2009.01.07 - Annie's D. Interview (Document Release 2009.04.06 / 2009.09.29)

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Am sure there are drugs floatin around with the kids in Fla. They are here in Pa and there was in Tx. Peeps don't even hid it like one would think they would/should. I member the place where I chased the drug dealer down the road (on foot)---I could drive thru town and the G/K's (7 and 15) would tell me where the meth labs were. One was 3 houses away and I was afraid they would blow up the neighborhood. Anyway, I would guess that most of these kids use some of the drugs. I have seen the bottom of the barrel in the drug world and the player I have seen, in this case aren't on the bottom. I would venture to say that IF any of them sell it----it is just small change to get their drugs free. Buy it---keep some for yourself and sell the left over, type of thang.

I know that some of you are probably sittin there with your mouths open in shock but the ones of you who have seen what I have, would probably agree wid me. These kids are scared, as Woe.be.gone said. Thus the lawyers. I can't blame them for that. In our own day we had the popular crap we did. So do they.

But I sure would like to know what AH knows or what she was told. Is she on Morgan's list?

Annie said "I didn't ask KC about Caylee because I didn't want to know!" I just do not believe that. If you look at the pictures of Annie and KC, and there are hundreds of them, they are as thick as thieves, best best buddies and I do not believe for one second that she wouldn't have give KC anything she may have asked for. I just didn't believe her.
the chlorform has never made any sense to me what did she do with it knock Caylee out for short periods of time for what reason? if she wanted her to go to sleep so she could party she could have given her benadryl..and yes i agree the A's know KC killed Caylee but think it was an accident and she used duct tape to make it look like a kidnapping...even Jesse said that he thought it was an accident he did not thnk KC could murder Caylee..this may be a dumb question but has LE ever found chlorform at the A's house?

I have never thought the chloroform had anythang to do with Caylee before she died. Maybe during clean up.
Have I mentioned lately what an ijut I think this woman is??? Given that I am allowed to express my opinion here I would also like to add that if she thinks she's pretty, she's a lucky gal. She's living in her illusions of grandeur.


"a.n.n.i.e 4 dayssss!!!!! p.s. hating me wont make you pretty. [RIP CAYLEE MARIE]"

I don't even get this! Why does she put stuff like that out there? These peeps are strange across the board.

Man if you want people to investigate you further, act like you do/are.
Now is not the time to be flipping people off. :hand:
Not a 10. I think I have posted AH all thru here and not AD. Maybe I should got to bed and give this case up. Just 2 sh!ttin old to keep up.

That's o'kay. Annie/Amy what's the diff? They both know more than they're telling I bet. I do feel for Amy. She thought she had found an interested caring friend but was fooled. That does stink and I'm sure has her questioning herself.
That's o'kay. Annie/Amy what's the diff? They both know more than they're telling I bet. I do feel for Amy. She thought she had found an interested caring friend but was fooled. That does stink and I'm sure has her questioning herself.

I think that Amy isn't holding anything back. She sounded educated and sincere in her LE interview, she hasn't given any press interviews or stories to the Globe or Enquirer. She has gotten herself an attorney, because she can see that CA has thrown her under the bus, and she really needs one, just like Jesse does. Amy is alot different from Annie D. Annie just thinks she is somethin'...and then cries, wah wah during her interview. She should straighten up her act...she's not 16 anymore. *rolleyes*
the chlorform has never made any sense to me what did she do with it knock Caylee out for short periods of time for what reason? if she wanted her to go to sleep so she could party she could have given her benadryl..and yes i agree the A's know KC killed Caylee but think it was an accident and she used duct tape to make it look like a kidnapping...even Jesse said that he thought it was an accident he did not thnk KC could murder Caylee..this may be a dumb question but has LE ever found chlorform at the A's house?

the a's know it wasn't an accident...cindy said on 'good morning' herself,that caylee was MURDERED
Have I mentioned lately what an ijut I think this woman is??? Given that I am allowed to express my opinion here I would also like to add that if she thinks she's pretty, she's a lucky gal. She's living in her illusions of grandeur.


