2008.10.14 - Casey's statement to police AFTER indicted

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If it were me, and this is just me mind you, and my beloved child were missing and I KNEW that I did not have anything to do with it and had been indicted? I would be begging, crying, pleading with them to please find my baby. Please help me find my baby. Please, I will do anything you want, but please help me find my baby. Someone has my baby...and on and on. I would be in tears, I would be near a nervous break from my child being apart from me and from not knowing under what circumstances my child was being kept or what was happening to my child. I would jump in line for the lie detector, I would tell my clown of a lawyer that he is crazy-MY BABY IS MISSING and someone has to do something to find her! I would have to be sedated on a daily basis.

I would not be this flirty, calm, coy girl that we see in Casey Anthony. Where is the emotion that any normal parent feels for their own CHILD? Where is the anguish? Where is the LOVE? To me, she appears as if she is discussing a piece of toast or paving a driveway with them rather than her MISSING BABY!!! Something is seriously wrong with Casey-something important is missing from inside of her-I think many of us refer to it as a SOUL!
bolded by me

You and me both Magic Cat. BUT we do hear and hopefully will get to see, how she reacts when her baby is FOUND. And she knew it was her baby, because they found her exactly where Casey placed her. Casey was fallling apart, hyperventilating, a nervous wreck. Those are all the things she should have been doing when she realized Caylee had been "kidnapped". No normal range of human emotions for Casey. The old "everybody grieves differently" line is about frazzled out on this case.
If it were me, and this is just me mind you, and my beloved child were missing and I KNEW that I did not have anything to do with it and had been indicted? I would be begging, crying, pleading with them to please find my baby. Please help me find my baby. Please, I will do anything you want, but please help me find my baby. Someone has my baby...and on and on. I would be in tears, I would be near a nervous break from my child being apart from me and from not knowing under what circumstances my child was being kept or what was happening to my child. I would jump in line for the lie detector, I would tell my clown of a lawyer that he is crazy-MY BABY IS MISSING and someone has to do something to find her! I would have to be sedated on a daily basis.

I would not be this flirty, calm, coy girl that we see in Casey Anthony. Where is the emotion that any normal parent feels for their own CHILD? Where is the anguish? Where is the LOVE? To me, she appears as if she is discussing a piece of toast or paving a driveway with them rather than her MISSING BABY!!! Something is seriously wrong with Casey-something important is missing from inside of her-I think many of us refer to it as a SOUL!
Ah but if you were 22 years old and your lawyer (the only one who listens to a word you say) told you to keep your mouth shut and not say a word as LE was only laying a trap for you..would you really sob and ask for help and scream that you didn't do it.. whatever it was. I think there is a misconception about the FBI's point of view and the public. They are hoping she will slip up and say something that can be used against her. They are great interviewers. I think they did a great job with CA and GA. Neither one could shut up long enough for a question half the time.
BTW I have no experience with being interviewed by the FBi, but I do have lawyers in the family. (and I am as old as dirt):)
I think what she meant when she said "if I'm innocent" was that she'd be open to talk to them but, as far as if she's innocent...that yes she is and that's as far as she'll go with that question.
I hope this made sence??! lol

Not making sense to me.................I think the "if" is very telling here....like a hypothetical If I'm not guilty then this is the strategy I would employ (or so JB tells me).
Parsing any statements made by any of the Anthony's are very liable to lead no where. She sounded like she was repeating what her lawyer told her. Trying to sound as though she was in control of the situation. However, the clothes fidgiting (sp?)and hair arranging says just the opposite. She is a scared 22 year old trying to sound grownup. She is not. JMHO

