2009.02.09 - The cousin that visited....

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This was posted on Cousin Joe's myspace today.

"just go back down there and help find the lil girl it just might clear your name "

Ha, I just posted that on the Misty C. thread and then thought I posted it in the wrong spot. :blowkiss:
Ha, I just posted that on the Misty C. thread and then thought I posted it in the wrong spot. :blowkiss:
I deleted your post on Misty's thread because it was in the wrong place and please don't post last names, initial is fine.
I posted this on the Misty C thread because the topic came up there but I wanted to touch on this here since it pertains..

I think with Ron's record he would not be allowed to be in possession of a firearm
He would be in for some serious jail time
If that gun was not registered ..it could have been a stolen weapon or bartered for something else and thats how it came into his hands..the outcome would still spell out big trouble.

So I really think Ron is fairly Law wise and he knew he had to deny anything to do with with having that gun.
Cousin Arrested and in Custody?

How credible is this news source?


Florida (ChattahBox) – The family of missing five-year-old Haleigh Cummings have said that they are terrified that she may have been taken by the cousin of her father’s girlfriend, a convicted pedophile.

The man, whose name has not been released, is currently being questioned about the incident. Family says that he was visiting at the time of the disappearance.

“What we’ve been told is that he’s a sexual pedophile,” Teresa Neves, who is the missing girl’s grandmother, said. “I couldn’t tell you anything about him.”

The man was arrested by police and held for questioning, after an anonymous tip came in from a line in Tennessee, where the cousin is from. It said that a man was in a diner, with a child who looked like Haleigh, and that as they left he was trying to ’shield her from view’.

Police admit that a sexual predator is in custody, and that a car was apprehended in the arrest, but they have given no further details.

The family have publicly pleaded for the safe return of the young girl.

“I want to say to my baby, we love you sweetheart, and we will find you,” Neves said at an emotional press conference.

Haleigh had been asleep in her room when she vanished without a trace.
Nothing...as usual.
with LE completely clamming up now and Geraldo scaring the crap out of the family it is no wonder.. I wish LE would play their cards a little better and feed the media a bit.....to keep this case front and center in the nation. (just my opinion tho...of course :)
Has the time Joe left Satsuma ever been released?
Any family members comment on the cirumstances of his leaving?
Who saw him last?
Has the time of his arrival in Tennessee ever been released? (yeah...right :rolleyes:)

Wishful thinking, right?
I did not read the whole thread so if this has already been discussed please forgive me. I was not sure if I should post this in the Joe thread, theory, or parking lot, since it does have to do with Joe.
I know we can not post names only intials, however I don't know this young mans name, only his myspace and we can not post that either. If you go to Joe's myspace you will see him on his friends.
This is what I found:
Joe has a friend on his myspace that when you go on his friends myspace he has a picture of Joe and he calls him his cousin. I don't know if they are real cousins, or if it just their way of referring to each other. To make a long story short. This person gives me the impression he is a gang member per his profile, "Crisp" and other. He also has pictures of guns and so forth. Someone left a comment on his myspace about FL on Feb 2nd, only a comment to the effect that that person would like to visit. So, I started thinking. What if Joe was going after revenge towards Ronald? Maybe he had this friend/Cousin come to FL? Just a thought.
Wasn't this SP Cousin from Tennessee the same one who molested MC when she was 13? And he went to jail for it and got out when? Why would he be mad at Ron? Seems he would be mad as heck at MC, blaming her for being too promiscuous at 13. You know the type.

He was staying in the house behind Ron. He had use of the van. It was used that night by someone who scratched it. Why this guy isn't way up high on the hinkey meter, I don't know.
Wasn't this SP Cousin from Tennessee the same one who molested MC when she was 13? And he went to jail for it and got out when? Why would he be mad at Ron? Seems he would be mad as heck at MC, blaming her for being too promiscuous at 13. You know the type.

He was staying in the house behind Ron. He had use of the van. It was used that night by someone who scratched it. Why this guy isn't way up high on the hinkey meter, I don't know.

He was high on mine but since LE checked him out and said that he was not a suspect but didn't release any details about the interview, there's not that much to go on about, pending further information.

