2008.09.11 Kristina Talks to Globe -- Sez Casey Guilty

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Casey had no job, no MONEY.....Cindy took vacation May 30 to June 9...Cindy also states she had an extra 5 weeks left....Casey could have asked Cindy to watch Caylee.

NO Money

Casey's lies where catching up with Casey. The 12k credit card had just been awarded judgement for default payment at the local court house, casey stole from grandparents, casey stole from lee, ryan, cindy etc....cindy and george said they suspected for years that casey did not have a job....gas cans contantly being stolen not just twice......per ga and ca....lies where all coming to a head and cindy was threatening to take caylee and kick casey out... re listen to the 911 tape it tells it all.....
Remember too,that Casey really went fast through the money she stole. Well before time for the trip...even as she was daydreaming to Amy about the trip she knew already she didn't have the money for the trip. She only came back into money the morning she took Amy to the airport in Amy's car. Sounds like she started going thru Amy's car just as soon as Amy was out of her sight because she sure got to those Target stores fast.
By that time she probably wouldn't get her hands on enough cash. A last minute ticket is expensive. And by then she was trying to get much further away.

I don't think she was willing to leave Tony alone, knowing what she would do if left alone for a week. Trust no one.
I'm wondering if Kristina ever spoke with/ had any contact with Zenaida.

How could she have had contact with an imaginary person? No one that knew Casey and Caylee ever met any one named Zenaida. Casey didn't have a job, why would she need a nanny and how would she have paid her?
None of us know the financial status of Kristine. If she's a single mom I really don't blame her for earning a little money for her story. I was single at 25 with four kids and we really struggled. On pay day we celebrated by going to the grocery store and buying food. To earn that much money and only be away from your babies for a couple of hours??? How can we really fault her?
Kristina, you go girl. Here's a great little informative article that tells you who received $5,000 from NBC news and who also received upwards of $200,000 for ABC 20/20 interviews re Caylee. These two news news orgs both deny they paid the Anthony family for the interviews. They merely "licensed" their pictures etc. It's a "standard practise in the industry." Yeh right! So is spin, spin, and more spin. I wonder how much Cindy received for appearing on the Today show this morning and setting up a tipline asking for sightings of Caylee alive?
BTW why didn't the interviewer ask Cindy the following question...."Cindy, if you are so convinced Caylee is alive then why did you describe yourself as a GRIEVING GRANDMA in police interviews?"

I have enclosed the link to the Anthony family paid interviews story at the bottom of the page. As for Cindy insisting that Caylee is alive, here's what she told police in her taped interviews...

"You guys think I'm some frickin' lunatic. I'm not, I'm a grieving grandma."
"She`s a 22-year-old. You know, I was out to dinner last night. I actually smiled. Does that mean I`m not grieving for my granddaughter....?"

Sorry if I missed it, but is there somewhere I can find copies of the articles? Thanks in advance!:blowkiss:
None of us know the financial status of Kristine. If she's a single mom I really don't blame her for earning a little money for her story. I was single at 25 with four kids and we really struggled. On pay day we celebrated by going to the grocery store and buying food. To earn that much money and only be away from your babies for a couple of hours??? How can we really fault her?

I don't fault her, either.

I also think she hurts like bloody H@77 over this. If I know how to contact her, I'd send her a card.
Sorry if I missed it, but is there somewhere I can find copies of the articles? Thanks in advance!:blowkiss:

Hi. I don't know if anyone answered you, but the images of the articles were deleted by the mods due to copyright laws. I just found out last night.
Sorry if I missed it, but is there somewhere I can find copies of the articles? Thanks in advance!:blowkiss:[/QUOTE]

The Globe article is located at link #272
Check out this week's Globe, folks.

Casey's friend, Kristina, says she thinks KC killed Caylee to get back at CA.

She says CA was the first person to hold Caylee, when she was born, and that KC and CE fought about whether KC would have to keep the baby. KC, she says, thought CA was interfering with her raising Caylee.

She says she thinks KC chloroformed Caylee to make it a "soft death," then smothered or drowned her.

She thinks KC put the body in a lake that has a lot of gators. Weren't the searchers at Lake Jessup on Monday? Isn't that Gator City?

Kristina says her son keps asking for Caylee. She says she turned against KC after that phone call. You know the one.

Thanks for posting that info. It's HUGE.
Don't like to hear the part about the gators.....KC is diabolical.
I would shell out a few bucks to have seen CA read this article. I am surprised she has not been in the media saying Christine's thoughts were mumbo jumbo or hocus pocus. Wait, only forensic evidence is hocus pocus so far.

I reckon she almost gnawed a foot off
Thanks for posting that info. It's HUGE.
Don't like to hear the part about the gators.....KC is diabolical.