I think you've put that very well, Manny. She is afraid.
I think you've put that very well, Manny. She is afraid.
It is so difficult for me too see this adult woman (KC) displaying any fear on the day of the indictment, leading up to arrest, ride with LE, and as we've seen in the video conferance room. It appeared to me that her only possible fear was keeping up with the LE Agent who was using the same type of word placement fencing as KC was delivering to him. I saw a true battle of minds sitting at that conferance room table. After trying to win over the Corporal FBI agent playing to his emotional side of being the only one who has been forthright since day one, KC found out that she could make no gains with her te to te verbal sparring. KC seemed to accept after explaing her version of "the end of the hallway" that she had hit a brick wall and no matter how many times she tried to insinuate there are two doors that could be opened the agent wasn't going to take the bait. LE desciption of "We've eached the end of the hall", did not include two doors that could be opened. Thats when LE agent told her that was before this day of the indicment and there is no longer 2 doors at the end of the hallway. I saw no fear panic or paranoid behavior resignating out of KC at anytime that day. My husband and I felt we were watching a woman showing no intimidation with an oler man who is LE. We both agreed that a woman appearing so calm while waiting to aviod questions, points to a woman who has been around the block when it pertains to men and was not phased by any male, let alone the one male in authority who was holding his own in KC's word play game.
I would love to see KC's interaction with a woman LE/FBI. I would have loved to have a shot at her.
I think both KC and CA think she has a good shot at getting out of this! They both think they are as smart as LE and all the lawyers. KC was arrested on a Whim, and CA showed us all at the depo that she studied 3 pages of the discovery, making her an equal match to John Morgan and Keith Mitnick. And we saw how that turned out.
KC is trying soooo hard to talk her way out of this still, with all the hand gestures and insisting Caylee is alive, a mother knows, in her gut, and trying to look pretty for the FBI guys. She is STILL trying her same old schtick even after the GJ Indictment. Unbelievable. But I am also sure any con would do the same.
Her affect is not "flat". Flat affect is a "severe reduction in emotional expressiveness." I don't think she is a sociopath, although she may display some traits. A sociopath doesn't play at being a sociopath, they simply ARE a sociopath.

This is a person intentionally playing a part. Her coquettish nature and apparent disregard for the gravity of her situation reminds me of a Borderline Personality Disorder diagnosis. These types "play" with people's heads as a matter of course, but when someone doesn't agree with them or sets limits, they often fly into a blind rage. Afterwards, they sincerely believe it was the other person's fault. In other words, they never own their own inappropriate behavior.

BPD's are generally known for creating havoc around them in some way, I call them the 'eye of the hurricane'. High functioning BPD's are especially yucky to be around because they are manipulators, liars and often thieves. They are adroit at telling you what you want to hear while they slip the knife in from behind. You know the type, your gut tells you something is very wrong, but you can't always suss it out immediately. Moral: Listen to your gut! IMO, Casey is definitely a high functioning BPD and I believe CA is the same.
It is so difficult for me too see this adult woman (KC) displaying any fear on the day of the indictment, leading up to arrest, ride with LE, and as we've seen in the video conferance room. It appeared to me that her only possible fear was keeping up with the LE Agent who was using the same type of word placement fencing as KC was delivering to him. I saw a true battle of minds sitting at that conferance room table. After trying to win over the Corporal FBI agent playing to his emotional side of being the only one who has been forthright since day one, KC found out that she could make no gains with her te to te verbal sparring. KC seemed to accept after explaing her version of "the end of the hallway" that she had hit a brick wall and no matter how many times she tried to insinuate there are two doors that could be opened the agent wasn't going to take the bait. LE desciption of "We've eached the end of the hall", did not include two doors that could be opened. Thats when LE agent told her that was before this day of the indicment and there is no longer 2 doors at the end of the hallway. I saw no fear panic or paranoid behavior resignating out of KC at anytime that day. My husband and I felt we were watching a woman showing no intimidation with an oler man who is LE. We both agreed that a woman appearing so calm while waiting to aviod questions, points to a woman who has been around the block when it pertains to men and was not phased by any male, let alone the one male in authority who was holding his own in KC's word play game.

Though I agree she doesn't show fear (I think she feels fear differently than we do too) like you or I would- I see her hand rubbing, clothes pulling etc. as signs of her dis-ease (not disease) which for us would be felt and shown as fear. This girl has had a long time to perfect how she copes with her feelings, she comes from a messed up home, has apparently been invalidated her entire life. It is not uncommon for people who come from homes like this to learn to supress their feelings.. at the very least, they learn to stop showing how they feel. And they can become quite good at blocking their feelings too.

Watching her in court that last time I was like WOW at how much she kept touching on herself. The lady lawyer must have told her to stop fidgeting because at one point Casey's hand was going back up to her hair and shirt so she could do her thing and the lawyer looked over at her.. Casey didn't let on that she saw the lawyer looking but she stopped her hand mid-motion and brought it back down and placed it on the table (it may have been in her lap, it's been awhile since I saw the video).

