2009.02.21 Geraldo at Large

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Thanks for not taking offense Swag, the thread tonight is getting heated :) but that's all good too!

I just wanted to add that if the 17 yr old doesn't have the money for a paternity test the state will pay for it if she applies for state aid for the child. At least that's how it's been in every state I have lived in so far (I get drug around a lot following this man 'o mine because he's in the military, where he goes I follow:))

Well,it's heated,because we're all upset about a child missing and we're also ticked off about the lifestyles of the whole bunch.One minute I'm ticked off at one side and the next the other.But,the one thing I do know is Misty has told many different stories and I don't know why.
Yea know I find it quite interesting that they're so "afraid" of Ron and yet they start this mud slinging when they're in a tent down the road from him???? How afraid can they really be... seriously

She might not, but I fear for anyone who sees nothing to be afraid of in Ron.
exactly. they have been building up to this moment from the first day they got there.

I'm not sure. IF (I'll repeat that: IF) it's true that Ron said he's 75% sure who took Haliegh, as Haliegh's mom I'd be taking off the gloves too.
I'm not sure. IF (I'll repeat that: IF) it's true that Ron said he's 75% sure who took Haliegh, as Haliegh's mom I'd be taking off the gloves too.

OMG....I just totally agreed with Chilly!!!!!!!!!!!


if either parent has ever been reported to DCF for anything, (and seeing these people on tv it looks to me like they might call DCF on each other just for spite) if DCF felt it was needed they can order the parents to "parenting classes". in these classes they do discuss "appropriate discipline." in florida it is NOT illeagal to spank, but it cannot be done with an object and it cannot leave a "mark."

btw...we are adopting a child thru DCF, her parents' rights were terminated by the state. this is how i know about DCF! NOT because i was reported!

At the custody hearing, when judge asked if they had completed parenting classes, Crystal said yes she had completed it, and had a certificate, iirc. Ron had not but said that he would soon.
If tonight's show produces the truth will you also fire off an email thanking Fox?

No, because I doubt there was any truth on tonight's show - none at all. First bio gram says bad things about RC & MC...then apologizes....then blasts him on GR. Then there is the pic of Haleigh having been "beaten to a pulp". I saw no such pic, just a pic of a normal childhood injury where the school filed an incident report.

LE will solve this case, not GR.
That statement blows my mind! Divorced women everywhere who depend on the fathers to pay child support would be pulling out their hair. My ex sees his daughter every other weekend, makes less money than me, has a new baby & d@mn well better stay current on his child support! CS had a legal obligation to pay...why shouldn't she??

You agreed with my post. I am confused a little.
I know I sound really angry and I am...I admit it! I am angry because I was so relieved to see them acting like decent people for Rj's sake the day before his 4th birthday. The photos of Ronald with Crystal and Misty both hugging and crying together. To me, this was such a good sign and so healthy for Rj. Tonight just ruined it all. Bless his little heart. He needs them all so very badly right now and they just failed him miserably. So does Haleigh!! Can you even imagine how this would hurt her if she were being allowed to watch this? OMG!

It's kind of a sad reminder that none of them really have an *overwhelming* care about Haleigh right now. Or else during the *truce* of the last week some things not previously known by some people came to light. I dunno, maybe *true colors* starting to show with the principles?
I know I sound really angry and I am...I admit it! I am angry because I was so relieved to see them acting like decent people for Rj's sake the day before his 4th birthday. The photos of Ronald with Crystal and Misty both hugging and crying together. To me, this was such a good sign and so healthy for Rj. Tonight just ruined it all. Bless his little heart. He needs them all so very badly right now and they just failed him miserably. So does Haleigh!! Can you even imagine how this would hurt her if she were being allowed to watch this? OMG!
It really was very sad to watch them all tonight with the accusations, as you said, just when it looked like they might be united for the purpose of bringing Haleigh home. I too feel very sorry for little Jr. especially if he did see the abductor.
:waitasec: Everyone is sedated except me. Now who has the liquor?! OMG! Geraldo has driven me to drink!!

OT/ Just left some tequila shots in the party thread....:)

fwiw Ron seemed sedated in the GR interview...I would need to be hooked up to a morphine drip if my child were missing.
As for all this custody talk. This is a personal experience. I have a married friend. Her DH had kids from a previous marriage. YEARS AGO (at least 15 now). His ex kept hauling him into court. This took place in a VERY SMALL town in North Florida. He was never asking for custody - it was all over money and how much. They (my friends) had called CPS in - social worker went to home - both ex and new hubby admitted to pot use but social worker said as long as it wasn't happening in front of the children they wouldn't do anything - home was a horrible mess, kids dirty, dog "droppings" in the house, etc. They had to keep traveling up there to court for all the hearings. And - I KID YOU NOT - my gf's income was figured into the worksheet they use when figuring out how much the father should pay. Their atty argued and argued - why should SHE be held accountable to pay for children she didn't give birth to? It wasn't that they were using her income to figure out his share of their housing and bills - NOPE - her income was figured just as if those children were hers!! It was a mess. Come to find out - ex's daddy was real buddy buddy with the judge in the case - remember I said small town. They eventually gave up and just paid it - now both kids are grown. It like to have broke them back then.