The alligators are bothering me a lot. Yesterday my 4 year old daughter- just out of the blue- brought a pencil and paper and asked me to help her draw an alligator.
She usually want to draw rainbows, hearts, castles, puppies---NEVER alligators.:confused:
Posting the following on the "6/13" ping map thread in the Sticky Forum cell ping thread as well…

I propose Casey left Caylee with Kristina C. Friday evening 6/13 while she went to Fusian. I propose they met for a brief walk @ JB Park (vs. Lake Underhill) between 8:10-9PM and Casey went on from there to Fusian while Caylee stayed with Kristina. At 10:58PM Kristina (via Adam) texted Casey ‘bout coming to get Caylee.

Details below…

I propose Casey & Caylee’s walked with Kristina C. Sunday 6/1 around JB Park vs. Lake Underhill. It also appears Casey may have been in contact w/ Kristina 6/12 @ 7:54PM, “sounds good hun.” via Facebook perhaps arranging a quick visit for the kids @ JB Park 6/13PM based on the following:

(a) The absence of cell pings near Lake Underhill in the early-late PM hours 6/1-6/15
(b) A 3hr period of inactivity on Casey’s cell Sunday 6/1 between 5:16PM and 8:15PM w/ before & after pings @ tower located near JB Park
(c) Approx. 1 hr before she shows up @ Fusian 6/13 @ 9PM, Casey is pinging @ tower located near JB Park
(d) Kristina's statement she saw Caylee & Casey for a walk 6/11, 12 or 13
(e) The only direct cell contacts between Casey & Kristina pre-6/16 are:

MON, 6/2 @ 12:22AM Casey texts Kristina
SUN, 6/8 @ 4:15PM Kristina texts Casey​

It appears Casey & Kristina may have had a Sunday afternoon ritual of getting the kids together for playdates. They may have pre-arranged their 6/1 get together on Facebook and/or MySpace (now deleted) or email since there doesn’t appear to be cell evidence of making the plans 6/1. Or, they may have had a typical meeting time & place. Perhaps the 12:22AM text from Casey to Kristina was an “enjoyed the walk”, or, “can you watch Caylee?”, or even “I’m coming to get Caylee” if Kristina may have kept Caylee that evening after the walk.

I propose the following incoming texts from “Adam” were contacts w/ Kristina C. through (or on) Kristina’s husband/boyfriend’s cell, with no evidence or return calls/texts to this number:

MON, 6/2 1:10PM Adam texts Casey
FRI, 6/13 10:58PM Adam texts Casey
SUN, 6/15 2 :39PM Adam texts Casey​

The, Monday 6/2 instance was perhaps a follow-up to the Sunday 6/1 walk.
The Friday, 6/13 instance may have been the “come pick up Caylee” referenced above.
The Sunday, 6/15 instance was perhaps to ask if they were “on” that day for their play date.
Casey's last ping @ Fusian is @ 10:58PM (which I believe is a text from Adam/Kristina to come get Caylee), then, she texts Tony from near Andy F's house @ 1:39AM and finally places 3 calls to Cindy @ 2:48AM pinging from Tony's apt. By 3:12AM 6/14 Casey is pinging @ G&C's.

Since it only took Casey ~20mins to get from Tony's to G&C's it appears she went directly there...suggesting to me that,

(a) Caylee had been sleeping in the Pontiac while Casey was with Tony @ his apartment for... something less than the hour...that it took to get from near Andy F's @ 1:39AM (Kristina's??) to Tony's apartment, until 2:48AM.


(b) Casey had taken Caylee to G&C's after picking her up from Kristina's between 11PM 6/13 and 1:39AM 6/14. Then, Casey ran up to Tony's alone.​

Since Casey initiated the calls to Cindy @ 2:48AM, I speculate that (b) is the more likely of the two options...Casey took Caylee to G&C's around 2AM, then, ran up to Tony's and was calling home to tell Cindy she wouldn't be coming back until later Sunday. And Cindy told her to get home and tend to Caylee...and Casey promptly came home.

Anyone have Kristina's address from the first 400pg doc's? I'm ready to bet that it's somewhere near Andy F's.
Bond, As always, your sleuthing abilities are impressive. Who is Andy F? Does anyone know his role? I've been curious about this person for awhile now. TIA for any info. matilda
Let's not forget, there is a Sean H. who lives in Andy F.'s neighborhood, just a stone's throw away.
Bringing this over from the June 13 thread.

Posting the following on the "Seeking Key Info 6/10-6/14..." ping map thread in the Sticky Forum as well…

I propose Casey left Caylee with Kristina C. Friday evening 6/13 while she went to Fusian. I propose they met for a brief walk @ JB Park (vs. Lake Underhill) between 8:10-9PM and Casey went on from there to Fusian while Caylee stayed with Kristina. At 10:58PM Kristina (via Adam) texted Casey ‘bout coming to get Caylee.

