2008.11.13 Baez interview TruTV

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JB was just asked about the 31 days and his response was that he will address that in his opening statement in court. Then asked about fair trial he said they will not be able to anywhere becuase people as far as Brazil have heard of the case.

Regarding that, Baez's opening statement is not testimony, so won't he have to present evidence to the supposed facts of the case we have yet to hear? I can't imagine Casey taking the stand, but how else can he present her statements as to the facts that "will make us all understand" her reason for her behavior?
This is one STUPID man. Seriously.

He goes on and on..."Everyone is too focused on Casey when they SHOULD be out looking for Caylee!"

You total baffoon! Maybe, if you're client would give us more factual information about who supposedly has her living, breathing child, we COULD be! By not telling Law Enforcement or the public what the family knows from the PI, what are we supposed to be doing to help? Maybe Im just not clear on that, Jose.

That's the whole point of the blame game. Withold information and then blame everyone for not acting on it. He took the playbook from Team Anthony, to tell everyone that they cannot share info because Caylee is in danger BUT to get off your a$$es and search for her.

It is EXACTLY like those recent TV ads where someone says I need to be at the airport for a 12 noon flight and downtown for a 12 noon meeting at the same time. I need to do both.

JB will find some sympathetic un-informed souls who will side with them on the lack of Amber Alert and Search, blame the LE -- despite the 31 days. KC already has a great following from the sounds of things. Just need to get some of those on the jury pool.
Got to the above post reading, and I think JB's mind is on a permanent commercial. What planet is he on? :crazy: An amber alert? ( surely he is familiar with the criteria for an Amber alert or is that to much to expect from him?) Not following up on tips? Not searching? Not only is he on another planet he must be in another solar system entirely. :crazy: (is there a clown smiley?)

ITA, I can't believe the stuff that comes out of his mouth. Although, that seems to be the theme from anyone in Camp Anthony.
All I can hope for is that at least half the jurors have children at home (sigh)
Regarding that, Baez's opening statement is not testimony, so won't he have to present evidence to the supposed facts of the case we have yet to hear? I can't imagine Casey taking the stand, but how else can he present her statements as to the facts that "will make us all understand" her reason for her behavior?

That's exactly what I was thinking. By saying that we will all understand why KC did the things she did, he is almost implying that she will take the stand (which she would NEVER do). The only way her story would be admissible in the court of law would be if it came from her mouth.
All I can hope for is that at least half the jurors have children at home (sigh)

You and me both, and the other half will have nieces, nephews and God-children. The other thing we have going is most people hearing of this case can't stand KC.
This is one STUPID man. Seriously.

He goes on and on..."Everyone is too focused on Casey when they SHOULD be out looking for Caylee!"

You total baffoon! Maybe, if you're client would give us more factual information about who supposedly has her living, breathing child, we COULD be! By not telling Law Enforcement or the public what the family knows from the PI, what are we supposed to be doing to help? Maybe Im just not clear on that, Jose.

I love your avatar!
Everytime I see it, I crack up! :D
Why does he need a computer to work on her defense? All he needs is a note pad to draw a map to where baby Caylee's body is buried/dumped.

You said it Triple A :clap::clap::clap::clap:
Regarding that, Baez's opening statement is not testimony, so won't he have to present evidence to the supposed facts of the case we have yet to hear? I can't imagine Casey taking the stand, but how else can he present her statements as to the facts that "will make us all understand" her reason for her behavior?

So which lawyer is in charge here and will the one trying this case?
Baez or Lennamon?
Why does he need a computer to work on her defense? All he needs is a note pad to draw a map to where baby Caylee's body is buried/dumped.

My guess is that KC wants to check her My Space page.
Then someone should be turning little Caylee over to local LE shortly right? Follow me on this one, guys-he is saying that she cannot get a fair trial as far away as Brazil in essence-well then since he cannot claim lack of media regarding the fact that Caylee is missing....where is she?

Am I making any sense?

JB was just asked about the 31 days and his response was that he will address that in his opening statement in court. Then asked about fair trial he said they will not be able to anywhere becuase people as far as Brazil have heard of the case.
Sorry, I know this is a dumb question...
But, in court if KC doesn't talk at all, what happens? Baez can't speak for her can he? Can they convict her if she never says another word, but the witnesses say incriminating things for the defense?
Sorry, I know this is a dumb question...
But, in court if KC doesn't talk at all, what happens? Baez can't speak for her can he? Can they convict her if she never says another word, but the witnesses say incriminating things for the defense?
Didn't everyone say that OJ's trial was heard of around the world? Didn't they say he could never find a "fair" jury? After he got off, all the pro OJers I know said "he got a fair trial"...these are the same people saying KC won't get a fair trial - I toss it right back at them about OJ!! HA!

If OJ can get a fair trial - ahem, so can KC!!!!! I mean, potetial jurors wouldn't lie to get on the jury would they? That would be awful but lying seems to be her order of the day!

Sorry, so spiteful, just aggravated.....grrrr Baez needs help - not the legal kind -
If, as Baez says, Casey has "tons of supporters", isn't he negating his own argument that she would be unable to get a fair trial?
If, as Baez says, Casey has "tons of supporters", isn't he negating his own argument that she would be unable to get a fair trial?

Great point. And he negates himself every time he opens his mouth. I am not a violent person by any means, but I would truly love to punch the smirk right off this guy's face.
JB says from day 1, focus on KC, not search on Caylee. complains about no Amber Alert. Says tips never followed up on or just now followed up on.

Says why does this child's life mean so little, when the prosecution of KC means so much

Gee, maybe Baez should be asking KC that? I can't stand Baez!! He makes me want to puke!! KC didn't care about an Amber Alert when she was doing her own searching at the clubs, now they are all up in arms about not getting one. Please??
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