So, with this case knowing RC's rap sheet and all, and the fact we have yet to "dig up" any drug charges against bio-mom (not saying there aren't - just we haven't found them) I'm leaning (using this personal experience) to the fact that dad's side had some kinda in with the courts. How else would someone with his record EVER have gotten custody? KWIM?

Understand that you are very invested in your personal experiences. However, that doesn't justify making statements of fact about someone else not making child support payments as a "baby daddy" when there is absolutely nothing to support that at this time.

And as to bio mom and drugs, I believe if all of the documents are studied, there is evidence that ONE of the reasons bio mom hasn't had these children for three or more years is because of her addictions problems. And the custody wasn't given to his parents, it was given to a very young, single man ... an infant and a toddler. I am too tired to look them up tonight. But, maybe Betty Crocker was addicted to ... sugar!! yeah, that's it.
As far as I know Crystal has no job, hence the reason she is behind in her child support payments. They have family there if they want to stay with them. Again, someone is allowing Ron to stay in his camper, he did not buy one.

Oh,my bad,I thought they said it was donated to him.
Could this be the reason that Ron was granted custody of the children?

"10. Petitioner testified that his mother, an employee of the Alachua County Sheriff, and aunt assist with supervising the children. Petitioner testified he presently lives with his mother. Petitioner testified he intends to enroll the children in daycare when they are age appropriate. Petitioner testified that currently there are no daycare costs."

I am more interested in everything that G***** didn't say himself.

-That CS lost custody of her own children.
-That CS never showed up in court.
-That CS never completed parenting classes.
-That her pee test was not on record--which means it was never done.

-The neighbor that claims she heard Ron yelling and fighting when Haleigh was little. -Who was Ron fighting with? IIRC she never said who. Could it have been CS herself? Why was she not a witness for CS at court then?
-CS father wrote a letter to the court saying things about Ron but he never showed up in court to testify either.
-Ron had both children and Crystal did not but she also did not have a job, nor was she pregnant with Chloe yet
-CS is behind in her child support payments and has an order of contempt for that now.

-Ron has a record of a drug bust but GR didn't bother to mention what year it was from and that it was before either children were born.
-GR made a big deal about this picture yesterday saying it showed Haleigh beat to a pulp.
The picture shows a scratch, a small cut by the lip and light bruising under the one eye that is on the same side as the scratch and cut. Then tonight instead of starting out saying that the school did confirm that she fell at school, there are records of emergency room visit and a second follow up he waits until later in his show knowing full well that anyone tuning in to watch just this story has now tuned out.
-It was apparent that he spent time with the bio-mom's camp but did not afford the same type of interview with the dad camp.
-GR was polite, calm, kept a respectful distance from Crystal and was non confrontational with Crystal but was confrontational, demanding and was clearly baiting Ron by getting right up in his face in a threatening manor.
-GR was very exact with his questions to Crystal about what and when but was vague with Ron when rapid firing questions at him.
-With Crystal he allowed others to answer for her but with Ron did not. The only reason TN stepped in was she saw exactly what GR was doing and put a stop to it. Ron did not raise his voice, his hands nor did he even step back and square his shoulders in a manor that could be taken as hostile.

-GR set up that former states attorney lady and it was clear that she had know idea going into this that these were, again allegations being made with no proof to back up the claims. He wanted her to comment on something that she was not familiar with so her answers then needed to be broad to cover whatever was tossed out there. This made her answers seem as though she was in agreement with bio-mom camp.
Crystal was 'sedated' and Ron was 'on something' or 'high'

What a difference word use makes when perhaps talking about the same thing.

Very true, but I never said Ron was 'on something.' It appeared to me that Crystal was sedated b/c she could barely speak. Ron just appears angry to me.
Wonder if anyone in Satsuma is making any money from Haleigh's pictures?:waitasec: Do ya think GR paid for that photo of Haleigh "beaten up"?:waitasec:I personally don't think either side has clean hands!:twocents:
And then you think RC will pay "the other baby mama" the child support she needs for that child?

My impression is that a paternity test hasn't been done yet since he answered the question by saying he "possibly" has another child. Child support can't be mandated without one right?
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