2009.02.21 Today's Current News - ***NO DISCUSSIONS HERE PLEASE ***

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2009.02.21 Today's Current News - ***NO DISCUSSIONS HERE PLEASE ***

Few leads in search to find Haleigh
The fanfare dies down, but hope still remains that she will be found alive.
Story updated at 6:15 AM on Saturday, Feb. 21, 2009

Signs, photos and prayers can still be seen throughout the town, but the search process is beginning to exhaust the community. Yet there’s still hope. He said police conducted two searches in Putnam County on Thursday — one about 200 yards south of Satsuma on U.S. 17 and the other in the area of a sexual predator arrested Wednesday for breaking curfew. Neither search produced positive results.

Misty Croslin, the 17-year-old girlfriend of Haleigh’s father, said she had a cousin visiting from Tennessee for two weeks. Teresa Neves, Haleigh’s grandmother, said on Friday that the cousin tried to steal a gun from the Cummings’ home, leading to an argument between him and Croslin. The cousin left the home and returned to Tennessee the same morning Haleigh went missing.
“I felt like he was someone worth looking into, so I told the investigators,” Neves said. “He’s not part of my family. I don’t even know his name. But I hope that was her [in Tennessee], at least I would know she was eating well.” Police confirmed that Croslin’s relative was in town and is now back in Tennessee, but wouldn’t say whether he was suspect. Croslin said the man “messed with her” as a child, but didn’t think he was listed as a sex offender. “If we would have had any idea, he wouldn’t have been around Haleigh,” Neves said. “He did not carry a sign saying ‘I’m a sexual offender, I’m going to steal your child.’ He came to our home as a relative.”

Families Focus On Cousin As National Spotlight Increases
Created: 2/20/2009 8:58:29 PM
Updated: 2/20/2009 11:54:56 PM

SATSUMA, FL -- Almost two weeks after young Haleigh Cummings disappeared, the national focus remains strong.
On the Today Show on NBC, Matt Lauer questioned Misty Croslin about her cousin in Tennessee. Croslin said she didn't know much about him, but wondered about him because of a criminal past.
In Satsuma, both sides of the family taped an appearance for Nancy Grace on CNN.

"Until she's home. It's hard, but until she's home I'm gonna do it," says Haleigh's mom, Crystal Sheffield.
A mile down the street, at Ronald Cummings camp, a camper was donated by a couple from Volusia County. They saw their makeshift tent on the news and drove a camper they aren't using to the family Friday night.

11PM News Families Focus On Cousin As National Spotlight Increases: 1:40

Amber Alert -- Search For Haleigh Intensifies
Saturday, February 21, 2009 6:39:31 AM

SATSUMA -- The search is intensifying for the 5-year-old Putnam County girl who mysteriously vanished from her home one week ago.
On Friday, dozens of law enforcement personnel looked in the woods south of the mobile home where the girl lived. Investigators won't say exactly what they're looking for, only that they continue to follow up on all tips they are getting in the case.

Croslin is the girlfriend of Haleigh's father Ronald Cummings. Investigators said Croslin's cousin, who may be a sex offender, was in Central Florida visiting when Haleigh disappeared. However, investigators aren't commenting on this either.

Posted in media thread by: kiki the parrot
Thank You!

Haleigh Cummings is Missing: The Misty Croslin Connection
Speculation Runs Wild, but Everything Seems to Connect to Misty Croslin
February 20, 2009

There are always those moments in an investigation where something does not seem quite right. Often some tell-tale sign, something unobtrusive, begins to nag at one's thoughts. Such is the case with the Haleigh Cummings abduction. The Putnam County Sheriff's Office has interviewed her multiple times. This, of course, is only normal since she was the last person to see Haleigh Cummings before the 5-year-old disappeared. But her stories are inconsistent. They have been from the start.