I don't think Casey's got control over the touching, I think it's how she's soothing herself when she has unpleasent feelings. I'm not sticking up for the girl, I hope you know that. I agree with you- she's got issues, big time issues, but I do think she feels, just not in the same manner we do.
Her affect is not "flat". Flat affect is a "severe reduction in emotional expressiveness." I don't think she is a sociopath, although she may display some traits. A sociopath doesn't play at being a sociopath, they simply ARE a sociopath.

This is a person intentionally playing a part. Her coquettish nature and apparent disregard for the gravity of her situation reminds me of a Borderline Personality Disorder diagnosis. These types "play" with people's heads as a matter of course, but when someone doesn't agree with them or sets limits, they often fly into a blind rage. Afterwards, they sincerely believe it was the other person's fault. In other words, they never own their own inappropriate behavior.

BPD's are generally known for creating havoc around them in some way, I call them the 'eye of the hurricane'. High functioning BPD's are especially yucky to be around because they are manipulators, liars and often thieves. They are adroit at telling you what you want to hear while they slip the knife in from behind. You know the type, your gut tells you something is very wrong, but you can't always suss it out immediately. Moral: Listen to your gut! IMO, Casey is definitely a high functioning BPD and I believe CA is the the same

I think you are so right!
Her affect is not "flat". Flat affect is a "severe reduction in emotional expressiveness." I don't think she is a sociopath, although she may display some traits. A sociopath doesn't play at being a sociopath, they simply ARE a sociopath.

This is a person intentionally playing a part. Her coquettish nature and apparent disregard for the gravity of her situation reminds me of a Borderline Personality Disorder diagnosis. These types "play" with people's heads as a matter of course, but when someone doesn't agree with them or sets limits, they often fly into a blind rage. Afterwards, they sincerely believe it was the other person's fault. In other words, they never own their own inappropriate behavior.

BPD's are generally known for creating havoc around them in some way, I call them the 'eye of the hurricane'. High functioning BPD's are especially yucky to be around because they are manipulators, liars and often thieves. They are adroit at telling you what you want to hear while they slip the knife in from behind. You know the type, your gut tells you something is very wrong, but you can't always suss it out immediately. Moral: Listen to your gut! IMO, Casey is definitely a high functioning BPD and I believe CA is the same.

Your "eye of the hurricane" comment is spot-on. I'm always amazed that Casey seems most of the time to display a 'fiddling while Rome burns' demeanor. Creating the illusion of calm while the world is crumbling. What a mental toll that would take on most people...
Her affect is not "flat". Flat affect is a "severe reduction in emotional expressiveness." I don't think she is a sociopath, although she may display some traits. A sociopath doesn't play at being a sociopath, they simply ARE a sociopath.

This is a person intentionally playing a part. Her coquettish nature and apparent disregard for the gravity of her situation reminds me of a Borderline Personality Disorder diagnosis. These types "play" with people's heads as a matter of course, but when someone doesn't agree with them or sets limits, they often fly into a blind rage. Afterwards, they sincerely believe it was the other person's fault. In other words, they never own their own inappropriate behavior.

BPD's are generally known for creating havoc around them in some way, I call them the 'eye of the hurricane'. High functioning BPD's are especially yucky to be around because they are manipulators, liars and often thieves. They are adroit at telling you what you want to hear while they slip the knife in from behind. You know the type, your gut tells you something is very wrong, but you can't always suss it out immediately. Moral: Listen to your gut! IMO, Casey is definitely a high functioning BPD and I believe CA is the same.

:clap::clap::clap: Great great great post!! :blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss:

Sounds like we are on the same page for the most part. I totally see more Borderline traits than Psychopath/Sociopath in Casey. Though, like you, I admit she's got some anti-social traits.. she's also got traits of every other personality disorder. LOL

YOU (Not you personally) live with a Cindy and come out whole!
:clap::clap::clap: Great great great post!! :blowkiss::blowkiss::blowkiss:

Sounds like we are on the same page for the most part. I totally see more Borderline traits than Psychopath/Sociopath in Casey. Though, like you, I admit she's got some anti-social traits.. she's also got traits of every other personality disorder. LOL

YOU (Not you personally) live with a Cindy and come out whole!

