2008.11.13 - 11.14 LP J Blanchard Park Search #2

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Here's what bugs me. I know there are some cruel people who might kill an animal by putting it in a bag, weighing it down, and letting the aligators have at it.

But a person who loves a pet would not *dispense* of it in a dirty body of water. If you are attached enough to a pet to care about their favorite toys you wouldn't weigh it down in a bag with bricks and let the water creatures consume it. You would more likely bury it. How could you stand the thought of your furry family member being eaten by aligators? I don't buy it.

The toys are a red flag to me. They don't fit into the equation. Am I making sense?
IIRC No one said they were CHILDREN'S toys. They could have been the bones of someone's pet dog and the DOG'S toys, right?

One of the divers held up a bag last night on NG and it was children's toys. Looked like a mini barbie doll and other stuff I couldn't recognize.
Is it just me? Or did the diver that LP hired from Blackwater get offended when TM insinuated that they (TE) expert divers had searched already and that they could'nt possibly have found something his team (TE) didn't find? If I read him correctly, he seems offended and that could be motivation to keep looking and looking and looking until Blackwater finds what TE didn't...??? I'm so sad to see dissent between TM and LP....it makes everyone look bad and the A's are loving it...

Well I think it's obvious now that TM has drank from the Kool-Aide :( Ya know when CA was bashing the He_l out of TM to the media he would not say one negative thing about her, but now we see a different side of TM who is now willing since joining the Anthony, Nejame team to go out and bash LP to anyone that will listen. Now CA and TM and LE have something in common, neither want LP to find anything in that river, 'cause if he does that means that TM didn't search there as thoroughly as he says and that LE wasted there $5,000 on the wrong searcher.

JMO :)
Here's what bugs me. I know there are some cruel people who might kill an animal by putting it in a bag, weighing it down, and letting the aligators have at it.

But a person who loves a pet would not *dispense* of it in a dirty body of water. If you are attached enough to a pet to care about their favorite toys you wouldn't weigh it down in a bag with bricks and let the water creatures consume it. You would more likely bury it. How could you stand the thought of your furry family member being eaten by aligators? I don't buy it.

The toys are a red flag to me. They don't fit into the equation. Am I making sense?

However, anyone who would throw an animal into the water in a trash bag would not put the toys into the bag because they were sentimental, the toys would be considered just more trash to get rid of, just like the animal they were already throwing away.
I like this post. I think it's a waste of time, money and manpower to search an area of a river that probably contains its fair share of garbage. People throw stuff anywhere and everywhere all of the time. I will say this for the
third time: I hope that LP has more evidence of why she would be in that particular section of the river. Much more than we already know.

Of course, LE has other business to take care of & cannot devote all their time or money into the Caylee case.

But why would ANY private search upset them?

LP didn't sneak into BP to do this search..... the media knew in advance he would be there & so you have to assume LE had to know also..... if they weren't in a coma the past few days. LE choose NOT to even send a single officer there to monitor the situation & make sure there were no confrontations between the Casey supporters & the Caylee supporters.

It was ONLY after something was actually found that LE rushed over & had a major hissy fit about not being called BEFORE the media was called. And then LE went so far to tell people they didn't want any citizens doing searches in PUBLIC AREAS?
Quick question.
Does anyone know who is the dude with the black hair, mustache, trimmed beard and always has a black t-shirt on and a gun in a holster at his waist?
Here's what bugs me. I know there are some cruel people who might kill an animal by putting it in a bag, weighing it down, and letting the aligators have at it.

But a person who loves a pet would not *dispense* of it in a dirty body of water. If you are attached enough to a pet to care about their favorite toys you wouldn't weigh it down in a bag with bricks and let the water creatures consume it. You would more likely bury it. How could you stand the thought of your furry family member being eaten by aligators? I don't buy it.

The toys are a red flag to me. They don't fit into the equation. Am I making sense?

Just because YOU OR I wouldn't do that doesn't mean that there are not any people out there that would. There are A LOT of people our there that abuse animals and don't want them once they get them. They get them for their kids and don't want to accept the responsibility and when it dies, they discard it like trash. It wouldn't surprise me if it WAS a dog...
One of the divers held up a bag last night on NG and it was children's toys. Looked like a mini barbie doll and other stuff I couldn't recognize.

Oh. I really don't watch NG. She irritates the crap out of me.

Of course, LE has other business to take care of & cannot devote all their time or money into the Caylee case.

But why would ANY private search upset them?

LP didn't sneak into BP to do this search..... the media knew in advance he would be there & so you have to assume LE had to know also..... if they weren't in a coma the past few days. LE choose NOT to even send a single officer there to monitor the situation & make sure there were no confrontations between the Casey supporters & the Caylee supporters.

