2009.02.27 - Lee's Deposition

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Oh my goodness! I just gotta say this!

I've been in deep depression for days ... but tonight, you guys have me laughing for the first time in months!

Please don't think for one SECOND, I'm taking away from the horribly sad tragedy of our little angel's death but:

The posts you guys have come up with, are just priceless.

Thanks guys :)

I feel your pain my dear. :blowkiss:
Hang on...wait...wait...wait...and then...
it will suddenly be OK again...just wait.:)
My head is still spinning....is Mallory REALLY PG? My brain is refusing to believe this. I just don't want it to be so. God forbid if KC gets off somehow and is allowed time around that child. I know, I know...I'm putting the cart before the horse here...but just the thought of another baby being raised by that family is more than I can handle thinking about.
Well I hate to say anything if I am not sure, but I thought she was. At the memorial she was wearing one of those big, loose tops too. Hopefully we have it wrong, I would not mind being wrong in this case.
I wish he would have asked him "Since you believe everything your sister tells you, what are you doing or what have you done to find the the other Zenaida that kidnapped and murdered your niece?"

Good question. Smart.
You're cracking me up. No really.

One of the very first threads I participated in here was all things Backjack and Sim cards.

Memories... like the corners of my mind.

And here we are back where we started.
Sorry honestly, but please make allowances. I am not as old as I look (In WS terms).

I only joined 12/28/08 I have aged v. rapidly to 1,650 posts!

I missed so much, I have to fake it at times.

I am just a WS babe, please be gentle!
That's not nervous laughter he's exhibiting. Nervous laughter would be a little tee-hee and you'd try to keep it under control. Laughing out loud (yes, LOL) inappropriatlely like that, roaring laughter when his niece has been murdered, his sister is charged, his family is torn asunder...there's definately something wrong there, emotionally.

He also laughed uproariously when talking about the stench of human decomposition coming from Casey's car. Think about it. Can you imagine? If you smelled the horrific smell of the rotting body of someone you loved? You react like George reacted, by vomitting. Not laughing like someone told the joke of the century.

When I'm grieving, nothing on earth can even make me crack a smile, much less laugh my a$$ off.

Something's very wrong with this picture. IMHO.

This is exactly the way I feel, and it's so difficult for me to buy what the talking head shrinks on t.v. keep telling us - that different people grieve in different ways. In my 40 something years on this earth I have never once witnessed a family member, a friend, or an aquintance react to a death the way Lee has. Maybe he cries in private; I'm sure he does. But what he finds so funny about the stench of his nieces death, or the lies that KC has told is BEYOND my human comprehension.
We spent many a late night on that - and on Lee's part in the idiocy, didn't we?

How many of us popped our sim cards out and swapped them around? Looked up every carrier and cell possibility?

Meanwhile, Lee was off sleuthing Zanny around that time, wasn't he?

I do believe so.
...and those teeny tiny pics. Gotta give you guys all the credit. That carp made my head spin. I don't even know how to program my phone.
I'm sorry, but I think they are all mentally ill. Lee laughed a lot during his interviews with LE before Caylee was found which I thought was extremely odd. I haven't read the whole new doc, but just hearing about him laughing makes me want to SCREAM!! :furious:

They are!! This is a family riddled with personality disorders, each more sick than the last, IMO.
Seriously, can a jury toss this testimony because it defies logic?
I imagine that every time anybody mentions the ludicrous FZFG it will be like the Judge farting!
Ripples of tittering will spread across the court!
Good question. Smart.

I don't think JM's done with the depo...so someone, QUICK!! Mail this question to JM! Ask him to ask all of the Ant's this question - one by one. Let's hear their answers...or should I say...their lies, or silence. They haven't looked for Zanny. They know she doesn't exist in the real world.

Shoot, I remember Cindy saying something like she would bang on doors until she found Caylee. By any chance did the media film her while she was out supposedly doing this?
Oh my gosh.

I just realized that those threats by "Zanny" to hurt all the members of the Anthony family if Casey didn't follow instructions, were actually direct threats from Casey to Lee, George and Cindy.