Fox News and "America's Most Wanted" correspondent Michelle Sigona have reported that several people have told investigators that they saw Misty Croslin out in the neighborhood that night, that she was not at the mobile home the entire time that night.
What does any of this mean? Perhaps nothing. Perhaps something that might be damaging to Misty Croslin, but not especially helpful to the investigation. Or perhaps something not so damaging to Croslin but something she does not want to mention for an unknown reason. Or perhaps it is something both damning to Croslin and helpful to the investigation.

Of course, everything Misty Croslin has said publicly and to the police might be truthful (barring a few discrepancies that could be the result of nervousness or misremembrances). Which only makes the story of Haleigh Cummings' disappearance / abduction even more mysterious. But not implausible. And certainly not impossible.


Fox Television's "America's Most Wanted" will profile the Haleigh Cummings abduction case Saturday, February 21.
Amber Alert -- Search For Haleigh Draws 1600 Leads
Saturday, February 21, 2009 4:25:38 PM

At a 3 p.m. press conference Saturday, Putnam County investigators said they've received more than 1600 leads and law enforcement officials have put in 4,786 man hours in the search for Haleigh Cummings. However, investigators said they&#8217;re not any closer to knowing where Haleigh is.
Investigators also said there are no ground searched planned for Sunday.

&#8220;As far as the cousin, I mean, Ronald wants Haleigh home and he doesn't care who has her, how they got her, he wants her home. You know, if it's the cousin, then we hope they lock him up," said Teresa Neves, Haleigh&#8217;s grandmother.
The reward for information has now been increased to $20,000.

3PM Haleigh Search Press Conference: Video
http://www.cfnews13.com/MediaPlayer...t=Local&title=Haleigh Search Press Conference

Volunteers Search around Haleigh's Home
Created: 2/21/2009 2:30:44 PM
Updated: 2/21/2009 6:00:43 PM

SATSUMA, FL -- While investigators are taking the weekend off from searching for Haleigh Cummings, a small group of volunteers searched the area around the little girl's home today.
About 15 people spent the day walking through the wooded area near the little girl's mobile home. In the meantime, Haleigh's family continues to wait for any information from law enforcement.

"It's a lot of family support. It's a lot of community support," says Haleigh's grandmother, Teresa Neves. "It's all up to God - I know that he's keeping my baby safe out there somewhere."
When asked about Misty Croslin's cousin, "Joe" in Tennessee, Neves tolf First Coast News that she does't know him.
Croslin, the girlfriend of Haleigh's father, said earlier that she doesn't trust her cousin. He is being questioned by law enforcement officials and has a criminal record.
"If his cousin doesn't trust him - that doesn't makes me feel good," said Neves.

Volunteers Search around Haleigh's Home: Video 1:03

Misty Croslin's Tennessee Relative Not a Suspect in Haleigh's Disappearance
Created: 2/21/2009 2:26:20 PM
Updated: 2/21/2009 7:43:02 PM

PUTNAM COUNTY, FL -- The relative of Misty Croslin who investigators had been questioning in Tennessee is not a suspect in Haleigh Cummings' disappearance.
Captain Dick Schauland didn't have much new information to release in Saturday afternoon's press conference, but when asked point-blank about whether the man known as 'Joe' in Tennessee was a suspect or person of interest, Schauland said he wasn't.

Misty had previously said that man was someone she didn't trust and that he had visited shortly before Haleigh disappeared.

Investigators are no longer conducting ground searches. They are following up on the more than 1600 tips that have poured in.
It's been 12 days since five-year-old Haleigh Cummings disappeared.

11PM Report Misty Croslin's Tennessee Relative Not a Suspect in Haleigh's Disappearance: Video 6:53

No new developments in the search for Haleigh
Helen | Sentinel Staff Writer
5:02 PM EST, February 21, 2009

Investigators searching for missing five-year-old Haleigh Cummings spent today following up on some of the 1,600-plus leads they have received since the little girl disappeared 12 days ago.
There was no ground search Saturday. On Friday, about 140 law enforcement officers, acting on tips, searched two new areas, but found nothing pertinent to the investigation.