It was ONLY after something was actually found that LE rushed over & had a major hissy fit about not being called BEFORE the media was called. And then LE went so far to tell people they didn't want any citizens doing searches in PUBLIC AREAS?

Just bolding some very good points!!:clap::clap: IMO
I'm distressed as the rest of you about this search. I'm deeply disturbed by the recent turn of attitude of TM and LE regarding these searches. I'm hoping that LE has evidence that the public is unaware of and perhaps these searches could compromise or interfere with some secret theory or evidence that they don't want the A's tipped off about so they can't run their mouths off and blow things for LE?????

How's that theory for a stretch of the imagination? Anyone have similar theories? Or theories that can explain why suddenly those parties who were once on the same team are now adversaries?
Just because YOU OR I wouldn't do that doesn't mean that there are not any people out there that would. There are A LOT of people our there that abuse animals and don't want them once they get them. They get them for their kids and don't want to accept the responsibility and when it dies, they discard it like trash. It wouldn't surprise me if it WAS a dog...

Not my point. Again, there are a lot of unspeakably cruel people who would dispense of a dog or cat or whatever this way. But the action of putting toys into the bag doesn't make sense. If you want to *bury* a pet with enough care to include toys then you don't toss it into aligator infested water in a plastic bag. I just don't buy it.
I'm distressed as the rest of you about this search. I'm deeply disturbed by the recent turn of attitude of TM and LE regarding these searches. I'm hoping that LE has evidence that the public is unaware of and perhaps these searches could compromise or interfere with some secret theory or evidence that they don't want the A's tipped off about so they can't run their mouths off and blow things for LE?????

How's that theory for a stretch of the imagination? Anyone have similar theories? Or theories that can explain why suddenly those parties who were once on the same team are now adversaries?

Well I already posted my theory but I want to address the hope that LE has evidence that is being compromised. If that was the case wouldn't have been easier to go to LP and just say "look we have some evidence we can't share it with you but you will be interfering with our search if you are out there." Instead they decide to bash him to the media! I'm sorry but I am not happy with TM or LE right now. I think your first theory was correct it's the ego thing.

BTW I luuuuuuuv your avatar!! Makes me wanna go out and get a kitten!:)
Well I already posted my theory but I want to address the hope that LE has evidence that is being compromised. If that was the case wouldn't have been easier to go to LP and just say "look we have some evidence we can't share it with you but you will be interfering with our search if you are out there." Instead they decide to bash him to the media! I'm sorry but I am not happy with TM or LE right now. I think your first theory was correct it's the ego thing.

BTW I luuuuuuuv your avatar!! Makes me wanna go out and get a kitten!:)

Bolding is mine. I agree. It just seems funny with ALL of the crap that CA and GA spewed over the last few months, from out and out lying, to changing their stories numerous times, to standing totally behind their lying daughter, that LE has never ONCE, NOT ONE TIME, tried to tamp the Anthony's 'garbage' publically. They just seem to hold CA's hand and coddle her. WTF?
Bolding is mine. I agree. It just seems funny with ALL of the crap that CA and GA spewed over the last few months, from out and out lying, to changing their stories numerous times, to standing totally behind their lying daughter, that LE has never ONCE, NOT ONE TIME, tried to tamp the Anthony's 'garbage' publically. They just seem to hold CA's hand and coddle her. WTF?

She is a MANIPULATOR!!! Even NG coddled her the last time she was on her show, it just makes me sick!! She's got everyone wrapped around her little finger including her clueless husband with no cajones!! She is living in her little fantasy world and dragging more and more people in everyday.
Question for those knowledgeable about water searches...

Can they drag a river similar to how they drag a lake when looking for remains? I know the divers are using nets but just wondering if boats and dragging equipment could cover a larger area faster and/or is it feasible in a river.
She is a MANIPULATOR!!! Even NG coddled her the last time she was on her show, it just makes me sick!! She's got everyone wrapped around her little finger including her clueless husband with no cajones!! She is living in her little fantasy world and dragging more and more people in everyday.

Wait til tonite on NG. More coddling on the way! oh ya could add fake coddling to boot!
Wait til tonite on NG. More coddling on the way! oh ya could add fake coddling to boot!

I know I was thinking the same thing but I can't help but watch!!LOL!........and sometimes you just never know with NG maybe someone will Pi_s her off before the show and she'll let her true thoughts come out!! (crossing fingers!:))
Quick question.
Does anyone know who is the dude with the black hair, mustache, trimmed beard and always has a black t-shirt on and a gun in a holster at his waist?

That would be "Spyder" aka "Chick Magnet".

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