2009.02.27 - Is there evidence of sloppy police work?

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DNA Solves
Did Tommy say that Timmy failed a LD in this case - or just failed one at some time? Since Timmy was in trouble at some other time, is it possible that is what Tommy meant?

This is the problem with the Croslins;. their statements are too general and lack details which are key to solving an investigation. An examiner would have question nearly every statement they make to make heads or tails out of what they say and this is very time consuming and exhausting work, but crucial. For example, when Ron told the Croslins if he had $35,000 he could get his daughter back, no one asked to him explain what he knew or what he was talking about.

I'm not sure if Timmy took a LDT in connection to the HCummings case but you are right that Timmy was charged with a crime in the latter half of 2009 and I don't know if he is currently on probation. If LE can prove Misty made several phone calls to Timmy Monday evening, he plays an integral role in this case. Timmy told Misty he won't visit her because he is afraid he will get arrested which doesn’t necessarily mean he had anything to do with HaLeigh's disappearance only that because of what he has seen happen to his family members over the past year and perhaps because he is on probation, he wants to stay clear of Putnam County.

Madjgnlaw pointed out inconsistencies in Chelsea's statements who said she was up late processing insurance papers and had just laid down when she got the call about HaLeigh being missing around 4 am; so if she was up, she knows who took the van and she has even gone so far to say she thinks she knows what happened. Misty in a jailhouse conversation with Chelsea told her to use her head when Misty told her 2 people would get hurt by her testimony. When Hank Sr told Misty he wants HaLeigh found and mentions Tommy, Misty said let’s not discuss Tommy on the phone and she averts their conversation. Come to think of it, Hank Sr has never mentioned his feelings on whether Timmy may have been involved.
I believe I read a report awhile back that the cadaver dogs were not specifically trained for scenting dead bodies, they were cross-trained dogs, which means, they would also hit on blood or body fluids. We had a dog trainer here a couple months ago that gave us a lot of helpful information about various search dogs and how they are trained.

One of the mistakes made that first night was the way the blankets/bedding were spread out on the ramp for the search dogs to scent. IMO, it would have been more helpful for them to use a piece of Haleigh's clothing, a shoe or even a hairbrush.

I think that another huge mistake made was when the dumpster was not secured and taken to a secured place so that professional CSI personnel could have processed the dumpster. Instead, under the glare of portable light trees, in the darkness, a front-end-loader emptied the dumpster and dumped it in piles on the ground. Guess what? LE considers the dumpster processed because they did not find a body. Imagine that.
Has the real reason for Tim Miller leaving Satsuma been revealed? There have been many stories that LE made it clear that he was not wanted there, so he left. If LE was reportedly thinking that Haleigh may not be alive, why didn't they support Tim Miller in his searches?
I have to say that I have a very high regard toward Law Enforcement in Putnam County. Having spent thousands of hours on the scanner listening to this group of hard working individuals from patrol officer on up, I know they have worked very well as a team and exhausted themselves making every effort to find Haleigh and bring her justice. You cannot even imagine unless you listen to that scanner, the enormity of the calls they receive on a daily basis some of them very serious crimes. And they are remarkable the way the Sargeants lead them as a team to assist the victims and to get the guilty behind bars. They have major crime units and crime scene techs at their disposal. And they call in helicopters and K9 teams when needed. I have heard them quickly request the assistance of higher ranking officers and their specialty teams quickly and without hesitation in many instances over the months.

LE is investigating the disappearance of Haleigh, and possible homicide. They owe us no explanation or facts. They have issued the strongest statement that they can to assure their citizens. They do not believe this was a stranger abduction. In other words, to the parents of PC, there is no person out there going around stealing children.

In my opinion LE has evidence, and that evidence only they know. I don't believe even the lawyers for the players, nor the players themselves know exactly what LE knows. Another great police tactic keeping people off balance. They have no obligation nor would it be good police investigative technique, to share that information with the public now. Is it frustrating. Yes. When charges come down and I do say When and not If, the Sunshine Law will kick in and we will know more.

If there is blame, I place it where it belongs. IMO LE was misdirected and lied to, in the early stages thought they had a missing child and exhausted every effort to find Haleigh. I can only come to one conclusion now. Someone or many, do not want her to be found.

I have heard call after call on the scanner with every single person that came into contact with Misty and Ron in the last year being pressured. The squeeze is and has been on. The arrests have been many in peripheral players. Another tactic used by LE to have the opporunity to question these people about the Haleigh case. And now LE has Ron and Misty exactly where they want them. Behind bars without a chance of being bonded for a while.