"a.n.n.i.e 4 dayssss!!!!! p.s. hating me wont make you pretty. [RIP CAYLEE MARIE]"

Given what we've seen and heard about Annie...I'm even more impressed with former KC friend and WS poster Dante. Guessing he could have said some pretty disparaging words against his former GF, yet he never did.
His momma must have raised him right!
From what I've seen the guys in that friend group say about Annie, they seem to respect and like her a lot, including DS. Her depo had the ring of truth for me. I would like to hear a lot more from her, though. LE mentioned they had talked to her for at least an hour prior to starting the recording, wonder what was discussed then? Annie seemed more normal to me than a lot of the witnesses, she showed the normal level of concern and anguish about Caylee that is lacking from some of the witnesses. Some of the witnesses actually joke around in their interviews, Caylee seems the furthest thing from their minds. Not with Annie. Annie showed the normal reaction from the beginning, very concerned about Caylee's whereabouts, wanting to speak with TL to hear if he had any information he could possibly share that could help them find Caylee, etc. I could also understand Annie's way of thinking in much of her interview, who she felt distrustful of, etc, it seemed logical to me.

I don't get her choice of photos or her little "mood" statements on her myspace. But no weirder than the other young people's myspaces that we see in this case. Not as weird as many.

I don't get the mean comments about her being bad looking, personally.
the chlorform has never made any sense to me what did she do with it knock Caylee out for short periods of time for what reason? if she wanted her to go to sleep so she could party she could have given her benadryl..and yes i agree the A's know KC killed Caylee but think it was an accident and she used duct tape to make it look like a kidnapping...even Jesse said that he thought it was an accident he did not thnk KC could murder Caylee..this may be a dumb question but has LE ever found chlorform at the A's house?

(I have to agree about KC using chloroform, it wouldn't make sense to use it to drug a child for longer periods so you could be free, too short-acting, too much of a hassle to work with, causes vomiting, not as available as other legal drugs you could just buy or shoplift off a pharmacy shelf like Benedryl, etc, which would be long-acting. Seems like criminals used to use chloroform for brief attacks, like to subdue someone long enough to move them into a car in a kidnapping, or for the purpose of rape, etc. Though there are other things available now that would be easier to use for that too, I would think, date rape drugs and so on. Anyway, I've never been that much behind the theory of KC drugging Caylee at all to be honest.
I can't rule out other accidents having occurred, I think it's more likely that it was a murder though simply because it's hard to imagine someone putting tape on an accident victim's mouth, risking implicating themselves in something that looks like a murder, you know, or if it was an innocent accident, being able to bring themselves to dump the body like that, if it was the child's own parent, you know, maybe someone else, but not most likely the parent. I think it's more likely that it was a murder, and that someone other than KC committed the murder because if it were KC and she had flipped somehow and been in a rage or on drugs or whatever (none of which is substantiated of course, only theoretical) and killed Caylee, I think she would have disposed of the body completely differently in order not to bring suspicion on herself. Not to mention the fact that all the witnesses said they couldn't believe KC would ever harm Caylee and there is actually so little evidence, if any, of a motive on KC's part. Though I can't completely rule KC out of course, either, you never know.)

Back to the Annie depo/interview, I felt so sad for her when she was brought to the point of saying, "if KC harmed Caylee...." and broke down in tears even thinking of such a thing, because she had said consistently that she did not believe KC would ever hurt Caylee, like some of the other witnesses, she seemed confused by what LE was trying to make her believe about KC, and mentioned this, that the person they are describing is nothing like the KC she thought she knew so it's very hard for her to come to terms with these new "facts" she's being given about KC. This is something that I've seen in so many interviews in this case, these young people acting very confused and bewildered by what LE has told them about KC prior to their statements (also by the media coverage along the same lines that they've been seeing, even before their statements.)
I remember some of the things LE told AR, trying to make him angry and humiliated/embarrassed by telling him that it was obvious to them KC had been using him and playing him for an idiot and even implying she could have given him a venereal disease, clearly trying to turn him against KC. I know that LEs can and do sometimes tell witnesses things as facts which are not necessarily facts in order to try to elicit information from them like this, i.e. we already know for sure that the person did such and such, can you provide any more details? I don't know what they might or might not have said to other witnesses in this case, maybe nothing like the stuff they said to AR. But I would be curious to know what information was stated to witnesses, like Annie, before their statements were taken, since in some of the interviews it's mentioned that they've already been talking for some time before the statement is recorded. I'm not talking about any kind of wrongdoing by LE, I just wonder what was told to these young witnesses as "facts" prior to their statements, etc. LE also seems to get quite annoyed with any of these young witnesses if they defend KC or stick to their guns that they don't believe she would hurt Caylee, or like poor Jeff H when they got on to him for saying he wished the search for a live Caylee had gone on longer than it did, that he'd disagreed with it turning into a search for a dead body so quickly. The agent told the poor kid off for having that opinion. Contrast that with the way YM took in Iassen's statement that although he didn't have any information about what had happened to Caylee whatsoever, he believed that KC must have killed her and that she acted alone. No complaint from YM about Iassen stating that opinion with no substantiation.

