2008.12.18 Deputy Richard Cain Interview "Cop Who Got Fired!"

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Cain was sooooooooo useless .. :banghead:

I still can't get over it ..
Caylee could have been found in August ..
I'm torn on this issue. I can't wait to read everyone's thoughts. I think he missed the chance back in August, as I am absolutely convinced Caylee's remains had been there since June. I think it would have been easier to determine cause of death back then. I also realize they got hundreds of tips that were just people wanting to hear themselves talk. I hate that the man lost his job, I hate for anyone to be out of work. However, following tips and doing the leg work of mundane reports is a big part of being a cop, even when you think they are not important. If he doesn't want to do the tedious things, he probably needs to find a new line of work.

I'm not suggesting this tip was tedious - I'm just saying day to day police calls get to be 'routine' and a big part of the job is not falling into the pattern of not taking every call about every situation very seriously.

I do think it's another tragic domino effect of KC's crimes and lies.

Bold by me.

Yep. Agree 100%.
Wasn't Cain the one who wrote up GA's "gas can incident" complaint? So he met GA in June. I have a friend who could easily imagine GA getting into a "I used to be in LE yadayadayada" conversation with him. That might have influenced his reticence to find a body, subtly or not. Or the fact he'd been reprimanded before. I don't see anything to make me feel sympathetic to this guy if this turns out to be careless and lazy negligence.

I feel sympathy for LE in general over this incident however; so many dedicated people worked tirelessly and Le allocated what was probably an enormous portion of their budgeted resources to the case. Perhaps LE would have had been able to pay more time and attention to this officer and the individual tip if they hadn't been chasing down thousands of false leads, ALL of which were promulgated by a lying, spiteful little B who didn't want her butt in a sling for something she knew she had done. And a family who thought the whole world should buy into her Emperor's New Clothes routine and lay down the red carpet to extend their enabling behavior to the rest of the community.

The collateral damage this girl and her obnoxiously self-righteous family have caused others is astounding. And the fact they don't have the decency or intelligence to dial it down a notch makes it even worse. (Guess y'all can tell I couldn't possibly be one of those phony PR "infiltrators" mentioned of late that have been allegedly sent to create cyberspace spin!)

Bold by me.

This is why this guy really gets my goat! Nothing but pure laziness and incompetence that could cause big problems in getting justice in this case. IMO he deserves to be fired (especially since this is not the first example of his unsuitability for police work). Yes, it is a bad time to be fired economically but IMO this doesn't make me have any more sympathy for him. He had his warnings to shape up before the Caylee incident and if the fear of being unemployed in a bad economy didn't cause him to shape up well then - tough for him.

Personally I'm at least glad that this case has weeded out one bad apple. The police have a tough enough time without guys like Cain just making it harder for them. So I see his firing as a silver lining. And luckily his incompetence isn't enough to derail the case IMO - just makes it a bit tougher.
I don't know about this. It says he was fired for lying to investigators - if that is the case, then I agree. Its perjury if its under oath. He, as an LE officer, has a duty to tell the truth. And since AR was also fired for lying, I buy it.

I know I'm in the minority, but I don't fault him for not checking better. LE received thousands of tips. When a random meter-reader calls and says he thinks he saw bones in a bag out in the open down the block from the A house, my first impression would be "yeah sure guy, sure you did." If I was RC, I would have assumed that since this area was checked, there'd be NO WAY OCSO would have failed to find something so obvious out in the open. Also since this area seemed to have a lot of garbage, I'd assume what RK did see was just garbage. RC may have been lazy, and may have assumed this was already taken care of. Also, if a wacky-psychic called and said the bones were in a certain area - if they ended up being in that area (due to coincidence), we'd be looking back with 20/20 hindsight and saying "why didn't he follow up on the psychic tip better??" Because it was one tip out of thousands!

I may just be jaded and cynical, but the ratio of a 2mi radius from the home where bodies are usually disposed of to the number of tips received, odds are at least one tip would statistically match up with where the body was found. Even if it had nothing credible about it. JMO

Bold by me.

Whether OSCO checked that area already is neither here nor there. RC had no way of knowing when the body may have been dumped there. It could have been dumped there 5 minutes after OSCO left the area after checking it. (I know this is not the case but I am saying this for argument's sake). That kind of thing is exactly why RC should never have assumed anything. RC had a guy there claiming to have found something. It needed to be throughly checked out period.
I don't think we the people will blame all cops involved for this one lazy one either, firing him actually proves they won't put up with his lack of ethics. But he was under the same oath talking to the detectives as he will be in court!!!

Agreed - they did the best possible thing they could to restore/keep their credibility by firing the guy. A lying cop? Not to be tolerated.
I can understand why Kronk was frustrated & thank God he perservered & decided to go back & look for himself.

I hope this helps put to rest any accusations that Kronk was involved in a conspiracy

As for Mr.Cain......

He strikes me as the type who thinks he's "Doing you a favor" by responding to your call.

