2008.11.20 George & Cindy's Attorney, Mark NeJame, Quits

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I'm starting to think that GA has done something terribly wrong (in the past or in the present) and that CA is holding it over his head. He seemed to be coming to terms with the truth but the cherade has now gone well beyond acceptable - something is really terribly wrong with these two. It's really becoming quite awful to watch.

I believe they're verging on becoming a threat to society with this virtual "stalking" of brown-haired little girls. It is OUT of control, can't some community service or some aspect of the mental health system step in and stop them before they actually become stalkers/kidnappers themselves???

They are truly delusional. This is the first case I've personally witnessed of hysteria related blindness. That child looks nothing like Caylee.
MN said on 6 o'clock news that he is now representing his new friend TES. Pro Bono- WHY? Who is after them?

I'm surprised MN showed as much patience as he did with the family.

If they refuse to follow his advice, he has NO CHOICE but to walk away.

Neither he, nor his firm want to go down in flames with a family that is intent on total self-destruction.

I'd LOVE to know what kind of deals & promises were arranged to get the Anthonys to 'allow' Tim & TES to search. IMO, both Tim & MN were probably both stabbed in the back before the 'ink' even dried.

Oh well, yet one more person for the Anthonys to put on their "part of the problem" list. MN's in very good company though.
Well perhaps the parents of the child that was at the Orlando Mall this weekend will call police to put an end to do this new sighting circus. I'm sure they will recoginze their kids plaster all over the news media as the alive Caylee.
They are truly delusional. This is the first case I've personally witnessed of hysteria related blindness. That child looks nothing like Caylee.

There are two children, two girls around 3 or 4 in the photo. The one to the top left would be the closest but she is quite tall and lanky to me to be Caylee. Anyway, why would the kidnappers take her to Chuck-e-Cheese in Orlando? Makes no sense. It is not Caylee, neither girl is Caylee. And who is to say when that photo was taken anyway? We will probably see Anthony family photos of Caylee someday as if they are sightings. I would NOT put it past the Anthony family one bit. They are liars.
Nejame obviously has integrity, which is automatically a negative if you're expected to survive in Anthonyville.

Wouldn't it be great if no one showed up at the presser tomorrow? Literally. I mean not one, single, solitary news outlet. Could you imagine? The Anthonys would be flapping their jaws to no one! We should e-mail AP, CNN, Fox, everyone and protest their covering the presser. :waitasec:
I think this is the final push from CA to try to turn national opinion into her way of thinking -- out of desperation.

It is interesting that they choose to forget what they believed and said in the beginning.

It is all crumbling around her and -- exactly like KC -- the more people don't buy into her version of reality, the harder she tries to promote it. To me, this presser will cause more people to switch off.
I keep expecting every day to hear that Cindy's shaved her head, is attacking people with umbrellas, has started speaking with an English accent and is now sleeping with one of the media (the closest thing she can get to papparazzi). Seriously!!
Seriously, I would not be surprised if the Anthony family digs up photos of Caylee in their private collection and claim they were sent to them as a sighting. Just wait. I would not put it past them one bit.
I'm sure Cindy is going to collapse here anytime within the next week or two ..
She's completely out of control ..

George probably won't be far behind Cindy and Lee will go into hiding again ..
Have not read this entire thread as I just got here but 13News is reporting the Anthony's have said that Nejame did not push LE enough in their search for Caylee and that is why he is no longer their attorney UGH!!!

Yep, of course we knew THEY fired HIM, not the other way around. Afterall, we've been travelling around Anthonyland for months now.
I keep expecting every day to hear that Cindy's shaved her head, is speaking with an English accent and is now sleeping with one of the media (the closest thing she can get to papparazzi). Seriously!!

:floorlaugh: I realize that this is a tragedy, but that was funny!
Seriously, I would not be surprised if the Anthony family digs up photos of Caylee in their private collection and claim they were sent to them as a sighting. Just wait. I would not put it past them one bit.

THAT would get them jail time for sure!
:floorlaugh: I realize that this is a tragedy, but that was funny!

I couldn't resist :crazy: These two seem just as nuts as Britney did then, don't they??
It amazes me that CA is still standing. I would have lost my mind FROM DAY ONE! There's got to a be a long history of drama with this family. They are so good at it.
Dang...nice to know that MN still has some integrity. I'm happy to see him be a legal counsel to TES, to worthy people who are probably grateful for any help he can give them.

Cindy's bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down...
MN is there to advise and the A's didn't take his advice. So, MN said "bye-bye". IF the client won't take the lawyer's advice, there is nothing more the lawyer can do for the client, except to release himself from representation.

I too think that the long, winding statement is over the top. He should have just stated that they had all decided to end his representation of them.

And no, he can not divulge anything said to him - ever, unless he wants to be disbarred.

It is simply a matter of a lawyer with good intentions trying to assist someone and then they turn into the clients from h*ll. They are obstinate, go against his advice and expect him to stand by their side while taking a lot of from them.

He no longer believes in his clients' cause or has come to intensely dislike his clients such that he can not summon himself to champion for them. He believes that Caylee is dead, understands that they will never give up hope and wishes them well.

I am sure that CA told him that if he is not on the Caylee Alive Team, he was out. She got a better offer from another lawyer or thinks she can handle everything herself.

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