2008.09.18 Rob D Interview Audio

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I actually believed that Lee was trying to keep his distance from everything and try and live his life as normal as he possibly could.

He seemed to take a backseat very early on... but, now we know he really took on the role of the leader to alot of things early on in this whole mess.

Mallory needs to RUN and run FAST! I would never want to have a child born into that family. Can you imagine them wanting to sell that baby to the tabloids as soon as it is born with a loving Cindy and George holding it proclaiming to be grandparents of the year?

Did Lee get immunity or is that a rumor? If he did, I wonder what the terms were?
The job of the Padilla's was to bail KC out of jail and protect their money due to a flight risk, no more, no less. Whatever was revealed in conversations with the bounty hunters by KC is what it is. They had a privacy agreement that stated quite clearly that the Padilla crew were not to question KC without her attorney present. They were not put there by LE and were not responsible in any way shape or form to get information from KC. Not their job, but what KC revealed to them and what they provided to LE will either help or hurt the state's case but again it is what it is. If they had grilled her, it could be useless in court, I would think. Obviously JB thinks the information is damaging or he would not have tried to stop the tapes from being released.
I'm just getting to Rob's statement. I've listened to more than half an hour's worth and have to say, he's very easy to listen to, especially after listening to Cindy run her mouth for 1 1/2 hours and after listening to Tracy giggle all through hers. :eek:

Rob did a good job and he sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders. I think his testimony will go a long way in court. He sounds like a good witness.

So the family didn't want people calling "family friends" about Caylee? :eek: This really sounds like the family knew what was going on and was afraid to have LE or anyone else speaking to people who would be honest. Unbelievable.

So KC was thrilled she was getting all sorts of free food when her daughter was "missing"! Funny, she gorges herself for days and then whines that she's losing weight because she hasn't eaten in days because of Caylee. What a piece of work!

Oh, this guy must take the stand. He's got this gal pegged. And he sounds professional and unconnected, unlike Tracy who wrote letters to KC and allegedly sent her jail money. I wonder if she's still wearing her ankle watch. Or does she now wear orange jumpsuits in the privacy of her home so she can feel close to Casey? At least when Rob laughs, it's appropriate, and doesn't interfere with his statement. I like this guy. I like the interviewer, too. These guys are smart and on the ball.

How chilling was the silence after Rob repeated Casey's comment about, "They haven't found the clothes she was wearing."? I think it even stunned the interviewer. Oh, please put this guy on the witness stand.

Another plus for Rob, he doesn't trust or like Lee. :clap:
This reminds me of the incident several days in where Rob was walking Casey into Baez' office and she was just clutching onto his arm and Rob wound his arm in a circle to get her to release him. It was clear he had had enough of her at that point and was fed up with her. I thought at the time that Casey had a crush on him and it now sounds like I was right with the "sunglasses game."

I was just wondering if anyone had a link to this video? I'd love to see it and am hopeless in computer searching. Thanks in advance to anyone out there!
rolltideroll;4124740]If Zanny took Caylee WHY!!! would they need to check into anyone else? So...everyone that asked them to check into other people were admitting they didn't believe the zg story and that included Casey herself

This sums it up for me. The initial story is that Zanny took Caylee. I don't remember them ever saying that didn't happen. In fact, they don't want anyone questioning that story. So just like you state above...why have people looking into anyone else? It makes absolutely no sense and lends NO credibility to her story. If in fact all the Anthony's believe Casey then the only person they need to find is Zenaida! Right?! What does Jesse, Tony, the roommate, etc, etc have to do with it? That would be my first question to the Anthony's? If you believe your daughter why are we looking at other people?

Rob's interview was awesome. He shed alot of light on the situation for me.
I think when they first started pointing fingers toward Jesse, Richardo, Amy, Tony, etc. was because they were saying ZFG had an accomplice. Then KC came out with the Blanchard Park story of ZFG, her sister, and the other children with them. I think the BP story sent the A family into all directions. Although Cindy was on Jesse's back since nearly the beginning, so really, none of their accusations make any sense. I think it was obvious even to Cindy very early that the phantom babysitter story didn't make any sense.

After KC was taken into custody, Cindy blamed Jesse and anyone else she could think of. She was grasping at straws to save her daughter, and most of all, to save her own reputation as a bad mother and grandmother. If KC is guilty then it's CA's fault for raising a rotten murderer, so she had to protect herself as well as KC. That's what I believe she was thinking. Way too much pride involved and not enough caring about the small child who was missing/killed. It all reflects badly on CA.
I think when they first started pointing fingers toward Jesse, Richardo, Amy, Tony, etc. was because they were saying ZFG had an accomplice. Then KC came out with the Blanchard Park story of ZFG, her sister, and the other children with them. I think the BP story sent the A family into all directions. Although Cindy was on Jesse's back since nearly the beginning, so really, none of their accusations make any sense. I think it was obvious even to Cindy very early that the phantom babysitter story didn't make any sense.

