2008.09.08 Anthony L. Interview ***REVISITED***

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Pathetic. Perhaps Tony is trying to save face, but it sounds to me like he was on to her pathetic, leech nature and she wouldn't have lasted too much longer. Casey having a baby was only a problem in her mind, Casey was lame all on her own by the sounds of what Tony has said.
On page 53 he gives a description of Casey coming home from Fusion with him and driving him nuts with her "drunken, randomous talk" about being a singer.:laugh: Randomous. Absolutely fabulous!!
...found it interesting when Tony says Casey was 'tagging along.'
Seems like he was really distancing himself from her. LOL

It does sound like he was trying to create some distance. No doubt he could sense she was "latching on" TOO tight & too soon.
On page 53 he gives a description of Casey coming home from Fusion with him and driving him nuts with her "drunken, randomous talk" about being a singer.:laugh: Randomous. Absolutely fabulous!!

One thing that really stood out to me in this interview is that it really didn't seem like Tony liked KC at all. It may be in light of the situation (your girlfriend killing her daughter tends to make things go a little soft) but he talks about remembering being ticked off about having to help her when she ran out of gas...again, how annoying her "drunken randomous" talking was, how annoying she was in general. She was nothing more then a quick fling to him, that I'm sure would have been thrown out shortly if she hadn't been arrested for that pesky child murder thing.

I can't wait to see how she reacts to his testimony. I bet we see more of a reaction to that from her then anyone else.
Anyone else interpret this the same way that I am or am I out in the forest by myself!? On

pg 4

TL: She was, her car was parked I guess like here’s, I know we can’t see it on the, the thing, but here’s like the uh, the uh…

I am hoping that he is not eluding to the "thing" as Amscot surveillance video. We never did get any resolution on if there is a video.

Hopefully I am interpreting wrong and we will get a video and nail her!! Or maybe they just didn't let him know that there was video so they could see if his account matched what happened....things that make you go hmmmmm:waitasec:
Anyone else interpret this the same way that I am or am I out in the forest by myself!? On

pg 4

TL: She was, her car was parked I guess like here’s, I know we can’t see it on the, the thing, but here’s like the uh, the uh…

I am hoping that he is not eluding to the "thing" as Amscot surveillance video. We never did get any resolution on if there is a video.

Hopefully I am interpreting wrong and we will get a video and nail her!! Or maybe they just didn't let him know that there was video so they could see if his account matched what happened....things that make you go hmmmmm:waitasec:

Could be....

but, my reaction when I listened was that TonE was probably using his hands to show how the car was parked in relation to the dumpster and alluded to the fact that he knows he is being recorded and that you wouldn't be able to see what he is doing with his hands. JMO!
Tony mentions in his interview that KC was always there when he left for school and always there when he returned, so he had been unaware that KC was going down to her parents - I guess at least until the gas can incident on the 23rd:

EE: What did she bring to your apartment that night clothing-wise?
TL: Just probably something to sleep in.
EE: So she didn’t like show up with a ruck sack and a, that big bag that her brother ended up coming? That wasn’t the night she brought that?
TL: No. I don’t think she brought, she didn’t have that until I think from, I’m pretty sure until the 27th. That’s when she had stuff.
EE: Okay. So she…
TL: That’s what made me think that when that was the time I guess when she started staying…
EE: When she set up camp?
TL: Just yeah (affirmative), well that’s….
EE: So before that she was just driving back and forth to Mom and Dad’s getting fresh clothes?
TL: I wouldn’t, uh, there would be times where I, I’m, that’s why I was saying that it was like, it’s kind of hard to remember if she, she might have been there the nights that I was, I was home. But staying there during the day I don’t know. I know for a fact that when I came back, and right before I, I left she was there during the days at my house. Like after that then she was like staying there. I don’t think she ever left my place.

Tony also mentioned he had classes Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Classes are 9AM to 1PM and then a lab takes place the same evening 9PM to 1AM. We know KC went to her parents house and backed into the garage on the 17th, 18th, and 20th - Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday - days when Tony did not have school.

