2009.01.07 - Annie's D. Interview (Document Release 2009.04.06 / 2009.09.29)

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Respectfully snipped by me.

It came across to me as though she were more emotional about how all this effected her than what actually happened to Caylee. Flat, just flat, otherwise. Revealing as little as possible. MOO

Birds of a feather, those two. Must be why they were so attracted to each other. Imagine the one-upmanship they must have played with each other. Almost like Cindy and KC.
Guess I was listening more to the questions LE was asking then what anne was answering. I found it interesting they ask her how the family was gettin letters from KC. maybe thru JB. Also, they acted when Anne said that GA wasn't givin off the same vibes as CA was. CA was running around saying they had to find Caylee but left the impression that GA wasn't looking for an alive baby. These kinds of ideas are in alot of the interviews. I think there is something heavy coming. I really like these guys.
The strangest thing about Annie's testimony was
"I don't think she did it alone, she had to have help, she's not that smart"..paraphrased a little. When asked to expound on that comment she went back into koolaid mode "um ah, Casey was a really overprotective mother"...WTH??? Anybody want to helpme figure out why this tidbit was just dropped on the table and left there? I would have demanded a response, I guess thats why they don't let me interogate people LOL.
I got a chuckle when LE asked Amy about conversations she had with Cindy, and at one point Amy told LE that she and Cindy talked about people Cindy didn't trust. Cindy told Amy not to trust JG, RM, TL, and AH because they were into very "BAD" things and that the FBI was surveilling them and to STAY AWAY from them. The part I got tickled over was when LE immediately replied afterward back to Amy "Do you recall when George said he knew who the kidnappers were and he was having them surveilled? Do you know anything about that? Did GA ever tell you WHO the kidnappers were?" LOL...I think this was LE's way of getting the message across that the Anthony's were full of bullstuff! And if you think about it...so far the only person we know of who has been secretly surveilled was LA! I don't know why I got such a laugh over that. Maybe it was Melich's tone! I just bet that after these interviews LE is just sitting around in disbelief over the bs that the A's are telling KC's friends. Then again, I bet not - they already know the A's are full of it.
I wish this one was on Video..we probably could really tell her lies..She stayed over night an still didn't find out anything..BS..She knows exactly what happened

Didn't Annie allude to the fact that kc could not speak of the events til later was because they suspectsed that the house was bugged?
why would annie wait so long to talk with le, bring a lawyer with her to questioning, and hang around the a fam? I don't think she was involved in caylee's murder, but i do think she is hiding something to do with kc and the xanax. If i had to speculate, i would say annie gave xanax to kc and had full knowledge she was giving a small dose to caylee from time to time. I also doubt annie had a prescription for the drug, i can recall the name of every doctor i have ever had.

CFnews13 is not working for me and I cannot find this audio anywhere else... can anyone help?

You know I fell the same way. I think Annie + friends were into some drugs, I don't think anything heavy(who knows).
I don't hold that against them.
I think that is why she had a lawyer.
I find that more normal behavior then that manipulative , calculating b..ch KC!
If I was being questioned by LE I would be very scared especially in a case where a child was missing.Her friends probably knew the pill,drug use would come out and were nervous.
But not KC , watch her interviews! She flirts, demands and tries to match wits with LE, showing she is on the same intelectual level as they are.
The shame of it is her "best friends" had no idea who they were dealing with. She lied, manipulated, stole from them just as she did her family.
I hope someone studies KC and Scott Peterson. Was it the way they were raised? or something in their make-up? Or is it a matter of a perfect storm type of thing where personality and parenting create these monsters?
It amazes me how EVERYONE, including KC's best friends, walk on eggshells around her! Annie didn't talk to her about the case?!? Are you effin' KIDDING ME?!? They all know KC well enough to know just what she'll take before she shuts down and turns on them. It must be like living with ferret...my pet store has a sign above their enclosure that says "ferrets have the propensity to bite without warning". I just don't get it. Nobody will hold her accountable for the lying!!
Annie sounds like a real pill .. :rolleyes:

No wonder her and Casey are such good friends ..
Birds of a feather and all that ..
I completely understand your frustration. In this case I think it says more about Casey and the relationships with those whom she chose to surround herself with. Namely those who would would be easily snowed by her lies and manipulations. Despite claiming to have been best friends, clearly Annie and KC enjoyed a relatively brief friendship which seems to have been based on shallow situational interactions. Ultimately I think this is largely a result of Casey's sociopathic tendencies.

Shallow is the exact word. Annie herself says that the only thing they usually did together was shop. What kind of relationship is that? No wonder she didn't get into the nitty gritty with Casey. The extent of their conversations probably never went beyond "Who did your nails?" and "Great tatoo!".
I thought it was strange she couldn't recall the Dr.'s name as well. It should be easy for LE to check out her story, though.

I think AD is a bit of a pot head. Things like that easily slip their minds. Also might account for the vague, foggy sounding answers, and the "I dont recall/remember"s.
What strikes me while listening to this interview is how much KC and Annie sound alike, in the way they talk. Another case of KC copying somebody she knew?
It amazes me how EVERYONE, including KC's best friends, walk on eggshells around her! Annie didn't talk to her about the case?!? Are you effin' KIDDING ME?!? They all know KC well enough to know just what she'll take before she shuts down and turns on them. It must be like living with ferret...my pet store has a sign above their enclosure that says "ferrets have the propensity to bite without warning". I just don't get it. Nobody will hold her accountable for the lying!!

