2009.02.18 ~ Father Reportedly Had a Fight Day Before Haleigh Disappeared.

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Well, if Johnny Greenwood wasn't there I don't know if he can confirm anything beyond,
1. There was an injury
2. There was a door, possibly with some damage on it.
3. LE was told by one or more people that the injury was caused by punching a door.
4. If the door and the injury were investigated it was not deemed impossible for the door to have caused the damage on the hand and vice versa.

But frankly I trust Misty and RC so little that I have very little confidence that it happened just the way they said just when they said just why they said it happened. If someone wanted to cover up, eg., having had a fight just before his child went missing and explain away a hole in the door caused in the fight, they might make up a story like this, and how is LE to know what motivation led to damaging the door?

But anyway, according to AH in the above link it's not A door, it's THE backdoor. Remember, the one with the brick, the one that might have been tampered with and might have contained the perp's fingerprints or DNA, the one that Ron and Misty weren't supposed to touch?
In fact, Cummings pointed out the exact spot on the back door he’d hit hard enough to leave a hand print.
Well, if Johnny Greenwood wasn't there I don't know if he can confirm anything beyond,
1. There was an injury
2. There was a door, possibly with some damage on it.
3. LE was told by one or more people that the injury was caused by punching a door.
4. If the door and the injury were investigated it was not deemed impossible for the door to have caused the damage on the hand and vice versa.

But frankly I trust Misty and RC so little that I have very little confidence that it happened just the way they said just when they said just why they said it happened. If someone wanted to cover up, eg., having had a fight just before his child went missing and explain away a hole in the door caused in the fight, they might make up a story like this, and how is LE to know what motivation led to damaging the door?

But anyway, according to AH in the above link it's not A door, it's THE back door. Remember, the one with the brick, the one that might have been tampered with and might have contained the perp's fingerprints or DNA, the one that Ron and Misty weren't supposed to touch?

I get chills every time I think about Ron punching a door. I have always wondered if maybe he was in some sort of rage and hit Haleigh by accident or on purpose while having a fight with Misty. We have to remember, Misty took off and had just came back. IMO, Ronald would of been pretty PO'd during this time and if the kids were in his way while he was arguing who knows what may of happen. Maybe he did hit the door, but after he hit someone or something else.
I don't like coincidences. Out of all the possible doors and walls and furniture in the residence that he could have punched, why did he choose the very door that the perp supposedly had entered through and he must have known should be left alone for the police to investigate?

I don't understand how he could have hit the back door so hard that he damaged both his hand and his hand. It would be easier if the door was locked firmly in place, but it was supposedly open, and open doors don't offer nearly as much resistance as closed doors, they tend to give in and move out of the way. You have to hit an open door pretty darn hard to damage both your hand and the door.
IMO, the injuries to his hand were places OTHER THAN the knuckles, for what it's worth.
IMO, the injuries to his hand were places OTHER THAN the knuckles, for what it's worth.

I agree, IMO what I saw was also injuries in-between his fingers. I also saw an old picture with Ronald holding Haleigh at an earlier date where his hands looked just as bad. IMO, Ronald got into a lot of fights...these were not the first injuries to his hands.
I was "quoting"(as u can see BBM below)in my reply using the terminology used in her post. "tore up" was her description of Ron's hand.

And yes this "info" is a direct quote from LE just as u had asked.I will post the link so that it can be seen that it is a direct quote from a PCSO.
Lt. Greenwood is the officer of LE that when asked about the mystery injury to Ron's hand he stated-
~“He was upset when he got home, and when he got angry, he punched a door and busted up his knuckles,” said Lt. Johnny Greenwood, spokesman for the Putnam County Sheriff’s Department ~end quote

Above BBM...
In the quote by Lt. Greenwood it is BBM. He states "a door" so it could be ANY door on that property, NOT a door to the front or back of residence, it could have been a bathroom door for all that we know, but Lt Greenwood does state it is from "Ron punching A door" as the cause of the mystery injury to Ron's hand.

Here is the link for any who are interested to see that the injury had been verified by LE along with further detail.

Seems Ron C told several different people several different stories as to how he damaged that hand....

Lt. Greenwood is the officer of LE that when asked about the mystery injury to Ron's hand he stated-
~“He was upset when he got home, and when he got angry, he punched a door and busted up his knuckles,” said Lt. Johnny Greenwood, spokesman for the Putnam County Sheriff’s Department

Hoping like heck this link works since I have never attempted to do this before..