She had already killed Caylee. The rest of the family BETTER follow HER script or they would be next.

ETA: I wonder how Lee, Cindy and George would react if Casey really DID threaten them --as herself and not some imaginary nanny.

Would they still be following this unbelievable nonsense and repeating it as "truth?"

Or would they turn on her?

The end of this horror is to far away for me. They better hope she don't ever get out of prison.
I imagine that every time anybody mentions the ludicrous FZFG it will be like the Judge farting!
Ripples of tittering will spread across the court!
My, for a pup, you sure have cut your teeth!!

(that's too funny)
I imagine that every time anybody mentions the ludicrous FZFG it will be like the Judge farting!
Ripples of tittering will spread across the court!

OMG...for some reason your post brought to mind WS member Hot Dog's avitar (the one with LP saying "pull my finger") :eek:
Ok you are all going to think I'm way off base here with what I'm going to say. But I think it was horrible what was done to Caylee but really and truly, she's better off. Not one person in her family truly loved her. She should have been given up for adoption, for sure. If Caylee had lived the remainder of her life in this family she would be no better a person than Casey or Lee, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind. I do think Casey should be punished for killing her daughter, but I think Caylee is so much better off than living with this crazy nut house family.

I'm just so sad for Caylee, that no one loved her enough to put her before Casey. Lee makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. His comment about "To this day I believe everything that my sister tells me". He needs to sit in a jail cell right next to Casey, for being guilty of being the acting like the biggest blockhead I've ever seen. He's so angry but not at the right person. And this statement just verifies my belief that he statements at the memorial had absolutely nothing to do with Caylee, which is like spiting on her memory.

ITA- they would have destroyed her.
This is exactly the way I feel, and it's so difficult for me to buy what the talking head shrinks on t.v. keep telling us - that different people grieve in different ways. In my 40 something years on this earth I have never once witnessed a family member, a friend, or an aquintance react to a death the way Lee has. Maybe he cries in private; I'm sure he does. But what he finds so funny about the stench of his nieces death, or the lies that KC has told is BEYOND my human comprehension.

ITA!!! Again, as stated to Lee A: "What's SO *advertiser censored**ing funny???? I too am a 40+year old something poster. Yes, I not only accept your friendship request, I Cherish it! 40 plus females in need of friendship, apply here....
Sorry honestly, but please make allowances. I am not as old as I look (In WS terms).

I only joined 12/28/08 I have aged v. rapidly to 1,650 posts!

I missed so much, I have to fake it at times.

I am just a WS babe, please be gentle!

Was I being rough on you? But, how do you know I was laughing at you? :D
My first post. I keep yelling at the TV and my family just said "please change the channel and stop watching a show that makes you yell". I don't have enough strength to relay all this mess to them...so I must speak to someone. I come from a wacky family BUT if I acted like this in public, they would throw me to the wolves. I was always taught that ACTION speaks louder (and longer) than WORDS. BUT what upsets me soooooo much is...who will be sitting in that courtroom on the victims side??? Those A--holes will sit on the "mother's" (puke) side. WHO will be there for that baby??? WHO will cry when it is shown what that horrid b&tch did to her??? That child's only protectors are the state's attornies. No one to cry for that little lost baby....

Guess we will have to be sittin on her side. Hang in here with us. Is a good place to be.
OMG...for some reason your post brought to mind WS member Hot Dog's avitar (the one with LP saying "pull my finger") :eek:


I hope HotDogs sees this series of posts tomorrow. He'd be so flattered.
OMG...for some reason your post brought to mind WS member Hot Dog's avitar (the one with LP saying "pull my finger") :eek:

HEe...heee...this poster's avatar is one of my personal favorites!!!!!!!!!!

Remindes me of my Dad. "pull my finger" was an excuse to FART!
What I found surprising was that LA didn't mention anything about KC demanding AL's phone number on her first call from jail (aka not wanting to make her look bad). I mean that really was the sole purpose behind the call. He kept saying KC was mad because "no one would listen to her" when she really seemed mad that no one would give her AL's number!
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