2008.11.20 George & Cindy's Attorney, Mark NeJame, Quits

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How can he possibly represent people (CINDY!!) who NEVER shut up? It was self preservation on his part. Kudo's to him. But, very damning statement he released. Preemptive strike?

Yes pre-emptive strike
he's seen these people in action
huge blow to the A camp
Sorry- Never Lose Hope Foundation - another sideline of Kid Finders Network....I've really gotten into the abbreviations....lol

LOL...s'okay, thank you, I thought I was getting all the abbreviations people used on here down but....
I remember reading posts stating that Nejame also represents KidFinders and/or The Never Lose Hope Foundation and that one of those entities was paying for the Anthony's representation.
Is this true?? Do we have proof??
If so, I think Nejame's withdrawal from representation could be extremely significant.
It's quite abnormal and possibly inappropriate for an attorney to issue a public statement of this nature. Something weird is going on.

If this is true, then it would be a conflict of interest if GA goes on board KFN, and on MN payroll. H-Hmmm!
Snipped Quote from the article: "I can only provide my best advice and must respect any client's prerogative to do what they deem is best, whether they choose to follow my guidance or not. However, there is little value or use I can provide to any client if they choose to act and comment at will."

Yep--Cindy and her big mouth--spewing cr@p at every turn, that did her in. FINALLY!

And...George accepting to be a spokesman for KFN probably against his lawyers' advice.
I agree that more respect is good, but how far will delusional thinking go. We all ready see what delusional thinking has done to Casey and Caylee. Respect for the truth is best when advocated by all.

Let me pick my jaw up off the floor.

Wow! I don't think I could've seen this coming at all. I thought MN was completely on-board for this ride. I wonder what the last straw was for him?

Wow, he put out an excellent statement. My take on it is he isn't happy with Cindy & George still showing public displays of anger. I bet he advised them to stay away from the park last week, turn off the tv & focus on something positive rather than letting their perception of the dive & prayer service eat at them.

I think he had also made his mind up before Tim Miller came into town. Now, it makes sense he lent them his night club as a show of support & to keep the cost of a meeting space down.

I am floored but also impresed. It sounds like he listened with his heart.

Let me pick my jaw up off the floor.

Wow! I don't think I could've seen this coming at all. I thought MN was completely on-board for this ride. I wonder what the last straw was for him?

My guess is George's decision to become the spokesperson for KF.
For some reason I simply cannot get any of the wesh.com articles to come up on my computer. Does anyone else have this problem with that website? This is the only website that will not cooperate with me.

I SO anxiously want to read several articles that have been posted recently on their site.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can make it work for me? Please?!

Thank you in advance!
Oh, I'm sorry.
Hmmm. I don't know why you're having a problem, cleo.
Maybe the site is overloaded with visitors? Not sure.
I am not a computer whiz much either,obviously, maybe someone here is, and can make a good suggestion to help you out. Hope so.
Is there proof the MN represents NLHF/KFN?
It was said that he offered to TM any help he could offer, but that he is not "THE ATTY" for TES. Makes sense, since TES is in TX and MN is in FL.
Just because he was hired by NLHF, this does not mean he's associated in any other way.
If he were the atty for KFN, it seems like he would be listed on their site as a sponsor/supporter, and he is not.
"I believe that the singular person out of the 6 billion people in the world who holds the key to finding Caylee is her mother, Casey Anthony." MN

I bet CA & GA didn't like that.
I'm sure of that! And if he made a similar statement in front of Cindy, it was bye bye!
I bet Cindy will say they fired him for some later to be released reason.
Very suprised to hear about this! Wow, I had NO idea. I am actually a little sorry that he's resigned b/c I think he is the most reasonable person in the A camp.

So, what is everyone's opinion? Will they find/hire another?

Maybe find/hire/FIRE! LOL! Everytime I think things are calming down and I can step away...BOMBSHELL!!!!
Sorry- Never Lose Hope Foundation - another sideline of Kid Finders Network....I've really gotten into the abbreviations....lol

It might not be a good idea to connect Nejame to KFN unless there is some kind of proof, we have all heard about his connection with the NLHF though.
I think there's about to be a whole lot more info coming soon.
yeah, that is a very odd statement he put out. he says he respects his clients belief that their granddaughter is still alive, but that he cant represent them because they comment and act at-will.

their commenting and acting would have to be opening themselves up to legal jeopardy for him to use it as a reason to resign from the case i would think, he says there is little benefit he can provide while they continue to do this.

and since the benefit he is there to provide is a competent defense, he must feel that their continued actions and comments undermine his ability to defend them. and therefore, he must believe their behavoir puts them at risk legally. but, he defends and respects their opinion on whether or not caylee is alive...

very odd. **this is just my initial impression and i am not a lawyer, any lawyers around care to comment?**

Think of all the people they have publicly trashed. Well, mostly Cindy. ZFG is suing Casey. TM & LE have been constant targets. I'm sure MN has some idea at least of what this press conference is about so....
"NeJame said he was frustrated with the direction the Anthonys have taken, especially that they continue to content that Caylee Anthony is alive."

Perhaps he was not interested in representing the family on any potential charges?

Maybe he doesn't have a real high regard for Kid Finders & was encouraging the Anthony's to break their ties with them. I am sure if he tried to convince them Kid FInders is only using them, Cindy would have gone nuts. She is going to hitch her wagon to anyone who convinces her they believe Caylee is alive. We would all want to be told she is alive. It's very sad that KIDFINDERS is just using the Anthony's & thereby using Caylee.
I wonder what the Cowboy who works with TM or MN was doing at the park that day spying and stirring up trouble????
Maybe he reports back to MN and told him about the confrontation with the A's and the media and of Georges ripping off the sign from Murt.
Speaking of which, the last thing I heard about Garrison is he was claiming that the emails and docs alledging he got paid were falsified. Wonder what Nejame was able to determine? Things that make you go hmmmmm.

Yes indeed. I've been waiting for Garrison to defend himself. He has been publically called out and if he's been falsely accused I doubt he'd let that stand... maybe taking legal action? Stay tuned...
Yep. He stresses one and only one person. Casey.
Smart man! God bless him.
He had figured it all out. He had an opinion. And it wasn't the one Cindy put her stamp of approval on!
And Cindy must run the show!

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