Just look at the vids of her parents questioning her in jail! They tiptoe around her!They have a baby thats missing and they can't confront KC
You just know they have handled KC this way all their life.No ONE wants the wrath of almighty KC,she is like a vicious pet ! I had a Pekingnese
that was fine if you let her alone BUT if you invaded her space or tried to pet her LOOK OUT !! snap, growl and bite
Look at KC when she yells COMEON! ,clenches fist , and lierally growls!
There is something I do not understand. What kind of Dr prescribes Zanex to college aged co-eds?? This is a highly addictive drug & it is well known that young people take it with alcohol to get high. Personally speaking, I went to my primary physician, I had received a terrible prognosis, was receiving chemo treatments, and my son was deployed in Iraq (in other words, darn good reason to be having anxiety), I told my Dr what I was going thru and that I needed something (I was desperate) He was RELUCTANT to give them to me. When he finally did, he prescribed only a few pills. A very close friend of mine had a son, 20 yrs old, was prescribed zanex and ended up harming himself (very tragic) I wish there was some way for Dr's to be stricter about writing scripts like these. I apologize for going somewhat O/T.

Btw, my son is back stateside and safe (god willing they all come home that way) and my situation is under control.

A doctor whose patient can't even remember his name. Does not sound like her regular physician to me. This is why we have problems with drugs in our country.
A doctor whose patient can't even remember his name. Does not sound like her regular physician to me. This is why we have problems with drugs in our country.


I went to the doctor for some stomach pains I was having and left the office with two anti-anxiety prescriptions.

My husband went in a few days later for a check up and left with... you guessed it - two anti-anxiety prescriptions.

We found another dr. shortly thereafter.

I think the problem here with Annie's interview is that she suffers from denial as well.

Do you believe your best friend/family member when they tell you a tall tale about a psycho nanny, or do you choose to face the alternative - that this person you loved, thought you knew so well is actually a cold-blooded killer?

Can you live with being so deceived, and the knowledge that this person could be such a monster?

Distance brings with it a gift to see things clearly.

Up close and personal, living the situation, one's vision tends to be cloudy.

I only wish that Annie was someone who would fight for justice for that baby angel. Instead, another case of KC koolaid, or whatever it is... just glad there's Shirley, AL, YM, and even Rick P. to step up to the plate for that little angel.
I don't find the "I don't recall" odd at all. Any attorney will tell you that you should say "I can't/don't recall" rather than "I don't know/remember" so that at a later time, if you do recall events that you didn't when previously questioned, it's more plausible. It's the equivalent of 'I don't remember "at this time"' or 'I can't remember "at this time"'

Does this make any sense? I wish we were all in a room together discussing all of this. It's so much harder trying to type out your thoughts rather than just speaking them.

Actually, no, what you're saying doesn't make sense. Recall and remember are synonyms. To recall means to remember. Yes, all of those phrases sound exactly like what a lawyer would tell her to say, but saying, "I don't recall" instead of "I don't remember" doesn't make it any more plausible if she later remembers something she didn't say when she was in this interview.

To me, using those phrases, which I doubt are her natural speech, would tell me more about how unlikely it is she's really trying to be helpful or tell the truth.
Regarding the KC being a "good mother" portions of AD's interview - I found it odd that when asked how so ...... she spoke of how "protective," "over-protective" KC was, relating how she (AD) couldn't even hold Caylee, and how Caylee would scream and cry if KC left the room to go to the bathroom!

Did she mean KC would not allow anyone to hold Caylee, or Caylee wouldn't let anyone hold her? How does this translate to being a "good mother," who is overly protective?

Furthermore, weren't there times others stated that KC and AL would be in the bedroom and Caylee was in the apt. with other people? Didn't someone mention her lying on a couch, falling asleep during a party?

I was thinking about this yesterday, too. I came up with this:

Keep in mind that AD is referencing a time when Caylee was less than 2 years old. There was almost a year's difference in there, during which toddlers really develop. It is possible that Caylee was more comfortable being held by, or being alone with others as she got a bit older.

I also don't recall anyone else commenting on Caylee behaving this way, but we've all seen that picture where she is being held by a male (can't recall who right this second) and Caylee looks scared out and is reaching towards the person holding the camera. She was quite a bit younger then. Other than that, I don't recall any of KC's more recent friends commenting on Caylee being shy more recently.
If KC thought the house was bugged..why didn't they go out in back and talk. or hey she could write it down on paper since she is such a Diary Writer..an burn it later..

Can't believe no one questioned her heavy..:furious:
I am sure LE knows AD is lying..if most of us picked up on it, to them it must have been a big :woohoo:???? to them.

hopefully we will hear more at the trial..ugh
There is something I do not understand. What kind of Dr prescribes Zanex to college aged co-eds?? This is a highly addictive drug & it is well known that young people take it with alcohol to get high. Personally speaking, I went to my primary physician, I had received a terrible prognosis, was receiving chemo treatments, and my son was deployed in Iraq (in other words, darn good reason to be having anxiety), I told my Dr what I was going thru and that I needed something (I was desperate) He was RELUCTANT to give them to me. When he finally did, he prescribed only a few pills. A very close friend of mine had a son, 20 yrs old, was prescribed zanex and ended up harming himself (very tragic) I wish there was some way for Dr's to be stricter about writing scripts like these. I apologize for going somewhat O/T.

Btw, my son is back stateside and safe (god willing they all come home that way) and my situation is under control.

For those of us who have panic disorder, Xanax can mean the difference between living a funtional life and living in a constant and painful state of terror. I've taken it twice in my life when the PD was surging and I don't know how I'd have survived without it. And, no, I never became addicted or had any problems stopping it, although I was never dumb enough to stop cold turkey or to misuse it.

A couple of years ago, there was a study that showed that people who took anti-depressants had a higher incidence of suicide. The idiots who did the study leapt to the conclusion that the anti-depressants caused suicide. They completely ignored the fact that depressed people are as a group for more likely to be suicidal than average. It was like concluding that people who take insulin are more likely to be diabetic and therefore insulin causes diabetes.
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