After KC was taken into custody, Cindy blamed Jesse and anyone else she could think of. She was grasping at straws to save her daughter, and most of all, to save her own reputation as a bad mother and grandmother. If KC is guilty then it's CA's fault for raising a rotten murderer, so she had to protect herself as well as KC. That's what I believe she was thinking. Way too much pride involved and not enough caring about the small child who was missing/killed. It all reflects badly on CA.

ITA Thank you :clap:

Quote Respect aksleuth :)

Yes. Cindy is the key to all of this: I am waiting for her to testify in court.

Quote Repect Tracey :)

You and others have spoken what I am feeling but I am afraid I have the answer for...every body talks big when they are away from the person they are talking about. I have only heard of Kathi Belich asking Casey; "did you kill your daughter?"

I don't even remember that being in the questions from LE? I am kind of venting here and not expecting that I am making a good point. I have this kind of frustration in my life. In my family and experience there can be the family molester in the room and everyone still celebrates christmas...

My standards for being a good person are incredibly high. I have learned that the only way to get along on this planet is to understand that not everyone feels the way I do. I can not speak to a single member of my family or my husbands because I can not or do not keep my big mouth shut. There is no way I could have been around this family during this time. They would have taken me out in a straight jacket. Screaming and kicking...

My husband and I said if our child was missing we would not step foot back into our house until we found our child. We would be like crazy people knocking on every door and doing exactly what LE told us to do. Even that sounds all mixed up but I know I would not have reacted in any way, any one connected to this case has. Rob D. comes the closest to what I call sane reasoning and intuition information based on non -ego judgements. But you do wonder how all these people kept from yelling: "Casey! Where is Caylee?" You wonder why everyone didn't surround Casey and get answers. You really, really wonder.

This is a bit of a rant and I am sorry. I am never sorry for the (very few)rants I see on WS. They always say what I feel.

But to stay ot. I have said before how glad I am not to be actually involved in this case or any other. I would not want to be on the jury. Will interviews such as this and the one with Tracy be brought out in court? I think WS has been saying that is the point? JB did not want this to be said in court but now it is allowed, if I understand. Does that mean the defense will use it or is all of the statements automatically a part of what a jury will hear?

If I WAS on that jury...everything I have heard so far, if you were asking me to vote: would be that Casey is guilty. But first: I would need to hear from her. I would need to hear from her why she acted in these ways? I would have had to have asked her these things if I had been around her for days. And I would still need to hear her before I could say: "Guilty." If she had no more explanation or sadness than I think is coming through from what I have read...I would feel that-

She gives you no choice. :mad: What is a 'sane' person to think? :crazy:

I just remembered: Like ANNIE D! How that sleep over went. All these people...Loren...is that her name? The girl who is on one of the jail recordings who said; "I will just die if anything happens to Caylee" SHE showed the emotion I understand. Spending the night with Casey and watching movies and eating popcorn? Pizza's delivered and sunglass games? I could not abide, not abide...


I guess sometimes...when you already know the answer, but don't want to...it feels "safer" not to ask the question. My mom was always like that. When she knew I'd been up to no good (those teenage years are hell), she'd never ask exactly what---afraid of the answer she already knew. Can you imagine knowing what KC had done and trying to mentally swallow that?!? Your daughter...your own flesh and blood----or for Annie, your best friend....someone you shared your life with and trusted. (Still think Annie believed the garbage KC spewed). IDK-sad all the way around.
questions about Lee
1-Do u think Lee knew for cetain at some point in time that KC killed Caylee
2- Do u think Lee knew where the body was
3-Do u think lee has a sexual feeling for KC- the way he acts towards her is really strange-at the memorial cma I respect the way you live your life-come on even he if dint think KC killed Caylee he has to know not reporting her missing -all the lies she told-what she did to her parents-there is really nothing to respect.
4- did it even matter to Lee if KC killed Caylee-why would he say no polly-for him or his parents

5-what the hell is it with Mallory-at best she must say this guy is not normal-he is far to wraped up in his sister-he does not want to here anything bad about her-more concern for her then for his niece-why does she stay with him-at best he is nuts or at worst he helped cover for KC knowing she killed Caylee
6-How stupid do you-have to be to tell your parent not to open the door for LE- did he think they would go away and say OH Goosh nobody home:confused: I just cant get a take on lee-you think he would at least resent her for ruining his life and his parents life-so please anyone with thoughts on Lee thinking process -PLEASE POST

