2008.09.05 - Richard Grund Interview with OCSO

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You are not alone MB ! After those depos it looks like the blame JG game is still being played...does JG have a lawyer ?

Sure glad to I'm not all alone here.
Don't know if he has a lawyer. Probably one lined up. LOL Daddy and Paddy won't let that lil guy go down for the A's mess. Can't you see CA if Paddy has anythang to do with JG lawyer. OOOOOOH the fun I will have.
I don't get how Cindy or George are the ones trying to set up Jesse. Casey would have to be the one to set him up since she killed Caylee. The Anthony's were told to keep away from Jesse, not trust him, that he'd been obsessed after the breakup, etc. They were all pawns in Casey's game. Even the Rev. fell for her bull of whining and blaming her parents. Why he still has the grudge and was so obsessed with Cindy and her personality is odd IMO. It's really none of his business at all how any married couple interract or who wears the pants in any family. This isn't 1890.
I wonder if she went there to shower so she could plant hairs and dna from Caylee's poor little dead body?? Maybe some hair and skin in the drain trap?? When they suspect someone of murder don't they go take their traps out of their drains to see if they showered off dna from the body?

I really think she planted some evidence from Caylee's body.

Maybe she didn't want to plant hairs, but wanted to get some. She's in the bathroom, and can get hairs of jesse's off a brush or comb, without him knowing she's doing it. remember all the extra hairs they (was it henry lee? think that's his name) supposedly found in the trunk. what is it about this case, so much comes up about hairs. first CA and the hairbrush of caylees, KC and the hair straightener, extra hairs in the trunk. and what a perfect chance for KC to grab some hairs in jesse's bathroom to plant later somewhere else.
I don't get how Cindy or George are the ones trying to set up Jesse. Casey would have to be the one to set him up since she killed Caylee. The Anthony's were told to keep away from Jesse, not trust him, that he'd been obsessed after the breakup, etc. They were all pawns in Casey's game. Even the Rev. fell for her bull of whining and blaming her parents. Why he still has the grudge and was so obsessed with Cindy and her personality is odd IMO. It's really none of his business at all how any married couple interract or who wears the pants in any family. This isn't 1890.
Well Cindy points the finger repeatedly at Jesse in LE interviews. She talks about Jesse's stories being conflicting, she talks about his "obsession" with Caylee and jealousy with Casey. She tries very hard to implicate him, thank goodness the detectives already had her number. Jesse's dad probably holds a lot of resentment, IMO he has handled this extremely well. I would be crazy mad if someone accused my innocent child of having a part in such a heinous crime. Casey is to blame for much of this too, but it was her parents who furthered the idea that Jesse may have had a hand in Caylee's disappearance.
Here is what I will never understand. If people are saying that Casey was not smart enough.......what exactly was she not smart enough for that she's need help. The one person she is suppose to have been talking to for 30 days was her mother, who has been described as a controller and the revealer of all the crazy lies and stories from Casey as a stalling tactic that ended with Cindy finding finally hiding out at TL's. We have no conformation of the content of those conversations. The stalling also kept GA from intervening as he is taking CA's word for what Casey has said. What is the relationship with CA's controlling and Casey needing help cause she isn't that smart. Something about that assumption rings ODDer than odd, conflicts with the diabolical assessment of the Grunds from their experience of the Anthonys.
I'm not clear on Kyle and also I thought it was very interesting that RG said one of KC's friends moved out of the Sawgrass apartments on June 15th!

The boy that is is in the military that KC was stringing along, could that be KC's father? So many boys.....so little time

I need a scorecard!

I'm pretty sure DS did not move out of Sawgrass...he used to post on W/S and he made no mention about moving out. As a matter of fact another poster here lived there and they joked about having parties in the future. The only place I've ever heard that he moved out is from RG. I think he is mistaken. To my knowledge this is the only "friend'' of KC's that lived/lives there during this time. JMO.
Guess it is time for me to get off this fan for the day. Have been goin crazy tryin to member where I have seen that grin of GA's on somebody's mug before. All of a sudden, it hit me. Member that "BOB" on the (I think) Viagra commercial. Do ya'll see it, or is it really time for bed?
ohhh, *shudder* If she did they, the LE, never went to go look. Pointing the finger at JG as much as she did probably raised their interest in her more. It kind of is that old addage.....when you point at someone, there are always 3 fingers pointing back at you!! The LE didn't fall for her ploy and if she planted anything at his place it surely wasn't looked at.

Why they ever tried to point the finger at Jesse is a mystery to me, especially now after the depos with Cindy saying that they are STILL watching a Zenaida in Puerto Rico.
Jesse is probally the best thing that ever happened to Casey...a stand up, intellegent guy from a good family. Too bad he ever crossed paths with her. God bless him and his folks for loving Caylee. Probably the most stable, loving peace she had in her short life.
Cindi thinks she owns reality. That is why she can contradict herself and not bother to correct herself. She is not receptive now, cause she never was before. It is a trait, a self made virtue.
I think his father is making sure that Jesse does not get any of this BS the A's are trying taken seriously by LE. Everyone's opinion, across the board is that all of the KC sized lies (I have coined that phrase, I think it is very funny) that the A family are perpetuating are BS. No one believes them. No one.