During the times she goes down there, his phone pings from the towers that serve his apartment ... but the towers also serve Full Sail.

Seems like a bit of a disconnect to me...or am I interpreting the meaning of this part of the interview incorrectly? :waitasec:
Ok.. still reading the PDF. There is more information in the PDF than even the audio that I heard the first of April...

On July 20th, Tony opens a tab at Fusion but has to close it at the end of the night with money he makes. He made the mistake of telling Casey to get a couple of drinks. She charged 60 dollars and he was pissed. He started to say he scolded her. She was drunk that night.
"... like really drunk converstations she would speak how she's going to be a singer. How she could be a singer. Or the,(inaudible) , but she said she was going to, she's like, "You don't even know I can sing. I can sign so good." And I'm like, "What are you talking about?" It was more of just like me trying to get her to go to sleep and shut her up.....and her just babbling."

YM: This is after you guys left?
TL: Yeah, well after...
YM: Alright
TL: I brough her back to the uhm, we came back to my place and she was drunk.

Basically, Tony tells them it was just random drunk talk. LE was trying to probe to see if she normally got drunk and how much...

YM: ..how drunk would she get? Is it like...
TL: That was the night, that was the only night that she got, she got drunk really.
YM: That's the only...
TL: Other than that she was, she was , but I mean she had a couple beers...

It would have been June 20th, yes?
Casey leaves this message on Brittany S. MySpace Profile on June 9th

Casey was evidently interested in singing herself.
Casey leaves this message on Brittany S. MySpace Profile on June 9th

Casey was evidently interested in singing herself.

She probably thought she had hit the jackpot with a boyfriend who was connected into the entertainment industry that he had business partners who wanted to start a band. Maybe she had thoughts of really making it big one day since TonE could set her up!!
She probably thought she had hit the jackpot with a boyfriend who was connected into the entertainment industry that he had business partners who wanted to start a band. Maybe she had thoughts of really making it big one day since TonE could set her up!!

Looks to me, in addition to the $60 worth of booze she guzzled on the 20th, that Casey had been eating a huge hunk of envy that TonE would look for someone else to front his band when he's got HER-of-the-golden-throat right there to sing for him.

For Casey, it is always about being everything her man could need or want all bundled up into one tiny package.
Tony mentions in his interview that KC was always there when he left for school and always there when he returned, so he had been unaware that KC was going down to her parents - I guess at least until the gas can incident on the 23rd:

EE: What did she bring to your apartment that night clothing-wise?
TL: Just probably something to sleep in.
EE: So she didn’t like show up with a ruck sack and a, that big bag that her brother ended up coming? That wasn’t the night she brought that?
TL: No. I don’t think she brought, she didn’t have that until I think from, I’m pretty sure until the 27th. That’s when she had stuff.
EE: Okay. So she…
TL: That’s what made me think that when that was the time I guess when she started staying…
EE: When she set up camp?
TL: Just yeah (affirmative), well that’s….
EE: So before that she was just driving back and forth to Mom and Dad’s getting fresh clothes?
TL: I wouldn’t, uh, there would be times where I, I’m, that’s why I was saying that it was like, it’s kind of hard to remember if she, she might have been there the nights that I was, I was home. But staying there during the day I don’t know. I know for a fact that when I came back, and right before I, I left she was there during the days at my house. Like after that then she was like staying there. I don’t think she ever left my place.

Tony also mentioned he had classes Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Classes are 9AM to 1PM and then a lab takes place the same evening 9PM to 1AM. We know KC went to her parents house and backed into the garage on the 17th, 18th, and 20th - Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday - days when Tony did not have school.

During the times she goes down there, his phone pings from the towers that serve his apartment ... but the towers also serve Full Sail.