The truth is there, I believe LE has a very good idea what that truth is. I believe they will solve this crime and hopefully bring Haleigh home to be given the dignity she deserves.

The door taken a month later? I don't look at that as a negative but rather the continuance of their investigation. Perhaps either DNA, fingerprints or something was found after testing the door. These tests take weeks to come back many times. And so, once they believed the door was important, they went back and collected it to preserve for evidence. Crime scene investigators can't disassemble a house without good cause. Something was found IMO and they did the right thing by going back. I liken this to the multiple searches in the Caylee case. One piece of evidence leads to another clue, and when that happened LE returned to the Anthony family home. Could LE in that case have known to take the duct tape or the clothes hamper in the early stages of the investigation. NO. So they went back.

I would guess that Putnam County has probably exhausted more money, more resources and more time in this case than any other in many many years in the county.

That is not to say that I didn't have frustrations to know more or to see things happen faster. Of course I did.

I can't say it enough. From everything I have heard in the thousands of hours I have listened to that scanner. Putnam County Sheriff Department is a well trained, respectable force with many available specialty units at their disposal. This is not the Barney Fife of Law enforcement way far far from it. I have faith they will get this job done and I also believe we are closer than we realize.
Perhaps there are those that question what police tactics were up to this point but when they reveal what happened to Haleigh all will be perfectly clear. We are just now learning about a LDT that Timmy took and learning that Tommy took a VSA early on. I think police knew what they were doing. I think there will be so much information released from behind the scenes that our heads will spin.


Both statements "We are just now learning......

why now?

and, I think there will be so much information released..

In our lifetime?

I know as many of us here feel, were that my child I would and my family and friends would be demanding immediate action. LE has had enough time. Way too much time. It's time for Putnam County to be exposed for what it is (or rather isn't) MO
grandmaj, In all honestly, I sincerely wish I shared your optimism in regards to this particular case..JMO

Both statements "We are just now learning......

why now?

and, I think there will be so much information released..

In our lifetime?

I know as many of us here feel, were that my child I would and my family and friends would be demanding immediate action. LE has had enough time. Way too much time. It's time for Putnam County to be exposed for what it is (or rather isn't) MO

I agree, I have said many times I would be demanding answers. We can't possibly know what goes on behind the scenes though and who is asking or being told what. Just because we aren't hearing anything doesn't mean LE isn't doing anything. JMO

We know they are doing something, Lyndsy says they visit her often, I am sure she isn't the only one.
Grandmaj, we can never thank you or the scanner team enough for all the hours you have spent on the scanner thread. That's why it bothers me to hear some question local LE's motives or dedication in finding Haleigh.

They are dealing with many suspects high on drugs, that can give them almost super human strengh. I would invite everyone to check out the links at the top of the scanner thread to take a peak at the individuals they are arresting every day. Look at their mug shots, current and previous charges. For such a small county, they are hauling in a lot of criminals. I believe they question each one of them that could give them what they need to find Haleigh.
It's so easy to type out our anger that she hasn't been found yet, and we want to know what LE has, and why hasn't this person or that person been arrested.

Because we don't know what they know, and they deserve our respect.
I agree, I have said many times I would be demanding answers. We can't possibly know what goes on behind the scenes though and who is asking or being told what. Just because we aren't hearing anything doesn't mean LE isn't doing anything. JMO

We know they are doing something, Lyndsy says they visit her often, I am sure she isn't the only one.

Yeah, elle, I agree, they are doing something but that something
is taking way too long, don't you agree?

And now the LE is visiting Lindsey often. I think she should have been visited as soon as all this went down. All of the Croslins', plus Nay-Nay, and who knows who all were druggies and all lived with her. It wasn't a Main Line mansion..it was a single or double wide trailer for God's sake! Do you think Lindsey didn't know about the drugs, the robberies. And now she has a new friend that just got arrested. Makes a lot of good choices to have around her children.
Grandmaj, As one of those who has spent countless hours listening to the scanner, I couldn't have said that any better myself.

ITA with every word you said. :)
When Ron admitted that he had punched the door, LE had cause to take it. & they should have.
Grandmaj, we can never thank you or the scanner team enough for all the hours you have spent on the scanner thread. That's why it bothers me to hear some question local LE's motives or dedication in finding Haleigh.

