2009.02.21 Geraldo at Large

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I won't watch Geraldo's coverage of this case again. He is a rabble rouser. I'm waiting for him to crouch down and start drawing diagrams in the dirt with a stick again, or maybe a chair to break his nose again. I certainly hope if any of the things the bio mom said are true, that she expressed them to law enforcement prior to this interview.

I like that "rabble rouser",that's funny.
Exactly! Crystal was very brave for telling her side of the story. And I am so sick of NG coddling this family. I hope everything will be ok there, because Ron and his family scare the daylights out of me.

bio parents still have to pay child support to the state unless they sign there rights away. I was foster parent for 5 years before I adopted my son

I have great respect for foster parents.:cool:
There sure is a lot of slappin' going on in here tonight.......do yall need to be sedated?
I just saw GR on the Fox show prior to his & he said "we're not bullies or trespassers" but they're going to get to the bottom of this & nobody is going to give them the "elbow" & brush them off..Ron was in an "altered state" during their confrontation & we'll see that for ourselves when it airs..The whole time bio-mom was by his side with her familiar 'pout' face on! :bang:

I dont like starting new threads but maybe we could have two threads one for rc supporters and one for bio mom supporters

so someone run and do that
All in all I hope that jr's statement to his mom, CS, can be thoroughly checked out.

I dont like starting new threads but maybe we could have two threads one for rc supporters and one for bio mom supporters

so someone run and do that

Well,then I would get confused,because when I hear some things,I want to believe RC,but then I hear other things and want to believe CS.But,I have never believed MC.
Well...if we see a lawyer coming into the case at all...it would be a good idea for this one. LOL

I am impressed not to see the father or Misty getting lawyers. Let's see how fast the bio mom's family lawyers up when things start coming at them? I do think this is why the tides turned tonight. LE is starting to take a hard look at the bio family. Time will tell.

ITA, it really appears that RC and Misty are only interested in finding Haleigh and cooperating fully with LE. I can understand some of Misty's inconsistancies in the very beginning...can you imagine what it must of been like for her on that night Haleigh went missing in her care? Im sure she was not thinking straight and probably had a hard time focusing on little details that LE needed...she is only 17 and obviously distraught over Haleigh. As a little time went on and she had family support to help calm her down, I'm sure she then began to think and remember all those little details which she in fact reported to LE. At least that's how I see it so far. Even Haleighs Bio mom said in the beginning that those babies loved Missy...it's obvious that Missy also loves them back.
my guess is tonights show provided more color on this family to LE. I've always wondered if these TV shows go in under the direction of LE to get families to talk. It's good to see these people in the ways they act,react to each other. I bet at the Sheriffs Office it is like pulling teeth to get them to say anything. But I'm just guessing at that.

Yea Djk, I had the same thought.

Watching the end of Geraldo's convo with Ron tonight and seeing his mom behind and to the left of him start to walk towards the camera, talking sternly and continually like she really meant business.

And then here comes her hubby out of the blue from off to the left and walks up to stand in front of Geraldo like he is Big Daddy, arms straight down at his side and face a muddled shade of purple - I started hearing this ole song we used to sing, "Come listen to my story about a man named Jeb" and almost lost it, eyes wide, as here it was live on TV. LOLOL

Being from Oregon and never having been south of the Atlanta airport, Jed Clampett has always set the stage for me to what life in the South must be like. Well, him and Rhett Butler.

Have I ever learned allot tonight reading this simple thread - a true education. Thanks to everyone for all the great posts. I still have 6 pages to go - can't go to sleep till I'm done. :rolleyes::rolleyes:


I dont like starting new threads but maybe we could have two threads one for rc supporters and one for bio mom supporters

so someone run and do that

It should not be about "supporting" one side or the other. It should be about finding the truth. How about those of us who don't think a RSO is involved, should we have a support thread for them? People need to try and take emotion out of this....look at the facts and think clearly. :slap: There I slapped myself.
It should not be about "supporting" one side or the other. It should be about finding the truth. How about those of us who don't think a RSO is involved, should we have a support thread for them? People need to try and take emotion out of this....look at the facts and think clearly. :slap: There I slapped myself.

:slap: :blowkiss:
Going to go find that Misty homecoming if I can find it.Talk later peeps.
Probably.:slap: I think GR has done this to us.
He divided parents of a beautiful missing child named Haleigh while they still have one with them to love and who is trying to deal with the trauma of his sister being kidnapped or worse. I don't care as much about dividing us (we will be ok), but I detest he got in the middle of dividing them. :furious:
Totally agree!! But, I'm sure GR has sweetened the pot with alittle compensation for the use of that photo and probably promises of help with legal representation regarding custody. IMO:rolleyes:

it's 3:54am...Hope he doesn't give her JB...
I would like to answer that.But,I would want to be really careful in saying this.There are still some southern men that want to hold on to the old ways of being arrogant and dominant and the women are submissive.They'll see things and keep quiet and when something happens,some will speak up.I see this in Ronald,his attitude is so typical and this is what I grew up with,thank God for our generation that said we will be ourselves and do what we want.I see Crystal and Misty even as being submissive to dominant men around them.Even though I don't care for her Mom,she is one who has taken a stand obviously to be independent.There I said it,you can slap me now.:slap:

No slap! lol I honestly can't fathom anyone, especially a mom, not saying anything or doing anything when a child is being mistreated..In bio-mom's case she was away from RC & still she didn't report abuse or even try again for custody..I just don't get it.
He divided parents of a beautiful missing child named Haleigh while they still have one with them to love and who is trying to deal with the trauma of his sister being kidnapped or worse. I don't care as much about dividing us, but I detest he got in the middle of dividing them. :furious:

Sadly from the sound of things I think JR is pretty use to them being divided, but yeah, I get what you are saying. As for us....pffttttt. That's how we roll around here...makes us think.
He divided parents of a beautiful missing child named Haleigh while they still have one with them to love and who is trying to deal with the trauma of his sister being kidnapped or worse. I don't care as much about dividing us (we will be ok), but I detest he got in the middle of dividing them. :furious:

Can you even imagine how much harder it will be for them now?They still have to raise this child and if God forbid,You know what I'm not saying,they'll have to deal with that as one family.This is really bad and I feel sick in my spirit,actually.

Well, she was, lol, when talking about showing LE the pink shirt. I've heard kids who thought they were gang members talking that way. Misti could have been involved with gang members for all anyone knows.
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