Seems like a bit of a disconnect to me...or am I interpreting the meaning of this part of the interview incorrectly? :waitasec:

Also, he says he was in her car once sometime between June 16 and June 20:

YM: Okay. The 16th to the 27th…
TL: But other than that I (inaudible)…
YM: …now you’ve never been in, and do you recall being in her car in that time frame?
EE: Let me go back to my calendar.
TL: I think so.
YM: Hmm?
TL: I think so. There was a day, I, there was a day that actually uhm, I just actually had a conversation yesterday with uhm, with one of the prom…one of my promoters.
YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).
TL: We were, uh, well uh well, it was around the same time that I was also looking for a house.
YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).
TL: Or for an apartment house or whatever. The two dudes that I work with also looking for a place to stay. So I’m pretty sure that there was one day when I was meeting with them that she tagged along. Uhm, and she met me I think at that house, at their apartment. And then we left with her car I think and my friend’s car. And there was a time when I was in the car and there was a time when I was in his car.
YM: And when was this in the…
TL: (Sighs). I can’t…
YM: Just because (inaudible)…
TL: It had to be uh, it, it is definitely between the 16th and the 2…the, the 20th then. I’m thinking that. Maybe the, I’m not trying to give exact dates because I don’t, I don’t want to be…

So...would KC let him in her car if Caylee's body was still in the trunk? Can we figure out what day this house-hunting took place? It doesn't sound like the Cranes Landing Apartments trip because he says it was a 3-bedroom house they looked at (and I don't think Matt C from Cranes Landing mentioned 2 other guys being with Tony and KC that day either).

ETA: and would there have been a smell in the car??
Also, he says he was in her car once sometime between June 16 and June 20:

YM: Okay. The 16th to the 27th…
TL: But other than that I (inaudible)…
YM: …now you’ve never been in, and do you recall being in her car in that time frame?
EE: Let me go back to my calendar.
TL: I think so.
YM: Hmm?
TL: I think so. There was a day, I, there was a day that actually uhm, I just actually had a conversation yesterday with uhm, with one of the prom…one of my promoters.
YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).
TL: We were, uh, well uh well, it was around the same time that I was also looking for a house.
YM: Uh-hum (affirmative).
TL: Or for an apartment house or whatever. The two dudes that I work with also looking for a place to stay. So I’m pretty sure that there was one day when I was meeting with them that she tagged along. Uhm, and she met me I think at that house, at their apartment. And then we left with her car I think and my friend’s car. And there was a time when I was in the car and there was a time when I was in his car.
YM: And when was this in the…
TL: (Sighs). I can’t…
YM: Just because (inaudible)…
TL: It had to be uh, it, it is definitely between the 16th and the 2…the, the 20th then. I’m thinking that. Maybe the, I’m not trying to give exact dates because I don’t, I don’t want to be…

So...would KC let him in her car if Caylee's body was still in the trunk? Can we figure out what day this house-hunting took place? It doesn't sound like the Cranes Landing Apartments trip because he says it was a 3-bedroom house they looked at (and I don't think Matt C from Cranes Landing mentioned 2 other guys being with Tony and KC that day either).

ETA: and would there have been a smell in the car??

I posted [ame="http://websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3715399&postcount=465"]here[/ame] that I think the car did not start smelling inside the passenger compartment until after the 20th. My rationale is that she let Tony near the car on the 23rd for the gas can incident. In fact, she was not worried about opening the trunk with him nearby either, and I believe that is because she had not opened the trunk since the 20th (she did not drive the car on the 21st or 22nd).

I am betting that when she did open the trunk on the 23rd she was blasted with a face full of decomp odor. KC dodged a bullet because Tony had already turned to go to his Jeep, and gas fumes still hung in the air.

She did not start telling Amy about the smell until the 25th.
On page 53 he gives a description of Casey coming home from Fusion with him and driving him nuts with her "drunken, randomous talk" about being a singer.:laugh: Randomous. Absolutely fabulous!!

NONE of these people have ever seen an English book they liked! :) (shallow but true)
Or she parked it like that to further her, car broke down and 2 guys helped me push it here story.

Just now it strikes me as too strange that no one has come forward saying they helped her push the car or someone saying they saw the car being pushed. I mean, it's a very exposed avenue/ parking lot with many people coming and going at all times, isn't it?
I posted here that I think the car did not start smelling inside the passenger compartment until after the 20th. My rationale is that she let Tony near the car on the 23rd for the gas can incident. In fact, she was not worried about opening the trunk with him nearby either, and I believe that is because she had not opened the trunk since the 20th (she did not drive the car on the 21st or 22nd).