They are dealing with many suspects high on drugs, that can give them almost super human strengh. I would invite everyone to check out the links at the top of the scanner thread to take a peak at the individuals they are arresting every day. Look at their mug shots, current and previous charges. For such a small county, they are hauling in a lot of criminals. I believe they question each one of them that could give them what they need to find Haleigh.
It's so easy to type out our anger that she hasn't been found yet, and we want to know what LE has, and why hasn't this person or that person been arrested.

Because we don't know what they know, and they deserve our respect.

I listened to the scanner thread for months..And for the most part arresting, booking and releasing was like a revolving door...months on end...
And granted, I don't know what they know, however I have the right to reserve my respect until it is proven worthy..JMO
I have two immediate family members in law enforcement. I have great respect for all LE and as a rule I don't like to hear negative comments about them. However, I am disappointed in the way this case has been handled. You know how a statement is usually issued asking people with any information to come forward? I believe they word it like this. " If you have any information about that night, no matter how insignificant it may seem to you, please come forward. Unless you follow this case like we do, you think Ronald Cummings has been cleared by LE,(AH), you think Ronald has passed a polygraph (Ron himself), that he was at work his entire shift and accounted for by co-workers (Ronald's attorney) Then you hear NG sing his praises on a regular basis. I think this is a big mistake on LE's part to let the general public go on believing this. What if I were out on the road that night and saw a car that looked like Ronald's near his MH, why would I report it? His time has been accounted for, and I must be mistaken......right? I believe LE would be better served to straighten this out, now. Maybe it was to give him a false sense of security in hopes he would slip up, but I can't see where it's working. I think it's past time for plan B.
Yeah, elle, I agree, they are doing something but that something
is taking way too long, don't you agree?

And now the LE is visiting Lindsey often. I think she should have been visited as soon as all this went down. All of the Croslins', plus Nay-Nay, and who knows who all were druggies and all lived with her. It wasn't a Main Line mansion..it was a single or double wide trailer for God's sake! Do you think Lindsey didn't know about the drugs, the robberies. And now she has a new friend that just got arrested. Makes a lot of good choices to have around her children.

BBM That has always bothered me. She knew what was going on but she had no charges against her for anything. I know from experience the sweet innocent ones know a lot. She plays the mommy card and she has been getting her degree so we all think she is trying to move on. The more I see what she is doing the more I think she is setting up a new home for her DH and children. MOO
BBM That has always bothered me. She knew what was going on but she had no charges against her for anything. I know from experience the sweet innocent ones know a lot. She plays the mommy card and she has been getting her degree so we all think she is trying to move on. The more I see what she is doing the more I think she is setting up a new home for her DH and children. MOO

I agree with you on most of your post. She is the sweet innocent (NOT), and yes, she does know a lot. I don't believe she is setting up a new home for her "DH", please don't let me barf. I believe her to be a very sick woman and she makes all the wrong choices in her life.

If you were Lindsey, would you have taken your son to see their father? I wouldn't have in a million years.
BBM That has always bothered me. She knew what was going on but she had no charges against her for anything. I know from experience the sweet innocent ones know a lot. She plays the mommy card and she has been getting her degree so we all think she is trying to move on. The more I see what she is doing the more I think she is setting up a new home for her DH and children. MOO
playing the mommy card can be an effective tactic, in staying out of trouble. Around here, when moms are with their kids, LE usually lets them go-even when they arrest everybody else. Why? I'm not sure, but I think it might be because they don't want to have to find somebody to get the kids.
I'm hoping that LE has this case wrapped up, & is holding out for a body. But if they are done, I sure hope they haven't left one stone unturned.
I agree with you on most of your post. She is the sweet innocent (NOT), and yes, she does know a lot. I don't believe she is setting up a new home for her "DH", please don't let me barf. I believe her to be a very sick woman and she makes all the wrong choices in her life.

If you were Lindsey, would you have taken your son to see their father? I wouldn't have in a million years.

No I would have never taken a child to the jail to see daddy if I was in that situation. I think her family has enabled her with this marriage because they thought she could make it work. They are a young couple and her family probably helped them with a home and paid for her college and they may not have known everything that was going on. Now that everything is out in the open she has been whisked away to the "condo". I think she is torn. Her SIL's are her "friends" all the kids are cousins and best friends and her in-laws are begging to see the grandkids. I don't think she is sick. I think she is very confused. She has been around the Croslins for most of her adult life. They have influenced her and worst of all they have influenced her children. Sorry for being off topic but I pray Lindsy makes a choice that will be best for her children first and her second.
Hey peeps we are swaying way off topic here. Please find a thread. Is there a Lindsy thread?

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