Since Haleigh disappeared, the Putnam County Sheriff's Office has devoted 4,786 man-hours to searching for Haleigh and 1,626 man-hours investigating leads. Seventeen detectives are assigned to the case, 5 of them full-time, according to Lt. Johnny Greenwood of the Putnam County Sheriff's Office.

Tennessee cousin not a suspect in Haleigh's disappearance
Police: Father's girlfriend's cousin not even a person of interest
Story updated at 5:27 PM on Saturday, Feb. 21, 2009

Capt. Dick Schauland of the Putnam County Sheriff's Office told reporters during an afternoon briefing that the man, a cousin of Haleigh's father's girlfriend, was interviewed after detectives learned of him early in the investigation and was subsequently ruled out.
The man left Florida after trying to steal a gun from the Cummings home, according to Haleigh's grandmother. Schauland wouldn't identify the man.
"He is family, and we don't want to embarrass family members in any way," Schauland said.

Police had declined before today to say whether Croslin's cousin was a suspect. He had been visiting for two weeks, but he and Croslin argued after he tried to steal a gun from the home, Haleigh's grandmother said Friday. She said she told investigators about him.
The cousin left the same morning Haleigh disappeared.
Croslin said Friday the man "messed with her" as a child but she didn't think he was listed as a sex offender.
Schauland said detectives are considering every tip.
"Some of them end up nowhere, but they have to be run down nonetheless because you never know when the one that's going to solve the case will come up," he said.

Cousin in Tennessee not a suspect in Haleigh's disappearance
Published: Saturday, February 21, 2009 at 5:26 p.m.
Last Modified: Saturday, February 21, 2009 at 5:26 p.m.

A few individuals searched on their own, stopping by an area down the street from the Cummings home where members of Ronald Cummings&#8217; family have gathered since the case began.
A few individuals searched on their own, stopping by an area down the street from the Cummings home where members of Ronald Cummings&#8217; family have gathered since the case began.

Members of the Christian Motorcycle Association based in Putnam County also stopped by to pray with family members for Haleigh&#8217;s return.
&#8220;We&#8217;re just here to lend support,&#8221; said member Barbara Rains. &#8220;We want to pray with them.&#8221;
Barbie Squires, Haleigh&#8217;s paternal great-grandmother, said the family plans to remain camped at the site as long as the property owner allows it or until Haleigh is found.

Squires said the ordeal is wearing on the family, including Haleigh&#8217;s 4-year-old brother Ronnie Jr., who was also in the house when family members say Haleigh disappeared.
&#8220;He&#8217;s not doing well at all. He realizes what&#8217;s going on,&#8221; Squires said. &#8220;Today he went
to his granny&#8217;s house and she gave him a soda. He was pouring it in a glass. She asked him why and he said he was pouring half of it for his sister.&#8221;

Police Follow Tips In Day 12 Of Haleigh Investigation
Putnam Co. Sheriff Says Girlfriend's Cousin Not Suspect
POSTED: 8:23 pm EST February 21, 2009
UPDATED: 8:36 pm EST February 21, 2009

Saturday afternoon there was no ground search conducted. There will not be a press conference held on Sunday.

A former FBI profiler said the search for Haleigh is a two-track investigation.
Appearing on the "Today" show Saturday morning, Clint Van Zandt said track one is taking investigators outside of the house and looking into whether a stranger took Haleigh. But Van Zandt said track two is keeping authorities inside the house.

"One family member said a fight had taken place between Ron, the biological father, and Joe, the cousin, where Ron says, 'No, that didn't take place,'" Van Zandt said. "Evidently a gun disappeared from the house and it was found in a ditch later."

Van Zandt said, typically, investigators try to rule out immediate family as suspects first before branching outside of the home. But he said, in this case, it appears that authorities are looking at both at the same time.

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