2008.09.08 Anthony L. Interview ***REVISITED***

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TWA, I love your posts, and all the energy and love you put into keeping two and a half years of this case in front of our eyes every day. Caylee is smiling on you!I thought of one other juror demographic we might end up with--and maybe I'm dreaming but I do know this type exists because I know several of them myself--the successful 40ish-50ish businesswoman who would be financially able to survive the sequestration, who perhaps chose to focus on career and never had or was able to have children, and who may look on that choice with a combination of emotions including regret. IMO such a person would look with incomprehension at KC's choice to treat the precious gift of Caylee like so much trash, and would be smart enough to see the facts of the case for exactly what they are.

And you are spot-on about TonE's role in this trial. His lawyer is on InSession more than I'd like, but his testimony will be chilling to these jurors.

Indeed, Caylee is smiling and is in the best of hands for justice for her murder. TWA has powerful words that are comforting to me, for in the end, I believe this prisoner will be found guilty as charged on the capital murder of Caylee Marie...

This prisoner should really reconsider her plea for trial would indeed be suicide. In all likelyhood, this prisoner still believes she can get away with murder..

The other thing that strikes me are her parents. If they can't endure the true words of JA, what will they do come trial time. If they continue to "walk out" when the words get too difficult to hear, what will a jury think? Will the parents continue to "sabotage" this trial? Will they come under fire once this trial is said and done? If this family thought they were walking on eggshells before, they haven't walked yet!

No truer words were spoken from CA (after that last 911 call) when asked what's more important Caylee's justice or Casey's justice? CA said, when Caylee gets justice, Casey gets justice...but one word is missing...SERVED! For when Caylee gets justice this prisoner will get justice served hot on a platter...I only wonder if the jury will recommend death! JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Have any of you ever had to testify in a trial? Does anyone have any words or ideas to help prepare young Amy, Jesse and Tony for testifying?
I imagine just walking in past the many, many reporters trying to question him is going to be nerve racking. I bet his phone number will have to be changed again. I know his attorney will prepare him that the defense will try to bait him, make him lose his cool on the stand, etc.
I wish I knew of something to help him, so I turn to you guys. What would you tell him if he were your son?

Have any of you ever had to testify in a trial? Does anyone have any words or ideas to help prepare young Amy, Jesse and Tony for testifying?
I imagine just walking in past the many, many reporters trying to question him is going to be nerve racking. I bet his phone number will have to be changed again. I know his attorney will prepare him that the defense will try to bait him, make him lose his cool on the stand, etc.
I wish I knew of something to help him, so I turn to you guys. What would you tell him if he were your son?


If either of my sons were in Tony's position, First I would tell them to be strong. That we support them and know how important it is to recall information as best they can. To not hold back on anything that occurred during the brief relationship with ICA. Before going on the stand to testify, I would tell them that I'm proud of them for their testimony to bring Justice for Caylee.
I cannot imagine what Tony has been through. First, he meets this girl who is attractive and seems to be fun, have it all together, acts like an awesome girlfriend cooking and cleaning and then...he is suddenly in the middle of a child murder investigation. His life is laid open for the world to see and he looks like an idiot to many for not seeing through her. It appears to be the classic case of a crazy stalker chick who instantly gloms onto the guy and moves herself in and also suddenly has a nanny who takes care of the 2 year old for a month so mom can enjoy her new boyfriend...In Tony's defense I don't think he was as into her as she was him and he maybe even had misgivings due to her insta-cling. Now, he has to re-live this nightmare.

I think he will be very credible before the jury and they will give his testimony great weight. I believe he will get through this knowing that he's doing it for Caylee. I think what happened to Caylee shocked and saddened him.

Tony - your testimony will be very important for Caylee and instead of just being connected with her death, you will be connected with her justice and that will be the moment you can truly move on. I know you didn't sign up for this level of crazy, but it will be over soon. And you've got company - others who were unlucky enough to know Casey are waiting in the wings as well. I hope everyone can stay strong and healthy.

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