Check out post #540 posted on 4-15-2009

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Seems Ron C told several different people several different stories as to how he damaged that hand....

Lt. Greenwood is the officer of LE that when asked about the mystery injury to Ron's hand he stated-
~“He was upset when he got home, and when he got angry, he punched a door and busted up his knuckles,” said Lt. Johnny Greenwood, spokesman for the Putnam County Sheriff’s Department

Hoping like heck this link works since I have never attempted to do this before..

Check out post #540 posted on 4-15-2009

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

What's curious about that is that he was upset when he got home. Not "when he heard his daughter was missing." A pre-notification anger seems odd.
I agree, IMO what I saw was also injuries in-between his fingers. I also saw an old picture with Ronald holding Haleigh at an earlier date where his hands looked just as bad. IMO, Ronald got into a lot of fights...these were not the first injuries to his hands.

I'm not at my computer where all of my images are stored, so I'm going to refer to a post I made a month or so ago where I blew the hand up 400%:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Suspicious behavior of Haleigh Cummings father

IMO, the only way THOSE marks came from a fight with a door was if he used a "karate kid" or "kung fu" style open hand attack. IIRC, from the Cobra tapes, Mr Cummings is more of a "tire iron" type guy as opposed to the martial arts.

There's only 1 or 2 marks on his knuckles. The most major damage is between his fingers.
He (Ron) was so angry that he hit a door.

That is a lot of rage to have when your child goes missing. I know we all react differently and all that, but jeez, I would imagine most would be numb and in shock, not angry and threating to kill everyone and shoot them out in the back of cop cars and all that. It just seems a bit too over done.

All I know if Ronald said there was no fight with a gun prior to HaLeigh going missing. Teresa Says there was-

I do think on some levels hes not admitting it because he does not want to look bad for DCF since he is the self proclaimed "better" parent.
He (Ron) was so angry that he hit a door.

That is a lot of rage to have when your child goes missing. I know we all react differently and all that, but jeez, I would imagine most would be numb and in shock, not angry and threating to kill everyone and shoot them out in the back of cop cars and all that. It just seems a bit too over done.

All I know if Ronald said there was no fight with a gun prior to HaLeigh going missing. Joe says there was, and even Teresa Neves, but Ron wont admit it happened and I wonder why?

I do think on some levels hes not admitting it because he does not want to look bad for DCF since he is the self proclaimed "better" parent.

BBM I am not sure that Joe admitted there was a fight with Ronald over a gun. :waitasec: I thought his lawyer was pretty clear in his " no comments" about a fight with RC, did you read somewhere that Joe admitted to the fight?
BBM I am not sure that Joe admitted there was a fight with Ronald over a gun. :waitasec: I thought his lawyer was pretty clear in his " no comments" about a fight with RC, did you read somewhere that Joe admitted to the fight?

I thought I did, but maybe I am confused by Rons own words to Cobra saying Joe had taken his gun and he was going to mangle his hands with some kind of instrument, I forget if its a jack or a hammer or something like that.

But that does lead to a good point that shows Ron was lying to the media about the fight, since he admitted it to Cobra.
I thought I did, but maybe I am confused by Rons own words to Cobra saying Joe had taken his gun and he was going to mangle his hands with some kind of instrument, I forget if its a jack or a hammer or something like that.

But that does lead to a good point that shows Ron was lying to the media about the fight, since he admitted it to Cobra.

I am aware of what RC said and I sure do agree that he lied to the media about the fight, however I was more questioning what you said about Joe Overstreet confirming a fight with RC about a gun, which I believe is false. I thought perhaps you might have newer confirmation.
I am aware of what RC said and I sure do agree that he lied to the media about the fight, however I was more questioning what you said about Joe Overstreet confirming a fight with RC about a gun, which I believe is false. I thought perhaps you might have newer confirmation.

And I told you I may be mistaken, things all blend together and its too late for me to go edit the post. Maybe Joe did not admit it, but Ron sure did, he said he was going to mangle Joes hands and make him disabled due to him taking the gun, an incident Ronald does not want anyone to think happened, even though his mom admitted it happened, and I wonder why? But like I said before, I think its because Ronald and all of them wanted everyone to believe he was the best dad ever, when in reality he failed his children worse than anyone.