My advice to him would be to hold his head high, testify to the truth, continue in his life with his future plans, continue to believe that God has a sweet, honest girl for him to marry and have his own children with. (It matters that LE has cleared him, publicly and I am very glad they have). Knowing that, I would tell him close this chapter and move on with the rest of your beautiful life, when you are old and gray and looking back your life, the five years you knew CK will disappear among all the other good people, your accomplishments, and all that you can be proud of. If I had the kid's address I would tell him I am proud of him and not to waste another moment looking back.

Jesse if you should ever read this, your life has just begun, treasure the happy memories of a sweet little baby, let the rest go. Be proud that you loved her without condition, it was honorable that you wanted to raise her as your own. God sees you, he knows your heart. The way......., the very, very best way to honor her memory is to have a happy and full life. Julia Watson
You're not alone MAMA...... just catching up. I have no doubt in my mind that Jesse was and IS their target. Calling him for gas that day....thankfully he refused. Yet she didn't ask TonE to bring gas....so she didn't need it. She just needed Jesse's fingerprints on her car.

:waitasec: When I heard RG say this I said Aha! That is sooo possible!
I read it again here and I think Aha! soooo possible!

Then screeeeccchhh... this pops in my head... you ready?

If Jesse would have came and "put gas in her car" and touched it and got fingerprints on it. HE WOULD HAVE SMELLED A HORRENDOUS SMELL and he would have NOT bought the squirrel under the hood story....BECAUSE he was a cop. He would have started asking more where Caylee is and maybe even got real suspicious of Casey.

Hello WS!

I was wondering if someone had the link handy for the interview with JG's Father? I have been to WS link area and found this document but I am unable to open it...if you have a link with this interview that 'doesn't have to be opened" thanks!
I think sometimes we tend to overthink these things. I don't think Casey set anything up as said by others she ain't that smart. I think she has taken facts from the beginning and lied from there and her lies "change" as the truths come out. It has always worked for her before why would this time be any different. It will be interesting to see how the defense weaves all her lies into a coherent story. And I think Baez wanted her in Jail to shut her up and distance her from her family. She wanted her parents away from Jesse because they would find out more of her lies. The she started weaving suspicion onto him when she realized the nanny wasn't going to work.
I haven't finished listening to this whole interview yet but yes...! I agree that (from what I've heard so far) this guy is at least articulate! Most, if not all, of the other interviews are so hard to follow because it is like their minds are all over the map when they talk.

As far as the shower is concerned...I think I remember RG saying on NG show that he was glad JG was "wise to her" and "not having any of it". Coming over to take a shower is a come on in and of itself. ..KC figured herself as very irresistible. She had to be so disappointed when he didn't come soap her back! lol.
Something that continues to bother me about the interview that RG arranged to have with LE is that he is the only person who claims to have heard the full name of ZFG since 2006. The only other single person who said that he had heard the full name of the nanny stated by KC as Zanaida F. Gonzalez and that ZFG would be watching Caylee from now on.

What's that about?
Relistening to this after the time that has passed and knowing what we know now with the doc dumps was very interesting. One thing that stuck out to me was when RG is talking about the phone conversation he had with CA about JG still wanting to marry KC even though he wasn't the father and they knew it, and CA states that no one held a gun to his head, he says this: "That told me right then and there a couple of things in my opinion. Cindy is probably as delusional as KC is. But, it also told me that right and wrong was irrelevant. The ends justified the means. Which is why I think we are where we are now with people coming back to me saying 'They're trying hard to frame your son.'" Wow! How prophetic that statement is now that we know that that was one of the things that was written in the infamous diary.
they can't frame him...how and why was Caylee's body in the back of the car in a laundry basket. ... ?

what is the situation in which the baby ends up in the car? at what time did Jessie put the baby in Casey's car? how does the baby get from the car to the wooded area?

ut uh won't fly.
they can't frame him...how and why was Caylee's body in the back of the car in a laundry basket. ... ?

what is the situation in which the baby ends up in the car? at what time did Jessie put the baby in Casey's car? how does the baby get from the car to the wooded area?

ut uh won't fly.

You are correct. It is not going to fly. But, they have been putting his name out to LE since Day 31 saying they didn't trust him, he might be the nanny, on and on and on. KC said in one of the jail videos that she wanted CA and GA to stay away from him because she didn't know if she could trust him. They are never going to be able to implicate him, but that doesn't mean they aren't going to try. Reasonable doubt and all. They don't care who they hurt as long as KC walks.
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