1-I feel certain Lee knew from early on that Caylee was dead...and shortly after that his sister was responsible.
2-Someone knew-most likely Lee-maybe even from his "investigation"-could have stumbled upon the info since Kronk had an officer meet him there once already-or possibly from intimate knowledge. But I'll go with yes on this one.
3-No-I think KC believes he does, but I think Lee is just a Momma's boy
4-No-the past is water under the bridge for Lee-that was over and done with-now was time to clean up the mess and save face for the family as best he could.
5-This situation did not create Lee-he is who he is and surely Mallory knows him. Some women like men like Lee. To each his own. At least she know that if she ever commits murder, he'll be standing by her side.
6-I argue with my own fella about this one. He's one of those "why do cops think they are so special" guys (I call that one too many speeding tickets syndrome). He would ask for a warrant before he let them in. It's usually attributed to a less than whole education-some kind of street tuff thing I'll never understand.
Can you imagine knowing what KC had done and trying to mentally swallow that?!? Your daughter...your own flesh and blood----or for Annie, your best friend....someone you shared your life with and trusted. (Still think Annie believed the garbage KC spewed). IDK-sad all the way around.

Quote Respect Clock's Tickin :)

I think that Cindy handling Casey in this way: is what got Caylee killed in the first place. Knowing Casey was "up to no good" but not wanting to know exactly "what." If George and Cindy had done anything, anything to help instead of egging Casey on...Caylee might be alive today. imho.

I know what you are saying: that Cindy was probably handling things in this way and just continued. I agree. But I also think that Cindy wants Casey to be innocent so she can be. It is how she handled everything about Casey, it was easier to believe her lies than to do any actual parenting. Casey learned from the best, Cindy...appearances are the only thing that matters. I don't doubt what you have posted because only this type of parenting would cause Cindy, George and Casey to show up a Cindy's brother's wedding with an obviously pregnant Casey and deny she is pregnant. That is some serious denial or :confused:

As for Annie, if it were my friend, I would be asking about Caylee. Nothing would stop me. They would have to kick me out.

ETA: to stay ot...Rob D sure got tired of her "act" quickly and decided not to play. I did not hear him saying she was "silly."

The job of the Padilla's was to bail KC out of jail and protect their money due to a flight risk, no more, no less. Whatever was revealed in conversations with the bounty hunters by KC is what it is. They had a privacy agreement that stated quite clearly that the Padilla crew were not to question KC without her attorney present. They were not put there by LE and were not responsible in any way shape or form to get information from KC. Not their job, but what KC revealed to them and what they provided to LE will either help or hurt the state's case but again it is what it is. If they had grilled her, it could be useless in court, I would think. Obviously JB thinks the information is damaging or he would not have tried to stop the tapes from being released.

Bolded by me.

I think that the question still remains....Why did they bail her out? What was their incentive to come all the way out here to post bail and become 24/7 body guards for Casey and family? Why would they do it when they don't even live here? The A family didn't have that kind of money or property to put up so why would people that don't have a pony in this dog and pony show put up the bail money in the first place?

Because they thought she was innocent? Not likely. They had access to even more evidence than we did and most of us had it pegged from the get go.

To protect her and her family? She was safe in jail. No protesters were going to be able to get to her. They could have just left her in jail if they wanted to protect the family. Of course, if they had not bailed her out the number of protesters would have probably been a lot less. They kind of helped escalate that little problem.

Because some big name unknown person asked them to and maybe even fronted the money? Okay but why? There had to be some kind of implied gain in it or else LP could have simply quietly gotten the $50,000, come to florida, and found a bailbondsman to give it to.

Nope there is something more than meets the eye going on with all of this. It is too complex and there are too many unknown factors. The simplest answer is usually the most correct. I don't like what I come up with when I look for the simplest answer but it doesn't put any of these people in a good light.
Someone high profile asked LP to do it. Early on there were reports on NG that LP would be doing a reality type bounty hunter program (don't have a link) in the near future. With all the media people involved in this case I would think the original person who contacted LP was indeed in the industry and the rest of them are playing "beat you to the punch". Have no proof but since ratings are very important to this type of industry it is clear that they may be influencing this case indirectly. Parents show up at court with a media producer. Who does that? KC tell TM see can sign pictures to make some money for her defense. Where would she get that idea???? They all live right there smack in the middle of the entertainment industry how could they not draw interest.