I know LEs can feed witnesses "facts" that aren't actually proven to be fact in order to try to get info, I just feel bad for some of these young witnesses, like Annie, they clearly can't square what LE and the media are telling them about KC with anything they know about her first hand. Except that she was a compulsive fibber, they agree with that, but only harmless lying. Anyway, a very sad thing for any of these young people who knew Caylee and KC, obviously.
...i agree with u seagull about kc not drugging caylee as a babysitter,i always thought that was ridiculous.however with all the circumstantial evidence i don't think it's possible that anyone but kc commited the crime
...i agree with u seagull about kc not drugging caylee as a babysitter,i always thought that was ridiculous.however with all the circumstantial evidence i don't think it's possible that anyone but kc commited the crime

ITA about "drugs as a babysitter". I don't buy it. Chloroform cloth placed over tender baby flesh, wouldn't it cause skin burns? KC's car trunk, hot enough to kill within minutes. In fact, I posted months ago, there were 2 highly publicized FL cases of Mother's being charged with murder for leaving their children locked inside their car right before we learned "Caylee was missing"!!!

KC killed alone. KC hid her crime alone. JMHO
...i agree with u seagull about kc not drugging caylee as a babysitter,i always thought that was ridiculous.however with all the circumstantial evidence i don't think it's possible that anyone but kc commited the crime

I also can't rule KC out completely, but I haven't found anything yet that ties only KC exclusively to a murder. The only thing that makes me suspect her is her failure to report and her attitude while in prison (i.e. seemingly not frantic with worry about Caylee's whereabouts.) But then there could be the explanation that she thought Caylee was alive and with someone who wasn't going to harm her. (She was obviously wrong if that was the case.)

But I definitely hear you about the overall circumstantial evidence (at least as put forth so far by the prosecution and media.)
I think she held back BIG TIME on some of her answers about what was said at the Anthony home that night and what all Cindy shared with her. This may be due to a loyalty to Cindy, and yeah I feel for her too, but this is a murder investigation! Remember, this sleep-over would have been during the period where Cindy had her little binder, and all her notes trying desperately to decipher KC's "cryptic messages," practically living and breathing finding Caylee. She says she had a conversation alone with CA and that they actually slept in the same room together too, but nothing really was said and then they kicked back and watched HOUSE? Yah, riiiight.

With KC though, I'd bet money she didn't even bother to spin lies. When asked questions she probably said, "MOM, I don't know, I've told you this, are you kidding me?!. The house being possibly bugged was such a convenient excuse for her. Remember, she was going to choose her dad as the one family member she could have a conversation alone with (if it could be arranged) because she knew he wouldn't "dominate the conversation." Meaning: she knew he wouldn't be asking questions.

I'm also quite sure AD was lying about giving xanax to KC and I say that primarily because of the tears. I put myself in her shoes, and yeah I'd be freaked out, but if all I really did was give 1 guy, 1 pill 1-2 years ago, I'd admit that to LE in a heartbeat. They already told this girl LYING is the only thing she will get in trouble for. I'm sure it sucks though, because even if she did give/sell KC xanax, she wouldn't have known (if) she was giving them to her 2 year old. And yeah, I'd hate to be the girl best remembered for giving Casey Anthony xanax, but again, this is serious business. This little girl lost her life and she can't suck up a little bad PR to help bring her justice?

I have a couple of theories on the sleep-over:
1) Fame. (As evidenced by the juvenile quote on her myspace: "Love me or hate me, you b*tches still know my name.")
2) Curiosity
3) Self-preservation (Hoping a show of fake support for KC will protect her name from coming up if KC ever has to tell anyone where she got xanax from)

I know it wasn't to get to the bottom of what happened to little Caylee. She claims she "cut her off" because she "didn't want to know."

