2008.09.11 Kristina Talks to Globe -- Sez Casey Guilty

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Well, the Zanny book cost me one cent and $3.99 for postage. :) Can hardly wait!

Thanks much, folks! We have the BEST group! :))))))))))))))))))))

Going nightie! XOXO
We do have a really wonderful bunch!

I'm going nightie too.
See you peeps tomorrow! Sweet dreams!:blowkiss:
Check out this week's Globe, folks.

Casey's friend, Kristina, says she thinks KC killed Caylee to get back at CA.

She says CA was the first person to hold Caylee, when she was born, and that KC and CE fought about whether KC would have to keep the baby. KC, she says, thought CA was interfering with her raising Caylee.

She says she thinks KC chloroformed Caylee to make it a "soft death," then smothered or drowned her.

She thinks KC put the body in a lake that has a lot of gators. Weren't the searchers at Lake Jessup on Monday? Isn't that Gator City?

Kristina says her son keps asking for Caylee. She says she turned against KC after that phone call. You know the one.

Drowning and chloroform fit with my theory, see my Any missing bathing suits thread....
This is the Kristina who made the heatfelt plea to Casey to tell the truth on that revealing prison phone call, correct? Breaks my heart, Kristina was very emotional and clearly cared for Caylee dearly.

Kristina cared so much for Caylee that she is cashing in on her.

I thought I read on a thread here that Rick had finally admitted that he was not related and was a hoax. I could be wrong, but I thought I read it just the other day.

There were a couple of trolls claiming to be Cindy's brother posting. The real Rick joined topix to put a stop to that. One of the fake Ricks admitted that he was a fake after he was cornered.
I wonder how this will effect testimony in a trial? I kinda of though the LE is not so hep' on speaking to reporters because it gives the defense a something to use a tool to discredit the witness. JMO
You know, I sent a note to Tricia about the fake Rick and the real Rick thing. Was he ever verified as being CA true brother. I can't find his screen name that he used to check what he said against when various bits and pieces came out about the A's. I just have a hard time taken a poster that claims he is family without some proof to back it up. I was trying to join WS the night that whole thing was going down and when I finally got clearance the thread had gone 'poof'.

He never had the chance to join here. The thread was shut down before he had a chance to join. He has since gone MIA on the message boards and is working with LE. IMO, We probably will not hear anymore from him as he will most likely be a prosecution witness.
I wonder how this will effect testimony in a trial? I kinda of though the LE is not so hep' on speaking to reporters because it gives the defense a something to use a tool to discredit the witness. JMO

I know there have been cases where a witness could not testify because they'd sold their story to the media...can't think of one right now, but I recall it happening.
Thanks Turbo... I had read his posts before I joined and learned not the real Rick... he had posted a couple real photos too... I must have missed that NG, I would have loved to have seen it and hear what he had to say.

It was Greta, and she only named Rick as a "source". But Greta repeated verbatim what Rick had posted online.
Well that was my main question. There was a report on GVS about a fight a the A's from an un identified neighbor on Aug 11 and this stuff was being said by this Rick guy around the Aug 20. That is why I wanted to check and see if he could have said anything that was not already out in the media or could not be found out through public records.

I was on Topix the night he came on and doubted his validity at first, but he was the one who told about her being 7 months pregnant at his wedding and everyone denying it. Some of us went to a private chat with him and he sent family pictures of all of them together and of their parents. He also had some wedding pictures with all of them together. HE was REALLY Cindy's brother from S.C. (I think S.C.)
I don't remember but I read my son books that where above his reading level to encourage him to try bigger and better things. My Grammy did the same with me. She would read me Nancy Drew stories when I was about 5 or 6 years old. [Read everyone of those books when I could handle the words. ]

Worked with me and so if figured it would work with my son and it did too.

LOL, Nancy Drew! I used to cut school and sit in the woods to read Nancy Drew, I would watch for the bus to pass on one street-- then ruuunnn a trail over to my street, to make it seem like I got off the bus :p
yeah, I was naughty
I know there have been cases where a witness could not testify because they'd sold their story to the media...can't think of one right now, but I recall it happening.

Save me the time in trying to do a search on WS for what he said. I guess I will just have to wait for the trial. Bet if he testifies for the prosecution it is going to tick of Cindy big time.
LOL, Nancy Drew! I used to cut school and sit in the woods to read Nancy Drew, I would watch for the bus to pass on one street-- then ruuunnn a trail over to my street, to make it seem like I got off the bus :p
yeah, I was naughty

Yeh! I was allowed to buy one every other week. Had it read in couple of hours and then would reread over and over again until I could get the next one. I even resorted to reading the hardy boys at the library. Sshh. Don't tell anyone. That was for boys.
It irks me that she probably got paid, but I'm glad she isn't going to cover for her. I feel so bad for her and her son. That phone call was so sad.:(
The problem with Casey she was such a good actress that nobody saw anything but what she wanted them to see. I is really hard to think that this was premedaited. I can't go there with that thought yet and I don't even know these people. Must be really hard for this poor girl to have come to that conclusion.
I saw the globe at the grocery store today and if I thought there was an ounce of truth in any of thier stories I would have bought it. I checked all the other magazines and tabloids & saw nothing on this case. This is the paper with headlines like 'Alien predicts the End of the World'. Or Alien is the father of Brittany's baby. It is total trash.

You're thinking of the now defunct Weekly World News.
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