2009.02.09 - The cousin that visited....

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I was thinking he had / has something to hide by trying to tell the media to 'quit' looking into his life. Not saying he did anything to Haleigh but he might be hiding something that will not make for a good ending all around.

I concur......
I was thinking he had / has something to hide by trying to tell the media to 'quit' looking into his life. Not saying he did anything to Haleigh but he might be hiding something that will not make for a good ending all around.

For real. What's the diff' if he desperately wants to find his daughter. Why should he be defensive about this gun incident. Anything in his life needs to be explored. Finding his daughter should trump his getting into trouble with the law regarding the gun incident.
Yes this is how I began Theories thread-please see post #27. Not specifically re cousin yet then, still many of my questions continue to surround keys. JMO


Yes, thanks, there was a thought in my head that I couldn't articulate, and the keys and how many of them were floating around was swimming in there somewhere, but sometimes, I type before I think it out. Kiki, #1, is that your parrot? It is gorgeous, and #2, the theories that you obviously put a great deal of thought into are plausible. There is a reason the back door was propped open...
I thought that maybe Misty was somewhere behind the trailer so that she could see if Ron came down the road and could run back in, and the searches behind the trailer lately have my dander up..
Then, I go back to someone who came in and knew they would be carrying someone out that door and propped it open for ease of egress...
LE has the answers, I know they do, they have to prove it...That, to me is why the trailer is being held, they tried to say in not so many words that the RSO is not a suspect, and that they dont want to embarrass anyone, but have interviewed everyone in Mistys family. I think they know it, but cant prove it...yet...
If he asked her to use the vehicle while RC was at work or drive her to say,Walmart where you can make a copy of a key in minutes.He could have gotten a copy easily or picked the keys up,left,made the copy and came back,if she didn't realize key was gone.Too many people hang keys and copies of keys on a key holder next to door.
I'm not convinced that this cousin isn't MC's scapegoat...sorry... This just doesn't add up for me at all. But then, I'm not an expert in math, either!
Pics of Easter,I found on his sister's myspace of him,MC and his sister,they look pretty close.
I'm not convinced that this cousin isn't MC's scapegoat...sorry... This just doesn't add up for me at all. But then, I'm not an expert in math, either!

   /ˈskeɪpˌgoʊt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [skeyp-goht] Show IPA Pronunciation

–noun 1.a person or group made to bear the blame for others or to suffer in their place.
I think that covers it..........................
However, to throw another wrench into things...I just saw on NG where either TN or her daughter confirmed the gun was found in the ditch. So it wasn't "returned" exactly.
I heard that too. So, why would the cousin steal it and then throw it away? And when did he throw it away? :waitasec:
Why would this cousin want to take this child to TN? If he took the child in retalation, now he has a child to care for, feed, cloth, get medical help for, or to dispose of permanently. That brings in the FBI and the DP. Why would he want all that? Just wait for RC and pay him back!

All I can see is three things

#1...a neglect/accident/ rage killing by 'close to the child' individual and subsequent disposal.

#2...Bio mom takes child back from ubfair custody (not very likely)

#3...SO abduction.

Who else would want this child?

Agree and posted same, although not all together. That about sums it up.
If that was the case I can't see her throwing suspicion on her own family. She brought the cousin into this, so that makes no sense to me.

And, it's been said, Misty got involved with Ron by telling him his alleged other child might be in a bad environment. Which means she risked her babysitting job because she though the welfare of the child was more important than her job.

That being said, I believe somehow Misty is the keystone here.

So, let's say Misty tells Ron his other child is in danger and there's trouble for the mother. Plus it gets the other woman out of the way so Misty can have Ron. Then the mother gets back at her by taking Haleigh while she's under Misty's care. Have they checked this theory out?
What if?

This cousin who visited is po'd about not getting Misty to comply to his sexual advances, re: "messed with her." He's po'd at Ron now because He steals Ron's gun. Then he steals Ron's child in retaliation for Ron "stealing Misti."
I heard that too. So, why would the cousin steal it and then throw it away? And when did he throw it away? :waitasec:

Just some thoughts: maybe Misty leaked to cousin that Ron was abusive towards her and the children and the cousin took the gun, than ditched it just to get it out of the house? This cousin is only 2 yrs older than Misty(I think) how much abuse could of taken place between a 14 and 16 yr old? And cousins at that....eeewww!
And maybe this is why he is being extradited back to florida as a material witness?
I have not been able to read this thread yet but I got on Joe's myspace, and he scares me and gives me a very bad feeling. Whether he is involved or not he is one messed up person.
Just some thoughts: maybe Misty leaked to cousin that Ron was abusive towards her and the children and the cousin took the gun, than ditched it just to get it out of the house? This cousin is only 2 yrs older than Misty(I think) how much abuse could of taken place between a 14 and 16 yr old? And cousins at that....eeewww!

As sad and icky as that is it happens more then you think.:eek:
I have not been able to read this thread yet but I got on Joe's myspace, and he scares me and gives me a very bad feeling. Whether he is involved or not he is one messed up person.
I agree. I submit they are all scary from what I've seen except for Rons Mother.
Just some thoughts: maybe Misty leaked to cousin that Ron was abusive towards her and the children and the cousin took the gun, than ditched it just to get it out of the house? This cousin is only 2 yrs older than Misty(I think) how much abuse could of taken place between a 14 and 16 yr old? And cousins at that....eeewww!

Uh huh. I said something similar: that Misty may have told them she felt "trapped." On the surface retribution: because Misty was being abused. I am justified in taking Ron's kid. Underlying retribution: because I (cuz) never got any from Misty and Ron did. I am justified in taking Ron's kid.

Interesting trying to think inside of this person's mind.

What do you think?
I just don't see a 19 yr old wanna be or possible real wanting to be strapped down w/5 yr old unless he is a so...sad but true.
I agree Kellync, she seems put together, straight forward and loves her grandaughter. Even NG complimented her tonight for her willingness to cooperate and said not all families do. (quite refreshing after dealing with the A's)
I agree. I submit they are all scary from what I've seen except for Rons Mother.

I posted on a locked thread that I have never seen as many possible perps as I have seen in this case. Except for Ron's mom. So many fit different scenarios that have all happened before. Caylee's case was a slam dunk as far as identifying the perp (Casey) who hurt her but this case is not the same.

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