And I know she doesn't give a crap about KC. She quit talking to her in the first place because she was such a liar. You think she cares about her now that she's a murderer? I think I'm gonna go with fame/notoriety. And she REALLY needs to change her myspace. You'd think this experience would have matured her a little bit. But just like an Anthony, she has learned nothing.
....ok,simple,if kc left june16th and dropped caylee off with someone that would keep her safe,i would understand her partiying and not having a care in the world....now when her mom confronts her on july 15th,how do u explain she was not able to tell her where caylee was....if she was afraid of caylee being harmed wouldn't she have SCREAMED OUT about whoever did it,once caylee was found...do you honestly believe she is still protecting the lifes of her family,people she hates or is indifferent about...
you know what Ripley, you just reminded me of one of the psychics really early in the case who said they had an image of Caylee, that she'd died and she had burns on her skin, it was in a motel room (?) and there was a man in the room and her mother was wearing a hat. Suddenly your comment and having recently rewatched the Blockbuster video with KC with a bandana on her head makes me remember that particular psychic's description. I'm not saying it's true, but it suddenly brought that back to mind. Well, I hope that wasn't the case, of course.
....ok,simple,if kc left june16th and dropped caylee off with someone that would keep her safe,i would understand her partiying and not having a care in the world....now when her mom confronts her on july 15th,how do u explain she was not able to tell her where caylee was....if she was afraid of caylee being harmed wouldn't she have SCREAMED OUT about whoever did it,once caylee was found...do you honestly believe she is still protecting the lifes of her family,people she hates or is indifferent about...

No, I'm talking about if she still while she was in prison thought the person she thought had Caylee was safe, but for whatever reason did not want to tell who it was. She could have been wrong about who had her, could have been wrong about someone being safe. I sometimes wonder if she thought she was pulling some kind of scam with someone, and that she never thought Caylee was going to be harmed, just "disappear" for a while and then be returned. Or if she was completely wrong about who had Caylee in the first place, thought it was a friend(s) but it wasn't. Or she's cuckoo enough that she wasn't fully understanding the gravity of the situation (I also can't rule this out, as her statements were all very strange and illogical and could even be delusional.) But obviously, very strange, like you say, why cover it up at that point. I could imagine that she wouldn't admit to her parents if a boyfriend had Caylee. Or maybe a friend. Or if she'd done something stupid. I could see her lying rather than disclose her part in some small wrong doing or stupid or tragic mistake, or some other crime. MOO (Not to the point of being convicted of murder, of course.)
you know what Ripley, you just reminded me of one of the psychics really early in the case who said they had an image of Caylee with small burns on her skin and that there was a man in the room and her mother was wearing a hat. Suddenly your comment and having recently rewatched the Blockbuster video with KC with a bandana on her head makes me remember that particular psychic's idea of what happened. Not that I believe in such things in general, but it suddenly brought that back to mind. Well, I hope that wasn't the case, of course. Just curious.

That's really interesting SeaGull (about the burns). I really enjoyed reading the daily threads from our resident psychics and astrologers. Whatever happen to those threads? Did they get deleted or have the posters quit posting and the threads are lost on page 40 or so...?
That's really interesting SeaGull (about the burns). I really enjoyed reading the daily threads from our resident psychics and astrologers. Whatever happen to those threads? Did they get deleted or have the posters quit posting and the threads are lost on page 40 or so...?

I always enjoyed that thread, too, even though I'm definitely not a psychic and am fairly skeptical, still it's interesting. A bunch of really nice people there with a lot of heart, and it was always a really interesting and perceptive thread, also a lot of good smiles over there, good senses of humor (not mean humor, nice humor). Especially when people would post their weird dreams, (I even did once or twice). I hope it's still around, the last I saw it hadn't been posted on in a while, and most of them had moved on more to other cases. But I haven't looked in a while. It would be nice if it could be bumped up. :)
I agree with you Brooke that I think there probably would have been more conversation with Cindy and Casey when Annie stayed there that night. At least I would expect them to talk about Caylee and what was going on and share their thoughts. Just a gut feeling on my part, MOO.
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