2008.11.20 George & Cindy's Attorney, Mark NeJame, Quits

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Whoa - that was a very interesting "I'm quitting" statement. Now, of course, I want to know what he meant by it - the part about what is going on behind the scenes, etc. Put MN on the list of people who have been battered and beaten (figuratively, of course) by Casey Anthony. That list is getting longer and longer every day, isn't it?
IIRC, he told them to stay out of the spotlight.
If they refuse the counsel he gives them, what else can he do?
Good for him though, everyone should get off the CA ride of madness, including GA. jmo

Although I was quite successful in resolving a multitude of matters, I am unable to go further to help George and Cindy find Caylee in my current role. I can only provide my best advice and must respect any client's prerogative to do what they deem is best, whether they choose to follow my guidance or not. However, there is little value or use I can provide to any client if they choose to act and comment at will. from wesh news article

think this about sums it up for why....always thought he knew little Caylee was no longer with us -- he was just waiting..think that he thought perhaps GA was on the same bandwagon but then after this weekends meet & greet and all that other crap that went on over this.....don't blame him at all--perhaps one of these days the a's will realize others do know a bit more....
Bold mine. I do not think there is a lawyer in the tricounty area who will touch this case with a ten foot pole. Why would any lawyer step in to help if his client will not do what he advises?

Well, maybe someone thinks they can make her listen. :rolleyes:
Two words: gravy, train.
He pretty much said he believes Casey is guilty of killing Caylee.

He sure did:

The only person without an opinion though is Casey Anthony as only she knows the truth. I believe that the singular person out of the 6 billion people in the world who holds the key to finding Caylee is her mother, Casey Anthony.
It is always exciting when I try to get on WS and it won't load....
but this was truly a surprise!
Who knows...maybe George as the frontman for Kid Finders was the last straw..?
Or...any one of a number of other things...

I got back from lunch and logged on to WS and WESH at the same time. When I saw the article on WESH and WS had no posts on it... well, I was surprised that article had lasted five whole minutes on WESH without being reported here! Come on, guys, did anyone say y'all could go get lives. I am disappointed to have had to learn about this from another the news first! :crazy:
i thought that too...and for some reason last night while watching NG - some kind of light went off in my head and i said - MN's going to quit...i couldnt tell you what sparked it.

good for him.

i hope LE resumes their interviews with the A's now...

odd that they were holding off on the presser until he cam back....hmmmm
Wow. When will the twists and turns in this case stop surprising me?

I give Nejame credit though, he did seem like their only link to reality and I give him props for trying to help them as long as he did.
Good for MN he's going to come out of this with his reputation intact, and to me his statement say's he never drank the Kool-Aid.

Wow...If I ever need a lawyer, I will put him at the top of my list.
I will be damned!:eek:
I feel bad for Mr. Nejame. I really think he wanted to help them out, esp. with how negatively the A's are perceived. However, it became obvious that they had their own agenda, which did not include listening to his advice. What else could he do?
I wonder what the A's will have to say.

You're right. Nejame did seem to want to help the Anthonys. However, I think he left, because they were making him look like a fool and hurting his law practice.
Another one bites the dust..Hu..And another ones gone..another ones gone..another one bites the dust, hey:boohoo:
Wow! Just wow! Okay, so now some things make a little more sense. Like MN working with TM. I think MN just stuck it out through the "House Tour" and then said that's all folks! Perhaps it was George's KFN remarks that were the last straw. Well, good for MN! He gained some respect from me throughout all this. Hey, he didn't drink the Kool-aid afterall!!
Mark NeJame's statement
2:22 PM EST, November 20, 2008

I only agreed to represent George and Cindy Anthony, so long as there were no restrictions placed on me whatsoever as to finding Caylee, regardless of where this might lead. Quite simply, this meant that I could do whatever I needed to find Caylee whether she was alive or not. It impressed me that George and Cindy, both believing that Caylee was still with us, had an overriding and primary concern in finding Caylee, even if the result was not as they would hope. The other condition I required was that I would have absolutely nothing to do with representing Casey or assisting in her legal defense.

Is anyone really surprised or shocked. Thought it was telling that he made reference to the GJ testimony.
I'm going to ask again because I am really curious--
Is there any truth to rumors that Nejame represents KidFinders, The Never Lose Hope Foundation and/or TES or anyone else involved in this case??

Barring some pretty significant information about potential conflicts of interest, I think it's inappropriate for Nejame to have released a statement of this nature.
I know people are fed up with the Anthony's, but would anyone want their lawyer to release a statement like this to the media after quitting?? This is very strange??
How refreshing...a lawyer with a conscience.

I do think that MN had the best of intentions and just didn't realize exactly what he was getting into.
Kudos to him for stepping away, regardless of what his underlying motivations are.
Who else thinks this part of the statement was directed to the A's?

"Allow those with differing opinions on finding and searching for Caylee, whether she is with us or not, to do their jobs without interruption."
Very suprised to hear about this! Wow, I had NO idea. I am actually a little sorry that he's resigned b/c I think he is the most reasonable person in the A camp.

So, what is everyone's opinion? Will they find/hire another?

Let me pick my jaw up off the floor.

Wow! I don't think I could've seen this coming at all. I thought MN was completely on-board for this ride. I wonder what the last straw was for him?
Cindy was the last straw for him.
On that, I am 100% certain!

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