I don't think he had any business being a "Cop" to begin with.
This is a perfect example of the need for ongoing training! I cannot believe he got a call about a bag with bones in it, went to the site and didn't ask the caller to show him the bag before he gave up. I don't understand what took them so long. It is impossible to measure how much he cost the state by being so lazy and unprofessional. I wouldn't have him in charge of my pets let alone with a badge and a gun.


Ongoing training? More like remedial training. I bet if donuts would have been in the bag he would have investigated! Glad he got fired. As I always say...doesn't matter what your position or title is.........it's what you do or don't do that counts.
I can understand why Kronk was frustrated & thank God he perservered & decided to go back & look for himself.

I hope this helps put to rest any accusations that Kronk was involved in a conspiracy

As for Mr.Cain......

He strikes me as the type who thinks he's "Doing you a favor" by responding to your call.

I don't think he had any business being a "Cop" to begin with.

Unfortunately his motive for going back and going back wasn't to help out; it was for the reward as he so pointedly was elated about according to one of the interviews. SO glad he didn't get squat!
Thank you karma!
Unfortunately his motive for going back and going back wasn't to help out; it was for the reward as he so pointedly was elated about according to one of the interviews. SO glad he didn't get squat!
Thank you karma!

I agree....

I could honestly care less what motivated Kronk to look for Caylee's remains

Money, Fame, Whatever.......?

I'm also sure that Mr. Kronk, like most of us, is far from perfect.

The fact of the matter is that if he didn't decide to go back for another look we would probably still be listening to Cindy Anthony's claims of another "Live" Caylee sighting
Makes me wonder what other "great" police work Mr. Cain was involved in, what other kinds of stuff he blew off in the course of a shift.
Unfortunately his motive for going back and going back wasn't to help out; it was for the reward as he so pointedly was elated about according to one of the interviews. SO glad he didn't get squat!
Thank you karma!

:waitasec: Huh?
RK received a $5000. reward ..

well, i can appreciate this post...i just feel bad that he lost his job. Yeah, he was lazy.......maybe they got lots of these types of calls after caylee went missing and he was lazy and made the assumption that this was just another bum tip. I think it's terrible that his missing it caused caylee to lie out there for so much longer than she had to. But, i am just not sure i think the deputy should lose his job...i think a disciplinary action on his record and more training so that he would never do this again would suffice...i just hate he lost his job. I don't know why i feel sympathy for him, it just seems kc left a huge wake of destruction in her path :furious:

This guy did this to himself, for lying!!!
He owes 10k in back child support, so for that reason alone I don't like trust or respect Kronk. I have no problem with Yuri firing the cop for LYING and not doing his job. Nevertheless, I find Kronk to be no kind of hero, only Losers owe 10 THOUSAND DOLLARS IN CHILD SUPPORT.Imagine all that means to his child's needs being met, medical care, etc. I feel very strongly about this.
Ok, came in a bit late on this part of the drama. Just realized that Deputy Cain was the same who:
1) took the gas can report from GA
2) threw an early discovery of a bag of smelly stuffed animals back into the woods near where Caylee's body was eventually found
3) Yelled at Kronk for wasting his time after spending 5 min. looking for the skull-like object Kronk said he'd found

There's a lot of discussion here about whether Cain should/should not have been fired and how incompetent he was. Does anyone thing there was something more nefarious going on? Could he have actually been working for someone (outside LE with the last name Anthony?). Is there any chance he was originally from NE Ohio????
I think Cain turns out to be a big factor in why this case was lost, IMO...so much more may have been gleaned if Caylee was found in August before the storm, obviously. And the whole thing with Kronk played out is such a ludicrous fashion, IMO, that it was hard to believe it even happened, although we know it did. Not to mention the State avoiding calling Kronk to the stand, which made it look like they were hiding something. This all came about because Cain would not walk down and check the bag...was it the reason for the acquittal, maybe not, but it sure did not help. They could even have had a cause of death, which was a big factor...
I wonder if he feels even slightly responsible...
This all came about because Cain would not walk down and check the bag...

He walked to the water's edge but couldn't go further without rubber boots or waders.

Anyway, Kronk was 99%+ certain that he saw a skull in August. Then he just sat on that knowledge until mid-December. I don't care about Cain blowing him off. There are dozens of other officers at OCSO. I blame Roy for the 4 month delay.
Ok, came in a bit late on this part of the drama. Just realized that Deputy Cain was the same who:
1) took the gas can report from GA
2) threw an early discovery of a bag of smelly stuffed animals back into the woods near where Caylee's body was eventually found
3) Yelled at Kronk for wasting his time after spending 5 min. looking for the skull-like object Kronk said he'd found

There's a lot of discussion here about whether Cain should/should not have been fired and how incompetent he was. Does anyone thing there was something more nefarious going on? Could he have actually been working for someone (outside LE with the last name Anthony?). Is there any chance he was originally from NE Ohio????

Casey slept with a lot of guys,LE included I always thought he had slept with her,maybe that is why he did not look when he should have.

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