Axis 2 for the win! :blowkiss:
Your "eye of the hurricane" comment is spot-on. I'm always amazed that Casey seems most of the time to display a 'fiddling while Rome burns' demeanor. Creating the illusion of calm while the world is crumbling. What a mental toll that would take on most people...

Probably been doing it her whole life.. I seriously doubt Cindy's behaviors are new. As I have said, I suspect some of Casey's lies will prove to be not Casey's, but lies Cindy told Casey.

Here is a link to some great reading (I don't want to keep going O/T) if you are interested.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3
Maybe due to this case the psychiatric association will come up with a new disorder labeled, "Heinz 57" Lol! I do agree with KC's unease she presents that might appear to be equaited with fear. Had KC felt the fear most of society would feel she would not have chosen to go be interviewed but would have taken the go to jail card instead. I saw a woman that from the interiew with JB that day, the car ride with the Corparol, till the sit down in the office displaying her prowess, for as long as she could. Kind of like a tease who doesn't give out. For me I see borderline personality disorders combining to create the sociopath we see today. A sight I enjoy reading and feel it would be helpful because it isn't so strile as a psych. document. There are some interesting stories pertaining to PD, emeshment and such. It is called, www.everyone needs therapy.com Granted this site doesn't address moms who choose to murder, lie and decieve. That is where sociopath comes in for me. Like she climbed the ladderof PD in her so called life before murder and it was only time before herPD mental activity escalated to crossing the line into a new demension of disturbance creating a murder scenario. If there is fear of any sort it is the cold fear of her future. I know exactly where you are comming from and spent part of my day writing out the relationship between KC parents and how the dynamics of a couple affects the child. It is so easy to see now the way GA & CA treat one another and the negative effects it had on both children. Next I was going to look further into the childish word games played like grade school kids called "code" that KC and Lee carried over to adulthood. I wrote 2 pages and then saw KC's video on NG and said, 'she's getting off on this back and fourth whine of words" and who really cares how F'd up she is. Look at those other ugly moms of murder. They showed more fear of the unknown than KC ever has. By the end of trial I feel we all be saying 'psychopath" when we hear how Caylee may have suffered before mom killed her using those sweaty red itchy hands. Those hands haunt her subconious and she will never get to pick off the feel of death comming from her daughters lifeless little body. I'm going to baste a turkey because thata as close as I'll come to putting the needle in the eye of hurrican KC. Shoo, I'v vented enough and was going to try and be more professional. That just didn't come through n this post. <3<3 <3 to you OLG <3
Maybe due to this case the psychiatric association will come up with a new disorder labeled, "Heinz 57" Lol! I do agree with KC's unease she presents that might appear to be equaited with fear. Had KC felt the fear most of society would feel she would not have chosen to go be interviewed but would have taken the go to jail card instead. I saw a woman that from the interiew with JB that day, the car ride with the Corparol, till the sit down in the office displaying her prowess, for as long as she could. Kind of like a tease who doesn't give out. For me I see borderline personality disorders combining to create the sociopath we see today. A sight I enjoy reading and feel it would be helpful because it isn't so strile as a psych. document. There are some interesting stories pertaining to PD, emeshment and such. It is called, www.everyone needs therapy.com Granted this site doesn't address moms who choose to murder, lie and decieve. That is where sociopath comes in for me. Like she climbed the ladderof PD in her so called life before murder and it was only time before herPD mental activity escalated to crossing the line into a new demension of disturbance creating a murder scenario. If there is fear of any sort it is the cold fear of her future. I know exactly where you are comming from and spent part of my day writing out the relationship between KC parents and how the dynamics of a couple affects the child. It is so easy to see now the way GA & CA treat one another and the negative effects it had on both children. Next I was going to look further into the childish word games played like grade school kids called "code" that KC and Lee carried over to adulthood. I wrote 2 pages and then saw KC's video on NG and said, 'she's getting off on this back and fourth whine of words" and who really cares how F'd up she is. Look at those other ugly moms of murder. They showed more fear of the unknown than KC ever has. By the end of trial I feel we all be saying 'psychopath" when we hear how Caylee may have suffered before mom killed her using those sweaty red itchy hands. Those hands haunt her subconious and she will never get to pick off the feel of death comming from her daughters lifeless little body. I'm going to baste a turkey because thata as close as I'll come to putting the needle in the eye of hurrican KC. Shoo, I'v vented enough and was going to try and be more professional. That just didn't come through n this post. <3<3 <3 to you OLG <3