I don't know much about him but it wouldn't surprise me if this cousin is a volatile character and it doesn't require that much that two hotheads are at odds with each other. It may have been over something said to or about Misty over that old incident or something quite unconnected with it. If he's still visiting the family it doesn't seem like the old messing up incident was taken to be such a big deal before this. Just IMO, I wouldn't like to invite an old molester of mine over, and I would resent it if my relatives did too.

Early on I got the impression that the van had some huge damage on it, a big gash that would be impossible to miss, but in an interview Chelsea C said that the scratch was almost unnoticeable unless you inspect really closely, so now I don't know if it means anything. If it's barely noticeable there's no saying that it hadn't been there for a while before anyone noticed and anybody could have backed into the van at the supermarket parking lot.
Wasn't this SP Cousin from Tennessee the same one who molested MC when she was 13? And he went to jail for it and got out when?

From what I've gathered from fellow sleuthers, I think the one who went to jail was a different one, Jeremy M., and he is still in jail IIRC. The cousin from Tennessee is Joe O. and did no time for whatever happened with Misty as far as I know. They're two years apart in age according to the players and timeline thread so if Misty was 13 he would have been 15.
We also don't know for a fact that Misty's cousin JO really did molest her, we just have her and her family's word. Seems convienent for them to throw the cousin out there when the heats on Misty. Door bricking and all..
Could someone tell me
1. is it true that Joe..used a brick to prop open the door of another home in the past while committing a crime?
2. I saw the picture of Misty w/Brandon...was it ever established that Brandon was Joe's brother or a friend? And is Brandon the one that came to Florida with Joe?

Lastly, do we have any new info on him whatsoever.....I saw that LE went to TN to question him but then all news stopped. Anyone?
Could someone tell me
1. is it true that Joe..used a brick to prop open the door of another home in the past while committing a crime?
2. I saw the picture of Misty w/Brandon...was it ever established that Brandon was Joe's brother or a friend? And is Brandon the one that came to Florida with Joe?

Lastly, do we have any new info on him whatsoever.....I saw that LE went to TN to question him but then all news stopped. Anyone?

Misty said Jo used a brick to prop open doors when he did a break and enter, it was his MO. I was never sure if Misty or someone was trying to get LE to go into that direction or if Jo was responsible for Haleigh's disappearance.

I don't know who Brandon is, sorry. We never got anything other than he was given a poly and as far as I know LE didn't consider him a POI. I remember that on the news, maybe NG or JV, don't know for sure.
I remember the LE saying he was cleared too, Bern. Then later they brought the entire clan back in as possible...? Maybe Misty is attempting to deflect....again. Did she really say his MO is bricking doors? Now that is what is known as "throwing him under the bus."
After reading the radio transcription on the other thread, I really believe Misty "thought of Joe" first. I am not sure at this point if she was throwing him under the bus, or if he seemed like the most likely. The more I read and re read I think she was at Tyler at some point that night, with or with out the kids. I think someone at that house, whether it was Joe or a friend of his, knew the opportunity was right to get go over to Green and take Haleigh, and or drugs. If the gun was gone, they knew RC was at work, no protection if Misty was home or woke up. I know I am back and forth on this, but I went back and looked at the video of Ron and he is torn up, and so is TN. The way the MH was left is what has thrown me off. The only way you turn on a light is because you KNOW it's safe.

Thank you for the video about Joe. I am still confused as to when this cousin was in Fl and when this gun insident took place. It sounds like he was there 2 weeks prior to Haleigh gone missing and a week since LE interviewed him. I do remember Ron telling TN as she was interviewed that Joe wasn't there the night Haleigh went missing. This means that Joe would have had to drive the 600 miles, then take the Van in question that night. Doesn't sound right. So what if it's someone who "hung" with him while he was there in FL?

Any thoughts or input on when Joe was in or gone from FL? TIA

Thank you for the video about Joe. I am still confused as to when this cousin was in Fl and when this gun insident took place. It sounds like he was there 2 weeks prior to Haleigh gone missing and a week since LE interviewed him. I do remember Ron telling TN as she was interviewed that Joe wasn't there the night Haleigh went missing. This means that Joe would have had to drive the 600 miles, then take the Van in question that night. Doesn't sound right. So what if it's someone who "hung" with him while he was there in FL?

Any thoughts or input on when Joe was in or gone from FL? TIA

Bern I can answer this question but I want to make sure I have it correct. Need to go read something be back in a few

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