PS- I edited my above post to reflect my mistake, I guess I had more time than I thought-
IMO, the injuries to his hand were places OTHER THAN the knuckles, for what it's worth.

I agree, IMO what I saw was also injuries in-between his fingers. I also saw an old picture with Ronald holding Haleigh at an earlier date where his hands looked just as bad. IMO, Ronald got into a lot of fights...these were not the first injuries to his hands.
Those abrasions between his fingers have been the source of a great deal of curiosity for me.
To me they almost look like has had went thru a glass window or something. They definately don't look like he punched a door.

I just thought of something else that can make your hand look like that. Going thru heavy brush that has thorns in it.
I'm not at my computer where all of my images are stored, so I'm going to refer to a post I made a month or so ago where I blew the hand up 400%:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Suspicious behavior of Haleigh Cummings father

IMO, the only way THOSE marks came from a fight with a door was if he used a "karate kid" or "kung fu" style open hand attack. IIRC, from the Cobra tapes, Mr Cummings is more of a "tire iron" type guy as opposed to the martial arts.

There's only 1 or 2 marks on his knuckles. The most major damage is between his fingers.
I wonder if having brass knuckles on your hand would cause an injury like that between the fingers
I wonder if having brass knuckles on your hand would cause an injury like that between the fingers

No, but hitting someone in the mouth where their teeth could tear in the jagged ways we see, or even punching through a pane of glass would also cause injuries like that. Getting your hands cut up by brambles and thistles is also possible.

What I've never seen is someone getting injuries by punching through a MH wall, notoriously paper thin. Nor have I ever seen an injury which has caused so much discussion. What I do agree with is Donjeta's point that the only door that Ronald Cummings says he chose to punch was the door through which he was claiming his daughter had been taken out of after someone broke into it, causing him to point out that it had been "crow barred" and "lock bumped".....neither of which are LE's opinion, who states the door was not.
No, but hitting someone in the mouth where their teeth could tear in the jagged ways we see, or even punching through a pane of glass would also cause injuries like that. Getting your hands cut up by brambles and thistles is also possible.

What I've never seen is someone getting injuries by punching through a MH wall, notoriously paper thin. Nor have I ever seen an injury which has caused so much discussion. What I do agree with is Donjeta's point that the only door that Ronald Cummings says he chose to punch was the door through which he was claiming his daughter had been taken out of after someone broke into it, causing him to point out that it had been "crow barred" and "lock bumped".....neither of which are LE's opinion, who states the door was not.

Great post debs. Especially your ideas of what could cause injuries between the fingers. I think barb-wire fences, as in climbing over them, would cause scratches or injuries between the fingers, too.

However, IMO, if Ron is the source for the explaination of what caused the injuries to his hand, well..for obvious reasons, I doubt he's told the entire story.
Well, if Johnny Greenwood wasn't there I don't know if he can confirm anything beyond,
1. There was an injury
2. There was a door, possibly with some damage on it.
3. LE was told by one or more people that the injury was caused by punching a door.
4. If the door and the injury were investigated it was not deemed impossible for the door to have caused the damage on the hand and vice versa.

But frankly I trust Misty and RC so little that I have very little confidence that it happened just the way they said just when they said just why they said it happened. If someone wanted to cover up, eg., having had a fight just before his child went missing and explain away a hole in the door caused in the fight, they might make up a story like this, and how is LE to know what motivation led to damaging the door?

In fact, Cummings pointed out the exact spot on the back door he’d hit hard enough to leave a hand print.

But anyway, according to AH in the above link it's not A door, it's THE backdoor. Remember, the one with the brick, the one that might have been tampered with and might have contained the perp's fingerprints or DNA, the one that Ron and Misty weren't supposed to touch?

[In Red Quote Above]

I'm just wondering how you leave a "hand" print if you hit something with your fist. :waitasec:
Been thinking about this since it was posted earlier.

I wonder 1st who this person was
1. Male Cousin
2. The uncle people say Misti was off with for 3 days (maybe RC had a fight with him)
3. A teenager that Misti brought into the house

I have been wodering about the band aid on the back of RC neck too! Did it happen at work, in a fight, or something else.

I don't know what happened to this little girl, but if Misti had nothing to do with it she sure made her self look like it with the changin her stories.

The band-aid was to cover.....:sick: ummmm....a BOIL!

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