Details below…

I propose Casey & Caylee’s walked with Kristina C. Sunday 6/1 around JB Park vs. Lake Underhill. It also appears Casey may have been in contact w/ Kristina 6/12 @ 7:54PM, “sounds good hun.” via Facebook perhaps arranging a quick visit for the kids @ JB Park 6/13PM based on the following:

(a) The absence of cell pings near Lake Underhill in the early-late PM hours 6/1-6/15
(b) A 3hr period of inactivity on Casey’s cell Sunday 6/1 between 5:16PM and 8:15PM w/ before & after pings @ tower located near JB Park
(c) Approx. 1 hr before she shows up @ Fusian 6/13 @ 9PM, Casey is pinging @ tower located near JB Park
(d) Kristina's statement she saw Caylee & Casey for a walk 6/11, 12 or 13
(e) The only direct cell contacts between Casey & Kristina pre-6/16 are:
MON, 6/2 @ 12:22AM Casey texts Kristina
SUN, 6/8 @ 4:15PM Kristina texts Casey​
It appears Casey & Kristina may have had a Sunday afternoon ritual of getting the kids together for playdates. They may have pre-arranged their 6/1 get together on Facebook and/or MySpace (now deleted) or email since there doesn’t appear to be cell evidence of making the plans 6/1. Or, they may have had a typical meeting time & place. Perhaps the 12:22AM text from Casey to Kristina was an “enjoyed the walk”, or, “can you watch Caylee?”, or even “I’m coming to get Caylee” if Kristina may have kept Caylee that evening after the walk.

I propose the following incoming texts from “Adam” were contacts w/ Kristina C. through (or on) Kristina’s husband/boyfriend’s cell, with no evidence or return calls/texts to this number:
MON, 6/2 1:10PM Adam texts Casey
FRI, 6/13 10:58PM Adam texts Casey
SUN, 6/15 2 :39PM Adam texts Casey​
The, Monday 6/2 instance was perhaps a follow-up to the Sunday 6/1 walk.
The Friday, 6/13 instance may have been the “come pick up Caylee” referenced above.
The Sunday, 6/15 instance was perhaps to ask if they were “on” that day for their play date.

Wasn’t there a statement from Ricardo ‘bout Casey showing up w/ Caylee @ his place 6/13PM or early morning hours 6/14????

Bond, I was in the process of sending you a PM to hash this out, and then I saw this. I would say we are independently coming to the same conclusion.

<start of PM>

You got me started here with Kristina C. I never thought to see if I could figure out when she and KC took their kids for a walk around Lake Underhill Park. Now that I have tried I cannot find it.

As best I can tell, a cell phone at Lake Underhill would ping the following towers / cell IDs (listed in order of likelihood): 29 / 1, 37 / 2, 43 / 3, 30 / 1 or 3. I focused on these towers from June 1 through June 14, and all but one set of pings look like nothing more than a drive through on the way to / from Ric's. The best candidate for a non-drive-through is June 3 around 5 PM, but at best it leaves about 15 minutes for a visit.

Thus I am thinking Kristina was recalling a different time she and KC went to Lake Underhill.

It is possible they met at Jay Blanchard. If so, that might make June 13 around 8:00 PM more interesting as when they got together. Only problem is that she was coming from AL's, having been there since roughly 12:30 PM. And after JBP she went straight to Fusian. This would have given her about 40 minutes to visit.

But, as far as I can tell, it is the only time between June 1 and June 14 and between 5PM and 8PM that I can possibly place her in one spot that is not her parents, Ric's, or AL's for any appreciable period of time.

It is possible that she was either leaving Caylee with Kristina or getting her from Kristina. Neither AL nor his roommates mention the 13th as the last time they saw Caylee, so maybe it was a pick up?

I could not find an address for Kristina, but through a round-about way I found what appears to be her parent's address, assuming "C" is her maiden name. There is a male living with at the home in his early 30's. Could be her brother...or it could be her husband and the address I found is for the in-laws.

The reason this might be important is that the home is right off Chickasaw and is on the route to / from AL's.

<end of PM>

I'm thinking Kristina C. sometimes played the role of nanny, and like you believe may have done so on the 13th.

Don't know who Adam is, but I noticed there was no response back to him.
I also noticed that she does not ping for 2 hours and 40 minutes after that, so I guess it is possible she left Fusian, got Caylee, took her back to her parent's, then went back out.

What I find really curious, though, is her next ping is out near Andy F. in Bithlo.
Bond, As always, your sleuthing abilities are impressive. Who is Andy F? Does anyone know his role? I've been curious about this person for awhile now. TIA for any info. matilda

Hey, waltzing...thanks for the kind words, although I think you're too generous. Hey, even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once-in-a-while :bang:

Andy F., as far as I know, appears to be one of Casey's hook-ups, esp. post 6/30 when Tony leaves town. I'm not the best reference, but, that's a quick description. In the Andy F. thread I believe the address we got for him was that of his parents or perhaps some sorta mixed family situation @ the address. I don't recall exactly.

JWG: Good spot on the Sean H. potential!!! It makes sense the group would head to his place after Fusian. That would suggest that Caylee had been taken to G&C's before 1:39AM...and maybe the 1:39AM text from Casey to Tony was somethin' like, "I'm on my way..." 'cause there isn't a response from Tony. Then no need for cell contact between Tony & Casey until Casey calls Cindy from Tony's place @ 2:48AM.
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