2009.01.21 Document Release

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I also want to know about these "iron on letters" that Orlando Sentinel was reporting were found...and if they spelled anything in particular, or what letters they were. Any word on this? If there is, I must have missed it. This stuck out to me, though. What an odd thing to be found there, unless they were ironed on some clothing and came off in the water...
She was referring to hair straightener as in a chemical, I think. IIRC, Cindy mentioned a box of hair straightener at one point in an interview (same time she mentions the air mattress, I think).

I'll have to go back and listen to that again. I remember thinking 'flat iron" when I first heard it, but it's been a long time and there's been a lot of "stuff in the meantime! :)
Okey dokey so These doc dumps always happen when I am asleep in Oz!

I havent read all 17 plus pages yet !

But wtf
Sheaffer said the public might never find out why a stainless steel knife was found with the body.

So her Pooh Blanket, Top shorts, Backpack..

She was in a White Laundry bag inside the plastic bag, duct tape and a heart sticker

Well this goes to the theory of mothers who kill. I posted about this in A thread - cant remember which one but it was about statistics and the usual of what happens and that is that MOST mothers who kill bury the child in a WOMB LIKE STATE - WRAPPING THE CHILD usually in a blanket and often evne submerging as well in water

Well Caylee was in a cloth bag not just the trash bag then she had her blanket ? was it wrapped around her ? then she was under water for some time....

The heart sticker I believe she did to say She loved her - When my mum died I put things in her coffin, when we buried the ashes I put things in the hole around the urn..

This was her *macabre* way of saying goodbye

I also do wonder whether the cloth laundry bag was how she got Caylee out of the house or whereever she died at .......

Sigh :( Poor Caylee - Rest In Peace dear beautiful sweet child *cry*
Casey once inserted the "fact" that ZFG gave Casey a flat iron into a conversation with Cindy from jail. I took note of her saying this because the way Casey inserted this fact while talking to Cindy was very unatural (it was completely unrelated to the topic they were discussing).

Yes, and the day Caylee called KC on the phone, she said Caylee was telling her all about her book. Do the documents support that a book was found at the scene? I'm behind, trying to catch up.

Yeah, the hair flat iron comment was out of place and I've always thought the book comment was too.

Rob Dick has stated on his website forum (wantedfugitives.com) that George Anthony's "favorite" duct tape, kept in the Anthony home, was Gorilla Tape-- an extra-strength and enhanced adhesive brand tape. Gorilla Tape is silver in color...

OMG, we just got some of this stuff and it's THICK!!! Dare I say industrial strength.
I also do wonder whether the cloth laundry bag was how she got Caylee out of the house or whereever she died at .......

Also, if anyone looked in the trunk, it would only look like a bag of laundry. I wonder if TL is missing a laundry bag?
OMG, we just got some of this stuff and it's THICK!!! Dare I say industrial strength.

We used it in the Army for some pretty hefty things AND we also used it to hold a front end of a car on - this stuff sticks and is heavy - I can't imagine this is the duct tape that was on Caylees mouth, that stuff would take that babies skin and lips off
Also, if anyone looked in the trunk, it would only look like a bag of laundry. I wonder if TL is missing a laundry bag?

TL, Amy or any of the guys who lived in the apts - they would use those bags to take the laundry to either the laundremat or to the laundry on site in the apts

I didn't see anything about it in any interviews - maybe there will be more interviews
I thought they said 311 pages were to be released. I only counted 241.

Anyone know where a complete set is located? Myfoxorlando and WFTV have 241, the others fewer (silly cf13 redacted a bunch of stuff in a forensic file, blowing the file size up to 190MB - avoid that one).
We used it in the Army for some pretty hefty things AND we also used it to hold a front end of a car on - this stuff sticks and is heavy - I can't imagine this is the duct tape that was on Caylees mouth, that stuff would take that babies skin and lips off

Yeah, I used this to repair a busted carpet scrubber this week, until I go out and get a new scrubber. this tape looks like it would hold a friggin tank together. The adhesive side is like super glue.

Oh that poor child.
Can someone please direct me to which set of the new documents states what was found with the remains, including the white shorts?
OMG, we just got some of this stuff and it's THICK!!! Dare I say industrial strength.

I remember using this tape about 3 and 1/2 years ago to seal the window around a small air conditioner that we put in my grandmothers bedroom. Nothing came through that tape, it is still there after rain water, wind, 100 degree temps! It is mighty strong stuff! The edges are not even peeling off!
What do you suppose the possiblity of fingerprints on the sticker are? Doubt she could have handled duct tape and stickers with gloves on. This is unbelievable. Psychogically what does the sticker indicate? Anyone have any opinions? Staging? Remorse?

It seems as if she didn't want Caylee to talk :( It is an extremely disturbing turn of events.
Rob Dick has stated on his website forum (wantedfugitives.com) that George Anthony's "favorite" duct tape, kept in the Anthony home, was Gorilla Tape-- an extra-strength and enhanced adhesive brand tape. Gorilla Tape is silver in color...


I just did a little experiment with Gorilla Tape and powder-free vinyl gloves, it was hard but not impossible to get the tape off the roll. If you are frustrated or in a hurry, you would say screw the gloves IMO. I have complete faith in the FBI that they will know how the tape was removed from the roll, whether it be by fingerprints, gloves etc. I also have cat hair stuck to the edges of mine, not really noticeable if you are not looking for it. Everything sticks to this stuff!!
Some other items in the document dump that made me go hmmm.

1. "Taz" stuffed animal found at crime scene. Were sleuthers working with the concept of a stuffed animal in the crime scene photo thread? There is a "Taz" stuffed tiger, as well as some other TAZ items.

I see "Taz" as having been taken into evidence from the Anthony house.


  • Taz.jpg
    328.4 KB · Views: 185
She was referring to hair straightener as in a chemical, I think. IIRC, Cindy mentioned a box of hair straightener at one point in an interview (same time she mentions the air mattress, I think).

My take on the hair straightener was that it was chemical also. I don't recall KC ever mentioning a flat iron. I remember the conversation when KC was giving CA a description of Zanny and she said that she had curly hair but also wore it straight. KC then piped in "don't you remember Mom she gave me the straightener". Not verbatim.
i think the sticker was a final kiss from kc to caylee in her sick mind. a goodbye. reminds me of the Unicorn Diane Downs bought before she shot her kids and memorialized to her daughter cheryl that she killed.

if she really did the photo modifications in the week before it was a similar memorial and imo points to more premeditation.

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