I am betting that when she did open the trunk on the 23rd she was blasted with a face full of decomp odor. KC dodged a bullet because Tony had already turned to go to his Jeep, and gas fumes still hung in the air.

She did not start telling Amy about the smell until the 25th.

Thanks! Do we know if this is consistent with the science re: decomp smell? E.g., if the body was in the trunk unwrapped until the 19th and then wrapped and/or removed from the trunk that day, does it make sense that there would be no smell until later?

I used to think KC's rush to keep Dad away from the trunk on the 24th meant that Caylee's body was still in there...but obviously based on her text to Amy about "dead squirrels" she realized that the smell in her trunk was a "death smell", and she probably knew that Dad had smelled death before, so IMO the presence of the smell alone would be enough reason to keep him away.
TL: It had to be uh, it, it is definitely between the 16th and the 2…the, the 20th then. I’m thinking that. Maybe the, I’m not trying to give exact dates because I don’t, I don’t want to be…

So...would KC let him in her car if Caylee's body was still in the trunk? Can we figure out what day this house-hunting took place? It doesn't sound like the Cranes Landing Apartments trip because he says it was a 3-bedroom house they looked at (and I don't think Matt C from Cranes Landing mentioned 2 other guys being with Tony and KC that day either).

ETA: and would there have been a smell in the car??

I agree...it would not have been the Crane's Landing trip. In fact, after reading that in the interview, I now get the sense that the Crane's Landing trip was set up by KC after the house trip - her little way of "helping".

If you allow me to run with that idea :run:, then we only need to look at the 17th and 18th, because we've previously established the Crane's Landing trip took place on the 19th.

On the 17th there are three late-afternoon pings on KC's cell out in the general area between Jay Blanchard Park and Arden Villas. This happens between 4:30 and 5:30 PM. Around 4:00 PM there are several texts between KC and Tony, followed by a couple calls. After that KC leaves her parent's home where she was backed into the garage and heads up to the aforementioned area.

This seems a solid candidate for the house visit. Roughly 24 hours after Caylee's murder. With the body in the trunk. :furious:
I agree...it would not have been the Crane's Landing trip. In fact, after reading that in the interview, I now get the sense that the Crane's Landing trip was set up by KC after the house trip - her little way of "helping".

If you allow me to run with that idea :run:, then we only need to look at the 17th and 18th, because we've previously established the Crane's Landing trip took place on the 19th.

On the 17th there are three late-afternoon pings on KC's cell out in the general area between Jay Blanchard Park and Arden Villas. This happens between 4:30 and 5:30 PM. Around 4:00 PM there are several texts between KC and Tony, followed by a couple calls. After that KC leaves her parent's home where she was backed into the garage and heads up to the aforementioned area.

This seems a solid candidate for the house visit. Roughly 24 hours after Caylee's murder. With the body in the trunk. :furious:

This girl has cojones. Figuratively speaking. ;)
Just now it strikes me as too strange that no one has come forward saying they helped her push the car or someone saying they saw the car being pushed. I mean, it's a very exposed avenue/ parking lot with many people coming and going at all times, isn't it?

IMHO, no one helped.

I've had the pleasure of running out of gas a couple of times in my life. :bang:

The very first time it happened I was headed to the gas station because my brother had left the car on E. Just before I got to the station I lost all power, but I had enough momentum to get to the station, make the turn, and glide right up to the pump. The car had no power steering or brakes to begin with so I did not get the shock of losing those.

The second time was in a vehicle with power steering and brakes, but again I had enough momentum to get to a neighbor's driveway, make the turn in and stop.

I am guessing the same thing happened w/ KC. She made the right onto Goldenrod, but in doing so the tiny remaining amount of gas sloshed away from the pump and she lost power. However, she had just enough momentum to then make an immediate right into the Amscot lot and glide right in next to the dumpster.

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