Wow! Give me cold chill bumps gurl. Brrrrrrrr. That hand rubbing has always been on my mind. Thanks for clearing that up. The bolded part is exactly why she rubs them hands. Maybe even have gotten human rot on her hands---rot from her baby girl. Grrrrrrrrrrr.
Though I agree she doesn't show fear (I think she feels fear differently than we do too) like you or I would- I see her hand rubbing, clothes pulling etc. as signs of her dis-ease (not disease) which for us would be felt and shown as fear. This girl has had a long time to perfect how she copes with her feelings, she comes from a messed up home, has apparently been invalidated her entire life. It is not uncommon for people who come from homes like this to learn to supress their feelings.. at the very least, they learn to stop showing how they feel. And they can become quite good at blocking their feelings too.

Watching her in court that last time I was like WOW at how much she kept touching on herself. The lady lawyer must have told her to stop fidgeting because at one point Casey's hand was going back up to her hair and shirt so she could do her thing and the lawyer looked over at her.. Casey didn't let on that she saw the lawyer looking but she stopped her hand mid-motion and brought it back down and placed it on the table (it may have been in her lap, it's been awhile since I saw the video).

I don't think Casey's got control over the touching, I think it's how she's soothing herself when she has unpleasent feelings. I'm not sticking up for the girl, I hope you know that. I agree with you- she's got issues, big time issues, but I do think she feels, just not in the same manner we do.

ITA - she has hardly any control over the constant fussing and touching etc. She isn't really aware that she is doing it. If she was aware then she would stop because it is such a giveaway into her internal turmoil.

The hand rubbing thing is especially indicative of her subconscious. She isn't just absentmindedly fiddling with her hands - she literally looks at them, spots (invisible to me) dirt or some other type of blemish and then begins the rubbing. I can't help but think of Lady Macbeth every time I see Casey do that. Her subconscious is telling her she has "something on her hands" (blood?) that she desperately wants to get rid of in an "out out damned spot" way. It's so creepy!
The hand rubbing thing is especially indicative of her subconscious. She isn't just absentmindedly fiddling with her hands - she literally looks at them, spots (invisible to me) dirt or some other type of blemish and then begins the rubbing. I can't help but think of Lady Macbeth every time I see Casey do that. Her subconscious is telling her she has "something on her hands" (blood?) that she desperately wants to get rid of in an "out out damned spot" way. It's so creepy!

I'm so glad I'm not the only one to see Lady Macbeth in her!!
Though I agree she doesn't show fear (I think she feels fear differently than we do too) like you or I would- I see her hand rubbing, clothes pulling etc. as signs of her dis-ease (not disease) which for us would be felt and shown as fear. This girl has had a long time to perfect how she copes with her feelings, she comes from a messed up home, has apparently been invalidated her entire life. It is not uncommon for people who come from homes like this to learn to supress their feelings.. at the very least, they learn to stop showing how they feel. And they can become quite good at blocking their feelings too.

Watching her in court that last time I was like WOW at how much she kept touching on herself. The lady lawyer must have told her to stop fidgeting because at one point Casey's hand was going back up to her hair and shirt so she could do her thing and the lawyer looked over at her.. Casey didn't let on that she saw the lawyer looking but she stopped her hand mid-motion and brought it back down and placed it on the table (it may have been in her lap, it's been awhile since I saw the video).

I don't think Casey's got control over the touching, I think it's how she's soothing herself when she has unpleasent feelings. I'm not sticking up for the girl, I hope you know that. I agree with you- she's got issues, big time issues, but I do think she feels, just not in the same manner we do.

(bbm) I think you are correct , it is both uncontrollable, and self soothing when she feels awkward, incomfortable or unable to control the environment. It's an almost animal response to being "confined", suppressed, or restricted. having to sit where she is sitting, either in her interview or the courtroom, she isn't free to exit, thus the self soothing gestures. Its a way of calming herself, making her agitation less intrusive. Sort of like rubbing your temples when you have a headache, this is her only means of over-riding whatever the discomfort is.

and for the record, her fidgeting drives me nuts. I yell at the tv, "SIT STILL".
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