Can anyone help but wonder if KC's decision not to take a plea deal was influenced by the fact that she was drawing the attention of people in the industry who clearly see a made for TV movie in the future?

There is presently a case out West where the foster parents are suspects in the disappearance and death of a 5 year old boy. Where is the media on this one? Where is the high bail for these two? There is no media interest in this case and you do not see it on NG night after night after night as we did with KC.

So maybe the answer to your question 100%Agave is that big business could be behind this whole case. How sad when someone who really would need that kind of support is deemed too ordinary and not worth wasting time on.
Someone high profile asked LP to do it. Early on there were reports on NG that LP would be doing a reality type bounty hunter program (don't have a link) in the near future. With all the media people involved in this case I would think the original person who contacted LP was indeed in the industry and the rest of them are playing "beat you to the punch". Have no proof but since ratings are very important to this type of industry it is clear that they may be influencing this case indirectly. Parents show up at court with a media producer. Who does that? KC tell TM see can sign pictures to make some money for her defense. Where would she get that idea???? They all live right there smack in the middle of the entertainment industry how could they not draw interest.

Can anyone help but wonder if KC's decision not to take a plea deal was influenced by the fact that she was drawing the attention of people in the industry who clearly see a made for TV movie in the future?

There is presently a case out West where the foster parents are suspects in the disappearance and death of a 5 year old boy. Where is the media on this one? Where is the high bail for these two? There is no media interest in this case and you do not see it on NG night after night after night as we did with KC.

So maybe the answer to your question 100%Agave is that big business could be behind this whole case. How sad when someone who really would need that kind of support is deemed too ordinary and not worth wasting time on.

Yeah, that is close to what I come up with too. And it is sad. It is sad that Caylee and what happened to her became, almost from the first, a way to make money for all the players involved. LP's or whoever was the real money man's $50,000 could have gone a long way to help with the search efforts for Caylee or for some other missing child or to help abused children or any number of other legit organizations.

I would love to know who the big money people really are. That one small piece of information will bring a lot into focus and some people won't be looking to good if that ever come out.
What really is sick is the fact that when KC told TM that she could sign pictures to raise money for her defense KC already thought she was a "star". Anyone supporting her after the remains were found has a "horse in the race." JMO.
TP is by profession and career a bail bondsman. Which means he deals directly with the families of those accused of all sorts of crimes, ranging from the heinous to the trivial. I am sure he sees a wide gamut of behavior from the accused and incarcerateds families. The impression I got from his postings here is that to his somewhat jaded yet very experienced eye, The A's are not particularly surprising, and are probably easier to deal with then alot.

I believe TP's rose-colored glasses reactions to the A's might have been because he had MUCH less interaction with them.... not there long enough to get past the "honeymoon"/polite stage.
Yeah, that is close to what I come up with too. And it is sad. It is sad that Caylee and what happened to her became, almost from the first, a way to make money for all the players involved. LP's or whoever was the real money man's $50,000 could have gone a long way to help with the search efforts for Caylee or for some other missing child or to help abused children or any number of other legit organizations.

I would love to know who the big money people really are. That one small piece of information will bring a lot into focus and some people won't be looking to good if that ever come out.

kentjbkent posted a link a few days ago that had a lot of information about the money and deals behind the case. Not long after the post, the information was changed on the web site to terrorist type information. It was a very interesting read.
kentjbkent posted a link a few days ago that had a lot of information about the money and deals behind the case. Not long after the post, the information was changed on the web site to terrorist type information. It was a very interesting read.

Thanks, I'll look it up. I did see where he has posted some info in the whatever that is called where people go to discuss things that aren't case related but someone said that it had been pulled for review. Is it back up?
He also stated that whenever Casey spoke about Caylee in the past tense she would catch herself. For example she said Caylee "used" to brush her teeth all the time. Then she followed up with " but I'm sure wherever she is now she still brushes her teeth all the time".

It's the same as.. "all they care about is getting Caylee back........and you know what? that's all I care about too."

As we can see from these interviews, nobody in the family cared about getting Caylee back. I am so sick of this family I could scream.

At first I started to laugh at the thought of Lee not wanting them to open the door for LE... then I felt ill because of the family thinks (and apparantly knows) they can do whatever.

I wonder if they would have such a huge sense of entitlement if LE would've put them in their place at the start of all this. Since they get to run around doing whatever they want without consequence, of course their egos are going to become biggerr. Why they are allowed to obstruct justice, hinder investigations, lie under oath, is beyond me.

I am so sick of them........I need a break from this madness.
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