I noticed finger taps or longer finger strums coming from George.

Topics when GA Taps or Thumps his fingers while speaking about
-KC's car in driveway on 6/15 (not sure why this would irritate him)
-relaying the conversation he had with KC before she left on 6/16
-when he says about KC "she's been doin' some stuff"
-when discussing how he and CA tried to think of what could have happened to Caylee
-when he talks about going to listen to 911 tapes and hearing about photos released of KC
-talking about KC's clothes that came from Tony's house

Topics when GA really strums his fingers after speaking about
-discussing the week of 6/5
-when talking about KC getting 2 flat tires in May
-when talking about how he got the gas cans back from KC
-when LE made the comment "I think you're a guy that knows a lot about a lot of things George"
-when he says "I just want to get to the bottom of this stuff"
-when he says he found out KC brought a boyfriend or 2 in their home when CA and GA weren't there "That really bothered me"
-when he states "It's hard living with 3 women" (I am surprised a drum beat didn't explode of him on that one : )
-when he says the situation is like a 500 piece puzzle and he's gonna do whatever he can
-when he talks about the smell of the car
-when he talks about CA sending him back to work after he retrieved the car he was "livid at the moment"

I have a few more observations that I'll post in another post to keep this one limited to the finger tapping.

I think I would of been banging my fists on the table!!
It sounds like the FBI threw GA under the bus by telling Cindy since LE apologizes for the way it was handled – sounds like GA told them but said CA didn’t know and the FBI used it to try to get CA to see the light.

Yeah, I got the impression that he had wanted to tell them in confidence and its sounds like maybe Cindy didn't want him to tell them. I can't believe that she wouldn't have known that KC took her car. And she had to be home for the car to be there, no? I agree - I feel bad for George in that bit. It sounds like he's trying to do the right thing and tell what he knows but it's quite clear that his domineering, sociopathic manipulative wife is making that very difficult for him.

Ooops - That was my opinion only, of course.
I agree. This is exactly what was said by everyone. I am not so sure what LE meant but I think they knew GA was the only honest one of the bunch altho I think LA was honest, but he was trying to protect his sister and think the best but GA never put on airs and he knew that something terrible happened and he let LE know that.

I thought he said, "George, I think you're a guy who knows a lot about a lot of things."

It was right after GA was saying he knows some things about cars b/c of his dad being in the car business.
It is possible that while Tony slept one night Casey snuck out and had a key made? or perhaps he had an extra set that she discovered while he was not at his apartment and she was and she just took those and "squirreled" them away and used them while Tony was gone...

As far as KC using the car while Tony was gone, I don't think she would have had to make a key. It seems like he had her drop him off in the Jeep at the airport and pick him up (remember, she washed his car for him)..

As for the day she used a dark colored SUV to meet Matthew for lunch, I am still not convinced this was TL's black Jeep (seems like a black Jeep would be memorable to Matthew). However, TL's schedule was until 1:00 so maybe she had taken him to Full Sail (which is on University, so nearby) and was having lunch with Matthew while waiting to pick up TL at school. But then, why make up the lie to Matthew that TL was still on vacation. Oyyyyy...

I am making a timeline all about the cars in this case, which I will post on the timelines thread.
George says that it happened early evening at around 5:30 pm. If he was working then the two closest dates that this could have happened are Friday, June 27 or Saturday June 28th as those were George's days off. (All other days he was working the afternoon shift from 3 - 11 pm.) So, unless he was off for some reason - those would be the dates. If it was the weekend before then it would be Friday the 20th or Saturday the 21rst. Both weekends would work as KC seems to have run out of gas both Fridays in a row.

Last thing - CA had to be home in order for KC to take her car. Again, unless she got off work early for some reason - it's likely that this event occured on a Saturday. So either the 21rst or the 28th.


You are so smart! Good sleuthing!
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